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Newslinks for 5/15/2010

Fox News: Airsoft can be converted to real guns. Will that make toy owners felons?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Importantly, will anyone who has one now be in danger of being classified a felon if it can be proven they know about this, making their possession or transfer of their airsoft gun 'willful,' and thus subject to criminal prosecution?" ...

Will Lautenberg Anti-Gun Airport Bill Increase Vulnerability?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Not satisfied with putting grandmothers at risk of losing their legal right to the means of self-defense, or of denying gun purchases to people who haven't even been charged, let alone tried and convicted of any crime, Sen. Frank Lautenberg now means to see us defenseless on the way to and from airports, when we go to drop off or pick someone up." ...

Also find out what our foreign enemies are up to with their UN Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence.

UN Determined to Destroy America’s Second Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Last October, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared the Obama administration's support for the United Nations plan to regulate 'convention[al] arms transfers.' Brady-endorsed Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher (D, CA-10) was chosen as under secretary for arms control and international security in the State Department."

"Fortunately, sufficient data exists among UN non-governmental organizations to determine if civilian firearms ownership will 'negatively impact on security, human rights and social and economic development.'" ...

The next frontier for gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fresh from our victory opening up the community college campuses of Colorado to holders of concealed carry permits, let us turn our attentions to federal buildings all across America. The Gun Control Act of 1968 § 930 specifies that no regular folks, including employees, can carry a weapon into any federal building or part of a civilian building leased by a federal agency. According to the General Services Administration website, my little Rocky Mountain Region has 16.7 million square feet of office space controlled by the federal government. It houses 50,000 employees. Nationwide, there are thousands and thousands of buildings controlled by the federal government ..." ...

Update On The Hutaree Hullabaloo (Remember The Hutaree Hullabaloo?)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With much media fanfare, 9 members of a Michigan militia were arrested last March and charged with 'seditious conspiracy'–specifically, plotting to murder law enforcement officers. Ostensibly, this was supposed to precipitate some kind of wholesale revolt against the government."

"Question: Have any of you heard anyone from the propaganda press corps (national news media) tell you what has been happening with this case? No? Did you not wonder why? Well, I’ll tell you why: the case has fallen apart." ...

Dubious, agenda-driven 'poll' says women prefer mandated defenselessness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign is loudly trumpteting the results of a poll it commissioned, purportedly showing widespread opposition--particularly among women--to armed self-defense in public." ...

"Know much about Lake Research Partners, referred to in the Brady Bunch press release as a 'respected pollilng firm'? I didn't, so I decided to go to their website and look around. This is the kind of thing I found:"
"The right message to the right audience wins the day. LRP is one of the most reputable firms in providing issue advocacy organizations with research that shapes the debate and leads to winning policy outcomes. ..."
"Well that certainly sounds like a polling group committed to objective research ..." ...

Gun News: Firearms Dealers Creating Trusts For Customers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some dealers are currently providing trusts to their customers to avoid the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (the 'CLEO') signoff that is required for individual purchasers of Title II Firearms."

"When a non-lawyer dealer fills out or creates a trust for an individual they are violating their state's unauthorized practice of law ('UPL') statutes. Many dealers and manufactures are providing generic trusts that do not address the unique issues of the NFA and often do not comply with the state requirements for proper execution." ...

NRA Criticizes Kagan on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-rights advocates have started to raise concerns about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, possibly leading to a rockier confirmation process."

"Ms. Kagan's public record on gun rights is limited and mainly consists of positions she took as a White House lawyer in the Clinton administration and as a law clerk at the Supreme Court."

"But the National Rifle Association, one of the nation's most powerful and well-funded lobbying groups, regards Ms. Kagan's views as 'outside the mainstream,' said NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam. He said the 4.3 million-member group intends to 'work with the Senate to make sure tough questions will be asked during her confirmation hearings.'" ...

Winning Tactics For Handgun Training on a Budget
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Going to a dedicated handgun training camp isn't possible for the average survivalist."

"Le'’s face it, most of us are hard up for cash and what 'extra' we do get hold of, usually goes toward procuring needed survival gear."

"Most of you reading this, I am sure; have a good working knowledge of firearms safety and proper shooting fundamentals."

"If not, I recommend you to take the time needed in leaning the basics by taking a safety class in your area." ...

"Once you have the basics mastered and can shoot well enough to place all your shots into a six-inch circle or less at 25 yards, then it is time to broaden your skills."

"Instructional DVDs and books are good learning tools ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Submitter's Note: I understand wax bullets are good for cheap practice too.

Posse Tea Party Comitatus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have to admit, I enjoy browsing Tea Party websites. The sites are overrun by some of the craziest, teabagging, wingnuts on the web. There are some common themes. Here, for example, is one, 'Second Amendment Rights, Any truth to the story that Secretary of State Clinton, word is she's working on a small arms deal with I believe the UN to disarm all of us by creating a treaty with the world. ...' This teabagger's posting mimics ideology of some of the most dangerous, racists, extremists groups our nations has seen in the[sic] fifty years ..." ...

Submitter's Note: From H. Nemerov: "Last October, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared the Obama administration's support for the United Nations plan to regulate 'conventional arms transfers.'" So where would those black-helicopter fearing conspiracy-theorist nut-jobs get the idea that Hil is working with the UN on a small arms treaty?

Gun-control advocate: NRA out of touch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The head of a national group against gun violence Friday called the National Rifle Association 'increasingly out of touch' with its own members as well as the general public."

"'The NRA in its fascination and worship of the Second Amendment has gone too far,' Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, told reporters at the Charlotte City Club. 'We have a right to be safe, too.'"

"Helmke spoke on the first full day that 70,000 NRA members convened in Charlotte. He was in town to debate Alan Gura, the lawyer who won a landmark gun rights case at the U.S. Supreme Court." ...

VA: Gun shy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thank goodness for the Senate, again. Virginia delegates voted overwhelmingly for a bill that would have hidden the names of every concealed weapons permit holder. Thankfully the bill died in the Senate, according to a story from Capital News Service."

"The issue became a lightning rod in 2007 when The Roanoke Times posted a database with names and addresses of everyone in the state licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Even then we worried that this was a case of the media cutting off its nose to spite its face. ..." ...

PA: Former Marine Fends Off Washington County Home Invaders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A wheelchair-bound former Marine took matters into his own hands when intruders burst into his Washington County home in the early morning hours of Wednesday."

"'And then they came in from all directions. It was like I was under attack here,' said John Leska."

"Leska told WTAE Channel 4 Action News reporter Shannon Perrine that his dog was the first to hear the three intruders inside his Oak Road home in West Pike Run Township at about 2 a.m."

"'I went to grab for my sawed-off shotgun. I couldn't grab for that, so I grabbed for my pistol. It was right on the table there,' said Leska, who showed Perrine where the bullet from his .45-caliber pistol went through a chair, hit a speaker and pierced a wall." ...

PA: Gunfire exchanged in break-in
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Intruders who forced their way into a West Pike Run Township home early Wednesday were greeted by gunfire.

State police said several burglars entered the living room at the home of John Leska, Oak Road, about 2:10 a.m.

Leska was awakened and from his bed fired a round from a .45-caliber handgun. One of the burglars fired back from a 9mm handgun toward Leska before fleeing.

Police are continuing their investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call state police in Belle Vernon at 724-929-6262.

NRA's Real Draw: 'Guns and Gear and Gadgets'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, which is meeting here, knows his audience. He didn't dawdle when he and a thick ceremonial ribbon were the only things separating the waiting crowd and 280,000-square-feet of exhibition space. LaPierre said a few words, of course, about how the NRA 'reflects where the American public stands on the Second Amendment.' But as he officially opened the organization's 139th annual meeting on Friday morning, he quickly cleared the path to, as he put it, the 'guns and gear and gadgets.'" ...

Spoken at NRA convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate: 'Criminals, of course, are to blame for the crime. Anti-Second Amendment gun laws don't affect them. ... When politicians ban guns, all they do is take them away from law-abiding citizens.'"

"'Those left-wing groups are supposed to be so tolerant of everybody's lifestyle, but they're intolerant of our lifestyle.'"

"'In these tea party rallies, you've got these veterans and these grandmas and grandpas. It's so fun to watch how the mainstream media covers these rallies. Some of these reporters are trying to portray us, tea party Americans, as being violent or racist or rednecks. Well, I don't really have a problem with the redneck part of it.'" ...

The NRA And The 'Right Kind of Democrat'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA is holding their annual convention in Charlotte this weekend and as you imagine most of those in attendance are conservatives and most of the speakers are Republicans ... That doesn't mean they are all Republicans though."

"One Democrat who spoke was Rep. Dan Boren from Oklahoma who has a record that is as conservative as any Democrat. Boren was introduced by the NRA's chief lobbyist and principal political strategist Chris Cox as the 'right kind of Democrat.'"

"Cox went on to say this about Boren: 'As a Democrat, he's an important ally reaching out on his side of the aisle. He's not afraid to stand up to Nancy Pelosi. He said no to cap and trade, no to health care, and hell no to gun control.'" ...

NRA gathering highlights America's conflicting values
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whenever the National Rifle Association gathers in any American city for its annual members meeting and exhibits, public attention is called to what can best be described as a culture engaged in a morality war with itself."

"We all want lower crime, safe streets, good neighborhoods where families can grow and live without fear. We also want an America that is the bastion of liberty and freedom; a place where the Bill of Rights still means something."

"I talked at some length Thursday with a Charlotte, N.C. police sergeant who is pulling long shifts working security at the Charlotte Convention Center. ..." ...

MD: Frederick County resident running for U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Monrovia resident is running for U.S. Senate with the Constitution as his main focus."

"Stephens Dempsey, 51, has been campaigning for the seat for about a month. The seat is held by incumbent U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a Democrat who is seeking re-election."

"It's Dempsey's first run for elected office, and he has been working to promote his website, sign up for debates, introduce himself to voters, produce online videos and attend community functions."

"He is running as a Republican because he believes in a two-party system, but considers his political philosophy American Constitutionalist." ...

Pro Gun Sharron Angle Gains 20 Points In Race For Reid’s Senate Seat GOA-PVF Candidate Surging In Polls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In just one month, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle has surged twenty points in the polls in her bid to take on Nevada Senator Harry Reid in November."

"According to a May 10-11 joint poll released by the Las Vegas Review Journal and Mason Dixon, Angle now leads anti-gunner Danny Tarkanian by three points, and is closing in fast on the other leading candidate, Sue Lowden."

"Sharron Angle is strongly supported by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund, earning an 'A' rating from GOA for her unwavering work defending the Second Amendment during her eight years in the state legislature." ...

Palin says Obama would ban guns if he could
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said during a speech Friday that President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies would ban guns and ammunition if they could get away with it."

"The former Alaska governor said in a speech to the National Rifle Association that political backlash is the only thing stopping Obama from gutting the Constitution's right to bare[sic] arms. Palin said the public needs to stop Democrats in their tracks, starting with the November elections."

"Gun enthusiasts have trumpeted fears that their rights would erode under a Democrat-led White House and Congress, but President Barack Obama has largely been silent on [gun] issues ..." ...

MS: GOP candidate Ross covers First District
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Republican primary rushing in on June 1, candidate Henry Ross was hurrying on across the First Congressional District in a four-day, 30-stop swing ..."

"The former mayor of Eupora, hoping to win the GOP berth and face incumbent Democrat Travis Childers in the Nov. 2 general election, said on the square in Hernando that his conservative message has resonated." ...

"Ross wants a constitutional amendment ... to limit congressional terms to 12 years -- two six-year terms for senators and six two-year terms for lawmakers in the House. He backs Second Amendment gun-bearing rights and vows to fight for repeal of the health care law that he and other foes call Obamacare." ...

NY: NRA affiliate endorses Margolius
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Peter Margolius, Catskill Town Justice and candidate for Greene County Judge, has been endorsed by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association. It is the state's largest and nation's oldest Second Amendment advocacy organization."

"'Throughout his legal and judicial career, Justice Margolius has been a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and New York's gun owners and sportspeople,' the NYSRPA said. 'The NYSRPA urges all concerned gun owners to support his campaign.'"

"Since 1871, the NYSRPA has been dedicated to the preservation of Second Amendment rights, firearm safety, education and training, and the shooting sports. The organization is the official NRA-affiliated State Association in New York." ...

SC: Sarah Palin Endorses Nikki Haley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The biggest highlight of Nikki Haley's political rally was not Nikki Haley. It was the politician who came to endorse her, Sarah Palin. The Haley for Governor Campaign say they had to put things together at the last minute for Palin's visit. In less than a day's notice, word spread pretty fast that a former vice-presidential candidate was coming to town."

"'I figured let me swing by and give a shout-out to a strong, pro-family, pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-development, conservative reformer, your next governor, Nikki Haley.'" ...

PA: Gun rights activists are challenging municipal laws prohibiting people from carrying guns in parks
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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"The state law that lets just about anybody openly carry a loaded gun anywhere is butting up against municipal laws that outlaw guns from local parks where children play."

"Upper Allen Township is reversing its ban on guns in parks after a resident wrote officials that the ordinance is illegal. Manager Lou Fazekas said officials were aware earlier that the ban is at odds with the state’s Uniform Firearms Act, but decided against taking action until a resident raised a complaint."

"'It doesn't matter how I feel,' Fazekas said. 'We have to comply with state laws.'" ...

OK: Governor vetoes open carry, health care lawsuit measures
Submitted by: R. Smith

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... "Open carry"

"The governor also vetoed House Bill 3354, the so-called open carry law. The law would have allowed those with permits to carry concealed handguns to display their weapons in public view."

"The governor said he listened to safety concerns expressed by law enforcement about the measure."

"'We already allow trained and licensed Oklahomans to protect themselves by carrying concealed handguns, and it doesn't make anyone safer to wear a holster and display that weapon to the rest of the public,' Henry said. 'On the contrary, it makes it more difficult and dangerous for law enforcement officers to try to sort out the good guys and bad guys when they arrive at a crime scene.'"

OK: Stand down -- Open-carry weapons bill vetoed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Brad Henry has taken the right step in vetoing House Bill 3354, the measure that would allow Oklahomans who have concealed-carry gun permits to openly carry their weapons."

"No doubt lawmakers will move quickly to override his veto, because this measure is the kind of thing that passes for good public policy in Oklahoma these days."

"Henry, who was quick to point out he's a 'strong supporter of the Second Amendment and the holder of an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association,' said he vetoed the bill because it 'does nothing to enhance Second Amendment protections and could ultimately endanger public citizens and law enforcement officers.'" ...

Submitter's Note: How? How exactly could this bill "endanger public citizens and law enforcement officers"?

WV: Senate approves 'Bloomberg bill' for second time
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Once again, the Legislature has decided a private citizen enticing a gun dealer into selling a firearm illegally in West Virginia in a sting operation is guilty of a felony."

"Known as the 'Bloomberg bill,' the measure is similar to one vetoed by Gov. Joe Manchin after this year’s regular session on a technicality."

"Pushed by the National Rifle Association, the measure was named informally after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in deference to his use of private citizens to engage in sting operations outside his jurisdiction, notably in northern Virginia." ...

NY: Hawley votes against 'anti-Second Amendment' bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, Assemblyman Steve Hawley voted against legislation introduced by the Assembly Majority that he claims further imposes on the 2nd Amendment Rights of lawful gun owners and places costly mandates on firearm manufacturers."

"'The legislation an absolute violation of the 2nd Amendment Rights of New Yorkers,' Hawley said in a news release. 'Although the intention of the legislation is to prevent violent gun crimes across the state, the fact is that most gun-related violence is committed by criminals who obtained their firearms illegally." ...

NC: State trooper, police officers fired after DWI probe
Submitted by: jac

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"An off-duty trooper who was pulled over last month on a suspicion of driving while impaired and two Butner police officers who handled the stop have been fired ..."

"Highway Patrol Capt. James Williams Jr. was dismissed for personal conduct violations, spokesman Ernie Seneca said. Butner Public Safety Capt. Walter B. Williams and Lt. Daniel C. Parrott were dismissed for job performance and personal conduct violations."

"According to police reports and police radio communications, one of the officers stopped James Williams on Interstate 85 near Butner in the early-morning hours of April 3. Instead of taking action against Williams, the officers dropped him off at a motel." ...

KABA Note: Kudos to the departments involved for upholding their oaths and acting with integrity.

IL: CVS Shoplifter Death Now An 'Active' Investigation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"No one's denying what he might have done was wrong: allegedly stuffing crayons and toothpaste into his pockets and shoplifting."

"But the fact that Anthony Kyser was killed after he was caught, and allegedly choked by a store employee -- with an off-duty sheriff's officer watching it happen -- continues to hit a nerve." ...

"It was Saturday morning at a Chicago CVS Pharmacy. Police say Kyser shoplifted. A store employee went after him and made a citizen's arrest - putting him in a choke hold. Published reports say Kyser resisted. He later died. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide."

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: But if a handgun had been legally available to the clerk, he might have simply held Smiley for the cops to arrest.

OH: Ohio Wildlife Officers Indicted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The situation with the indictments of the Brown County Wildlife Officer plus the Ohio Division of Wildlife Chief, Assistant Chief, District 5 (Xenia) Manager, Law Enforcement Administrator and Human Resources Administrator is widely reported. ... There are lots of questions, rumors, counter-rumors and confusion over the case." ...

"I've spent some time communicating with retired Division of Wildlife employees at various levels over the last several weeks in an attempt to sort the truth from the rumors. I'm not going to quote them or use their names since at the time I talked to them I wasn't planning on writing about the indictments. Here's what I've been able to determine:" ...

DE: Man Accused Of Using Hatchet In Home Depot Robbery
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Bear man has been arrested after allegedly using a hatchet to rob a Wilmington home-improvement store.

Police say 45-year-old Andre Walker entered a Home Depot store Thursday night, took a bucket and a hatchet to the checkout, then began hitting the cash register with the hatchet until it opened. Police say he fled to the parking lot and got in a stranger's car before heading back to the store, where he swung the hatchet at a manager.

Police used a stun gun to take Walker into custody. He is charged with robbery, possession of a deadly weapon during a felony, aggravated menacing and other crimes. He was being held in lieu of $60,750 secured bond.

KABA Note: It's a good thing Delaware has such strict gun laws!

The power of the state is measured by the power that men surrender to it. — Felix Morley

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