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Newslinks for 5/18/2011

Will judge’s anti-concealed carry ruling lead to Catch-22 for CA gun owners?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "In other words, 'may issue' has been upheld, despite the clear proscription, applicable to the states, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. And despite the documented cronyism and discrimination rife in California’s permit system." ...

Submitter's Note: Tuesday's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at yet another worthless "Republican" appointee who just did as much damage as any Democrat with a ruling that soon may mean all doors are closed to those who wish to bear arms (legally) in the Golden State.

New Study Points to Truth About Mexican Cartels' Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Woodrow Wilson International Center, which previously accepted as fact that incredible numbers of newly purchased firearms were being smuggled from the U.S. to Mexico, has just released a report showing that the numbers have been incredibly exaggerated. The revelation shifts the blame for Mexico's drug cartel problem away from America's 'lax' gun laws, and squarely in the direction of Mexican officials and Central American weapons smugglers." ...

Demonizing NRA based on falacies[sic]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People rightly complain about birther claims that President Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen, pointing to factual documentation that he is. It would be nice to see a similar regard for factual evidence when it comes to firearms."

"I am referring to repeated attempts by anti-gun activists to claim that the National Rifle Association supports, in the words of recent writer Mitch Edelman, 'high volume sales of automatic weapons' and allegedly opposes control of 'fully-automatic military rifles.'"

AAR Broadcast 5-15-2011 Hour 2 (podcast)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Jim Irvine stays with me. Hour two sees David Codrea come back to AAR as he will each week until Eric Holder resigns. David will expose more ATF shenanigans regarding the Project Gunrunner scandal. Resign Eric, it’s time. Charlie Parrot, the inventor of the Smartcarry Holster will join me to talk concealment using this amazing holster. I’ve used them for years and they work! Resident AAR Navy SEAL, Larry Yatch comes back to talk Bin Laden Bin Killed and how the SEALS operate. GREAT stuff!"

MAG 80 Pt IV: Holdin on to your Hogs Leg . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hands down, my favorite subject at the MAG 80 course: Handgun Retention 101. Do not confuse this with the implication that I am any good at the skills required. It’s a matter of public record that I dance with all the poise and grace of the late Herman Munster. Fortunately, stomping on your 'Partners' feet might net you some bonus points in this discipline . . ." ...

John May, Wilson Combat: Why the 1911 is Still a Favorite for Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After more than a hundred years of deployment, the 1911 still keeps its owners safe. I know that many gun owners have chosen another type of firearm for personal defense. But no other handgun has been serving us as long or as well. There are many reasons why John Moses Browning’s design has stood the test of time. . ." ...

The Joy Of Holstering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As with many other things in my trip to Gunsite, I saw the light on holsters and holster replacement. What are the tell tales signs that it’s time to replace that leather? Are you putting yourself at risk? Is a few extra bones really that much to spend on something you carry ’round everyday? Answers after the jump . . ," ...

Praxis: Litter Evacuation. No conflict comes without casualties.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today when someone is injured, our first instinct is to call 9-1-1. This is what we are trained to do from childhood -- let the experts handle it. But what if the 'experts' aren't within calling distance? What if the only way we can can get someone injured -- or wounded -- from Point A to the medical care at Point B is to do it ourselves? They say that proper planning prevents poor performance. That works for casualty evacuation too." ...

Tachyon XC New GunCam (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tachyon GunCam™ – the entire collection bundle, or a la carte – consists of a variety of mounts that will secure the Tachyon OPS and OPS HD cameras to almost any handgun, rifle, or shotgun. Tachyon’s Picatinny Rail mount can easily be mounted to any gun that is equipped with a Picatinny rail. For guns without rails, such as rifles and shotguns, they offer attachable rails designed specifically for each type of gun. They even have a rail mount designed for scopes." ...

Gear Review: Magna-Arm Magnetic Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Securing a gun in your home can be ridiculously easy or frustratingly difficult, depending on a couple of factors – how many people are in the home, how secure is your exterior, and how much traffic do you get inside the home for starters. And there are no easy answers. Gun safes are secure, but make your guns largely inaccessible. Leaving your guns at arm’s reach is convenient, but leaves them accessible to children and anybody who might want to take a five-finger discount on your guns and possessions. What’s a gun owner to do? One innovative idea is 'better living through magnetism' with magnetic holsters from Magna-Arm Firearm Concealment." ...

OH: Council resolutions decry guns in bars, cuts to Consumers' Counsel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Columbus City Council took aim at guns in bars and took the side of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel last night in resolutions that blasted two proposals before state officials."

"The seven council members, all Democrats, unanimously called on Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, to veto a bill that would allow patrons to carry concealed guns in bars and restaurants where alcohol is served." ...

PA: Bill fosters violence, not self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Castle Doctrine is already law in Pennsylvania."

"There is no duty to retreat before using deadly force in your own home. Outside your home, deadly force is an option, but only if there is no safe alternative." ...

Submitter's Note: "No safe alternative." So nice to have your life and freedom depend on the second-guessers and Monday morning QBs.

Book Review: Shooting The Bull
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Other than self-defense, why do you want to carry a gun?' I was speechless. Other than self-defense? What could be more important than defending my life and the lives of my loved ones? Money. If you're a RI resident, you're most likely to receive a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit if you carry a large amount of cash on your person or work with high value items. Landlords and jewelers are good to stow. Ditto journalists who test and evaluate firearms. But if you want to carry a concealed handgun to protect yourself and/or your loved ones against a random or unforeseen attack, forget it. ..." ...

BREAKING NEWS: ATF employees given directive for congressional inquiry/subpoena responses
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Headquarters personnel are going to review these documents for value? After Headquarters has lied and covered-up and stonewalled this for several months?"

"And the topper (seriously this has to be one of the all time bests at ATF and that is not easy to do), the Assistant Director of Internal Affairs is going to threaten discipline on regular Joe and Jane employees for failing to comply when she and her cronies have protected and defended the very people responsible for the mess that created all this..." ...

Getting ready for the hearings. CBS: Major ATF Phoenix shake-up after "Gunwalker"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'CBS News has learned that virtually all the top ATF managers in Phoenix involved in the controversial 'Fast and Furious' operation have been reassigned and replaced.'"

"Sharyl Attkisson continues:" ...

Issa: Gunrunner hearings will be held; ATF names new SAC in Phoenix
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has named a new Special Agent in Charge (SAC) in Phoenix, the office from whence the controversial Operation Fast and Furious arm of Project Gunrunner was launched."

"Meanwhile, Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has suggested that hearings on the controversial Project Gunrunner will be held in Washington, D.C." ...

What Has the A.T.F Been Up To and What Does Eric Holder Have To Say About It? (podcast)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We will have David Codrea on the Indy Radio Factor to talk about this [Project Gunwalker] story..." ...

Gun qualifications possibly changed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since 1993, you’ve had to fill out a form and pass a background check to make sure you are legally allowed to own a gun." ...

"And now Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy of New York, has introduced legislation to expand the definition of mental incompetence."

"She wants anyone who at any time was forced into treatment for mental problems, or made to take medication for emotional issues to be on the list." ...

Submitter's Note: So because 13 years ago, when my 14 year-old step-daughter was doing drugs, my ex-wife was screwing around, I was working full-time and flunking college and I needed anti-depressants, Carolyn wants to make me a prohibited person for the rest of my life?

House Committee: Those on Terrorist Watch List Can Buy Guns
Submitted by: Oliver Nelson

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"In a party-line vote (21-11), the House Judiciary Committee killed an amendment from Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) that would have blocked firearm purchases by those on the FBI’s terrorist watch list."

"If passed, this amendment would have given the attorney general unfettered discretionary power to deny firearm sales to American citizens on the terrorist watch list ... without due process. ..." ...

WA delegation nearly absent from Nat’l CCW Reciprocity bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s edition of No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money carries an updated report about members of Congress that have signed on as co-sponsors of HR822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity bill, but only two Washington lawmakers’ names are on the list." ...

Proposal allows firearms on Corps property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Congress voted to allow guns in Ohio's national parks in 2010, it did not include lands owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."

"U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Lakeville, wants to make sure people otherwise allowed to carry firearms can take them into these properties as well ..." ...

OH: Guns are not allowed in Restaurants: The forensic examination of the anti-gun claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio has now passed bills in the House and Senate that would allow concealed carry licensees to carry firearms in liquor facilities. Since this legislative action is contrary to the editorial position of Ohio's major newspapers, and since editors such as The Columbus Dispatch's Joe Hallett cannot allow facts to interfere with their own biases, it is left to Buckeye Firearms' volunteers to refute the idiocy." ...

OH: "The Lundy List": Three legislators who indicated they'd vote for Restaurant & Car Carry before they voted against it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, Republican House Speaker William Batchelder made headlines when he revealed that his 59-member caucus was unable to muster the 50 votes necessary for passage. A review of our 2010 candidate surveys showed that, so long as everyone kept their word, the votes were there. However, sources in the Statehouse told us that some were considering breaking their word and voting against the bill for emotional reasons. In response, Buckeye Firearms Association, the National Rifle Association and the Ohio Liberty Council began intensive efforts to encourage their supporters to contact members of the House during the legislature's spring break." ...

IL: Concealed carry 'compromise' considered in Illinois actually abject surrender
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The problem, of course, is that in any jurisdiction in which the government frowns on armed private citizens, 'may issue' tends to become 'won't issue.' We've seen that in Hawaii, which is technically a 'may issue' state, but one in which it is universally understood to be absolutely impossible for an ordinary private citizen to obtain a permit." ...

CA: Portantino Open Carry Gun Bill Passes State Assembly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that would make it illegal for California residents to openly carry an unloaded firearm in public passed the State Assembly by a vote of 45-29 and will now go to the State Senate." ...

KY: Trimble officials extend weapons ordinance review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trimble County officials are taking a closer look at a weapons ordinance that passed a first reading at the court's last meeting."

"The court was supposed to have had the second reading on the ordinance at the Fiscal Court meeting Monday, but Judge-Executive Randy Stevens thought the pending ordinance should be given additional thought." ...

CA: California takes hard look at BB, pellet guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's four years away, but Bill Jordan had every intention of buying his 4-year-old son a Red Ryder BB gun for his eighth birthday. But that gift wish may end soon if the Red Ryder goes from its unmistakable wood stock to a bright pink."

"California Senate Bill 798 has made it over two hurdles — a Public Safety Committee vote in March and a vote last week by state senators — and now heads to the Assembly, where it will be scrutinized and argued."

"The bill, if approved, would require all imitation guns to be painted a bright yellow, blue, pink or orange or made translucent." ...

MO: HB 294 would kick Mayor Bloomberg's 'sting operations' out of Missouri
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In other words, it bans Mayor Bloomberg-style (and Brady Campaign-style) gun show 'sting operations,' in which the mayor sends private detectives to gun shows and gun shops in other states (at enormous expense, courtesy of NYC taxpayers). There, they secretly record what Bloomberg presents as being irresponsible, unscrupulous, and dangerous gun sales, in order to justify more gun laws, such as laws to close the mythical 'gun show loophole.' If Governor Nixon signs HB 294 into law, Bloomberg would be committing a felony were he to try one of his 'stings' here in Missouri." ...

OH: Gov. Kasich on "guns-in-bars" - wait 'til it gets to my desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. John Kasich on Tuesday took a wait-and-see approach on whether he’ll sign legislation allowing concealed carry permit holders to take their guns into bars and restaurants serving alcohol as long as the permit holders themselves don’t drink." ...

Supreme Court gives police leeway in home searches
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Supreme Court gave police more leeway to break into homes or apartments in search of illegal drugs when they suspect the evidence otherwise might be destroyed."

"Ruling in a Kentucky case Monday, the justices said that officers [without a warrant] who smell marijuana and loudly knock on the door may break in if they hear sounds that suggest the residents are scurrying to hide the drugs."

"Residents who 'attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame' when police burst in, said Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. for an 8-1 majority."

"In her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she feared the ruling gave police an easy way to ignore 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. ..." ...

Fed. judge’s ruling on concealed carry faces appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This morning's Seattle Times – the newspaper that significantly overlooked one of the biggest local stories of 2010, that being the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation's landmark Supreme Court victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago – reports that a federal judge in California has ruled there is no constitutional right to carry a concealed handgun in public."

"Plaintiffs in the case will appeal that ruling to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco." ...

MD: US Supreme Court asks Maryland why 2nd Amendment applies only to one's home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Maryland Supreme Court unanimously held that the Second Amendment applies only to one's home and, in a slap to the face of US Supreme Court Justice Scalia who wrote the Heller opinion; the Maryland High Court criticised the wording of Scalia's decision."

"Noted Second Amendment scholar, author and attorney Stephen Halbrook decided to represent Williams, who was sentenced to three years in prison for having a loaded handgun in a bag he was transporting from his girlfriends house to his home."

"Maryland laws provide for licenses to carry firearms, openly and concealed, but refuses to issue them."

"Halbrook has asked the US Supreme Court to review the Maryland Supreme Court decision and answer the following question." ...

CA: California conceal carry gun rights case dealt another setback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A developing trend in California courtrooms has purveyors of the Second Amendment up in arms- in order to protect oneself outside their domicile gun owners must pass muster with county Sheriff Departments, according to a federal judge." ...

Good cops, bad cops. This is a rather unique view of that routine.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There was a interesting juxtaposition created by two recent news stories. Both center on the legality of police action."

"The first was from Indiana. ..."

"Essentially, in that case the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that a citizen in Indiana has no right to resist the illegal entry of a police officer into his dwelling. ..." ...

"In the second case a 25 year old man went into a Philadelphia AutoZone store wearing a handgun on his belt, clearly visible to all. He had a license to carry the weapon."

But a police officer spotted Mark Fiorino and pulled his gun on [him]. ... The cops were wrong. Not only were they wrong to arrest him, but the way they did so was not something most honest cops would have been proud of." ...

NJ: N.J. county, state prosecutors not allowed to carry guns after retirement
Submitted by: fms

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"County and state prosecutors are not considered law enforcement officers under New Jersey’s strict gun laws that allow retired cops to carry weapons, an appellate panel ruled today."

"The decision by the three-judge panel upholds a lower court’s finding that Giles Casaleggio, a former assistant prosecutor in Union, Passaic and Morris counties before becoming a deputy attorney general, does not qualify for a gun permit as a retired law enforcement officer." ...

MI: On-duty Detroit police officer suspected of sex with prostitute in squad car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Detroit police are investigating allegations that an on-duty officer had sex in his squad car with a prostitute, officials said Friday."

"Details were scarce, but police said internal affairs investigators are looking into the allegations that the officer engaged in sex acts with the prostitute in his police cruiser about two weeks ago while it was parked somewhere in the Northeastern District. The officer is assigned to the department's Western District, police said." ...

NY: Cop-rape trial: NYPD officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata are a disgrace, says prosecutor
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The two cops accused in the rape of a helpless East Village woman disgraced their badge and 'disgraced their profession,' a furious Manhattan prosecutor said Tuesday."

"'These two were supposed to be New York City's Finest, but on Dec. 7, 2008 they were New York City's worst,' Assistant District Attorney Coleen Balbert said in Manhattan Supreme Court." ...

PA: Open-Carry Experiment Shows Cops Don't Know Their Own Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "'Technically, the answer is yes,' says Lt. Fran Healy, a special adviser to Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey. 'You can carry openly within Philadelphia as long as you have a license.' Healy, who is also an attorney, doesn't dispute the claim that city cops are often ignorant on the open-carry law, which has been on the books since 1995. He says it's just never been a problem, that citizens were simply never observed carrying openly in the city. He adds that incidents such as Fiorino’s have prompted the PPD to better train its officers. ... 'When they [officers on the street] know the law, that helps them respond better,' he says. 'These [citizens] are decent people. They’re not criminals.'" ...

KABA Note: Since when is something "technically" legal when it is explicitly stated in law? Although he does redeem himself somewhat by noting that open-carriers are "decent people".

PA: Pa. man claims audio recording of encounter with Philly police over handgun prompted charges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Several weeks after the altercation, after it was posted on YouTube, Commissioner Charles Ramsey had detectives look into the case, Evers said. On April 21, Evers said, Fiorino was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person. The confrontation could have led to Fiorino getting shot and officers racing to the scene also could have been injured in an accident, police said."

"On Saturday, several dozen gun-owners turned out at City Hall to protest Fiorino's arrest." ...

KABA Note: So because your cops were ignorant of the law, and their reactions 'recklessly endangered' others, you're charging . . . the victim?!?

NY: On-duty NYPD cop Philip Chlanda kills himself on city street after Facebook dispute with girlfriend
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An on-duty city cop distraught over a possible breakup with his girlfriend pulled out his gun in front of her and fatally shot himself in the head early Tuesday."

"'I love you,' Officer Philip Chlanda told his girlfriend before pulling the trigger on a Manhattan street." ...

PA: Philly Police Harass, Threaten to Shoot Man Legally Carrying Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A story in today's Philadelphia Daily News shows why it's so important that citizens be allowed to videotape cops - it can be citizens' only way to fight back against police abuse of power." ...

Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the constitution they don't like. — Alan Dershowitz

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