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Newslinks for 5/18/2009

Democrats and Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Amid so much other news, a Senate vote last week to allow loaded guns in national parks slipped under the media radar. The vote shows how the political cause of gun control is as dead as a mounted moose.

By 67-29, the Senate passed Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn's amendment to let law-abiding visitors carry legal firearms into national parks. This overturns a 1983 federal rule requiring that firearms be kept unloaded and in an inaccessible place such as a trunk of a car. The provision (now part of credit-card legislation) protects Second Amendment rights, and it preserves the right of states to pass firearm laws that apply consistently, even on federal lands.

NC: Owners safe if trained and responsible
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lung cancer killed both of my parents; it will likely kill me also. North Carolina is the largest distributor, promoter and manufacturer of tobacco products in the world. Looks like they would be coming to me, and scores of others, for a pardon.

So I am a liberal who supports the Second Amendment. The liberals hate me because of that support, and the conservatives hate me because I am liberal.

Armed Citizens Are Free Citizens
Submitted by: Larry

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This reminds me of a few Saturdays ago when I stopped at the gun shop nearest my home, though it's not my regular place. The parking lot was jammed and the store looked like a toy store three days before Christmas. Shoulder-to-shoulder people. Folks buying more than one gun. A guy buying a .44 Magnum. A newbie couple looking for his and her guns. Ammo flying off the shelves. The owner told me he just got in 10,000 rounds of .22 ammo and it was almost gone ... already. We chatted for a bit, and on the way out he yelled out, "I love an armed America." This guy gets it.

The gun shop I typically go to is owned/staffed by ex-army gents, they wear "Don't Tread on Me" t-shirts, they understand the real reason for the political persecution of patriots and the run on guns, and they get it.

60 Votes Can't Buy Gun Control Love: What it means for us in the time of Gangster Government.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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The "Joint Task Force" is a particularly insidious system and the "fusion centers" are, on average, not much better. Unlike in the 90s, this system gives the Fibbies more muscle. First, it is a force multiplier -- the state and locals contribute more warm bodies to the project than they do -- and a means of identifying kindred jack-booted spirits in local law enforcement. Second, it enables them to bend the locals and staties to their will with greater effectiveness that springs from better inside intelligence. Third, it enables them to identify constitutionalists and oath-keepers in the state and local forces.

Does owning a gun make you safer?
Submitted by: ARCCA

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Whenever I see these kinds of stories being pushed I immediately get suspicious. Most likely it's due to the carry in national parks story that has been brewing. I just hope it's not another ABC style hit job.

We'll give them the benefit of the doubt though.
This from FOX -16, "Gun sales are soaring. By some estimates, they are up by a third since November. Will having a gun in the home make your family safer or put the people you are trying to protect at risk? FOX16 News investigates Monday on FOX16 News at 9PM."

Let me help you guys out with this.
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters announced that 31,110 people died on the nation's roads from January through

A rifle in one hand, a laptop in the other. Behind the scene with pro-gun bloggers.
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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While many old-school beat reporters stayed in New York or Washington this weekend to write about conventional political and social events, the pseudonymous “Sebastian” live-blogged GOP head Michael Steele’s fiery speech from the press box at the National Rifle Association convention in Phoenix.

AL: Legislators: Concealed weapons bill will return next session
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Bills to allow employees to store guns in their cars at the workplace were shot down this Legislative session, but a powerful state senator said he will reload and pursue similar legislation next year.

CA: ATF raid on gun store, home nets 200 guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm agents seized more than 200 firearms and ammunition from a local gun store and the owner's home, according to ATF officials.

Agents arrived at Lock, Stock and Barrel in the 15000 block of Bear Valley Road and at store owner Steve Mitchell's home in the 9500 block of Bellview Avenue in Apple Valley on Friday morning, according to Michael Hoffman, spokesman for the ATF.

Hoffman would not disclose the details or the reason behind the seizure.

AR: Ordinance being drafted to repeal gun prohibition at Ben Geren Park
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sebastian County Judge David Hudson said he is drafting an ordinance to repeal the county’s ban on firearms at Ben Geren Park."

"Arkansas Carry contacted Sebastian County Judge David Hudson on May 7 asking him and the Sebastian County Quorum Court to repeal a county rule that bans firearms at Ben Geren Park."

"'This Act expressly prohibits Sebastian County from enacting any code, ordinance or regulation concerning the ownership, transfer, transportation, carrying, or possession of firearms ...' Arkansas Carry Vice Chairman Steve Jones noted in the May 7 letter."

"It appears Jones and Arkansas Carry were correct." ...

Submitter's Note: Grass roots activism works again!

Kicking Surrendered Suspects in the Head is Inexcusable
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"If the police can get away with doing this to Rodriguez, they can get away with doing it to you."

Critics Deride Bill Designed to Keep Weapons Out of Terrorists' Hands
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A bill designed to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists is drawing fire from gun rights advocates who say it could infringe upon regular citizens' constitutional right to bear arms.

Anti-Gun Blacklist Bill Reaches Congress
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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Ff U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) has his way, a new bill may be enough to prohibit you from acquiring a firearm or federal firearm license, especially if the Attorney General is as opposed to gun ownership as Janet Reno was during the Clinton Administration, and as Eric Holder is today.

Fresh on the heels of a disturbing paper from the Department of Homeland Security, characterizing gun owners as rightwing extremists, on April 29 King introduced H.R. 2159, which he calls the "Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009."

ATF Gun Raid Sends Us All a Message
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"And the purpose of the raid? The compelling reason 15 heavily-armed police state ninjas used a battering ram on an unlocked door, assaulted and threw citizens to the ground, put guns to their heads, terrorized a man with a heart condition, destroyed and seized property, and generally trashed the place?"

"Because a son who 'was arrested 34 years ago at the age of 17 with a friend who had forged a check [and] hasn't been arrested since' was living with his gun owner father."

N.C.: Cops: Teen uses banana in attempted stick-up
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Authorities say a North Carolina teen who was thwarted as he tried to rob a store with a banana ate it before they could arrive.

Winston-Salem authorities say 17-year-old John Szwalla held the banana under his shirt when he entered the store Thursday, saying he had a gun and demanded money.

Owner Bobby Ray Mabe says he and a customer jumped Szwalla, holding him until deputies arrived. While they waited, Mabe says the teen ate the banana.

Mabe says deputies took pictures of the banana peel. Forsyth County Sheriff's office spokesman Maj. Brad Stanley says deputies joked about charging Szwalla with destroying evidence.
Szwalla faces a charge of attempted armed robbery.


AZ: Guns measure tries to balance rights conflict
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The most difficult issues in a free society happen when two fundamental rights collide. That is happening in Arizona now over the issue of guns in cars on private property, primarily business parking areas.

The right of individuals to have firearms is a fundamental right of our nation under our Constitution, as well as an innate right under the principle of self-defense and self-preservation. At the same time the right to have control over one's property is also fundamental in our nation and protected by our laws.

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn gun measure draws fire from foes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Opponents say U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn’s efforts to change decades-old rules for national parks could lead to loaded guns, even assault weapons, in some of the nation’s most sacred sites.

"This is a bad idea,” said Scot McElveen, president of the Association of National Park Rangers.

McElveen even took issue with the Oklahoma Republican’s claims that his Senate-passed amendment would not apply to monuments.

"That’s not how I read it,” he said, citing Coburn’s own language that indicates his amendment, if it became law, would apply to all units of the National Park System

TN: A Legally Armed Citizenry Doesn't Lead to Chaos
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another letter writer says uneducated and untrained people are carrying firearms. Then why is it that less than 1 percent of all the permits issued have been revoked or suspended?
Why is it that these people prefer armed criminals instead of armed, law-abiding citizens?

Not one of these letters shows any proof that legally arming our citizens leads to chaos and anarchy. Our state has issued carry permits for 15 years now. I am still waiting for the menace we were told our society would become. I am still waiting for the cold-blooded killers you all swore we would become. It didn’t happen and you simply can’t admit it. Show me some facts. Not predictions and guessing.

Gun Control Slides Quietly Off the Agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This should be a time of great hope for supporters of stricter gun control laws. They've got a new president on their side, a Congress dominated by Democrats, even a terrible string of shootings this spring that should lend urgency to their cause.

Instead they're facing discouraging signals from the White House, falling support for tighter regulation, spikes in gun sales and a resurgent National Rifle Association. Just the prospect of new federal limits on guns has sent enthusiasts rushing to buy guns and join the NRA.


MA: The nation of the armed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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ON A BEAUTIFUL May morning I leave my house and walk a short distance to a shop advertising "sporting goods and firearms." As I approach the counter, a man asks if he can help. Trying not to stammer, I say I want to buy a gun. I have various stories prepared to explain my odd request but he simply asks, "Do you have a permit?" When I say no, he says that I need one from the police, which they will issue only after I have taken a gun safety course. This costs around $100. I leave the shop clutching not a deadly weapon but several phone numbers.

WA: Proposal would make Columbia Valley a no-shooting zone
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whatcom County Councilman Sam Crawford said he's ready to bring forth a proposal creating a no-shooting zone in a populated area north of Kendall in the Columbia Valley.

At the council's next meeting May 26, Crawford said he plans to introduce a resolution that would allow for a public hearing on his proposal before the council votes to make it an ordinance.

The hearing would be during the council's June 9 meeting, Crawford said.

The county already has 20 no-shooting zones, and Crawford said one is needed in that area of the Columbia Valley to aid law enforcement and prevent injuries or deaths from shootings.

NM: FBI won't charge man in Mescalero shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Federal authorities won't pursue charges against a 23-year-old Mescalero man who shot and killed two men on the reservation.

FBI spokesman Stephan Marshall said prosecutors declined to bring charges against Wacey Chico, citing witness accounts of an April 15 altercation and evidence recovered at the scene.

Marshall said authorities believe Chico acted in self-defense after two brothers started a fight with him. He identified the brothers as James Steward, 30, and Christian Steward, 23.

AR: Prosecuting Attorney Dan Shue's Letter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On May 11, Prosecuting Attorney Dan Shue wrote a letter to Sebastian County Judge David Hudson in which he agreed my request to repeal Sebastian County’s firearms laws was legitimate. While I am pleased with his recommendation to repeal the laws, I disagree with some of the conclusions he has reached regarding future options with Ben Geren Park.

First, Mr. Shue calls the repeal of the law a “housekeeping” matter. It is hardly housekeeping; if the law is not repealed, future citizens (maybe decades from now) could and would be prosecuted under this law. Conviction and penalties would be possible if the State preemption law is not used as a defense.

NY: New York's Gun Battle
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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New York City has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and, under Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the police department has worked to strictly enforce them. Despite that in communities like parts of the Bronx gunshots regularly claim the lives of innocent bystanders as illegal weapons continue to pour into the city. If the city is to further reduce gun violence, it will need help from the state and federal government.

Canada: Whatever You Do, Don’t Fight Back
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Out of Dallas comes a story about a 60 year old woman who wrestled away a gun from a 19 year old teenager trying to steal her car and shot him. The story’s closing paragraph contains the cautionary note that has become obligatory for postmodern America.

“We don’t recommend it,” Sgt. McFarlin said of the woman’s decision to confront her attacker. “Always the safe thing to do, unless you’re in fear of imminent bodily injury, is to comply.”

WA: Bellingham law would ban gun sales near city's 50 day care centers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun sales would be banned near the city's 50 state-licensed day care centers, 19 public schools and four colleges, under a draft law. It would also ban sales near at least 13 private and religious schools.

The proposed law, which the City Council will consider approving Monday, May 18, would allow existing gun dealers to continue operating, even if they were near a school, but it would ban new locations from opening and selling within 500 feet of schools.

The city currently has eight licensed gun dealers, according to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

CO: Looking for ammo? Good luck
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He came in search of ammunition.

Walking the length of Sportsman's Warehouse on Friday, John Lewis found only empty shelves. Tiered displays at the end of each aisle, once overflowing with bullets — with even more in the back — now held black canvas bags instead. Orange signs limited purchases to two boxes of ammo per person, if even that many could be found.

It's a shock for gun owners like Lewis, a 52-year-old former Marine looking to buy 9 mm rounds.

"People are afraid," he said. "They're getting concerned."

NY: Support stronger gun laws against violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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If you are upset about the recent and seemingly endless firearm shootings around the country; if you are worried that you or your loved ones could be the next victims; if you don't know what to do to stop the madness, then consider joining the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least." — HENRY DAVID THOREAU

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