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Newslinks for 5/13/2009

SAF Hails Ninth Circuit Ruling in Glock Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Monday's ruling by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that dismisses a lawsuit against Glock by the victims of a deranged gunman in Grenada Hills, CA was a proper decision under existing statute, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"In a 2-1 decision, a three- judge panel upheld a lower court's ruling that the case, Ileto v. Glock, was nullified under the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). That federal statute was passed to prevent junk lawsuits against gun makers, and this specific case was cited during Congressional debate as precisely the kind of lawsuit the law would prohibit." ...

It Is Getting Very Serious Now
Submitted by: SNAFU

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"First, it was a [MIAC] report; then it was a [DHS] report; now it is a New York congressman's bill. Each of these items, taken on their own, is problematic enough; taken together they portend "a clear and present danger" to the liberties of the American people. It is getting very serious now." ...

"... [Kissinger] is also reported to have told Medvedev, 'By September we'll have confiscated all privately owned guns so it really doesn't matter what we do, we'll still be in charge.' ..."

"This leads to a very serious question: how many of America's gun owners would allow their government to deny them gun ownership? Further, how many would passively sit back and allow their guns to be confiscated?" ...

Love Thy Neighbor: Buy a Gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mankind pulled civilization out of the mud somewhere in the ancient past. In creating society, people agreed to a non-spoken compact that required everyone to look out for their neighbor. We aren't talking about a communist society ... but instead an agreement between honest law-abiding people that made it reprehensible to leave your neighbor to die."

"The same ... used to hold true, when it came to stopping common crime ... As the American government grew in power and influence in a citizen's life, it destroyed the agreement between honest people to care for each other."

"Today in America many citizens won't step in to protect the personal safety of their neighbors because, over the years, everyone was brainwashed by the government ..." ...

Gun Law-Related Stories Need to Substantiate Claims
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Is NRA reversing itself on the Tiahrt Amendment?

Will Kirsten Gillibrand introduce a gun ban this week?

Two stories claim it's so. But they don't exactly prove their cases.

Second Amendment March seeks redress of grievances
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"In January 2009, Michigan based author and Second Amendment advocate, Skip Coryell received an email from a woman in Belgium describing the helplessness she and coworkers felt when a knife-wielding attacker terrorized the daycare facility where she worked. ..."

"... Coryell began laying the groundwork for the Second Amendment March (S.A.M.), tentatively scheduled for April 19, 2010, which included networking with other gun rights groups and activists. The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, of which Coryell is a member, was one of his earliest supporters. Soon after work began, rock personality and Second Amendment champion Ted Nugent promised a 'firebreathing Star Spangled Banner eruption' in support of the event." ...

Gun Control: Before refusing to own a gun . . .
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The armed citizen has a tremendous impact on protecting not only self and loved ones, but also liberty in the sovereign’s monopoly on all lethal force in this country. That would be you and me. As the sovereign, we have oversight and authority over police, the military and Congress, not to mention little governments here. There is a tremendous threat to our freedoms when that sovereignty is challenged by our own public servants, and backed by the force of police and military which we ourselves grant them from one election to the next. The armed citizen and our liberty on all levels are inextricably bound only when we are armed and respected as the sovereign. ..." ...

Obama Targets American Sovereignty to Undermine Citizen Gun Owners, Warns Washington Senior Rights Activist
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'At a time when research data indicate Americans are more pro-gun than in many years, the Obama administration is trying to do an end run around the American public by committing the United States to an international arms treaty enabling Washington to undercut the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms,' John M. Snyder charged here today."

"Shotgun News recently named Snyder the senior rights activist in Washington."

"'Although 50 percent or a little bit more of Americans have favored stricter gun laws in recent years, according to Gallup polling, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows a dramatic drop to only 39 percent now favoring such legislation,' Snyder noted." ...

Reaction from anti-gunners to Obama’s support for law enforcement on gun tracing is telling
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"Because Barack Obama’s 2010 budget request reaffirms a federal statute – the so-called Tiahrt Amendment that protects sensitive gun trace data from the prying eyes of lawsuit-happy mayors and gun control lobby attorneys – gun prohibitionists are wailing and the press can’t even get it right."

"A story in Politico suggested that the [NRA], which meets this weekend in Phoenix, AZ for its annual convention, had come to some sort of 'consensus' on the legislation ... but there is no tangible evidence, other than a very vague quote from Chris Cox, executive director of NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, that appeared in the Politico story. ..." ...

Change in ATF trace requests: Fact versus fiction
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Cyberspace experienced a ripple after Politico implied that the National Rifle Association (NRA) had climbed into bed with Baron Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Guns:"
"The National Rifle Association and big-city mayors have rarely agreed on gun laws. But they've found something they may both support: the Obama administration’s call for full law-enforcement access to data from traces of guns used in crimes." ...

Sawed-off shotgun not needed in neighbor's closet
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The writer of the May 11 letter, 'Not all guns protected by the Second Amendment,' is obvisly very well informed andhis eltter was enlightening to me."

"I do not own guns, nor will I allow one in my home; however, I'm in agreement with anyone's right to own a gun--within reason."

"As the writer intimated, who has need of a sawed-off shotgun? Does anyone hunt with an AK-47 or an Uzi? Not in my experience." ...

Submitter's Note: If your experiences do not include facing a murderous intruder in your living room or driving invaders from your soil, then count yourself lucky, but do not try to restrict my options for dealing with such situations!

President Obama's Refusal to Publicly Release ATF’s Gun Crime Trace Data Means More American Communities Will Suffer From Gun Violence
Submitted by: jgh

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"President Obama broke his campaign pledge to the American people last week when he refused to strip all of the dangerous Tiahrt restrictions out of his proposed budget to Congress. ..."

"The President promised an era of transparency and open government, but instead caved under the gun lobby's radical agenda and influence. The result is that more American communities will continue to suffer from the horrific toll of gun violence."

"Perhaps most galling is that on President Obama’s official White web site, under his urban policy agenda, the President advocated for removing the Tiahrt restrictions. That official White web page under urban policy has now changed. " ...

NY: It's Time to Stand up to the NRA . . . Again
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"It was utterly predictable; the NRA and its gun lobby allies are on the attack against my campaign for Manhattan District Attorney."

"The gun plan I am proposing in my campaign couldn't be more straight-forward: develop a cooperative electronic regional interstate compact linking illegal gun trafficking investigations from the source states of illegal guns to New York with New York investigations. Dubbed the I-95 Compact, because Interstate 95 is the main conduit for illegal weapons coming to NY, such a compact would give us a highly focused look at gun traffickers and augment the scarce resources of ATF. ..." ...

When martial arts skills are not enough
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The other day, when I saw this press release announcing an upcoming women's self-defense training course in St. Louis, I was pleased. Self-defense is a valuable--indeed, literally life-saving--skill." ...

"I quickly realized, though, that the training being offered is apparently exclusively oriented toward unarmed self-defense. A look at the St. Louis Self Defense and Fitness website reveals that what is taught there is a system called 'Commando Krav Maga.'" ...

".... I am not trying to discourage women, or anyone else, from seeking instruction in unarmed combat skills ... My point is that unarmed self-defense skills should be considered an adjunct to armed self-defense training, rather than a substitute."

Should gun owners abandon the Republican Party?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The short answer is 'Not unless they abandon us!'"

"But the GOP needs to clearly understand that gun owners are not a constituency that can be taken for granted. As the party struggles to reinvent itself and to reach out to new constituencies, it runs the risk of moving away from those beliefs in individual rights and responsibility that initially attracted the gun-owner vote to the party."

"So how did I get on this topic? It started several days ago when Gun Owners of America sent ... an alert noting that prominent GOP leaders were pushing for anti-gun Republican Tom Ridge to oppose pro-gun candidate Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania Republican primary. This primary is an important one for the GOP ..." ...

Senate Approves Coburn Gun Amendment…in Credit Card Bill (another view)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Senate on Tuesday night easily passed an amendment to credit card reform legislation that would allow concealed weapons in national parks. The vote was 67 to 29."

"The question now is this: Will a controversial gun proposal attached to popular underlying legislation be the poison pill that sinks that larger bill? That’s been the case with legislation allowing the District of Columbia a voting representative in Congress, to which the Senate attached language scrapping many of Washington’s strict gun control laws. As a result of that gun amendment, the DC-vote bill remains stalled in the House months after it passed the upper chamber." ...

Guns and partisan politics
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It seems to be conventional wisdom that gun rights is the domain of the Republican party, and strict gun control the goal of the Democrats. While this does sometimes seem to be the case, we have to be careful to not bias ourselves too much in this opinion."

"Take a look at Ohio's last two governors, for example. Former Republican governor Bob Taft did everything he could to stop concealed carry from passing in Ohio ... He was followed by Democrat Ted Strickland, who in his term to date has done everything he said he would do in support of gun rights."

"While it is true that many powerful members of the Democrat party ... have shown strong support for gun control it isn't fair to label all Democrats as gun grabbers ..." ...

Our congress turns us a deaf ear
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have been noticing a progressive disconnect of federal legislative efforts from the will of the people. Congressmen and women are our representatives and are expected to vote as we would if we were there, carrying out the will of the majority. It seems that the leaders in congress are bent on their agenda regardless of the will of the people Today Michael Barone who writes for US News and World Report put it very well in a post to"

"'I think there's something else at work here. For liberal elites, belief in gun control and global warming has taken on the character of religious faith. ...'" ...

Senate backs allowing guns in national parks
Submitted by: motoboy

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"The Senate on Tuesday backed an amendment that would allow people to carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges."

"Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., sponsored the measure, which he said would protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. The amendment allows firearms in parks and wildlife refuges, as long as they are allowed by federal, state and local law."

"'If an American citizen has a right to carry a firearm in their state, it makes no sense to treat them like a criminal if they pass through a national park while in possession of a firearm,' Coburn said."

"Twenty-seven Democrats joined 39 Republicans and one independent in supporting the amendment ..." ...

Shooting at alma mater even more disturbing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "When a shooting occurs at a school that you attended, it's even more troubling than usual." ...

"And all of the same questions were asked again."

"How was Justin-Jinich's shooter able to get a gun? Where was it purchased? Was it bought legally or illegally? How can we keep guns out of the hands of killers?"

"Assemblywoman Amy Paulin has proposed tightening some of New York's gun regulations." ...

"Of course laws won't prevent all violence." ...

"But she adds, we should not back off gun laws just because they will not be failure proof." ...

KABA Note: So when these laws don't actually work Ms. Paulin can come back with more rights destroying legislation using the same arguments.

LA: Guns on campus bill moves to House floor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Over the objections of university officials, including campus police, a House committee has approved allowing the carrying of concealed weapons on college campuses."

"The House Criminal Justice Committee voted 9-6 to approve HB27 by its chairman, Rep. Ernest Wooton, R-Belle Chasse. He got the committee’s approval last year but widespread opposition led him to withdraw the bill before it was voted on by the House."

"Armed with the backing of Gov. Bobby Jindal and the National Rifle Association, Wooton is moving forward this year."

"'I am a strong believer in the Second Amendment rights,' Jindal said. 'If the bill gets to my desk, I will sign it.'" ...

Soldier held in killings 'snapped,' dad says
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"The father of the soldier charged with killing five fellow troops in Iraq said Tuesday that he believes his son snapped after counselors in a military stress center 'broke' him." ...

"[Maj. Gen.] Perkins told reporters that Russell ... was sent to the mental health clinic by his superiors ..."

"He said the commander had ordered Russell's weapon taken away from him but somehow he got a new weapon, entered the clinic and opened fire." ...

"However, a Pentagon official said in Washington that Russell had been escorted to the clinic, but once inside argued with the staff and was asked to leave."

"After he drove away, Russell apparently seized his escort's weapon and returned to the clinic ..." ...

Does ATF Want Seized Property Notices Noticed?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Most gun owners don't even know about this--and that seems intentional. ATF is doing the bare minimum to comply. This information appears nowhere else--for now. Please help change that and spread it far and wide.

CA: LA-area deputy shoots boy carrying toy handgun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Authorities say a 15-year-old boy who was shot while playing with a toy gun pointed the fake weapon at sheriff's deputies.

Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Jeff Gordon says the boy was hospitalized in stable condition Monday and was expected to fully recover. His name was not released.

Gordon says authorities received reports of someone on a bicycle brandishing a handgun Sunday in Palmdale, north of Los Angeles. He says deputies spotted the rider and ordered him to drop the weapon, but that the boy pointed it at them instead. A deputy then shot the boy.

Gordon says the gun resembled a black semiautomatic pistol and lacked the orange tip found on most toys to distinguish them from real weapons.

PA: Off-Duty Officer Suspected Of Drunken Driving
Submitted by: jac

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"A police report provided more details in the case of a Lancaster County police officer suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol."

"[The] report states Officer Daniel Bell was off-duty when he crashed his Jeep Cherokee into a parked car. ... responding officers noticed the smell of alcohol on Bell's breath and that he was, 'staggering and slurring his speech.'" ...

"The police report also indicates Bell said he was texting on his cell phone right before the crash."

"Bell left the scene of the crash, police said."

"Investigators found Bell's badge and a .25-caliber handgun unattended in his crashed Jeep. An officer later found Bell walking through a nearby field and arrested him." ...

NY: Ex-New York City transit cop sentenced in Muhlenberg Township bank robbery
Submitted by: jac

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"A former New York City transit policeman was sentenced Monday to 10 years and one month in federal prison for an April 2008 holdup of a Muhlenberg Township bank and threatening three employees, one of whom was nine months pregnant."

"Christian A. Torres, 22, of the Bronx apologized to U.S. District Court Judge Thomas M. Golden at sentencing in federal court in Philadelphia for robbing the Sovereign Bank ... of $113,000 ..."

"Torres was a New York City police officer from July 9, 2007, to April 10, 2008, when he resigned ..."

"Torres said he never meant to hurt anyone and hopes to become a productive member of society."

"He pleaded guilty June 16 in Philadelphia federal court to robbery and weapons offences." ...

NY: Got guns? Buyback program offers $200 per gun
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In a bid to get guns off streets, a Freeport church will open its doors Saturday to accept illegal handguns in exchange for $200 in cash, law enforcement and elected officials announced Tuesday."

"The gun buyback program ... is anonymous. 'No questions asked, no identity given, no cameras, no recordings,' said Nassau Police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey."

"Residents will have a window from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to drop off weapons ..."

"For each handgun, participants will receive $200 enclosed in an envelope, police said at a news conference in Mineola headquarters Tuesday." ...

"Nationally, research has shown that guns given up at buybacks aren't likely to have been used in previous crimes." ...

NC: Spring Lake Police Department stripped of authority
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two Spring Lake police sergeants have been arrested and their department has been stripped of its criminal investigation duties."

"The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office has full authority in the town, officials said, and has also assumed all 911 calls to the police department."

"In a letter Monday to Chief District Judge Elizabeth Keever, District Attorney Edward Grannis said he has also dismissed the majority of the police department's pending misdemeanor cases."

"He said he suspects senior officers of lying and directing other officers to fabricate facts in police reports."

"'We can no longer rely upon the basic presumed integrity of the work product of this department,' he said." ...

Gun laws and unintended consequences
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Although the title of this article borrows heavily from the must-read book by John Ross, the article is only very loosely related ..."

"Instead, I refer only to the unprecedented, sustained spike in firearm and ammunition sales since the election of Barack Obama. Since the election, even those who have no interest in gun issues ... can scarcely have avoided hearing and reading innumerable accounts of the vastly accelerated rate at which the American people are arming themselves."

"The primary reason for this, of course, is concern that draconian gun laws are on the way ..." ...

"Here's a piece of free advice for those alarmed about the accelerated pace of firearms and ammunition purchases: stop making us think they're necessary."

Guns, ammo in short supply
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gil Hebard — owner of a gun store in Knoxville — can't buy enough ammunition to keep up with demand."

"'It started when Obama was elected,' Hebard said about the surge in demand for firearms and ammunition. Gun fans are worried the president will clamp down on their rights and are stockpiling supplies in case that happens."

"'Nationwide, people are worried about Obama,' Hebard said. He is convinced the new administration will move to tighten gun controls. 'It's not if it will happen it's when they will start gun legislation,' he said."

"For the firearm and ammunition producers, fears over the president's plans are boosting sales, at least for now ..." ...

NY: Long Island to hold 2nd gun buyback
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Long Island officials say Nassau County's first gun buyback went so well it has encouraged them to hold a second event to take additional illegal guns off the streets.

Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi and Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy will announce details on Tuesday in Mineola.

Authorities netted 424 illegal guns on the first buyback day last December. It was Nassau County's first gun buyback program in 20 years.

The more than $80,000 used to purchase guns had been seized in criminal investigations.

The latest buyback day will be on Saturday, May 16, at the Zion Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Freeport.

Individuals will receive $200 a handgun and $20 for a BB gun, no questions asked.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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