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Newslinks for 5/18/2002

Gummi bears defeat fingerprint sensors
Submitted by: Alan Glenski

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--This report falls under: The fallibility of "Big Brother" technology. The move to control firearms is about control, as is biometric identifers...

"A Japanese cryptographer has demonstrated how fingerprint recognition devices can be fooled using a combination of low cunning, cheap kitchen supplies and a digital camera."

CO: Rick Stanley Found Guilty (AFA)
Submitted by: Alan Glenski

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-- City of Denver TYRANNY!

City Attorney states Colorado and U.S. Constitutions null and void in Denver since 1906.

"This morning in a Denver Courtroom, Libertarian U.S. Senate hopeful Rick Stanley was found guilty of unlawfully carrying a deadly weapon, in violation of Denver Municipal Ordinance 38-117.5(b). The charge was the result of an intentional act of civil disobedience during a rally celebrating the 210th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights on December 15, 2001."

UT: Guns in Court
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"How did Utah's gun-toting lunatic fringe manage to shake me down for some extra change to purchase courthouse gun lockers? I mean, what brilliant politicians thought this one out? Were they inspired by the same geniuses swarming to the Republican caucuses to take away their Second Amendment rights to blam-blam Bambi and to appoint the United Nations to oversee their paramilitary group?"

MA: Gun control
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A BULLET FROM a police-issued .40 caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol was an unwelcome guest in the Copley Square dinner tent at last Friday's spring gala for the Boston Public Library Foundation. Now police investigators are trying to determine whether the officer who fired it, eight-year veteran Joseph King, followed department policy on the use of deadly force when he shot three times at a suspect's vehicle nearby."

So easy to believe the lie
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"With rights essentially destroyed, then is national security to protect the people - or to protect the state (the governments) that has far exceeded constitutional authority? If constitutional authority is exceeded, then has not the state assumed powers it does not have? And, then, the premise this country was founded on - that the people and their rights are dominate over the government - been effectively done away with?"

France prepares for a ban
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In April, the French Government convened a meeting designed to recommend two measures: the reduction from 12 to six of the maximum number of guns one person may own; and the recategorisation of semi-automatic firearms as “weapons of war”.

KS: Felons with guns targeted
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Most homicide suspects arrested last year in Topeka had two things in common: They were convicted felons and they were accused of using a gun to kill."

"On Thursday, officials with a law enforcement task force announced they were encouraging citizens to earn cash rewards and make Topeka safer by calling them to report drug dealers and convicted felons who break the law by carrying guns."

Ashcroft not nutty on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Reasonable restrictions on gun ownership make sense, as do reasonable regulations of child pornography. Both guns and kiddie porn can cause serious harm.

But those who favor gun control rarely like porn control, because the First Amendment absolutely protects speech (as well as flag burning and lap dancing), while they believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear only cap pistols and BB guns - or something like that.

Armed pilots banned
Submitted by: Evan Nappen, Esq.

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--More death by gun control. "Place your seats in the upright position and prepare..."

OH: Killings Up 87% Over Last Year
Submitted by: Mark Kirby

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"Law abiding citizens in Cincinnati have been hookwinked to blame guns and drugs for obvious shortcomings of fatherless homes, lack of education and the failing justice system. This coupled with the fact that you risk a felony to excersise your RKBA effectively turning the citizens into guaranteed victims."

UK: Woman stabbed at bus stop
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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--The London neighborhood named in the world famous song the "Lambeth walk", today is just another unarmed victim zone...

Scotland: Gunman in balaclava raids off license
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Unarmed Victim Zone: "The robbery happened around 8.15 when a man wearing dark clothing and his face hidden by a balaclava marched into Haddows in Main Street. He ordered the staff to hand over the cash ... at gunpoint ... before running off."

Whose right is the right to bear arms?
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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--"The Oregonian's" token conservative gets it right.

Man kills 4 in video-store robbery
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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--Blockbuster is on record as being hostile to CCW in their stores, an armed customer might have saved lives in this scenario, as the vic's were killed "execution style."

Car crashes into McDonalds, killing three
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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--Ban high capacity assault vehicles (Yeah, right)...

NH: No guns for Bike Week?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A proposal to create a gun-free zone in The Weirs during Bike Week will be taken up by the City Council at its May 27 meeting, Mayor Mark Fraser said."

"Police Chief William Baker, who presented the gun ban as well as several other ways on how to make Bike Week safe to the City Council, told members that he believed the ban "will pass constitutional muster," said Fraser."

Tribal Fare
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Two years ago, Ted Nugent — rock guitarist, writer, hunter, and family-man — penned God, Guns and Rock and Roll, a book of political thoughts and life anecdotes that sped onto the New York Times bestseller list. So how does Nugent follow up such a success? He writes a cookbook, of course."

"Kill It and Grill It, written by Nugent and his wife Shemane, is a compilation of more than 50 recipes for deer, elk, wild boar, rabbit, bear, wild turkey, duck, squirrel, and more."

CO: Zero common sense
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dry Creek Elementary school has disciplined seven boys for playing a game of "army and aliens" in which they used their fingers as imaginary weapons and pretended to shoot creatures in the background. At least the boys weren't suspended, as has happened in other districts for imaginary violations of the infamous "zero tolerance" policies for violence and weapons. But they did lose recess privileges for a week."

CT: Somers gun club to fight ruling by Appellate Court
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The lawyer for a local gun club said its members would fight the state Appellate Court's reversal Wednesday of a lower court ruling that gave the club title to 23 acres it has used for decades but never bought."

"The Somers Sportsmen's Association will not lie down and take this without a fight, and I can assure Mr. Tyler that," John H. Parks said, referring to Bruce Tyler, the Somers lawyer and land developer with whom the gun club is in dispute."

CO: Libertarian convicted of openly carrying gun (RMN)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Libertarian Senate candidate Rick Stanley was convicted Thursday of openly carrying a gun in defiance of a Denver city ordinance during a December rally."

"The Denver County Court jury deliberated about two hours before delivering a verdict."

"Stanley admitted during testimony that he put a loaded Beretta .380-caliber semiautomatic handgun in his holster during a Dec. 15 rally at a downtown Denver park celebrating the Bill of Rights."

IL: Gun contest tests concealed weapons laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As anti-gun groups across the nation offer everything from cash to free pizzas to people willing to turn in their firearms, a joyfully antagonistic pro-gun rights group is giving away handguns to residents in Chicago, where possessing one is a felony."

"The first winner, who will get a Kel-Tec .32-caliber semiautomatic, is a Hasidic Jew who says his traditional black hat and long black coat make him feel like a target for anti-Semites."

IL: Anti-gun school program emphasizes 'gun danger' message
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Testimonials from two area residents whose lives were abruptly and permanently shattered by gun violence converted a gymnasium packed with 1,700 noisy teens into a hall of silence on May 9."

"Organizers of the 75-minute 'SAFE Survival Day' program, which extolled firearm safety to students in the Bolingbrook High School gymnasium, said they had some trepidations at the outset of the program because of the amount of attendees."

Will the Real Schumer Please Speak Straight
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Is perennial anti-gun New York Senator Charles Schumer suffering from schizophrenia? That's the question two of the nation's leading gun rights advocates are asking themselves after Schumer contradicted his own public position on the right to keep and bear arms."

"Said Schumer in a May 8 press release: "The broad principle that there is an individual right to bear arms is shared by many Americans, including myself."

Justice Attempting Logic in Gun Laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Supreme Court has been silent for 62 years, permitting our current crazy patchwork of conflicting, illogical, inequitable and counterproductive gun laws. None have ever been proven to reduce violence and many scholars say such laws make things worse."

"Ashcroft deserves credit for trying to re-establish a logical legal base for America's gun laws."

Anti-Gun Forces Move Fight to Local Level
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun control advocates who concede they have less sway with the Bush administration haven’t given up the fight for more aggressive laws at the local and state levels. But where some advocates are fighting for tougher regulations, proponents of additional gun rights are scoring their own victories, creating a battleground on local and state turf."

CO: District won't ask about parents' guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Cherry Creek School District won't be asking youngsters whether their parents have guns at home the next time children are caught playing make-believe gun games by pointing their fingers, superintendent Mitchell Moses said Thursday."

"Some parents were angered -- and a state lawmaker got involved -- when a principal disciplined several boys for their game-playing and then asked them if their parents kept guns."

Gunning for the land of the free (as per The Guardian, UK)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The United States was lampooned yesterday for being not so much the land of the free and the home of the brave but a fearful and gun-crazy nation obsessed with violence, in a powerful film that premiered at Cannes last night."

"Bowling for Columbine by the American film-maker Michael Moore, best known in Britain for his satirical series TV Nation and The Awful Truth, is the first documentary to be entered in competition at Cannes for 46 years."

NY: Neighbors sound off on paintball operation
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dozens of residents opposed to a paintball game operation jammed Wales Town Hall on Tuesday to oppose issuing another permit to Matt Kowalski of Vermont Hill Road.
The Town Board on Nov. 13 issued a special permit to Kowalski to operate a paintball operation three days a week seasonally, on property owned by his parents, Paul and Barbara Kowalski."

OH: CCRKBA Disappointed by Governor Taft's Response
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is promoting lawful carry of firearms for self defense in all 50 States. Ohio is a major focus due to the fact it is surrounded by right-to-carry states, has a large urban population needing guns for protection, and the pending lawsuit seeking to overturn the existing carry bans as unconstitutional."

Canada: 'Fewer guns on Toronto streets,' cops say
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"There is less blood being spilled on Toronto's streets because there are fewer guns, say Toronto's cops, who intend to keep it that way with the formation of a Gun Task Force to work hand-in-hand with a new Street Gang Unit."

"In Operation Gun Stop, a gun amnesty program launched in January with the Toronto Raptors, police initiated a two-pronged project targeting armed bandits, and offering basketball tickets to people surrendering guns they didn't want anymore."

Harden The Target
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As a captain for a major U.S. airline and a proponent of firearms for pilots, I am responding to the May 5 Tribune editorial calling for armed pilots. Most of the opponents of arming pilots cite reasons that are founded in myth, speculation and misconceptions."

"The plan to arm flight deck crews involves many facets. Foremost, not all pilots will be armed and the ones that are will be fully trained, investigated and deputized as federal officers."

TN: Tax Protest Heats Up
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Thanks in part to talk radio, hundreds of Tennesseans are protesting attempts by the overspending Legislature and governor to impose a state income tax."

"It's a very important day because I feel the legislators are viewing the income tax as an easy way out," William Fisher of Spring Hill told the Tennessean newspaper as he observed the crowd of protesters Wednesday at Nashville's Capitol Hill."

A call against arms
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Loophole in the law -- Tosner believes the incident highlights a loophole in the laws regarding the licensing of gun owners. "He was known to have a violent background, yet he legally was able to have a gun," Tosner said. "It makes sense that someone who has a history of violent behaviors and mental illness should not have a gun."

MD: The Cops Are Watching You
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Col. David Mitchell, superintendent of the Maryland State Police, is sitting at the end of a big conference table at police headquarters near Baltimore. Mitchell, a lawyer and thirty-one-year veteran of Maryland law enforcement, is talking about how terrorism has added a new mission for his officers since September 11. "After 9/11 we found out how many things we needed to know," says Mitchell, beefy and bespectacled under a full head of gray hair."

MA: SAS: Pro-Gun Women Find Unexpected Home
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"All week, college student Sabrina Clark looks forward to blowing off some steam in an unexpected place. Other Mount Holyoke College undergraduates might find relief from their studies in a bar or a gym. Clark finds it at the local firing range."

"It's definitely like a meditation," Clark, 20, said between rounds from a 9 mm handgun. "I do long-distance running and I hate it. This is much more stress-relieving."

Lindh Cites U.S. Argument in Bid for Dropping Charge
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In papers filed in federal court, the lawyers said that charging Mr. Lindh with firearms violations would violate his Second Amendment right "as an individual" to use and possess a firearm. They are seeking the dismissal of a charge that Mr. Lindh used firearms and "destructive devices" in crimes of violence. In a recent filing with the Supreme Court, the Justice Department argued that the Second Amendment conferred a broad right to bear arms."

The news we heard from a guy at Handgun Control
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Having been cheerfully assured by "Handgun Control, Inc." (aka the Brady Campaign) that the Constitution protects only kiddie porn and says absolutely nothing about guns, the New York Times has been viciously denouncing Attorney General John Ashcroft for having the temerity to suggest that the Second Amendment protects the "right of the people to keep and bear arms."

PSR Pushes Congress to Close the 'Gun Show Loophole'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Domestic violence, child advocacy, faith-based, civil rights, law enforcement, consumer advocacy, public health, legal, and violence prevention activists are all at the table. What brings this diverse group of advocates together? The gun show loophole."

Solomon Islands: Many MPs sign guns free declaration
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Most Members of the Solomon Islands Parliament have now signed the guns free declaration. Sean Dorney reports that only two Ministers have yet to declare that they and membes of their families do not hold any weapons."

Ashcroft Makes the Right Call on Guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun control advocates are upset over Attorney General John Ashcroft's declaration last week, outlined in a legal brief before the Supreme Court, that the Second Amendment to the Constitution protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms irrespective of any ties to a state militia."

NC: Senate candidate campaigns as 'country lawyer'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Let’s assume that we have a real problem in this country and a dictator should take over," he warned an audience member skeptical of his position on gun ownership. "I want my friends to have an AK-47 and an Uzi to go up against the federal government."

OH: Judge allows weapon in court
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The gun wasn't loaded. And a judge and deputies working Courthouse security were convinced that a local attorney was reaching for some kind of special effect or impact when she pulled out a pistol during a civil trial Wednesday in attempts to sway a jury. They all said there was no illegal intent. But defense attorneys Richard Bush and Daniel Dascenzo called the stunt prejudicial and perhaps misguided."

'Preventing Illegal Gun Sales' Scheme
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"About 120,000 additional illegal gun sales could be prevented each year by improving federal background check laws, according to a new report released today by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and a coalition of law enforcement and public health organizations."

CA: Failed Canada Gun Registration Scheme A Lesson
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Toronto Star and the Canadian Press are reporting that hundreds of thousands of gun owners in Canada, possibly at least one third of all Canadian gun owners, have yet to register their firearms under the new Canadian mandatory gun registration scheme. So far, the Star reports that noncompliance has forced the Canadian government to waive registration fees for a period of time, as a form of encouragement."

The Killing Zone... Wherever Guns are Prohibited
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun control laws kill people."

"I came to this conclusion a long time ago. It was an easy deduction to reach. I simply observed the related events, applied reason and logic, especially with consideration to human nature, and the outcome was a lead pipe cinch."

CA: Small-caliber reasoning
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Faced with the kinds of infringements posed by the counties, gun owners and manufacturers should take up one simple refrain: Any government action taken to restrict firearms ownership or related pastimes must be reasonably expected -- if not proven -- to achieve the stated aim of curbing gun-related violence."

What's wrong with DOJ's position on 2A and what isn't
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Justice Department's controversial footnote appears in briefs in opposition to petitions for writs of certiorari - that is, requests that the Supreme Court hear appeals - in two cases."

"The cases are Haney v. United States and Emerson v. United States. The Justice Department does not believe either case should be heard, for it agrees with the decisions of the Tenth and Fifth Circuits, respectively, in each case."

Administration’s gun stance is on target
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The idea that the Bill of Rights protects an individual’s right to own a gun hardly is news to most Americans. But the Bush administration’s simple acknowledgment of that right made big headlines around the country this past week."

"The excitement arose from a couple of footnotes included in briefs Solicitor General Ted Olson filed with the Supreme Court in connection with two appeals before the court."

Bill addresses liability of armed pilots
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A federal bill that would allow commercial airline pilots to be armed contains a provision that absolves both airlines and pilots from legal liability should innocent parties be harmed during attempts to thwart a hijacking."

"The measure, called the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act, or H.R.4635, is currently under consideration by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee."

SC: Owner finds 25 guns stolen from Lancaster County shop
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"About 25 guns were taken from a rural Lancaster County gun shop early Thursday, leading to a daylong search for suspects by the Lancaster County Sheriff's Office. The guns - including an assortment of revolvers and pistols - were taken from Discount Guns, located on Old Hickory Road. Tommy Foster, owner of the shop, said the guns taken were a small amount out of the almost 600 he sells."

Guns And John Ashcroft
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"During the final presidential debate in 2000, George Bush was asked about a National Rifle Association boast that if he won the election, the gun lobby would operate out of the Oval Office. No need to worry, he replied. "I'm a pretty independent thinker."

"It turns out that the NRA was not far off the mark. It has found a home not in the Oval Office but in Attorney General John Ashcroft's Justice Department."

In our inner cities, where firearms are outlawed, only outlaws are armed. When our "philosopher kings" sit back and do nothing, this is the tyranny and terror of "gun control." —CHARLTON HESTON

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