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Newslinks for 5/19/2002

IA: Will Your Next Senator Be Rated "A" Or "F"? (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Wouldn't it be great to replace anti-gun extremist Senator Tom Harkin with a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment? That could happen if Bill Salier is successful in his primary race to take on Sen. Harkin. ... There is no doubt the Bill Salier will stand 100% in favor of your gun rights."

PA: 'Sisters' trumpet gun-owning rights (SAS)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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CHIPPEWA TWP. - "Diane Leasure, the Beaver County coordinator of Second Amendment Sisters Inc., firmly believes the message printed on her red, white and blue T-shirt. "Firearms - the ultimate in feminine protection."

Visit SAS's latest chapter: 2ASisters.Net/pa

WA: Car-impound law faces challenge
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The constitutionality of a controversial state law allowing police officers to impound a suspended driver's car will be scrutinized next week by the state Supreme Court. The court's decision could potentially force legislators to revamp the law or police agencies to drastically change how they deal with suspended drivers."

VT: State weighs turning away federal funds for schools
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Iconoclastic Vermont is fomenting rebellion again. It may become the first state in the country to refuse to accept federal education funding."

"Behind the pique: the belief by state officials that it could cost more to implement new federal guide-lines on school testing than to accept the money."

Former corrections officer sentenced for misusing FBI system
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Gary Piedmont of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, was sentenced to 30 days of community confinement, a $5,000 fine and a year of probation for using the FBI’s National Crime Information Center system to check whether a warrant had been issued for a friend."

"Piedmont’s sentencing by Magistrate Judge Terence P. Kemp of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio was based on criminal information filed by the U.S. Attorney’s office and Piedmont’s guilty plea."

ISPs Seek to Void Ruling on Police Searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"seeking to overturn a court ruling which they said could fill the offices of Internet companies with police officers overseeing the execution of search warrants... In an amici curiae brief filed with the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis, the Internet group said a Minnesota court ruling requiring police officers to be physically present for search warrants would threaten client privacy, slow the searches and disrupt business."

AR: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Results of the GOA candidate survey for Arkansas. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 21, 2002

OR: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Results of the GOA candidate survey for Oregon. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 21, 2002.

PA: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Results of the GOA candidate survey for Pennsylvania. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 21, 2002.

Founding Firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The founders had the right idea: No one ought to infringe the natural right of individuals to own, carry, and practice with weapons. In spite of their vision and intent, our rights have been infringed, tremendously. Many effective defensive weapons are illegal; you have to prove all sorts of things about yourself, meaning your privacy is invaded by government, whenever you buy a gun; and you are subjected to severe restrictions on carrying a defensive weapon in cities across the US."

Reasonable Restrictions
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Ashcroft's definition of "reasonable restrictions" seems pretty broad. "The Department can and will continue to defend vigorously the constitutionality, under the Second Amendment, of all existing federal firearms laws," he wrote."

"Gun controllers may find it easier to live with the Second Amendment than they thought."

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"One of the things that frustrates me the most about Patriots and Freedom-lovers is their overwhelming desire to lose. While we keep griping on email lists and websites about how the government is infringing on our rights, we are, in essence, contributing to the government's efforts to expunge our Bill of Rights by refusing to do anything about it..."

More Congressmen Respond - More of same: Insolence!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"One month has passed since all 535 congressmen were petitioned for a redress of grievances regarding the federal income tax. ... Of the 535 Congressmen, 513 have NOT responded to the petition."

"Below are some of the "responses" from the handful of Congressmen who did bother to reply. The responses are indicative of the true condition of our Republic..."

DE: Allow Police To Make 'Good Faith' Searches?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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YES - "Currently, criminals can be released if a search warrant is faulty, even though officers acted in good faith. An amendment to the state Constitution is needed."

NO - "Search and seizure laws are there to protect us. If a judge finds a search was conducted illegally, then all evidence must be thrown out. This forces authorities to respect civil rights."

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Gov. Minner and state legislative leaders.

CA: CWC, TNC Falsified Support Letter
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Access and property-rights advocates have been investigating for several months the facts in an incident involving misuse of official government seals by the California Wilderness Coalition (CWC) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). ... The CWC became aware of the investigation and began to change the original letter."

Also see: California Wilderness Coalition Falsifies Letter of Support

Federal 'Hate Crimes' Bill To Be Considered Soon (S.625)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act "would allow federal law enforcement authorities to intervene in local criminal investigations of crimes alleged to have been committed because of bias against the victim's gender, disability, religion, national origin, or "sexual orientation."

Contact U.S. Officials

PA: Letter Delivered to Candidate Ed Rendell (FOAC)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC) questionnaire results and letter to Ed Rendell.

"We would like to thank you for returning your questionnaire to us. Your responses demonstrate that a great deal of thought and effort went into this questionnaire. There remain, however, significant areas where our philosophies do not agree..."

PA: Gun-control groups fire back for Ed; Counter NRA anti-Rendell ads
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Two gun-control organizations are running radio ads defending Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed Rendell from National Rifle Association attacks, while another pro-gun group has opened up with ads attacking him."

"Those are among the developments as candidates Rendell and Bob Casey Jr. join friends, allies and surrogates in the final, frantic days of campaigning before Tuesday's primary election."

Socialism by a landslide
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"If put to a vote, Americans would likely reject socialism by a substantial majority. Those same Americans, however, are voting ... to allow governments to acquire more and more land and to tighten the controls on the private lands that remain."

"A vote for acquiring more private land by government, or tightening government's control of the remaining private land, is a vote for socialism in America."

MD: Glendening vetoes Sunday hunts
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Legislation that would have allowed Sunday hunting in Maryland for the first time since Colonial days was vetoed yesterday by Gov. Parris N. Glendening. The bill would have expanded the deer-hunting season from 13 days to at least 21 days, including one Sunday each year in parts of the state. Even one day was too much for Mr. Glendening, who said he had received numerous letters urging a veto from campers, hikers and horseback riders."

OH: Judge orders land taken from owner for sewage plant
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A judge has ruled that Sanitation District No. 1 is within its rights to use eminent domain to build a treatment plant on a 500-acre riverfront farm."

“We are astounded that the judge ruled against us,” Mr. Stites said. “The sanitation district committed many illegal actions (in condemning the land). We continue to believe that any one of those illegal actions should have invalidated the district's condemnation of our lovely riverfront farm.”

SC: Gun Rights Group Aims at Doubling Concealed Weapons Permit Holders
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"GrassRoots South Carolina ... believes if more law-abiding citizens carry guns, crime will go down because criminals won't know if their would-be victims have a concealed weapon."

"People obtain firearms to protect themselves, and they might have to use them in any circumstance," notes Kelleher. "A responsible person is gonna go practice to make sure that if he has to use a firearm, he knows how to do it."

FDA Launches Investigation Into VeriChip
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Nasdaq halts trading in Applied Digital Solutions stock after feds claim company includes medical data in its controversial device. ... The probe centers on whether or not Applied Digital Solutions is marketing the controversial device as a "medical" lifesaver, or whether the chip is touted merely as an identification device, as the company assured FDA officials it would be."

Focus shifts in gun rights debate
Submitted by: Tom Glass

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Jon Roland, who has a significant library of Second Amendment material at, weighs in on the Ashcroft/Olson Second Amendment position. In particular, Roland takes issue with the unjustified statements of Olson that the U.S. government may restrict the individual right to keep and bear arms in for "firearms that are particularly suited to criminal misuse".

UK: Teen jailed for beating woman, 75
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A CHILLING tape of a 75-year-old woman being beaten up by a teenage robber was played to a judge yesterday. He listened in horror to the cries of grandmother Dorothy Thomas as she was repeatedly punched and kicked by James Gill."

"Jailing him for 10 years, Recorder David Lane said: "You are a bully and coward of the most base kind. We listened to a lady begging for mercy and screaming for help."

OH: Gunmen rob Tribe pitcher; he takes full blame
Submitted by: SLangner

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Cleveland Indians pitcher C.C. Sabathia went to a hotel party where gunmen robbed him of cash and $44,000 in jewelry.

"It was totally my fault," he said. "I put myself in this situation. There is no one to blame but me... I never had a gun pointed at me before. I put my life in their hands."

--Say what? His fault? For going about his own business in a lawful and peaceable manner? The boy's been brainwashed by government schooling.

French Police get rubber bullets
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"French beat policemen will be allowed to carry the potentially lethal Flash-Ball pistol as part of the interim government's law and order drive, it was announced yesterday."

"Because beat policemen are now being attacked, we must give them the means to defend themselves," the new home affairs and internal security minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, said.

TX: Charges likely in police inquiry
Submitted by: serinde

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"Evidence turned up in the investigation of the Kennedale Police Department's property room indicates there will be criminal charges filed against former employees, Police Chief James Rutledge said Thursday after a meeting with investigators."

"Rutledge ... initiated the inquiry after he discovered that weapons, money, jewelry and other property being held in criminal cases is missing."

TX: Houston PD shuns taking role in tracking Illegal Aliens
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Avoiding immigration questions is not merely routine practice at HPD, it's official policy. Houston officers are not allowed to arrest people on suspicion of being in the country illegally or even question them about their visa status."

--What if it was gun smuggling?!

The Second Amendment strikes back!
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"if you look at the state constitutions of the same time, many of them word it the other way around. So that assuming that they are all meaning the same thing, the state constitutions put the right to bear arms before the militia. So it's – it's really hard to say that this is the only meaning of that – of the amendments."

"Well, expect the Supreme Court to clear it up. And the Brady Center folks won't like what they see."

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)

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