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Newslinks for 5/14/2010

Will Arms Trade Treaty Reduce Human Rights Violations in Africa?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Anybody think the solution to human rights violations is to submit to a monopoly of violence solidified by proposed international controls, where we can all become more like Africa...? Hey, at least if your kid gets picked to wear the uniform, it means he's going to eat..." ...

Also link up with yesterday's Trigger Sports LIVE! show, and find out what's happening with the campus concealed carry movement.

The Rescuing Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Events in recent days remind us that while the firearm is seen at law as a deadly weapon, it is also sometimes seen in logic as a tool of rescue."

"CALIFORNIA: A drugged-up gang-banger who has flunked mental health treatment takes his mother hostage. When he points a gun at her head, two snipers from the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department SWAT team dispatch him with surgical rifle fire, saving her life." ...

"These are clear lessons, seen every day around the world. These happened to involve rescuers in uniform. Sometimes, the rescuers are ordinary citizens, whose guns extinguish the threat and protect innocent lives. Often, the mere drawing of the gun is enough to forestall danger, with no blood shed on either side." ...

The trouble with US terrorist watchlists...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What do the late Senator Edward Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, American Airlines pilot Kiernan O'Dwyer, Democratic congressman John Lewis and Sam Adams, aged 5, have in common? They have all been on one of America's terrorist watch lists and found it easier to get on the list than off it." ...

"Under current law, the background checks licensed gun dealers must perform are designed to stop sales to nine categories of people ..."

"The categories do not include 'suspicion' and the NRA argues that suspicion is not enough for Congress to curb or take away the constitutional right, enshrined in the second amendment, to own and bear arms. ..."

Paper trail or not, with Elana Kagan what you see is what you get
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Kagan clerked for a knee-jerk liberal Justice -- Thurgood Marshall -- whom she appears to have idolized. Previously, she clerked for the deeply liberal appeals court judge Abner Mikva. A memo has already come to light from Kagan's days as a Supreme Court clerk that showd her to be a dedicated liberal on the issue of Second Amendment rights. There almost certainly are more where that came from."

"In the past two decades, Kagan has served in two Democratic administrations (similarly, Roberts had served in two Republican ones). She is a reliable contributor to Democratic campaigns and was a heavy contributor to Obama's." ...

Kagan's Inaction on Second Amendment Case Raises Questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much of the discussion and speculation about Elena Kagan's legal philosophy is limited by her very thin record ... a lack of action — particularly in her current job — can be an important indication of her views on an issue."

"The Supreme Court is in the process of deciding a landmark Second Amendment issue in McDonald v. Chicago that also raises an even more profound question related to the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. ... Yet in her capacity as solicitor general, Elena Kagan decided not to file a brief or participate in what may be the most important Second Amendment case in our nation's history — and potentially the most important constitutional law case of any type this decade." ...

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan's Thin Record on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During a meeting yesterday, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) showed Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan the flintlock rifle he received as NRA's 'Man of the Year,' to which Kagan responded, 'It's beautiful . . . It's gorgeous,' reports ABC News."

"Despite that friendly exchange, Kagan's record on gun rights is sparse. Never having been a judge, she has not written a judicial opinion about the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. What little she has written on the subject has been discussed in recent news stories and blog posts, as the media and firearm owners look for indications about how strongly she would support the Second Amendment if confirmed to serve on the high court." ...

Supreme Court Cases That Changed Our World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The sixth case is District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. (2008) ... I personally believe they got this one wrong because I believe it is within a citizen militia that someone has the right to bear arms. But I could agree with the case if individuals were allowed to bear the kind of arms that the founding fathers had when they wrote the second amendment. I doubt the ever envisioned such weapons as automatic handguns that can an entire clip in less time that it would have taken the founding fathers to pour the powder into their musket." ...

Submitter's Note: So you would be okay with people bearing arms that are as good or better than those issued to the military? Because those were exactly the guns the founders meant. The famous 'Kentucky rifle' of the Revolution was significantly better than the British Army's 'Brown Bess'.

NC: Welcome, NRA - and please don't shoot!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First things first. Welcome to Charlotte, NRA conventioneers. We hope you have a fun visit to the Queen City, and we sincerely hope all 70,000 of you have only happy experiences and nothing upsets you. Especially if you are packing heat. We know not all of you are, but it does give a body pause." ...

"While we don't want to sound churlish in our welcome, we must note that this editorial board and the NRA tend to differ on many gun-related issues. For instance, we don't believe the Second Amendment grants unlimited freedom of gun-ownership any more than the First Amendment grants free speech rights so absolute they include the right to wrongly shout 'fire' in a crowded theater." ...

Submitter's Note: What the 'editorial board' fails to mention is that if the right to shout 'fire' were treated the same way as the right to keep and bear arms, you would need to submit an applcation, pay a fee, go through a background check and pay for hours of training (and in some states even that wouldn't be enough) or else allow yourself to be gagged before you could even enter the theatre.

TX: Quanell X: If you shoot one more black man in Bellaire, your city will go up in flames
Submitted by: Larry

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"The turnout was low, but the emotions ran high Wednesday for a group of protesters upset over the not guilty verdict in the trial of a Bellaire cop."

"Sgt. Jeffrey Cotton was on trial for aggravated assault by a public servant for shooting Robbie Tolan in front of his Bellaire home on New Year's Eve 2008. ..." ...

"On Tuesday, jurors acquitted Cotton after listening to a week of testimony."

"Local activist Quanell X organized a protest Wednesday outside the Bellaire Police Department."

"'This cop is a criminal, this cop should be in jail,' Quanell X said. 'If you shoot one more black man in Bellaire in cold blood, then your damn city will go up in flames.'" ...

KABA Note: Shades of the LA riots? Shop owners had better stock up on EBRs.

What value, life?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the last month, we've had posters claim that it's okay for some people to be armed or have armed guards because they're rich, they're politicians, they're famous, or they deal with large amounts of cash or valuable property (jewels, drugs, bonds, etc)."

"My question is, how much 'value' (financial or political) must one attain before it's 'acceptable' that these people can protect themselves?"

"Here's a scale. Please tell me where you draw the line:" ...

Submitter's Note: No answer from hoplophobes as to who's life is worth protecting with force at Telling silence from the other side...

Four cities report more murders in 2010
Submitted by: gemalo

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"Crime is dropping throughout much of the country, but statistics show that one category of violence is bucking the trend: murder.
Some of the nation's largest cities—New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Philadelphia—are reporting slight increases in murders so far this year, according department records. That's due in part to shootings involving multiple victims and unexpected spikes in domestic killings, criminal justice analysts say." ...

Submitter's Note: Voice over from Mr. Rogers: 'Can you say 'gun control' boys and girls?'

Why is NRA convention a 'gun free' zone?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA's annual convention, starting tomorrow and running through Sunday, is in Charlotte, North Carolina this year. ..."

"Not everyone is pleased about it, though. A press release about the convention, put out by the radically anti-gun Violence Policy Center (VPC) is for the most part unremarkable to anyone who has read much of VPC's hysteria mongering in the past ..." ...

"Pretty standard VPC fare, as we've recently discussed here and here. One sentence did catch my eye, though:"
"According to the NRA's website, attendees at both events [two speeches at the convention] will be 'subject to a magnetometer security check' for weapons."
"The NRA is forcing attendees to disarm? Um--yep:" ...


NRA in Charlotte: Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Lots of Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'No open or concealed carry weapons on Convention Center property,' reads the sign outside the Charlotte home of what promises to be one of the biggest events to hit this city -- the 139th annual meeting of the National Rifle Association. How big? From Friday through Sunday, up to 70,000 people are expected to listen to speakers, line up for book signings, and wander through the giant exhibit hall and gun displays. 'It's Toys R Us for big boys,' a visitor told me." ...

A love thing: Cold steel, rifle cracks, gunpowder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association bills its convention as 'a three-day celebration of Second Amendment freedom.' But you walk around the Charlotte Convention Center on Thursday and the feel you get is not freedom being defended."

"It feels like a love story."

"These men, and a few women, carry on a romance with guns. They're smitten with the power in their hands, with the beauty of the craftsmanship, with the confidence it takes to control an object created to be lethal. They're in love with cold steel and rifle cracks and the smell of powder."

"It's a love looked down upon in many places. But not here ..." ...

N.J. Sen. Lautenberg unveils bill restricting guns in airport areas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Jersey lawmaker took aim at a new Georgia proposal that would allow gun owners to carry their firearms in parts of the world's busiest airport, introducing a bill today that calls for new restrictions on where the weapons will be allowed."

"U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) unveiled legislation that would make it illegal to carry a gun into non-federally regulated areas of an airport, such as the airport lobby, baggage claim area and ticket counter. It would exempt law enforcement, military personnel and security officers." ...

WV: WV Senate advances bill making gun stings illegal
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Legislation that would make it a felony to conduct undercover sting operations on illegal firearms sales advanced to the Senate floor Thursday, over objections from some senators."

"Nicknamed the 'Bloomberg bill' after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who sent undercover operatives to Virginia last year to make illegal gun purchases at gun shows, the bill would make it a felony to 'encourage' or 'entice' gun dealers or private gun owners to illegally sell a firearm."

"Under the bill (SB1005), only law enforcement officers could conduct such sting operations. Convictions would carry terms of 1 to 5 years in prison and fines of up to $5,000." ...

NY: Hawley says bill undermines Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assemblyman Steve Hawley, R-Batavia, Wednesday voted against legislation ... that aims to further impose on the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners, and place costly mandates on firearm manufacturers."

"'The legislation introduced yesterday is an absolute violation of the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers. Although the intention of the legislation is to prevent violent gun crimes across the state, the fact is that most gun-related violence is committed by criminals who obtained their firearms illegally.'" ...

"Hawley opposed bill A.6468-C, which requires that manufacturers micro-stamp ammunition, and bill A.10894, which requires firearm owners to re-license their pistols every five years. ..." ...

U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of Cleric Causes Unease
Submitted by: Larry

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"The Obama administration’s decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Agency of a terrorism suspect who is an American citizen has set off a debate over the legal and political limits of drone missile strikes, a mainstay of the campaign against terrorism."

"The notion that the government can, in effect, execute one of its own citizens far from a combat zone, with no judicial process and based on secret intelligence, makes some legal authorities deeply uneasy." ...

Hat tip to

Editor's Note: "Deeply uneasy" is it? How about 'mad enough to eat horseshoes and spit nails? Or better yet, how about just plain FRICKIN' FURIOUS?!?

Idiocracy's Finest at Work
Submitted by: Larry

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... "The 2006 death of 20-year-old Tualatin, Oregon resident Jordan Case, who was gunned down by police while unarmed and blitzed on hallucinogenic mushrooms, offers a splendid example of Idiocracy-style police overkill. ..."

"When the second trial begins, I earnestly hope that it will focus on this question: Since an unarmed, terrified 120-pound woman was able to restrain the intoxicated, 128-pound Case, why was it 'necessary' for three much larger police officers (each weighing well over 200 pounds) to electrocute the young man 12 times with a Taser, and pummel him with nine beanbag rounds, before he was perforated with several gunshots fired in two separate volleys?" ...

PA: Phila. Cop Retires Day Before Arrest for Domestic Abuse
Submitted by: jac

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"A Philadelphia narcotics police officer who retired on Tuesday at the age of 46 was arrested on Wednesday on domestic assault charges."

"Anthony Floyd ... a 26 year veteran of the Philadelphia police department, ... faces charges of simple assault, making terroristic threats, stalking, reckless endangerment and harassment."

"The charges stem from a complaint made by a female friend of Floyd's in early February. A police department spokesman says Floyd's union contract called for police to inform him of the charges and then give him three days to surrender. It's uncertain whether the officer will receive his pension."

"Floyd becomes the 7th Philadelphia officer to be charged with criminal offenses since December."

Leonardo Da Terrorist (video available)
Submitted by: Larry

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"We've known for some time now that the lunatics have taken over the asylum, but this latest story has to take the prize for insanity of the month. A 14-year old autistic boy was arrested on felony charges for drawing a stick figure representation of him pointing a gun at his teacher. It's all part of the Orwellian newspeak 'philosophy' of 'zero tolerance.' ..." ...

OH: Ottawa Hills officer's trial opens with dash cam vid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A never-before-seen police dash cam video was shown in court today in the trial of an Ottawa Hills police officer accused of shooting and paralyzing a man during a traffic stop."

"The video shows Officer Thomas White following Michael McCloskey ..."

"Officer White ends up shooting McCloskey. Attorneys for White say he believed McCloskey had a gun. However, McCloskey was unarmed and appears docile in the video."

"The jury will have to determine if the shooting was justified. White is charged with felonious assault and faces up to 11 years in prison."

H/t to David Codrea who points out one salient fact left out of the 'news' story, that McCloskey was shot in the back and asks: "I wonder if McCloskey would be facing 11 years had the situation been reversed..."

IL: Missing Harvey police guns apparently found
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal agents today discovered a cache of weapons they suspect were stolen from the Harvey Police Department's gun range, officials said." ...

"'After some really awesome investigating this afternoon, many of the stolen weapons were recovered, along with many other items that were stolen out of the gun range,' Harvey spokeswoman Sandra Alvarado told reporters. A citizen's tip led to the weapons, she said." ...

"Some of the weapons were recovered Wednesday afternoon near a school at 148th and Rockwell. Harvey police would not say how many of the firearms were found. The stolen weapons included MP5 submachine-guns and AR-15 assault rifles, sources said." ...

OK: Oklahoma State Troopers Association joins the 'Only Ones'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Codrea, nationally known gun rights writer, produces regular columns about the 'Only Ones' files. These articles are dedicated to the purpose of not demeaning law enforcement officers, but to show they are not the only ones responsible enough to keep and bear arms. Today, I am using this commentary to nominate the Oklahoma State Troopers Association as worthy of the 'Only Ones' designation."

"Last week, the OSTA declared House Bill 3354 (the Open Carry law) as 'dangerous' to Oklahoma police officers. Even though nearly 100,000 law-abiding citizens have proved themselves as responsible and safe gun bearers since 1995, the Troopers Association chooses to portray this group as potentially harmful citizens." ...

April second highest all-time for background checks on firearm sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,146,912(a) checks in April 2010, ranking the month the second highest April for most NICS checks."

"This figure, while being a 6.5 percent decrease from the 1,225,980 checks conducted in April 2009, is an increase of 21.9 percent over checks in April 2008." ...

ME: Gun activist shares piece of his mind
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just when you thought the leader of Maine's 'open-carry' gun movement was, shall we say, a flash in the pan, he's back."

"Saturday afternoon, with his trusty Heckler & Koch USP Compact .357 Sig strapped to his side, Shane Belanger will meet once again at Portland's Back Cove with like-minded folks who think the only thing wrong with loaded weapons on the street is that there aren't enough of them."

"Unlike their inaugural Back Cove barbecue three weeks ago, this weekend's gathering comes with a rather odd community-service twist: It will be Maine's first Open Carry Trash Pick-Up." ...

AZ: Arizona gun law and Immigration has made the left desperate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights all over the country have proven to be a rather large defeat for the Obama Administration, not that he would admit it. After all, he had Obamacare on his plate which should have passed easily. Seems there were more than just a few in his own party that didn't like it. But, it was passed by Congress against the wishes of the MAJORITY of the American people." ...

"Then along comes the numerous relaxation of Arizona gun laws, which in itself created a stir in the media. And then, the biggest shocker seems to be the Arizona Immigration Law which goes into effect on July 29, 2010. It appears this law actually got the attention of Obama when all else has failed. Now he is calling for Immigration reform. ..." ...

OH: Ohio Attorney General files merit brief defending constitutionality of statewide preemption law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, via the Solicitor General, filed a strong merit brief on Tuesday May 12 in support of Ohio's "preemption" law, R.C. 9.68."

"This law was enacted via HB347, which passed with overwhelming support in December 2006 over Governor Bob Taft's veto. HB347 remains the only veto-override in Ohio in the past three decades. As I noted at the time of the veto override, one of the critical achievements of R.C. 9.68 was to force the burden of litigation back onto the government and away from individuals or groups." ...

OH: Attorney General announces First Quarter 2010 CHL statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2010. At the end of March, we had an all-time record of 188,665 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart)"

"During this election year, more politicians are touting their pro-gun stances and seeking our endorsements for use in radio and TV commercials. Only the anti-gunners need a report to know that concealed carry is a popular, mainstream idea in both rural and urban areas. It's not 'about the gun,' as they claim, but about safety." ...

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. — George Bernard Shaw

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