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Newslinks for 5/14/2009

Coburn Amendment a Win for Common Sense, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A key amendment that would allow national park visitors to carry concealed firearms in accordance with state statute is a common sense provision that deserves support, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."

"Sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), the amendment - added to House and Senate credit card legislation - was adopted by an overwhelming 67-29 Senate vote Tuesday, showing broad bipartisan support. If passed into law, Coburn's amendment will essentially restore a new national parks concealed carry rule that became effective in January, but was challenged in court by the gun ban lobby." ...

The Mexican 'Dog and Pony Show' on Guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'A big game.'"

"One where the stakes could not be higher. And one where our opponents are professional hustlers."

"No wonder they want to cheat us out of our guns."

Obama 'Bitterly Clinging' to His Fake Gun Numbers
Submitted by: Larry

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"American gun-owners, en masse, are 'casting their ballots' on how much they believe Barack Obama’s campaign-trail promise to 'not take away your guns.'"

"They’re driving the price of ammo through the roof, swarming gun shows and leaving the pallets and floors of the ammo suppliers’ booths as naked as a wheat field after the locusts pass through." ...

"The gun-grabbers and hoplophobes – now nearing a veto-proof majority in Congress ... – don’t have to 'take away our guns' if they can sign some kind of international treaty ... that bans ammunition reloading as 'manufacturing without a license,' and then drives the price of both firearms and ammunition through the roof by requiring every bullet and brass cartridge to bear some kind of 'matching but unique identifying number,' ..." ...

States' Gun Rights: The Next Constitutional Battlefield
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The right to bear arms is famously and specifically referenced in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Alas, for advocates of the right, the language of the amendment gets tangled up in the regulating of militias and the interpretation of commas. Now a multistate movement is trying to find more robust constitutional support in another amendment, which makes no mention of weaponry at all."

"The 10th Amendment declares, 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' ... Now the Amendment is being invoked by pro-gun advocates to press for state, rather than federal, regulation of gun manufacturers. ..." ...

State Sovereignty: Follow-up on my Senator Brogdon Interview
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've been getting positive feedback from my audio interview with Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brodgon. You can hear that on mp3 by clicking through here."

"With the increasing footprint or some would say Grip of federal governance, there has come an increase in the assumption of powers not granted. Attending these powers not granted is a attitude of self-protection against the will and authority of the electorate to object. Disparaging remarks of those as extremist is fooling fewer and fewer constituents who are now expressing interest in a very intriguing movement, state secession in order to get out from under bigger government." ...

NRA gathering in Phoenix this weekend
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When tens of thousands of gun rights activists, collectors, target shooters and hunters – all members of the [NRA] – descend on the Phoenix, Ariz. Convention Center this weekend, it could be a pretty rambunctious gathering."

"American gun owners, many of whom voted for Democrat Barack Obama because they wanted 'change,' are apparently now suffering from 'buyer's remorse.' The evidence is there in the sharp increase in NRA membership renewals and applications, combined with a frenzy of gun and ammunition buying ..."

"The NRA is an organization that historically fights best from circled wagons. Right now, gun owner fear about a Democrat-controlled Congress and Oval Office has those wagons circled tightly, waiting for attack." ...

Court limits gun suit in LA Jewish center attack
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit against gun maker Glock Inc. and a Seattle gun dealer stemming from a white supremacist's 1999 shooting rampage at a Los Angeles-area Jewish center ..." ...

"On Aug. 10, 1999, white supremacist Buford Furrow of Olympia, Wash., wounded three little children, a teenager and an adult at the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills. He later killed letter carrier Joseph S. Ileto. Authorities said he was carrying at least seven firearms, which he possessed illegally." ...

"Relatives of the victims sued Georgia-based Glock Inc., dealer RSR Wholesale Guns Seattle and the Chinese manufacturer China North Industries Corp., claiming they were liable for negligence. ..." ...

Olofson appeal denied
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"By now most gun owners know that David Olofson's appeal was denied."

"To refresh your memory, David is the Berlin, Wi resident imprisoned in Sandstone Federal Correctional Institution because of a mal-functioning AR-15. He has been at Sandstone since July last year."

"The appeal of his case was heard by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago last January. I was in the courtroom."

"David's fight goes on. According to David, the next step is a hearing in front of the 'whole of the 7th Circuit Appellate Judges.' He tells me Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America 'has again stepped forward to take the burden of the massive financial obligation.'"

"The case will be pursued to the US Supreme court if necessary." ...

Promises on the firing line
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"In the past few months, some 50 people have been slaughtered in the United States in mass attacks involving firearms. Police officers in Oakland, Calif., and Pittsburgh were mowed down by gunmen using assault weapons. In the past year, thousands have been killed in Mexico, victims of crime rings that cavalierly buy and then smuggle assault weapons from the United States."

"Mexican President Felipe Calderon and President Obama said during a news conference in Mexico City last month that roughly 90 percent of the weapons seized in operations against organized crime in Mexico came from the United States. ..." ...

KABA Note: And in a shocking update: They lied!

Gun Rights and Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I write concerning '[NYAGV] Stage 'Lie In' ... and wish to make an observation with regard to it."

"While the Virginia Tech and Binghamton tragedies were and are horrific and appalling, they are by no means indicative of pistol license holders in general and should not be construed as such ... To do so is akin to likening every licensed driver to one convicted of harming another after driving while intoxicated."

"While not a member of [NYAGV], I most certainly consider myself to be just that—a New Yorker against gun violence. However, blanket legislation that infringes upon the rights of law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment is unfair and unnecessary." ...

Reasonable regulations are needed on firearms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I have been a hunter, target shooter and gun enthusiast for almost half a century. I’ve enjoyed the thrill of deer and varmint hunting ..."

"But I also read newspapers and watch television news. And I am appalled by the ever increasing carnage involving guns in the hands of mentally unstable people of all ages, especially when it involves children." ...

"... A first step to sane gun control is to implement a federal FBI handgun registration database and require all states to play by the same rules."

"I would go further. I would register all guns to assist law enforcement in tracking guns used in crimes. I would keep track of ammunition sales. I would make it a crime to keep unsecured guns in homes with children." ...

Alexander Shows Backbone, Votes Against Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"All praise to Lamar Alexander for mustering the courage to cast the only Republican vote today against allowing guns in national parks."

"'I have consistently been a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights, but this legislation goes too far - further than President Reagan, further than President Bush, and further than Tennessee law,' Alexander says."

"Sen. Tom Coburn sponsored the amendment. 'If an American citizen has a right to carry a firearm in their state, it makes no sense to treat them like a criminal if they pass through a national park while in possession of a firearm,' he says." ...

Gun Owners Overturn National Parks Gun Ban
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Gun Owners of America (GOA) won a long-fought victory in the U.S. Senate yesterday with the passage of an amendment to repeal the gun ban on National Park Service (NPS) and National Wildlife Refuge System land."

"GOA was the driving force behind this amendment and lobbied Senators hard prior to the vote to get the provision passed. The amendment, offered by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 67-29. ..." ...

Senate Votes to Allow Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate passed an amendment Tuesday by a 67-29 vote that will allow visitors to carry loaded firearms inside national parks and wildlife refuges. Offered by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Senate Amendment 1067 would prevent the secretary of the Interior from promulgating or enforcing any regulation that prohibits an individual from possessing a firearm in any unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System if the individual is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm and the possession of the firearm complies with the law of the state where the park or wildlife refuge is located." ...

Senate okays loaded guns, semiautomatic weapons in Yellowstone
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate Tuesday passed an amendment allowing the legal holders of loaded guns, rifles and semiautomatic weapons to carry them into Yellowstone National Park as long as state and local law allowed it. The amendment to a bill restricting the rights of credit-card companies passed by a 67-29 margin, attracting 39 Republican votes, 27 Democratic votes and one independent vote."

"'If an American citizen has a right to carry a firearm in their state, it makes no sense to treat them like a criminal if they pass through a national park while in possession of a firearm,' said sponsor Sen. Tom Coburn ... during debate on the floor on the Senate ..." ...

NY: Robbery at Brooklyn auto shop foiled by off-duty cop
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"An off-duty cop shot and killed an armed robber during a brazen stickup in a Brooklyn auto shop Saturday ..."

"Ray Williams, 49, was getting his 1998 Lexus repaired ... when two men walked in and asked for a used car battery ... One of the men, his hand palming a concealed .45-caliber handgun, pulled out the weapon and announced a robbery ..."

"'Everybody get on the ground! Everybody get on the ground!' the gunman yelled, a witness told the Daily News."

"The stunned customers and a manager froze. A moment later, Williams, a narcotics detective, identified himself and drew his gun."

"That's when the bullets started flying at the E. 42nd St. shop. It was unclear who shot first, police said." ...

MI: Detroit woman fires shots through window at would-be intruders
Submitted by: Freedom Trainer Target

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A homeowner on the Detroit's east side thwarted three robbers by firing out of her bedroom as the men made their way up the steps inside her home, according to police.

A neighbor at 5 a.m. today noticed the three men breaking in the kitchen window of the home in the 900 block of Algonquin, according to Detroit Police.

He called the cell phone of the man who lives there, who was on his way home from work. The homeowner then called his wife, woke her and told her to get their gun.

Hearing footsteps on the stairs, she fired a number of shots, missing the thieves. The husband arrived home just as the men were climbing back out of the window, and they escaped.

Congressional Democrats introduce legislation to ban sales of guns between individuals at gun shows
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Cybercast News Service is reporting that Congressional Democrats have introduced legislation that would ban the sale of guns between individuals at gun shows. The legislators staged a press conference with a few survivors of students killed at Virginia Tech, even though the mass murderer responsible for the Virginia Tech massacre did not acquire his guns at gun shows (nor was he deterred by the Commonwealth of Virginia's one-gun-a-month rule)." ...

"'I think it's very important,' Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) told ..." ...

"The Senator offered no proof for her claims that felons and juveniles can currently buy guns at gun shows, since purchases and possession by either are already prohibited by law ..." ...

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Separate topic. The [NRA] is going to meet this weekend. And they tout that their membership has increased 30 percent since the President was inaugurated. And they say that's because there is some palpable anxiety ... that people have about their gun rights. I'd like you to address that generally. What does the White House think about that? ... And more specifically, Senator Feinstein has committed publicly to bringing the assault weapons ban to the floor of the Senate and pursuing that legislatively this year. If that were to pass through Congress, would the President sign or veto that?"

"MR. GIBBS: I think the President's views on the support of an assault weapons ban, as he said in the campaign, are known. ..." ...

Missouri campus carry bill needs help
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've written about Missouri House Bill 668 before ... The bill has several pro-self-defense provisions ... The biggest part of HB 668, though, came in an amendment that would end the status of Missouri college and university campuses as self-defense-free zones. Students, faculty, and staff, in other words, who are licensed to carry a defensive firearm nearly everywhere else in the state of Missouri would now be able to do so on campus, as well."

"Such legislation, as one might imagine, faces a hard battle everywhere it is introduced, so deeply entrenched is the idea that people on college campuses should be unable to defend themselves effectively against armed psychopaths." ...

NY: NYS Lawmakers Looking At New Gun Laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A month after the American Civic Association shootings, lawmakers are looking at new gun laws."

"The shooter, Jiverly Wong, had a pistol permit."

"There's speculation he also had mental health issues."

"The New York State Assembly passed a comprehensive package to combat gun violence." ...

"New Yorkers are granted pistol permits for life."

"But, some state lawmakers are proposing that people reapply for permits every 5-years." ...

"State Senator Tom Libous says he would vote no."

"Instead, he proposes a renewal process using an FBI database background check every 5 years."

"'They don't have to go through the court and the judge and ... getting resumes and sponsorship.' said Libous." ...

Texas Case May Spur Drug Money Rule Change (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The NPR series Dirty Money revealed how some police agencies abuse a law that allows them to confiscate suspected drug money. The problems continue, but in Texas that might be about to change. A police scandal has added urgency to reform efforts in the statehouse.

H/t to David Codrea.

FBI detention of Ashton Lundeby: Did they do it for the 'lulz?'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Never did I suspect that in writing about the possible Patriot Act detention of Ashton Lundeby, I would end up describing 'trolls' and 'lulz' and a chaotic entity called 'Anonymous' – all via readers who left comments ..."

"Lundeby’s mother, Annette, maintains she was denied access to her son for three weeks after he was arrested ... She points to his two-month detention without being charged and to abrogation of due process as evidence he is being held under the Patriot Act."

"Indeed, the office of US Attorney David Capp responded with a very narrowly crafted press release saying one charge for which he is being held is 'unrelated to the Patriot Act,' while not mentioning other charges for which the Patriot Act might be applied. ..." ...

Martial Law in Microcosm: The Beating of Pastor Steven Anderson
Submitted by: Larry

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"'I'm a police officer; I'm ordering you out of the car,' snarls a uniformed tax-feeder in the newly released video of the April 14 beating of Pastor Steven Anderson near Yuma."

"'What am I being arrested for?' asks Anderson."

"'For failing to obey me right now,' huffs the armed parasite."

"In addition to being a splendid specimen of the martial law mind-set (a guy in a uniform barks, and the rest of us timidly submit), this is a museum-quality example of something far too many* uniformed goons do far too well: Manufacturing a 'crime' to justify beating down a civilian who fails to render proper subservience."

"Anderson had prompted the ire of the Border Patrol by refusing to submit to an unconstitutional search ..." ...

PA: Ex-Cop Pleads Guilty To Child Porn Charges
Submitted by: jac

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"A former police officer pleaded guilty today to three counts of possessing child pornography. Charles Staso, a former sergeant for the Colebrookdale Township Police Department near Boyertown, was arrested in February after State Police say they found pornographic video and pictures on his home computer."

"Staso resigned from his job the day before his arrest. He's scheduled to be sentenced September 5."

"At the time of his arrest, Chief Christopher Schott, said in a written statement, 'Police officers are and have to be held to a higher standard in conducting their everyday affairs. They cannot be doing drugs, stealing or committing other crimes that we investigate and prosecute people for.'" ...

KY: Bowling Green Police Officer Resigns Following Charges
Submitted by: jgh
Website: http:///

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"A Bowling Green police officer resigns from the force in Warren District Court today."

"Kentucky State Police say Brad Fulks resigned after KSP's Drug Enforcement and Special Investigations Unit charged him with official misconduct first degree." ...

"But Fulks' attorney, Alan Simpson, told us it's because Fulks admitted to accessing someone's background information for no official reason." ...

"This isn't the first time Fulks has been in trouble with the force."

"In May of 2007, the Bowling Green City Commission found Fulks guilty of allowing minors to drink in his apartment and insubordination." ...

A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms. — Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Framer (1788) at p. 169

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