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Newslinks for 5/11/2013

LA pit bull attack shows savage consequences of citizen disarmament
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What this means is, top LA law enforcement knows perfectly well that savage beasts are preying on peaceable citizens, they are unable to stop it from happening, they know what will give those being attacked a fighting chance, and they deny them that option under force of state arms. Through their mandates, they confirm that they would rather see a 63-year-old woman mauled to death, ripped apart in the most horrible, agonizing and terrifying way conceivable, than simply have the choice to the means of defense." ...

Open mike reveals N.J. senators’ contempt for gun owners, confiscation goal
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'We needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.'" ...

FirearmConcierge On The FFL/Customer Relationship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m Grande Queso, Nick Leghorn’s confidential source for all things firearm industry related. During an alarming lapse of good judgement this evening, Nick has decided to abuse his newly acquired title of 'editor' at TTAG and allowed me to pen a guest column. And the topic of the day is the Firearm Professional/Customer relationship . . ." ...

Gun Control 2013: Guns and Crime is a False Correlation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As fellow PolicyMic pundit David Susman pointed out recently in one of his articles, the lack of expertise on the subject of firearms amongst the “gun control” crowd is alarming. This is not necessarily a major issue in itself— a person who knows very little about something may indeed have valid concerns about the safety and efficacy of firearms and concealed-carry laws, for instance. But it is another thing entirely when regular people, along with pundits and politicians, spread outright lies to advance their pet groups' agendas." ...

More Guns = Less Crime? You mean the Gun Control agenda was wrong again?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... I was flipping through one of my favorite gun site/blogs at and saw that they shared the Department of Justice’s recently published findings regarding crime, gun related crime and violent crime."

"And guess what? We’ve been right all along. More Guns mean Less Crime. Turns out bad guys do less bad things when cops aren’t the only people they have to worry about putting a bullet in their brain pan. But you knew this. Because you read Haus of Guns and that makes you awesome." ...

Gun proposals are attacks on our freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun proponents frequently use the phrase 'commonsense gun control' or 'commonsense gun safety' when nothing could be farther from the actual truth."

"Background checks prior to the sale of any firearm became commonplace after the Clinton 'assault weapons ban' in 1998, except for the very few firearms sold via private sales. A private sale of a firearm is like selling a used baseball bat across the back fence. Can the baseball bat be used to commit a crime? Sure. Does the government need to restrict such a sale? I (and many others) don’t think so." ...

Stag Arms Unveils Modified, CT Legal Rifles
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Basically, Stag Arms has introduced a .22lr AR-15 platform that they believe will pass the CT law test. Seen in the bottom of the case in the picture below:" ...

KABA Note: Since the new law specifically states "A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following:" I don't see what the problem could be.

Is 300 AAC Blackout the New Black?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regular readers no doubt know that our man Leghorn is deeply enamored with 300 AAC Blackout (a.k.a. 300BLK). Back before the round was making the rounds, Nick was singing its praises and predicting a glorious future. The future is now; plenty ‘o gunmakers are making rifles and barrel conversion kits to accommodate the cartridge. ..." ...

Accurizing The Mini 14 Ranch Rifle For Under $35 – What You Need to Know to Hit the “Bulls Eye”…
Submitted by: mike

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... "So a few years ago I came back to the inaccuracy issue with the Mini 14. I started looking into the design of the Ruger Mini 14 and it had a fatal flaw. The Barrels were too thin. (This was before Ruger came out with the heavy barrels for the Mini 14). What would happen in the most basic sense is after each shot the barrel would vibrate and move. This would cause the next round to exit the barrel at a different angel making the round inaccurate." ...

Remington Adds Ammo Capacity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Got ammo? Even if you do, you probably need more. Unlike south Texas, gun food is still pretty scarce in most of the fifty-seven states. But never fear, Remington feels your pain. They’ve just announced a major expansion to their Lonoke, Arkansas plant . . ." ...

Used AK Checklist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have received questions many a time on twitter (@OwenSolid) about what to look for when checking out a potential AK for purchase, so I finally decided to put together a quick guide to point out what to be aware of so that you can make your own informed decision. Even if you already know most of these things, hopefully this info will be helpful or give you a resource when answering questions fielded by other potential AK owners."

"There are a few key things to look for when purchasing a used AK, and while most of these things are applicable to new AK’s as well, I am primarily writing towards used selection." ...

100% Made in USA AK Rifles & Parts Kits Coming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of you have undoubtedly seen the startup projects several companies now are running for 80% AR-15 receivers."

"No? A machine shop or forge will get prints for AR-15 lower receivers and run them through their machines until they are 80% complete. Basically leaving one of the most time consuming parts for the end user. Because all of the tedious work is taken out, the receivers can be sold for half of what a typical lower receiver would sell for before the panic. Then the buyer picks up a finish jig to 'mill' out the rest of their receiver with a drill press." ...

"Allow me to introduce Resistance Arms Made in the USA AK-47 parts kits and rifles. ..." ...

Gun Review: Century Arms Zastava N-PAP AK-47
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the hardy Century Arms Zastava N-PAP rifle showed up at my FFL, I couldn’t help but imagine some massive Russian dude, disheveled as all hell, inspecting the gun and grunting, 'iz good' with a nodding frown of approval. In fact you might become Sergei the Soviet Bear-Slayer if you shoot and carry the N-PAP enough. The teak furniture and LMG-style heavy duty receiver mean that the Serbian lead-slinger weighs a solid 8 1/2 lbs. loaded. ... But if you’re used to little black modern sporting rifles, you may find the substantial weight of the N-PAP inspires more confidence than an M4-gery. Is that kind of confidence substantiated? Let’s put the (former) Yugo blaster through the wringer and find out . . ." ...

Scientific American’s Unscientific, Poorly Researched Anti-Gun Article
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I like SciAm. It’s a great science-related magazine, and does the nerdy stuff very well. But it starts to fall apart when it tries to enter the political realm. For example, they published an article yesterday called The Science of Guns Proves Arming Untrained Citizens Is a Bad Idea, in which they don’t actually use any, you know, science and fall back on the same tired cherry-picked studies that we’ve debunked time and again. As I’ve never before had an opportunity to point out inaccuracies and lies in a ‘Scientific American’ article before, please excuse me as I indulge in a little point-by-point rebuttal . . ." ...

Now It’s the NRA’s Turn to Understand Us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Usually when a senator suffers a big public defeat, he slinks off to lick his wounds. He rarely retwists the arms that didn’t bend his way. Colleagues don’t like to be seen switching. Were they horribly mistaken the first time? Don’t know what they believe?"

"But Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia, thinks he can get five senators to change their votes on a bill, killed last month, that would expand background checks for gun buyers. If so, his co-sponsor, Republican Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania, is still on board -- and Majority Leader Harry Reid says he’ll bring the bill for a vote." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh who notes: Oh, believe me you collectivist harridan, we DO understand you.

Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly Raise $11 Million To Take Away Your Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly’s organization Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS) raised $11 million for gun control efforts and to limit your rights, over the past four months."

"ARS says the money was raised from 53,000 different donors. What hasn’t been explained is whether the bulk of the money came from major donors like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other infamous anti-gun advocates." ...

Why We Must Win the Gunfight at the Not-OK Corral
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun lobby has boiled down their argument to 'the only thing standing between a bad guy with a gun and violence is a good guy with a gun.' Make no mistake; they have self appointed themselves as the 'good guys.' And while those of us who stand for a society that embraces gun responsibility may not be 'bad guys with guns,' the implication is that we are enablers of 'bad guys' and not an alternative approach to their gun-centric solutions for addressing violence."

"In fact the gun proponents’ solution to violence is the threat of violence and by extension both returned and pre-emptive violence. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: First what Wayne actually said was "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
Second, whatinthehell is "pre-emptive violence"? Is what the antis are calling self-defense nowadays? Otherwise it sounds like assault with a deadly weapon to me.

Sandy Hook Shootings Prompt Gun Control Law Change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the Sandy Hook shootings, the first major push for tighter gun controls in years has swept the nation. Numerous polls have shown significant majorities in favor of stricter background checks for gun purchases. Unfortunately, these efforts have sparked a backlash from pro-gun advocates, resulting in the defeat of a Senate bill that would expand background checks and close existing loopholes in current law. While the gun lobby claims they are standing up for their Second Amendment rights, they actually are trampling the rights of others."

"Nothing in the Constitution explicitly states that citizens have the right not to be shot down in the streets, but several passages clearly imply this right. ..." ...

Armed 4-year-old shows guns are too easy to get
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have been told that the only way to stop a 'bad guy' with a gun is a 'good guy' with a gun. But what if it's neither?"

"What if the person behind the gun is a 4-year-old boy, strong enough to pull the trigger but far too young to understand the potenial consequences?"

"Those are the questions that day care providers in Hallowell had to answer late last year when a preschooler showed up with a loaded handgun in his backpack." ...

"But the incident also points to a neglected aspect of the gun violence debate: the social cost of having such a huge number of guns, multiplying the unintentional damage they can cause." ...

Submitter's Note: According to the CDC, between 2001 and 2010 there were an average of 674 accidental shooting deaths annually. To put that accident rate in perspective, during that same time there were 3,479 drownings annually, 5,858 accidental suffocation deaths, 20,524 fatal falls, 24,894 accidental poisonings annually. Other sources show between 225,000 and 750,000+ iatrogenic (doctor induced) deaths annually.

Maybe doctors are "too easy to get".

Female 'zombie' gun target widely misses the mark
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"It's as if a bunch of guys at a local gun shop had a contest to see who could come up with the most offensive target, then followed it up with an equally lunk-headed discussion about what name would deflect enough criticism and cover their posteriors long enough to get it to market."

"Well, Zombie Industries' 'The Ex' female mannequin target, which in no way resembled a zombie and bled when shooters hit it, had an improbable run. But the feeble-minded fun is over. The company said Thursday it will discontinue the target, and it offered an apology that had about as much sincerity as the company's target had zombie features." ...

KABA Note: So where's the outcry over Zombie Chris?

CA: Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council wants to stop NRA gun classes at Pierce College
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council is taking aim at firearm safety courses offered at Pierce College."

"On a 10-9 vote this week the council decided to ask the college to move the Pierce Extension courses off campus."

"The National Rifle Association Basic Pistol Course is offered one Saturday a quarter and a personal firearms familiarization and safe course is offered two weeknights a quarter."

"'They felt it was inappropriate to have gun training on campus on a Saturday when there could be thousands on kids on campus,' council president Scott Silverstein said. 'The soccer fields are jammed with kids and there are classes going on.'" ...

NC: Recognize the rule of law, not guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up with the NRA. My parents were members when gun ownership was still about hunting and self-defense. There was a sticker on our front door’s window that read: 'Nothing in this house is worth your life.' ..."

"Now the NRA has gone a step further. The [NRA] is touting the idea that people need guns to fight tyranny. That’s right, the fight is against tyrants."

"I’m an American. I was raised in a democracy. People come to power in our country through a solid electoral process. They are voted into office. Citizens give them a public nod. Officials do not serve unlawfully. The people install them. Lawmakers are in office because people want them to work in government. Elections bring folks to power." ...

Submitter's Note: Lot's of talk about Democracy, and a single passing mention of peoples' natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional rights which might be trampled in a tyrannical Democracy.

MO: Tyranny, fear, guns (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's crusade to create a fear of tyranny has sadly resulted in a tyranny of fear. When citizens feel the need to arm themselves as they go about their lives, that is surrendering to fear."

"When people say that teachers should be armed in a school amidst hundreds of curious active kids, that is discarding common sense and surrendering to fear. When a politician votes against common sense gun legislation, that is giving in to the basest of fears." ...

NJ: N.J. Senate Democrats’ open mic comments draw ire of gun activists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists are claiming an open mic at the end of Thursday’s Senate hearing on gun bills is proof Democrats want to 'confiscate' weapons, as the activists have long argued."

"In the recording ... someone says the word 'confiscate' several times after the Senate Budget Committee hearing ends. The voice is faint and the person’s identity is unknown. The recording ... alleges it was a senator saying, 'We needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.'"

"Teaneck state Sen. Loretta Weinberg, one of the legislators on the recording said the gun owners were 'misguided,' adding: 'If people want to change the subject to things that didn’t happen, it’s not helpful to anybody’s dialogue.'" ...

Submitter's Note: You know what? It took this OFWG about 5 minutes with the home version of Sound Forge's Audio Studio to isolate that precise statement. So where are the "Authorized Journalists" and their audio experts?

LASD Pistol Team Exhibition, Historic, 1936, Color enhanced (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vintage early color footage of the LASD Pistol Team at Biscailuz Range during a skilled shooting exhibition over 75 years ago in 1936. Legendary Marksman and LASD Aero Bureau aviation pioneer Sgt. Sewell Griggers featured. Also includes documentary footage demonstrating how the BC shooting range was used and maintained."

WANTED: Political Cartoon Artists!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is Looking for more original political cartoons, targeting gun grabbers, anti-gun politicians and freedom hating NGO's."

"Help us fight back against the recent push by liberal media looking to flood the web with negative images of gun owners and the NRA." ...

NRA Video: A Mother’s Journey to Bearing Arms (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Movie Theater Pays Guy to Burst Into Iron Man 3 Wearing Body Armor, Carrying Fake AR-15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s an old saying: any publicity is good publicity. This, though, might be just a tad over the line. A movie theater in Jefferson City, Missouri paid a man to walk into a showing of the new Iron Man 3 movie wearing 'tactical gear' and carrying what appeared to be an AR-15 rifle. The man was part of a group of actors who were at the movie theater ... But in a dark room and with memories of Aurora still fairly fresh in people’s minds, things could have gotten a little hairy. ..." ...

Ammo Scarcity Driving More People Online
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Considering there are over 129,000 licensed firearms dealers in the United States, its no wonder some people have never had to buy ammo online. At one time ammo could even be found on shelves at some of the local convenience stores. Times have changed though and that is no longer the case."

"With all the gun violence and firearm legislation circulating through the media over the past few months, this is a subject that has been beaten to death, revived, and beaten several more times. But I think in one way or another this may have actually been a good thing for gun owners as a whole." ...

Why the U.S. Government Deep-Sixed Defcad’s Liberator
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A key fact’s getting lost in the kerfuffle surrounding Cody Wilson’s 3D Liberator pistol: it’s all about China. Well duh. The United States of America is awash in handguns. American citizens can buy a box-fresh revolver for under $200. For less than a Benjamin you can buy a 'pre-owned' pistol. It won’t be pretty but it’ll be a lot more reliable, accurate and durable than anything you can crank out on a $10k 3D printer. That’s us sorted. Meanwhile, in China, the fate of a billion-and-a-half people may well depend on what the United States government does about one Cody Wilson. Which is why they’ve shut him down. Let’s start with this . . ." ...

Is Defense Distributed “Wussing Out?”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back when Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed started up their DefCad downloads, they made a promise. Cody looked square in the camera and promised that there would be no takedowns. Ever. ... But when the rubber actually met the road and Cody was faced with the full might of the U.S. government if he didn’t comply with a takedown request, they folded. They pulled the files, like every other depository has before them. On the surface, it seems like DefDist isn’t living up to its promises. But was that really a lack of personal convictions and flinching when the moment of truth arrived? Or is Defense Distributed simply biding its time until they’re in a more sustainable position to thumb their nose at the government? . . ." ...

The Empire Strikes Back at 3-D printed guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With last Friday's announcement that Defense Distributed had successfully used a 3-D printer to make an entire operational firearm out of plastic (except for a small metal nail, acting as the firing pin), the already simmering controversy about printed guns quickly came to a full boil. Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY), who has been on an anti-printed gun and magazine jihad for months, was joined by U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, who calls the new development 'stomach churning.' Schumer appears to have indicated that he will be introducing a Senate companion bill to Rep. Israel's H.R. 1474." ...

The Liberator Plastic Gun And The Export Regulations Take Down Of It
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Andy Greenberg’s been doing some great stuff on the development of the Liberator, the plastic gun made (almost) entirely with a 3 D printing machine. In his latest missive on the subject he tells us that the State Department has insisted that the designs be taken down off the internet. ..." ...
I have to admit that I’m rather kicking myself over this: for I should have thought of this as a possible problem before the State Department did anything about it. The reason being that I’ve had several of these sorts of licenses myself. And I know just how restrictive, indeed oppressive at times, the terms of them can be.

US demands removal of 3D printed gun templates (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The US State Department has written to the gun's designer, Defense Distributed, saying that publishing such designs, which enable anyone with a 3D printer to produce their own plastic gun, could breach arms-control regulations."

"The order, however, comes after the blueprints were downloaded more than 100,000 times, and cannot prevent their further redistribution by others who have already downloaded them."

"The files have been removed from the company's Defcad site, and were being hosted by the Mega online service."

"Social news site Reddit has also been used to publicise existing links to the blueprints on the filesharing service Pirate Bay, which is likely to mean their further distribution is hard to prevent." ...

Gov’t smackdown on 3-D gun plan distributor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense Distributed, the Texas-based company that has been causing a stir over 3-D printer guns has complied with a State Department ban on the online posting of details about how to make a plastic gun, just days after the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives revealed it was looking at the technology." ...

How Defense Distributed Already Upended the World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense Distributed's goal is to evaporate the container described by the Second Amendment, making obtaining a firearm trivial enough that even trying to place restrictions on gun manufacturing becomes useless. It may get there. But first — and not necessarily intentionally — it's leadership is in tossing 3D-printed objects into the great pool of online sharing." ...

Senator Joe Manchin Steps up his Campaign of Lies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, we alerted you to the intense pressure that pro-gun Senators are experiencing right now."

"You guys unleashed a torrent of grassroots activism in response, and we are starting to get great feedback as to where Senators currently stand."

"Within the past 48 hours, we have seen clear evidence that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and his staff have openly lied about the status of talks with two Republican Senators." ...

These are what pass for gun experts?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy authored numerous anti-gun bills, including an assault-weapons ban, even though she doesn’t seem able to identify things like the barrel shroud her bill says makes a gun more dangerous. She also doesn’t seem to like large clips because she’s never heard of a combat reload and two guns."

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein calls magazines 'clips' and civilian semi-automatic firearms 'assault weapons.'" ...

NC: Changes proposed for concealed carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, a North Carolina House judiciary panel recommended changes to existing gun rules that would build on changes approved in 2011. The law expanded the ability of gun owners to protect themselves with a gun and allow holders of a concealed weapon permit to carry a pistol inside a state park. The bill would also let the permit holders arm themselves in a restaurant where alcohol is served unless expressly prohibited by the restaurant. Concealed weapons also could be stored in a locked vehicle on a college campus or state government parking lot."

"The face of firearms ownership is rapidly changing in the United States. ..." ...

NJ: Changes To NJ Anti Gun Bills Include 7 Day Waiting Period & Electronic On/Off Switch for Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday (May 9 2013), the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee made significant changes to several of the bills advancing through the Senate."

"While some positive technical changes were made in response to testimony of Second Amendment leaders, sweeping negative changes that directly impact gun owners were made to S2723 (the permitting / FID card bill)." ...

AL: Strange bedfellows — On gun bill, they aren’t so strange after all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Any evidence of bipartisanship in the Alabama Legislature normally would be hailed as a significant step in the right direction."

"However, when it is Sen. Scott Beason, R-Gardendale, and Sen. Roger Bedford, D-Russellville ... it would be wise to look carefully at what they have done."

"Beason had been pushing a bill that would have expanded the ability of gun owners to take weapons onto private property. The Business Council of Alabama ... opposed the measure. Beason cited Second Amendment rights. The BCA cited the Fifth Amendment and the rights of property owners."

"Beason wanted gun owners to be able to keep their guns in their cars, a plan the state sheriff’s association called 'the road rage bill.'" ...

MO: Democrat Missouri Gov May Not Sign School Carry Bill Overwhelmingly Passed by Legislature (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to statements made by Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri, he may not sign the bill which overwhelmingly passed by the state’s lawmakers. We reported on that passing yesterday." ...

MD: Baltimore police officer charged with pimping wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A31-year-old Baltimore Police officer was charged Friday with pimping out his wife after officers from a human trafficking task force found him outside a hotel room where the woman had agreed to have sex for cash with an undercover officer."

"The child recovery task force was working a proactive investigation into human trafficking when they came across a 'young-looking female' advertised as an escort on a website, police said. Officers arranged to meet the female at a hotel near BWI airport, court records show." ...

WI: Marinette police officer charged with writing checks to himself out of police account
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Marinette police officer has been charged with fraud for allegedly writing himself checks from the Marinette Police Explorers bank account." ...

LA: Mansfield police officer suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mansfield police Sgt. Billy Locke has been given a 15-day suspension without pay following an off-duty weekend incident involving another officer."

"The second officer, Lauren Cross, was not disciplined because she is already on suspension for an earlier unrelated incident. Mansfield aldermen on Monday are expected to consider a recommendation to fire Cross." ...

MS: Former Jackson police officer indicted for bribery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Jackson police officer was arraigned in federal court for federal bribery charges on Thursday."

"Tony Davis, 48, was arraigned before U.S. Magistrate Judge F. Keith Ball pursuant to a federal indictment charging him with bribery in connection with a series of transactions of the Jackson Police Department, according to an announcement Thursday by U.S. Attorney Gregory K. Davis and FBI Special Agent in Charge Daniel McMullen." ...

PA: Students can carry at five schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Students on some Pennsylvania college campuses might be carrying more than their books."

"At least five Pennsylvania state-owned universities are now allowing guns on campus after the state's lawyers concluded that an outright ban on weapons was probably unconstitutional."

"Kutztown, Shippensburg, Edinboro, Slippery Rock and Millersville universities have all quietly changed their policies over the past year to reflect the advice of lawyers in the governor's office and the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education." ...

WA: State court hack shows why gun owners want pistol registry scrapped
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Almost immediately after yesterday’s revelation that the Washington State administrative office of the courts had been hacked, the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said the case underscores why Washington gun owners 'are adamantly opposed to background check records keeping, and want the state’s pistol registry destroyed.'" ...

MN: Proctor Chief Turns to Citizens During Ammo Shortage (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A nationwide ammunition shortage has police departments across the country counting their bullets. It's no different in Proctor, where the Chief says he was told he'd have to wait months, even a year to get more ammo."

"'I was really surprised, let's just put it that way,' said Chief Walt Wobig of the difficulty getting ammunition." ...

"With the Proctor Police Department in need of ammunition, the Chief sent out a call asking for help. Who answered? The very people his officers are sworn to protect."

"'The citizens were like, 'If you need something, we got plenty here,' said Wobig." ...

WV: Student's NRA T-shirt Suspension Investigated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Logan County school officials have hired a private investigator to look into the circumstances surrounding the suspension of a middle school student who wore a National Rifle Association T-shirt to school."

"WCHS-TV reports that eighth-grader Jared Marcum received a one-day suspension last month for causing a disruption at the school." ...

A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution... The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down... a person cannot be compelled 'to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the constitution.' —MURDOCK V. PENNSYLVANIA 319 US 105 (1942)

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