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Newslinks for 5/14/2013

Another attempt at nullification: But Washington gets a message, loud and clear
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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“Nullification” laws have been introduced in 37 states that technically make it a felony for law enforcement agents to enforce federal restrictions banning firearms, and a recent Rasmussen poll shows that 38 percent support such state laws.

Nullification laws are a legal device used by states to “nullify” federal laws deemed unconstitutional by that state’s legislature and governor. They stem from a proclamation that Andrew Jackson issued in 1832, but in reality have little if any actual authority in overriding federal law. In fact, under the Supremacy Clause of Article VI, federal law is the “supreme law of the land,” and in a conflict between state and federal law, federal law wins out.

OR: 485 guns, rifles turned in at SE Portland event
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Nearly 500 firearms, including assault weapons, were turned in Saturday at Ceasefire Oregon's 19th annual gun turn-in event.

The Oregonian ( ) reports hundreds of people waited in line for nearly two hours to turn in handguns, rifles, ammunition and high-capacity magazines.

Penny Okamoto, Ceasefire Oregon's executive director, says the number of weapons turned in was the highest since 2001, when 504 guns were turned in. Nearly 8,290 guns have been turned in since the annual event began in 1994.

People were given grocery store gift certificates for turning in weapons and ammunition.

NY: Gun grab in full swing, Dutchess man arrested for having 9 bullets
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Senator Greg Ball (R,C,I-Patterson) Chairman of the Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee issued the following statement in regards to the recent reports of a Dutchess County man being arrested for violating the “NY SAFE Act”. Gregory D Dean Jr., 31, of Hopewell Junction, was pulled over on Sunday evening in New Lebanon because the vehicle’s license-plate lamp was not working. Troopers found Dean with a legally registered pistol with a magazine that contained nine bullets, two more than the recently passed “SAFE Act” allows. Police charged Dean with unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices, third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation and other vehicle infractions.

NY: Man busted for possessing gun with nine-bullet clip
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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State Police have arrested a Hopewell Junction man for possessing a legally possessed handgun, but with a clip containing nine bullets. The new state SAFE Act limits the amount of rounds in a clip to seven. As a result, troopers charges Gregory Dean, Jr., 31, with unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding devices and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, both misdemeanors, and a traffic infraction. He was issued appearance tickets.

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Endorses Jeff Gildersleeve for Saratoga County Sheriff
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Political Victory Fund is pleased to endorse Jeff Gildersleeve for Saratoga County Sheriff. Our endorsement is based upon his background as a firearms instructor who has educated students on safety, responsibility and shooting skills, as well as his strong commitment to the preservation of Second Amendment civil rights. NYSRPA encourages Saratoga County residents to support Gildersleeve in both the primary and general elections.

LA: Staff sgt. acquitted of manslaughter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The three-year ordeal to clear his name began hours after Staff Sgt. Jason Rolls’ wedding at the St. Landry Parish, La., courthouse.

It ended there April 26, when a jury of five men and seven women acquitted him of manslaughter in the killing of his bride’s ex-husband in what his lawyer called a clear-cut case of “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law.

When the verdict was read, Rolls turned to his wife and embraced her.

NH: Rubio comes to Ayotte’s defense on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Kelly Ayotte, whose votes on gun background checks have haunted her back at home in New Hampshire, will receive some support from another GOP senator seen as a rising star.

Sen. Marco Rubio's political committee Reclaim America will begin running a TV ad Tuesday in her defense, joining a commercial the National Rifle Association put on the state's main broadcast channel last week.

MO: Republican Senator Says Missouri Can't Really Ban All Federal Gun-Control Laws In Advance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republican State Senator Kurt Schaefer is a big believer in the Second Amendment and has even proposed a constitutional amendment in Missouri that would make the right to bear arms even stronger. But that doesn't mean he's a huge fan of a pro-gun bill that has earned Missouri national attention: a proposal to block the enforcement of federal gun control in the state.

"You can't make a blanket statement that you are going to disregard all federal [gun-control] laws," Schaefer, a GOP senator from Columbia, tells Daily RFT. "Just because you have the right to bear arms...doesn't mean the government can't do anything."

NY: Deadline to keep N.Y. gun records private is Wednesday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New York's pistol permit holders are facing a Wednesday deadline to submit opt-out forms that would keep their records confidential. Some county clerks said they would not have all of the forms processed by the deadline.

Individuals could submit an opt-out form after the May 15 deadline but their records would not be sealed from Freedom of Information requests until a county judge approves the forms.

TX: Bills to fight possible future federal gun laws advance in the Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Senate committee passed three controversial gun bills Monday, which will now go to the floor for debate.

None garnered more debate on the House floor earlier in the month than HB 928 by Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands,that would exempt Texas from certain federal laws that would regulate firearms or ammunition.

Rep. Armando Walle, D-Houston, pointed out on May 4 that the odds are slim that the federal government will try to go after its citizens’ Second Amendment rights given that even a law on universal background checks died in the U.S. Senate. Opponents argued that the bill would cause the state to spend thousands of taxpayer dollars to defend an unenforceable law.

NJ: Senate approves 10 new gun measures but delays votes on most controversial bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 10 bills approved by the Senate on Monday were far less controversial. Most received unanimous support, including one making gun trafficking a crime subject to the No Early Release Act mandating that violators serve 85 percent of any prison term before they become eligible for parole.

The bill, originally penned by Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-7th of Palmyra, also would allow authorities to seize and apply for forfeiture motor vehicles used by illegal gun traffickers and would increase penalties for gun dealers who knowingly sell firearms to “straw purchasers,” people who intend to transfer the weapons to a person banned from owning a gun.

NY: Letter on SAFE Act misguided
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Unfortunately, as Gov. Cuomo and our state Legislature have proven through their recent legislation, the NY SAFE Act, the Second Amendment is not “settled law.”

Cuomo illegally employed a little-known legislative privilege called Message of Necessity afforded to the governor in the event of a true emergency or natural disaster. Cuomo used this to push through anti-Second Amendment legislation literally in the darkness of night, allowing the state senators only 20 minutes to read and discuss this bill known to us as the NY SAFE Act before being forced to vote on it.

FL: Newspaper deliveryman who shot man in self defense: "I'd do it again if I had to"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"I told him you need to go away, you don't want to do this, I kept telling him you don't want to do this, go away!" He said.

Romeo said Dickey didn't listen.

From the passenger seat, Romeo whipped out his handgun that he legally carries.

With the barrel about six inches from his girlfriend's face, he fired three shots through the window, hitting Dickey all three times.

Witnesses say Dickey ran back to his car and drove off, while Romeo stayed back and nervously explained himself to a 9-1-1 dispatcher.

FL: Prosecutors: Keep Trayvon Martin’s Life Separate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Late Friday, prosecutors asked the judge to leave out certain details that were irrelevant to the case and would prejudice a jury. Information like Martin’s social media screen names, the fact that he had a set of gold teeth, any text messages sent or received the night of his death and the level of marijuana that had been found in Martin’s blood that night has been requested to be omitted.

PA: West Easton resident sues sheriff over revoked firearms license
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A West Easton resident who fits the description of a Republican candidate for Northampton County Council has sued county Sheriff Randall P. Miller for revoking the resident's license to carry a firearm.

The "True Appellant" is not named in the suit, but the circumstances match those of Tricia Mezzacappa, who bloggers say listed two of her political opponents as character references on her firearms license application.

The suit filed Monday says the appellant was issued a license June 11, 2012, but Miller revoked the license March 27 with a note saying, "We have received information that you falsified your application."

MO: Missouri: Your Action is Needed to Support Important Pro-Gun Bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With a few days remaining in the 2013 legislative session, the Missouri General Assembly is taking critical steps to reform the state’s Right-to-Carry law and further protect your inherent right to self-defense.

NY: Oneida County Undersheriff stresses gun safety for new owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now more than ever, people are looking to become first time gun owners. The Oneida County Undersheriff offers advice for those looking to purchase a weapon.

Applications for pistol permits are on the rise in Oneida County. There are some things you should know both before and after making a weapons purchase. Oneida County Undersheriff Robert Swenszkowski took us to the shooting range to show us the ropes.

Niche gun groups
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nowadays, with all the new Second Amendment and pro-gun groups being created, there’s something for everyone.

Some gun owners aren’t satisfied with just the National Rifle Association. They’re looking for a group that’s a bit smaller, more personal or a better fit for their lifestyle.

Membership in these specialty and niche gun groups is growing.

MO: A Younger Look At The Gun Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I visited a gun range with A.J. Chetta, a 23-year-old member of the United States Army, and an advocate for gun rights. I had never shot a gun before, and wanted to experience what is was like. What I found is that visiting a gun range is to experience firearms in perhaps their most docile environment, where hobbyists come to have fun, and simply fire off a few rounds.

A.J.’s first experience with a gun was as a teenager, with the much talked about AR-15.

TX: BCSO: Woman Kills Common Law Husband in Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Bexar County Sheriff's Office says a man was stabbed to death at his home in West Bexar County Sunday morning in an apparent act of self defense by his common law wife.

Investigators say Oscar Mescarro, 33, died in an ambulance in front of his home in the 9800 block of Sunset Place around 2:00 a.m. Sunday, after his common law wife stabbed him in the cheek and throat.

WA: Prosecutors Now Reviewing Case Of Man Shot, Killed While Stealing Car
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Spokane County Prosecutor's Office is now officially beginning to review the case surrounding the shooting death of a man who was stealing a car in North Spokane.

It was late March when Gail Gerlach left his SUV running in his N. Lee driveway, and came back to find a man, later identified as Brendan Kaluza-Graham, in the driver's seat backing it away. Gerlach called police, and reported he thought Kaluza-Graham had a gun and was going to shoot. Gerlach fired one shot, hitting Kaluza-Graham in the head, killing him.

Violent Crime Dropped Dramatically Over 20 Years, Latest U.S Justice Department Study Confirms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Department of Justice Tuesday issued a report that provides further evidence that the use of firearms in violent crimes has dropped dramatically nationwide over the past 20 years.

This trend has occurred even as firearms ownership has increased significantly.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report, (see below) homicides due to firearms fell 39 percent between 1993 and 2011.

AZ: Phoenix Gun-Buyback Funds Run Dry, but People Still Turn in 72 More Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After the funds ran out for the city of Phoenix's gun-buyback program this weekend, an additional 72 guns were turned in to police.

Phoenix Police Sergeant Steve Martos says a total of 979 guns were exchanged for grocery-store gift cards between the two weekends of the gun-buyback program, which was funded by a $100,000 donation.

OR: Two Bend women aim for fun -- and protection
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bend resident Cindy Van Patten likes teaching women how to safely shoot and handle guns. She's been doing it for years.

And this year, she's noticed something new.

"Just in the last 30 days, I've talked to maybe 50 different people," Van Patten said recently. "It's an off season, I mean, for women to be calling, or people to be calling about hand gun instruction in the winter months and spring, because usually, it's summer."

In Central Oregon and nationwide more women are taking aim.

CA: Gun issue letter was full of holes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We are all entitled to our opinions and the Bill of Rights certainly protects our freedom to express these opinions, but to arbitrarily say the Second Amendment is, "arguably the least important of the Bill of Rights" is somewhat astonishing. This point of view then begs the question of who gets to determine, which rights we will enjoy? Which are more important? What criteria will be used to make these determinations? Where does the process start? And more importantly, where does it end? If one protected right is lost, it is conceivable another can be taken; and another; and another. I find being so seemingly flippant about these protections quite dangerous in the long term.

CA: Stockton School Shooting Survivors On Differing Sides Of Gun Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“In my shooting 27 kids were shot, 5 were killed, the gunman was dead in a minute and a half. It happens very quickly,” Young told KPIX 5.

Young was shot in the foot, almost bled to death, and still has shrapnel in his chest and arms. But it’s not the gun he has a problem with.

“I have never blamed the gun for what happened to me. It was the choice of a sick individual who chose, unfortunately, to use a firearm to hurt a lot of people that day,” Young said.

Since then, Young has become an outspoken advocate of gun owners’ rights. The group Gun Owners of America has sent him to Washington, DC and Sacramento to speak to lawmakers about Second Amendment rights.

We'll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily - given the political realities - very modest. We'll have to start working again to strengthen the law, and then again to strengthen the next law and again and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of handguns, is going to take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal. — Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, Inc., New Yorker Magazine, June 26, 1976, pg. 53

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