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Holder ‘gun safety’ plea belies true ‘common sense reforms’ (video available)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "In terms of another argument brought up in the Free Beacon piece, that such guns could also be tracked using GPS, it’s not unfair to note that when the Department of Justice was in a position to track guns it knew were being trafficked to violent criminals, it instead turned a blind eye and allowed thousands to 'walk' to Mexico." ...

New Study: Concealed Carry Deters Murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Economist Mark Gius has a new study in the journal Applied Economics Letters that bears on the gun control debate. Gius finds that permissive concealed carry laws (generally, 'shall issue') result in a lower rate of homicide involving firearms. Conversely, state-level assault weapons bans have no statistically significant effect on the homicide rate involving guns. This is the abstract:" ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes Quick, somebody tell John Lott!

Chicago “Massaged” Crime Data to Lower Homicide Rate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Chicago conducted a 12-month examination of the Chicago Police Department’s crime statistics going back several years, poring through public and internal police records and interviewing crime victims, criminologists, and police sources of various ranks. We identified 10 people . . . who were beaten, burned, suffocated, or shot to death in 2013 and whose cases were reclassified as death investigations, downgraded to more minor crimes, or even closed as noncriminal incidents—all for illogical or, at best, unclear reasons.' Methinks Chicago’s being a tad naive . . ."

"The politicians who run the Chicago machine have a vested interest in lowering the homicide stats ..." ...

Government Power and Evil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are not a violent society. We are a society sheltered from violence. No one in Rwanda spends time wondering what kind of man would murder people. They probably live next door to him. If your neighborhood is diverse enough, you might be unfortunate enough to live next door to war criminals all the way from Eastern Europe to Africa."

"Guns are how we misspell evil. Guns are how we avoid talking about the ugly realities of human nature while building sandcastles on the shores of utopia."

"It's not about the fear of what one motivated maniac can do in a crowded place, but about the precariousness of social control that the killing sprees expose. Every murder tears apart the myth that government is the answer." ...

Gear Review: See All Open Sight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oversight Shooting Technologies in Blackfoot, Idaho — yes, the town boasts more than just the Idaho Potato Museum — is making a new gun sight. More than that, actually; it’s a new kind of sight. The See All Open Sight looks and feels like an advanced optic but it’s really more of a unique lovechild between a red dot-like optic and traditional iron sights. You can’t actually see through it and it doesn’t modify your vision in any way, but it’s much easier to see and to 'align' than irons. A little explanation is needed here, so make the jump to learn more about the See All . . ." ...

Bushnell Introduces Professional Grade Red Dot Sight – Aimpoint Competitor?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It looks like Bushnell is stepping up their red dot game. According to the press release below, Bushnell will be releasing an optic that looks like it will compete directly with the popular Aimpoint PRO."

"Here is the full press release from Bushnell:" ...

ATF rules '7N6' ammo is armor piercing, non importable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced Monday that it has deemed Russian surplus 7N6 5.45×39 type ammo 'armor piercing,' so it cannot be imported into the United States."

"'When ATF tested the 7N6 samples provided by (the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency), they were found to contain a steel core,' the federal agency said in a news release, adding, 'Accordingly, the ammunition is 'armor piercing' under the section 921(a)(17)(B)(i) and is therefore not importable.'"

"Up until now, hobbyists commonly shot 7N6 rounds from rifles like the AK-74, but CBP wanted to know if there was a handgun chambered in that caliber as well, which would possibly redefine the cartridge as 'armor piercing'." ...

The path to a sensible middle ground on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So although the knee-jerk reaction to such a horrible massacre as the Sandy Hook shootings, the Fort Hood shootings, or the Amish schoolhouse massacre ... could be to immediately pin the incident on the Second Amendment and the prevalence of assault weapons in American culture."

"But further review suggests that the issue of gun violence may have more to do with the person pulling the trigger."

"Many advocates of the second amendment vehemently support our rights to own weapons, even ones as deadly as assault rifles. On the flip side, advocates of gun bans believe that weapons such as an AR-15 are simply too dangerous for the general populace and will fall into the hands of people who will use them to hurt others." ...

Right to bear arms is not without limits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ity limits violate 2nd Amendment,' the writer echoes the same tired refrains of the NRA and various gun nuts. They argue that any restrictions whatsoever violate their Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"They always seem to conveniently forget the entire sentence. ..."

"They love to forget the first part of the amendment: 'A well-regulated militia.' What part of the term 'well-regulated' doesn’t the writer understand?"

"Requiring restrictions on the size of magazine clips, as well as outlawing certain types of weapons, clearly falls under 'regulation.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: I think Bugs Bunny said it best.

Guns in Restaurants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re 'Want Guns With That? Chefs Find Politics Hotter Than Kitchen' (front page, April 1):"

"While I sympathize with chefs and restaurant owners for having to be 'Second Amendment experts' in deciding whether to allow patrons to carry concealed guns in their establishments, I sympathize more with potential victims of gun violence or accidents."

"Instead of some sort of 'no guns allowed' sign, maybe a more helpful posted message would indicate to diners whether the restaurant has adequate liability insurance to cover wounds or deaths of patrons at the hands of gun-carrying customers." ...

CO: Gun Control Expert Challenged in Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Webster said data showed a 23 percent increase in homicide rates after the repeal of gun purchase limits in Missouri." ...

"Webster seemed challenged by some questions from plaintiffs' attorney, David Kopel. Kopel asked Webster why he studied only the sale of handguns and did not address the issue of loaning firearms."

"Webster said he examined the policy of transfer but then answered, 'I don't remember.'"

"Kopel then asked if he got his information on trace data from the [ATF]. Webster said he did."

"Kopel asked if Webster knew there was a disclaimer on the ATF's website about the reliability of the trace data. Webster did not give a clear answer on whether he did or not." ...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Bureau of Land Management Sharpshooters Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve already posted on the confrontation between Utah cattle rancher (and melon grower) Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Yesterday, Mr. Bundy declared a range war. So far . . . nothing. But reports coming out of the area – including intel from former TTAG contributor and talk show host Bryan Hyde – speak of a huge BLM presence outside the Bundy Ranch. The BLM’s deployed at least 100 agents to round-up Mr Bundy’s cattle from federal lands and ship them off to auction. The feds have called in sharpshooters (not snipers) to aid in their rustling court-sanctioned financial recovery operation. I’m sorry, but that’s insane on all sorts of levels. There are more than a few ways this could go wrong . . ." ...

Armed Confrontation Between Rancher and Feds Looms in Nevada
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'They have my cattle and now they have one of my boys. Range War begins tomorrow.' That’s yesterday’s deeply worrying prediction from one Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who ran afoul of the feds. reports that 'Bundy’s beef with federal land management officials dates back to 1993 . . . when Bundy’s allotment for grazing his cattle on public land was modified to include protections for the desert tortoise. Bundy [whose] family has been ranching this part of Nevada since the 1870s, continued to let his cattle graze anyway.' So the [BLM] took his cattle. And then ... arrested his son . . ." ...

"No doubt gun owners in Connecticut, New York and Maryland are watching the story with interest. ..."

Services for Otis McDonald Set for Friday; SAF Remembers Gun Rights Hero
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Funeral services for gun rights champion Otis McDonald will be held this Friday at the Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Harvey, Ill., the Second Amendment Foundation has learned, with interment to follow at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood."

"A pre-pass celebration of Mr. McDonald's life will be held from 10 to 11 a.m., and the service begins at 11 o'clock. Mr. McDonald passed away April 4 following a long illness, leaving behind his wife, Laura and five children. His nephew, the Rev. Dr. Fred Jones, will officiate, and host pastor is the Rev. Dr. J.C. Smith." ...

Services set Friday for gun rights hero as Holder pushes more control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American firearms owners will bid a final goodbye this Friday to Otis McDonald, icon of a landmark 2010 Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment, at funeral services in Illinois, while Attorney General Eric Holder is stirring up a new flap over so-called 'common sense' gun control measures that smack of electronic gun owner surveillance, rather than just make it impossible for the wrong people to use someone’s firearm." ...

FL: Entire Family Opens Fire on Early Morning Home Invader (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You’re going to have a bad day if you’re a home invader and you’re facing a single armed citizen. You’re probably going to have a terrible day if you’re facing an entire armed family." ...

"... homeowner Luis F. Pena, 54, his wife Bacenbina A. Pena, 53, and their son Luis A. Pena, 27, were all home when they heard a noise ..."

"Luis A. Pena went to check on that and found somebody rattling the french doors leading off a back porch area. He pulled out a gun and fired a shot trying to scare off the intruder but the burglar didn’t stop."

"The young man went back to the kitchen where his mother and father were, both armed. Police say Large continued to charge at the residents and the three of them all shot at the intruder when they saw him.:" ...

MO: Robbery suspect shot after trying to rob store with knife (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Washington County man is hospitalized after his alleged attempt to rob a small town store backfired badly. Deputies say the robber literally violated the old truism, 'Never take a knife to a gunfight.'" ...

"Ron Cobb has owned the place for more than three decades. Among other things, Cobb and his family are gun enthusiasts. Signs in the front window touting the second amendment clearly suggest that people inside are armed."

"This is where Johnson arrived and allegedly walking in wearing a bandana on his face."

"'He had a big can of mace and a hunting knife,' Cobb said of Johnson. 'My son pulled a gun out and pointed at him. The guy run to the door and turned around and that’s when my son shot him.'" ...

TX: Gun Rights Group Up in Arms Over Arlington Ordinance, Citations (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pro-Second Amendment group is up in arms after several of its members were ticketed recently while passing out pamphlets."

"On March 27, Open Carry Texas held a march ... in north Arlington. The group openly carries firearms during its demonstrations and passes out pamphlets containing the U.S. Constitution." ...

"During this particular march, group members walked out to drivers who were stopped at a traffic light to hand them materials."

"'It just so happens that some people are stopped at the stoplight and they’re supporting us,' said Watkins. 'They want our information, so they reach out the window and we hand it to them.'"

"A city ordinance prohibits anyone from entering a roadway to distribute materials." ...

TX: Arlington police block gun-toting protesters from City Council meeting (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A founder of Open Carry Tarrant County walked into Arlington City Hall Tuesday night with a six-shooter holstered to his hip."

"Police said they have never allowed firearms at Council meetings."

"Kory Watkins countered that Texas law doesn't recognize his 1851 black powder revolver as a firearm... just an antique."

"'Very deadly,' Watkins said, but legally not a firearm.
But when an officer asked Watkins to leave it outside, he did. So did at least two others."

"Advocates for open carry firearms had come to the City Council meeting to skirmish over the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment." ...

OH: Vote For True Conservative For Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Caleb Davenport, a Wooster resident, is running for the Ohio Senate in District 27. Mr. Davenport is a graduate of Liberty University, an Air Force veteran of Operation Desert Shield, worked in the oil and gas industry as a crewman, and founded and runs Legacy Retirement Advisors, Inc. He is a Financial Educator and a Certified Wealth Strategist."

"Caleb is married to Susan, a pharmacist, and has three teenage children who were home-schooled until they reached junior high. I met him a few weeks ago and can say that he is a conservative who believes in the second amendment. ..." ...

NM: Cook garners NRA endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Zach Cook has been given an A+ rating and has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, according to a letter from the organization.

"I'm proud and honored to be the only candidate in the race for state representative in District 56 to be endorsed by the NRA," Cook said in a prepared statement. "When liberal politicians and special interests tried to infringe on gun-owner rights, I stood up for our southern New Mexico conservative values and said 'No.'"

The NRA noted that it was endorsing Cook for his "strong record of leadership on issues of importance to gun owners and sportsmen," and his sponsoring of legislation to expand concealed carry laws." ...

NC: Who is running for sheriff?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What is your stance on gun control?"

"Conner: ... I think we need them and every person should have one and everyone should have a concealed carry license."

"Francis: I've been a gun owner since I was eight years old. ... I've tried to promote gun ownership and concealed carry licenses."

"Good: ... As long as I'm your sheriff, nobody is going to take your guns away."

"Huckabee: You have the right to have a gun and nobody should take that away from you. The crooks will get the guns whether there is gun control or not. ..."

"Wease: I'm for gun control, and when I say that I mean any law on the books should be honored. We need to keep the guns out of the crooks' hands, but keep them in the right hands." ...

NH: Scott Brown Looking To Cash In Big On Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year we warned you that Scott Brown was anti-gun and the Republican State Committee was actively recruiting him to run for US Senate."

"New Hampshire Firearms Coalition members picketed a Republican party fundraiser in Nashua to underscore Scott Brown’s gun ban attitude. But it looks like the State Party did not get the message."

"It is unfortunate that some prominent Republicans are falling all over themselves to back the anti-gun Scott Brown. ..." ...

AG’s gun bracelet push not going over well: ‘Dear Eric Holder, I have some bracelets for you’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What neither Holder nor the 'technology people' he spoke with on the issue seem to realize is that when a person is using a weapon in self-defense, he’s not 'enjoying' his Second Amendment rights — he’s exercising them. In such a life and death situation, no one has the time to worry about bracelets."

"Twitter users had some interesting observations, as well as some fun with his comments, and Twitchy was on hand to collect all the good ones — starting out with this:" ...

FL: Senate advances bill to allow concealed guns during evacuations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that allows legal gun owners to conceal their weapons without a permit during mandatory evacuations continued to gain support in the Senate Tuesday despite concerns from law enforcement."

"The Community Affairs Committee voted 8-1 to pass SB 296, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, that would remove any criminal penalties for those found carrying weapons in public without a permit during evacuations ordered by the governor." ...

GA: New gun law ‘most comprehensive pro-gun reform bill in state history’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pending Gov. Nathan Deal’s signature, those with concealed permits will be allowed to carry their guns into churches and bars, among other institutions."

"Since the rash ... of shootings all across the country, specifically that of Newtown Conn., the debate surrounding gun laws have been stronger and louder than ever."

"In Georgia, pro-gun lobbyists have been fighting to expand second amendment rights for permit holders."

"The house passed the Safe Carry Protection Act March 30 by a vote of 112-58 ... This act removes the blanket ban on carrying guns into churches and bars should those establishment allow so. The law is designed so private property owners have more options and control in regards to firearms on their property." ...

NY: Assembly Democrats Block NY Safe Act Repeal Legislation In Committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York State Rifle and Pistol Association President Thomas King announced today that all bills calling for the repeal of the so-called NY SAFE Act ... were effectively killed in the downstate Democrat-dominated Codes Committee and therefore will not be brought to the Assembly Floor for a vote."

"'This was entirely expected,' said King."

"'The sad reality is that one political party and one viewpoint dominates the Assembly: the anti-Second Amendment voice of the downstate Democrat majority. Upstate New Yorkers who oppose the NY SAFE Act ought to feel disenfranchised. This law is deeply flawed, and was passed in the middle of the night without input from law-enforcement, mental health professionals, or the public at large.'" ...

TN: Tenn. Senate votes for open gun carry without permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to allow Tennesseans to openly carry guns without a state-issued permit."

"The chamber voted 25-2 in favor of the bill sponsored by Republican Sen. Mae Beavers of Mt. Juliet."

"Beavers said the measure would maintain the current background checks and training requirements in order to carry concealed firearms, but would allow anyone legally allowed to own a gun to carry it openly without any extra restrictions."

"Beavers said on the Senate floor that requiring a carry permit 'converts the right to carry a handgun into a privilege.'" ...

VT: Activists blow cover on gun confiscation bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that passed the Vermont House without controversy is now in doubt after gun-rights advocates exposed provisions allowing police to take guns during domestic disputes."

"'It’s a highly illegal confiscation bill,' Gun Owners of Vermont president Ed Cutler told Vermont Watchdog."

"'H.735 is a forfeiture bill that tells police if a person gets a temporary restraining order, they have to come into the house and take all weapons — not just firearms, but all weapons.'"

"At first glance H.735 appears to propose fee updates on mundane items ... Yet tucked away in the bill are provisions for the storage of firearms confiscated during domestic disputes. Gov. Peter Shumlin requested the gun-related provisions in October." ...

LA: Louisiana Supreme Court Hears Mandatory Sentencing Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The voters of Louisiana approved an amendment to the state constitution strengthening the state’s gun rights back in 2012 with 73 percent of the vote. It also added the requirement that the court use the strongest level of judicial review, strict scrutiny, when reviewing Second Amendment cases. There’s a good discussion of the history behind the Louisiana amendment at the Volokh Conspiracy, by David Kopel. Following enactment of the amendment, courts have upheld bans on the possession of handguns by minors without parental approval and by felons on probation. The case that came up for oral arguments last week is a different matter, though. It’s one of those that people point to as showing the insanity of some gun laws . . ." ...

KS: Former Kansas police officer sentenced for child sex crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Augusta police officer has been sentenced in connection to a child sex crime."

"Last July, Augusta Public Safety Officer Jerry Ballinger was arrested on two counts of Aggravated Indecent Liberties with a Child. The alleged crimes happened in Butler county between April and July of 2013." ...

"Monday morning, a judge sentenced Ballinger to 60 months of probation with Community Corrections. Before probation begins, he will serve 59 days under house arrest." ...

WI: No Need to Shoot Her Dogs, Woman Tells Police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a fruitless search of a home for an alligator and wolves, Milwaukee police shot to death two Tibetan mastiffs, the most valuable dog in the world, which recently set a record of more than $1 million for a single puppy, the dogs' owner claims in court."

"Jane Flint sued Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, six police officers and a sheriff's deputy, in Federal Court."

"She claims Milwaukee police shot to death two of her four friendly dogs while searching her house for dangerous animals - and all they found were turtles." ...

"A Chinese businessman last week paid $1.9 million for a single Tibetan mastiff puppy. ... The enormous dog with a long coat can grow to 3 feet at the shoulders and weigh more than 160 lbs."

NY: Yonkers cop used PCP arrest to coerce sex: lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yonkers police officer Alex Della Donna has abused the badge plenty of times, lawsuits against him say, but in at least one suit he is alleged to have gone out of his way for a suspect he had arrested on drug charges."

"He later had the charges dropped, springing the suspect from jail and giving her PCP that had been seized by the department, apparently for her recreational use, the civil suit alleges."

"But those favors came at a cost, according to the suit pressed by Sonia L. Gomez in April 2013. That cost was sex, which Gomez said Della Donna coerced her into having with him at least a half-dozen times, sometimes in the back of an unmarked police SUV." ...

ID: Minidoka County to Sponsor Concealed Carry Class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following suit with Cassia County’s decision to offer free training for the enhanced concealed carry permit, the Minidoka County Sheriff’s Office will hold three classes for Mini-Cassia residents during 2014."

"'There’s been a lot of interest in a concealed weapon class and we want to help out our residents as much as we can,' said Minidoka County Sheriff Eric Snarr."

"Snarr said Tuesday that the classes were filling up quickly. The first class will be held April 17 with two more classes to be held in June and August. The class will instruct students on firearm safety and civil responsibilities related to carrying a concealed weapon. The course will also require students to shoot 100 rounds of ammunition ..." ...

TX: Armed Protesters Gather at Texas Open-Carry Rally After Tasing, Arrest of Man Walking with Loaded Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dozens of armed protesters gathered outside a San Antonio police station Sunday to let authorities know they aren’t happy that a man was tased and arrested after openly carrying his rifle while on a walk near his home a week ago, according to KSAT-TV in San Antonio."

"Open Carry Texas also was protesting a city ordinance that outlaws carrying loaded weapons within city limits because, members said, state law prohibits municipalities from adopting any such ordinance." ...

WI: Man walking with AR-15 rifle in St. Croix Co. convicted of loitering, will appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A municipal judge in western Wisconsin has dismissed one citation but upheld a second issued to a man for walking around Somerset last summer with an AR-15 rifle and a holstered handgun ..."

"Mark J. Hoffman, 24,, was cited in July for obstructing an officer and loitering after police found him with the weapons and he would not identify himself. ..."

"The guns rights advocacy group Wisconsin Carry, Inc. paid for Hoffman's defense in the case ..."

"On Tuesday, [Judge] Nemec released a written decision. He found police had reasonable suspicion to stop and question Hoffman because several people in the community were alarmed by Hoffman carrying weapons in the vicinity of a school." ...

TX: Cop Pulls Gun On Fifth Graders Building Tree Fort (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to 911 records, Henry County Police were called after a neighbor noticed the children 'chopping off tree limbs,' an activity she claimed was hurting the environment and creating 'tripping hazards.'"

"Police arrived on scene to find 11-year-old Omari Grant and his friends playing in a small patch of trees, prompting at least one officer to reportedly draw his firearm and force the boys to the ground." ...

"Baptiste has filed an excessive force complaint with the department, which has now opened an internal investigation. When questioned about the officer’s actions, Sgt. Joey Smith remained relatively tight-lipped."

"'If it was justified then we’ll deal with it, if it wasn’t we’ll address it as well,' Smith said." ...

A Law Enforcement Perspective: Armed Carry on Military Bases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am deeply disturbed by the attitude of Fort Hood and III Corps Commanding General, LTG Mark Milley. His statements to the press that a 'few minutes' response time for military Law Enforcement is 'just fine' shows his lack of concern for his troops and their families. More than that, General Milley’s ignorant of the historical failures of the policies that turned military bases into 'gun free zones' . . ."

"I was a soldier from 1983-1993. We were not allowed to carry personal firearms on base, either on or off duty. Soldiers living in the barracks had to secure their firearms in the arms room. Married soldiers living on base could keep their private firearms in their quarters, but they couldn’t carry them." ...

Safer in a war zone than on US base?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So when did it become safer for a soldier to be at a military base in Afghanistan than in Texas?"

"Under President Clinton, our soldiers were disarmed at home and stripped of the Second Amendment rights that they are risking their lives to defend."

"As a result of that action, on multiple occasions, military men and women have paid the ultimate price for the Democrats' zeal to disarm all members of the military, except soldiers in action." ...

Guns don’t shoot up military bases, people do
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Riding on the parachute of preconceived notions about the NRA and gun ownership, letter-writer Daniel Martin misses the target. Mr. Martin says the U.S. military carries weapons on bases and thus the recent tragedy at Fort Hood proves that carrying guns does not prevent or mitigate violent crime. The United States military, however, does not carry arms on or off base, except for some military police and soldiers in war zones. Otherwise, carrying arms is prohibited by law and tradition." ...

Ohio’s concealed-carry law has good track record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today marks the 10-year anniversary of licensed concealed carry in Ohio. According to the end-of-year report prepared by the Ohio attorney general in December, more than 408,000 Ohioans are carrying concealed-carry licenses. ..."

"April 8, 2004, the date Ohio’s concealed-carry law went into effect, marked the end of nearly 10 years of legislative battles. No longer would the General Assembly be debating if citizens should be allowed to carry concealed handguns; instead, the next 10 years of debate shifted to questions of when and where citizens would be allowed to carry them. The ensuing debates and court decisions illustrate a seismic shift in public opinion toward carrying handguns." ...

Societal lessons in Fort Hood shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So what lessons should we draw from these shootings, especially without the conventional terrorist tag to pin on it? Will they say something of the traumatic strain of and damage to the psyche of so many military personnel exposed to today’s warfare, even among those not necessarily in combat? Will they reflect badly on how society supports or doesn’t support its troops and their families? Will they reveal something of the stresses placed on an all-volunteer Army?"

"And whatever the ultimate cause, is it enough for us to do something about it? Are we willing, for instance, to concertedly address the obvious animosity in our society for the good of our troops and their families — and our families as well? ..." ...

NJ: Turning citizens into criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have three problems with the bill to limit firearm capacities to 10 rounds."

"First, some of the firearms targeted are 150 years old. The 1873 Winchester lever action holds 12 rounds. The Henry rifle (which aided the Cheyenne Indians to victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn) holds 16 rounds. I’m sure the law-abiding citizens of New Jersey who own these rifles are not even aware they will be instant criminals at the stroke of a pen." ...

CA: Club debates current issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Phi Alpha Delta, a pre-law fraternity on campus, hosted an open forum debate Wednesday night in the Henry Madden Library on current issues such as the Second Amendment, water allocation in California and National Surveillance Agency’s surveillance of American citizens."

"Phi Alpha Delta President Simren Gill said the debate forum was open to all students ..." ...

"The first topic on firearms was unanimous, as discussants argued against the government banning firearms on public college campuses. Much of the talk focused on self-defense, guns as a potential to save lives in the right hands and whether or not it is unconstitutional for the government to ban people with a concealed carry permit from carrying it on campus." ...

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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