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Newslinks for 5/15/2002

Rethinking the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Mr. Ashcroft's critics fear that if the court embraces the government's position, gun laws will be swept away and Americans will be armed to the teeth and killing each other at unprecedented rates. The critics' parade of horribles, however, is most unlikely, and it should not be allowed to prevent serious deliberation as to the meaning of the Second Amendment." -- Terry Eastland, The Dallas Morning News

Gun Shows: Dangerous loophole or perfectly legit?
Submitted by: otherbearb

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--All I can say right now is that this local TV story makes me sick. I've mailed them my comments, how about some help?

KABA NOTE: All applicable contact info is contained within the article.

TX: Youth Says 'Video Games Led Him' to Shoot Friend
Submitted by: Jim Garofolo

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Another Liberal excuse, the fault is always something other than the responsibility of the person:
  1. Not enough love!

  2. To much TV!

  3. The gun did it!

TX: Officer honored for halting gunman
Submitted by: serinde

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"A police officer who confronted a gunman, preventing him from entering a crowded restaurant, was named the Fort Worth Police Department's officer of the year for 2001 on Monday."

"At the Police Award Foundation's annual dinner, Detective Jeffrey Holman was recognized for placing himself in danger to save civilians on March 22, 2001, after a traffic stop turned into a shooting."

UT: Courthouse Gun Lockers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Judge K.L. McIff has chosen to defy a new state law that requires courts to install gun lockers in courthouses. That's an awkward position for a judge, but his reasoning is sound, which is more than can be said for the gun-happy Legislature that passed this dangerous law earlier this year."

UT: Aide Gave NRA List Of Voters
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Three weeks before Saturday's political conventions, the National Rifle Association singled out one candidate among 16 in the preconvention races to replace 1st District Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Hansen, a lifetime and exuberant member of the NRA."

"The NRA encouraged delegates to vote for anyone -- except House Majority Leader Kevin Garn."

France Passes U.S. In Crime Rate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Seemingly protected by some of the stiffest gun restrictions in the world, Europeans have discovered recently they are not immune from mass killings in which guns are employed. No longer are such incidents confined to supposedly gun-toting America."

"Recent mass killings -- often with politicians as the targets -- have left at least 46 dead in Germany, France, Switzerland and Hungary. In addition, assassinations in the Netherlands and Italy left two politicians dead."

CA: Another setback in claim over Sepulveda boy's death (followup)
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"Modesto SWAT officer Craig Wend first confronted the boy in his darkened bedroom during the raid. -- Wend ordered young Alberto to lie face down on the floor of his bedroom, which the boy did. Wend then left the room, -- Seconds later, officer David Hawn entered the bedroom and pointed his shotgun at the boy's back. -- three SWAT Team veterans, in sworn depositions, have said that Hawn didn't need to aim the gun at the boy because he was not a threat to officer safety."

CO: NRA, Brady Campaign trade shots on gun bills
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun legislation throughout the nation got conflicting bills of health Monday from the National Rifle Association and a group that helped defeat a concealed-weapons bill in Colorado."

"Joe Romallo, senior associate director for the State Legislation Department of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said that grass-roots efforts shot down the NRA in state after state, including Colorado."

The Second Amendment According to Guardian Columnist (UK)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The most famous of the 27 amendments to the US constitution is probably the fifth ... The most bewildering is the second ... that makes Europeans cease thinking of Americans as much-loved cousins and regard them instead as refugees from a distant planet."

"The traditional liberal theory ... is that the early Americans were conveying their distaste for professional armies, and aiming to protect the infant state by use of the armed citizen." -- Matthew Engel, The Guardian (UK)

The Second Amendment Revisited
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"THE FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS to the United State Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights, were added to protect the rights of the individual American citizen. In the first blush of the new republic the meaning of any of those rights was crystal clear. The fact that all had been ignored or crushed by the soldiers of King George made them easy to understand. Yet time passed and newer generations forgot the tyranny of an English monarch." -- Tanya K. Metaksa

PA: Gun owners urged to pick Casey over Rendell by NRA
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The National Rifle Association today takes aim at Ed Rendell in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race."

"Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the gun-owners advocacy group, said the organization will join the effort to help Bob Casey Jr. win the Democratic nomination in the primary next Tuesday."

"While stopping short of a formal endorsement, Arulanandam said it will be evident that the NRA is backing Casey over Rendell, the former Philadelphia mayor."

MS: Landowners Declare Victory in Nissan War
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A 14-month battle that has been tinged with charges of racism and discrimination over land wanted for the $930 million Nissan project is over."

"Five Black families recently declared victory over the state of Mississippi and Nissan’s failed efforts to take their property through eminent domain. The families’ ordeal and their fight with Nissan and state officials were chronicled last fall in a three-part series produced under the NNPA’s NorthStar Investigative Reporting Program."

Pentagon training bees to swarm into action
Submitted by: Jeff Coen

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"The Pentagon is preparing a sting operation with a difference – training ordinary bees to smell out explosives, drugs and even to help clear minefields."

"For the past three years government-funded scientists have been doing tests, training bees to detect materials other than pollen. Officials hope that they could be used as apian sniffer dogs, swarming into action when required."

VA: Psst! Wanna buy a police gun? Just bid in Boykins
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"For the past decade or so, cities have been buying guns to take them out of circulation. Tonight, Boykins, Va., might put a few on the street. If the price is right and the buyer's record is clean."

"It doesn't expect trouble. With fewer than 700 residents, accidents on nearby US58 are more of a danger than guns in Boykins."

UT: Firearm locks available at bank
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Lt. Gov. Olene Walker, the Utah Highway Patrol and Zions Bank are distributing free firearm locks and gun safety materials as part of the national "Project HomeSafe" project."

"The project was developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and aims to teach Americans how to properly handle and store their firearms. Nationally, about 3 million free gunlocks will be distributed this year. The project is funded with a Department of Justice grant."

Rapid-fire Metal Storm technology usurps Crusader
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A new type of ballistic technology that can fire more than 1 million rounds per minute from a 36-barrel weapon is one of the reasons Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has canceled the $11 billion Crusader artillery system."

"The technology is known as "Metal Storm," which is also the name of the Australian research and development company that owns it."

FL: Storms Applies For Concealed Weapons Permit
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Hillsborough County Commissioner Ronda Storms, worried about threatening statements on public access TV, has applied for a state concealed weapons permit."

"The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI are conducting a standard background search, which generally takes about 90 days."

KABA NOTE: It would be a real shame if one of those death threats was acted on before she was "ALLOWED" to exercise her right to self-defense.

Base Politics
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Kayne Robinson deserves an award for his gifts as a prophet."

"Robinson, a first vice president of the National Rifle Association, caused the briefest of hubbubs during the 2000 election campaign when he predicted that if George W. Bush won, members of his organization would have a president "where we work out of their office." -- E. J. Dionne Jr., The Washington Post

Second Amendment Not Absolute
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The next time a gun-rights advocate asserts that the Constitution guarantees an individual's unconditional right to bear arms, respond with a question: What kind of arms?"

"An M-1 tank?"

"A Blackhawk helicopter?"

"A thermonuclear warhead?"

"If the answer to all of these is "yes," then you're talking to a lunatic. Better change the subject. On second thought, run away." -- MICHAEL ZUZEL, Columbian staff writer

An Ominous Reversal on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It is hard to take seriously Mr. Ashcroft's assertion that the Bush administration remains committed to the vigorous defense and enforcement of all federal gun laws. Mr. Ashcroft, after all, is an official whose devotion to the gun lobby extends to granting its request to immediately destroy records of gun purchases amassed in the process of conducting Brady law background checks even though they might be useful for tracking weapons purchases by suspected terrorists." -- Opinion of The New York Times

CA: Arrest due in Crowe slaying
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Detectives focused almost immediately on the girl's brother. They thought Michael seemed oddly unemotional about his sister's death."

"During the next two days, Crowe was interrogated for 10 hours. Detectives lied about evidence against him – a legal interviewing technique – and arrested him after they said he confessed."

--While not directly RKBA related it graphically shows the extent that police [KABA NOTE: are able to legally] lie to obtain confessions from innocent people.

CT: State Supreme Court upholds hunter harassment law
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The state Supreme Court ruled Monday that a law designed to prevent animal rights activists from interfering with hunters or fishermen does not violate the First Amendment."

"The hunter harassment law prohibits people from standing in the line of fire, harassing hunters or attempting to affect wildlife behavior with smells, sights or sounds designed to hinder hunters."

WA: Student Takes Hostage at Knifepoint, Stopped by Armed Deputy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A teenager reportedly obsessed with a former classmate armed himself yesterday with two long kitchen knives, walked into her Lakewood High School English class and briefly held her hostage before being subdued at gunpoint by the school resource officer."

Majority Support Guns in the Cockpit
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A recent nationwide poll by Wilson Research Strategies shows nearly seven in ten (68%) Americans believe airline pilots should be allowed to carry guns in the cockpit while just one in four (26%) oppose such a measure."

Wyoming Sens.Thomas, Enzi work to stem gun suits (S.2268)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Sens. Craig Thomas and Mike Enzi have signed on to legislation preventing civil lawsuits against gun manufacturers and sellers for misuse of a firearm, except in certain cases."

"The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, S.2268, sponsored by Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., would prevent civil suits against gun makers and retailers except in cases for damages from a breach in warranty or contract or for injuries and damage resulting from the firearm's failure to function properly."

Contact your U.S. Officials

UT: Judge's refusal 'baffles' Shurtleff
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff says he's "baffled" by a recent order by judges in the state's 6th Judicial District who said they will not go along with a new state law requiring gun lockers at courthouses. "They're disobeying the law," Shurtleff said."

"He said he wants to sit down informally with judges in the 6th District to discuss the issue, since there might be a misunderstanding as to what the law requires."

Canada: Deadline looms for gun owners holding out on firearm registration
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Canadian Firearms Centre is preparing to send out reminder letters to hundreds of thousands of gun owners who have yet to register their firearms."

"Dave Austin, spokesman for the centre which has its main call centre and registry office in New Brunswick, said about one-third of the almost two million Canadians holding gun licences have yet to register their guns."

Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"To be fair, Mr. Olson describes "reasonable restrictions" broadly. They include limitations "designed to prevent possession by unfit persons or to restrict the possession of types of firearms that are particularly suited to criminal misuse" -- a category that would seem to cover so-called "assault weapons" and easily concealed handguns. Still, gun-control advocates are understandably apprehensive." -- Opinion of the Post-Gazette

CA: Police Protests
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Fresno police are under fire for using fire in several recent incidents. A local citizens group called for more public oversight of local law enforcement."

"The latest shooting came Thursday night, after what police called a dangerous chase that started with suspects shooting a man, running him over in their car, and then driving the wrong way on a freeway to elude police."

A 'Faulty Rethinking' of the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If the court were to take up the two cases on appeal, it is far from clear that the Justice Department's new position would prevail. The plain text of the Second Amendment ... does not support the unequivocal view that Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Olson have put forth. The amendment refers to the right of the people, rather than the individual person of the Fifth Amendment." -- Jack Rakove, The New York Times

Guns, a Health Threat
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The right to arm oneself has become a public health crisis in this country, not a referendum on freedom. How many more children, police officers and law-abiding citizens have to die because the gun lobby is a well-financed political machine?" -- EMILY ROSENBERG, The New York Times

Mexican soldiers in border crossings
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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If you are hunting in Mexico/US border areas beware. The guy you see with firearms, on US soil, may be a Mexican soldier or a Mexican policeman.

They have directed fire at US government aircraft and fired near Border Patrol Agents. I suspsect that they won't hesitate to shoot at a lawfully armed US citizen, since they have no problem directing fire at uniformed agents or marked aircraft.

Crossfire: 'Motor City Wild Man' talks guns, blasts hippies
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Ted Nugent has made waves with his music and views on gun control. Now, he is pushing his new cookbook "Kill It and Grill It". Why does he indict the hippie culture for the September 11 terror attacks? Why is he opposed to gun control? Hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson step into the "Crossfire" with Nugent."

America: Most Support Individuals' Right to Own Guns
Submitted by: ProGunCali

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"After hearing the Second Amendment verbatim, 73% in an poll said it guarantees the right to individual gun ownership. 20% said, instead, that it only guarantees the right of states to maintain militias."

--After reading this, you'll find that some gun owners are still brainwashed...

SD: Sturgis officials look for new shooting-range site (update)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After losing an agreement granting access from Alkali Road to a 300-acre shooting range, Sturgis city and development officials are scrambling to find another location. A public meeting to discuss options is scheduled for 7p.m. today in the basement of the Meade County Courthouse."

Previous article: Sturgis shooting range worries residents

FL: Court Allows Anti-Gun Lawsuit to Go Forward
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The widow of schoolteacher Barry Grunow has won an important victory in her lawsuit against the distributor that supplied the semiautomatic pistol used by seventh-grader Nathaniel Brazill to shoot and kill Grunow in his classroom in Lake Worth, Fla., in May 2000."

"Pamela Grunow is seeking to hold the distributor, Valor Corporation of Florida, responsible for selling an unreasonably dangerous and defective product."

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. — BARRY GOLDWATER (1964)

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