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Newslinks for 5/13/2010

Court: Hutaree to Stay Jailed for Now
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What the court decides to do after arguments from both sides are heard will certainly be interesting, and possibly indicative of how compelling the government's case really is." ...

Author's Note: Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes some deadlines, after which we should learn more.

Also get an update on the Louisiana guns-in-parks bill, watch part two of my DC rally speech, and find out what we're talking about on Trigger Sports LIVE!

Michael Bellesiles and the Bogus NRA Conspiracy
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Eugene quotes from an editor at the New Press who is peddling the ridiculous idea that Bellesiles was a victim of an NRA conspiracy instead of someone who destroyed his own career by writing a book (Arming America) that did not hold up when some of us checked his evidence, including work based on hundreds of non-existent documents."

"The idea that the NRA had anything substantial to do with the Bellesiles case is utter nonsense." ...

Kagan Was 'Not Sympathetic' as Law Clerk to Gun-Rights Argument
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Elena Kagan said as a U.S. Supreme Court law clerk in 1987 that she was 'not sympathetic' toward a man who contended that his constitutional rights were violated when he was convicted for carrying an unlicensed pistol."

"Kagan, whom President Barack Obama nominated to the high court this week, made the comment to Justice Thurgood Marshall, urging him in a one-paragraph memo to vote against hearing the District of Columbia man's appeal."

"The man's 'sole contention is that the District of Columbia's firearms statutes violate his constitutional right to 'keep and bear arms,' Kagan wrote. 'I'm not sympathetic.'" ...

Scoring Elena: NRA Sizes Up Candidate's Record on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roughly 70,000 gun owners are currently gathering at the National Rifle Association meeting in Charlotte, N.C., a city that's already got a place in gun-rights history."

"Charlotte's where, ten years ago, then-NRA President Charlton Heston raised a replica of a Revolutionary War musket over his head, thundering, 'From my cold, dead hands!'"

"One thing gun owners won't hear this weekend is whether the NRA is for or against adding Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. An NRA spokesman tells us it hasn't completed its vetting of Kagan yet."

"Kagan lacks a written judicial record on the right to bear arms. But the NRA likely is unhappy with her role in the Clinton administration’s gun-control efforts ..." ...

Kagan Argued for Government 'Redistribution of Speech'
Submitted by: Larry

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"Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said the high court should be focused on ferreting out improper governmental motives when deciding First Amendment cases, arguing that the government’s reasons for restricting free speech were what mattered most and not necessarily the effect of those restrictions on speech." ...

Hat tip to

The Ultimate BOB (Bug Out Bag)
Submitted by: david wolfe

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"'Which is heavier a soldier's pack or a slaves chains' Napoleon"

"Soon after you confront the matter and necessity of survival planing and stockpiling, another question will occur to you: 'What will I do if I lose all this stuff?'"

"It's a fundamental question, and it has a fundamental answer: You need a backup plan and a bug out bag." ...

"No matter how well-armed or prepared you are, you can be overran by a large enough force, remember Waco? Sometimes escape is the only option, or at least the only one that will keep you alive."

"Having a bug out bag and avenue of escape makes sense. If you can put some distance between yourself and the threat, there is always the option of a launching a retaliatory strike from a more favorable position." ...

Majority Of Americans Oppose Open Carrying Of Loaded Firearms (POLL)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A majority of Americans are opposed to open carry laws that allow Americans to visibly carry loaded guns out in public, a new poll finds."

"According to a poll released by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Wednesday, 52 percent of respondents were against 'people in general' openly possessing loaded firearms in public places. 44 percent were in favor. Additionally, 50 percent said they felt 'less safe' knowing that non-law enforcement officials were allowed to carry guns in public, while 38 percent felt 'more safe.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Feelings, schmeelings the facts show that people are safer. As for "people in general" carrying guns, did the Brady Bunch mention that felons, druggies, boozers and loons are "prohibited persons" under current federal law, and therefore would not be able to carry? Not that I agreee, mind you. I am firmly with David Codrea on this one: If someone can't be trusted with a firearm, they can't be trusted without a custodian.

AZ: Police: 1 killed, 4 wounded in Ariz. shootout
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Police say one man is dead and three others are wounded after they attempted to rob an Arizona store and got into a shootout with the owner and an employee."

"Police say the shooting happened Tuesday night after the four men entered and tried to hold up the Tucson store M&M Customs, which sells auto alarms and stereos."

"While the men confronted an employee, the store's owner brandished a gun and a shootout ensued. At some point, the employee also pulled a gun and fired at the suspected robbers." ...

"Police say the business owner suffered a non-life-threatening wound."

Editor's Note: *sniff* I love a happy ending . . .

FL: Census worker attacked with pickaxe in Tampa
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 65-year old Tampa man is facing an aggravated battery charge, accused of attacking a US Census worker with a pickaxe."

"Police say the alleged incident occurred in front of Willie Thigpen's apartment on Mulberry Drive in the Sulphur Springs area of North Tampa."

"Investigators believe the census worker, 52-year old Gregory Sijesta, was walking through the neighborhood door to door when he encountered a very upset Thigpen."

"'He confronted the worker then went out to his car and pulled out a 10 pound pickaxe, and threatened him with it and tried to hit him with it,' says Tampa Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy." ...

Editor's Note: When I worked the Census in 2000, we were told that if we carried defensive items, even so much as pepper spray, we would be criminally charged.

China: Chinese attacker kills 7 children, 2 adults with meat cleaver
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the deadliest of the rampages that have terrorized China's schools, a middle-aged man on Wednesday hacked to death seven children and two adults with a meat cleaver at a preschool in Shaanxi province before going home and killing himself."

"The attacker was identified as 48-year-old Wu Huanming, who owned the building that housed the Linchang Village school ..."

"Wu burst into the school about 8 a.m. as the children were arriving. Out of a class of about 20 children, all but three were killed or injured. ..."

"The killings deepened the despair in China over the seemingly unstoppable string of attacks on schools. Since March 23 ... children in small towns around the country have been stabbed, hacked and bludgeoned ..." ...

KABA Note: But none have been shot. See? Gun control works!

Submitter's Note: No guns = a violence-free Utopia! Hmmm, maybe not.

Politicians: Far More Dangerous than Terrorists
Submitted by: Larry

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"So the dictatorial Attorney General of a dictatorial administration has opined that keeping the homeland secure requires “modifying” the Miranda warning read to criminal suspects ..."

"His excuse is the usual one: 'We're now dealing with international terrorism,' Eric Holder announced last weekend. '... I think we have to give serious consideration to at least modifying [the laws surrounding Miranda]… That's one of the things that I think we're going to be reaching out to Congress to do ...'"

"Politicians and bureaucrats incessantly claim that 9/11 changed everything. The old, established methods of protecting life and property no longer work, especially those methods the U.S. Constitution prescribes. ..." ...

Hat tip to

Guns and Mental Illness
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Title 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4) criminalizes gun possession by (among others) anyone 'who has been committed to a mental institution.' This includes relatively brief commitments, and from 1992 until 2007 this covered anyone who had ever been so committed, with no opportunity for relief. ..."

"But the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, enacted in January 2008, and codified in a Note following 18 U.S.C. § 922 changed this — but I just don't know how much. Here are the most relevant provisions ..." ...

NY: Legislators butt heads over gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The State Assembly introduced three bills Wednesday that supporters say will make New York a safer place. Opponents argue all the proposed legislation would do is infringe on Second Amendment rights."

"The main bill would outlaw the sale of all semi-automatic handguns not equipped with microstamping technology."

"Microstamping is a new technology meant to make investigating gun crimes easier. A microstamping gun stamps the bullet case with a code, so investigators know what gun that shell casing came from."

"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) says it will make New Yorkers safer and make law enforcement officer's job easier." ...

WV: Gun Issues on Agenda for Special Legislative Session
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Today, Governor Joe Manchin called a special session of the Legislature beginning at noon tomorrow."

"Among the issues on the Governor's call is 'Legislation relating to dangerous weapons; and addressing certain criminal penalties and fines.'"

"Beginning on Monday, several legislators and staffers began informing me that the Governor would include a revived 'Anti-Bloomer bill' on his special session agenda. I have seen a draft of the Governor's proposed bill and approve of it." ...

NY: Let's Maintain Our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is well known that New York state already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Nevertheless, each year the Assembly Democratic majority puts forth a legislative gun package which contains bills that would place additional burdens on legal New York gun owners."

"This legislative package is marketed as a way to make our communities and families safer. However, on close inspection and after vigorous debate, it becomes clear that if these bills are passed they would not accomplish their stated goal but rather simply further erode our second amendment rights." ...

PA: Police cops a pathetic plea
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sgt. Robert Ralston, a 46-year-old Philadelphia police officer, admitted yesterday to having lied about being shot by at on April 6, while patrolling one of the city's high crime neighborhoods. The cop's confession, however, came some five weeks after the city had launched a massive manhunt in the heavily minority-populated area in search of Ralston’s phantom assailant."

"The officer had described his attacker as a black male with 'cornrows' and a 'mark or tattoo under his left eye.' The level of detail with which Ralston embellished his tale made it sound that much more authentic. Plus, who would question the word of a 21-year veteran in blue?" ...

PA: Ex-cop charged with assaulting woman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Philadelphia police officer was arrested Wednesday on charges of assaulting, threatening and stalking a female friend earlier this year."

"Anthony Floyd, 46, a member of the Narcotics Intensive drug investigations unit and a 26-year veteran of the department, retired Tuesday after learning of the charges he was facing: simple assault, making terroristic threats, stalking, reckless endangerment and harassment."

"Floyd is the third Philadelphia police officer in less than a week to land in the news thanks to a career-ending scandal. ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: He's been an "ex-cop" since Tuesday!

PA: Disgraced Former Cop: A Troubled Career
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Yesterday, Philadelphia Police Sergeant Robert Ralston was removed from the force after investigators say he admitted to shooting himself and pinning it on two phantom 'black men.'"

"... The former sergeant sustained four internal affair investigations that resulted in disciplinary action ranging from one day to five day suspensions."

"When Ralston came up for a promotion to sergeant back in November of 2007, he went before a promotion panel comprised of two highly respected captains and an inspector."

"The interviews him and reviewed his record. The conclusion? They recommended against promoting Ralston to sergeant. [Commissioner] Ramsey predecessor promoted him anyway." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Another cop who's been "former" since Tuesday.

UT: Unified police on mission to get rid of Spice
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"Police in Salt Lake County launched a crackdown of sorts Wednesday on an over-the-counter substitute for marijuana."

"For now, police are just giving a gentle request that shop owners stop selling the popular product known as Spice, but they're threatening to get tough later."

"... Spice is right there on the shelves under a variety of brand names. Officers are giving shopkeepers a letter asking for voluntary removal." ...

"Under the law, Spice is not specifically banned ... But in their briefing, officers were told it falls under a general provision in the law." ...

"Officers admit that interpretation is shaky and needs clarification ..." ... [emphasis added]

Submitter's note: um WOW, just wow. The endless "drug war" has given these cops a definite "god" complex. Scary doesn't begin to describe this. I would like to think I would have the courage to rip it up right in front of their Gestapo-ish faces.

WA: Sophisticated filters are good for libraries to protect children
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By their very nature, librarians want to make as much information as possible available to the public. The thought of limiting access to printed material is foreign to most librarians."

"That's why librarians throughout the state have struggled with proposals to put filters on library computers to limit public access to certain files." ...

"To prevent sensitive information from getting into the hands of children, in October 2006 the North Central library installed a widely used filtering system."

"Three patrons complained that their access to a 'women and guns' website of the Second Amendment Foundation was blocked through the library filter. The plaintiffs sued .." ...

Submitter's Note: According to the HearaldNet "The plaintiffs include a Ferry County woman who wanted to do research on tobacco use by youth; a professional photographer blocked from using YouTube and from researching art galleries and health issues; and an Okanogan man unable to get access to his blog, as well as information relating to gun use by hunters." But I guess as long as the chiiildren are "protected" from porno it's okay to filter out lots of other stuff.

UT: Community fair aims to reduce crime, increase homeowner pride
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"A sudden spike in gang crime threatened to shut down an Ogden neighborhood. But one woman, shocked at the complacency of some, refused to give up." ...

Wald put together a Power Point presentation sarcastically outlining the problems with the neighborhood and gave it to Ogden leaders [who] ... set up a brainstorming meeting between Wald and 12 city officials."

"The Ron Claire Community Fair came out of that meeting. Last summer, 300 neighbors wandered throughout 60 booths including several that offered information on job opportunities..." ...

Submitter's note: WARNING, lots of symbolism and good intentions in this story. In addition neighborhood could "shut down?" Armed residents would work better than booths at a fair but why SOLVE a problem when you can have a symbolic get together?

No law ever written has stopped any robber, rapist or killer, like cold blue steel in the hands of their last intended victim. — W. Emerson Wright

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