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SAF, Calguns Foundation Challenges California Handgun Ban Scheme
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation, The Calguns Foundation and four California residents today filed a lawsuit challenging a California state law and regulatory scheme that arbitrarily bans handguns based on a roster of 'certified' handguns approved by the State. ..." ...

"Attorney Alan Gura, representing the plaintiffs in this case, noted that California 'tells Ivan Pena that his rights have an expiration date based on payment of a government fee. Americans are not limited to a government list of approved books, or approved religions,' he said. 'A handgun protected by the Second Amendment does not need to appear on any government-approved list and cannot be banned because a manufacturer does not pay a special annual fee.'" ...


Capture the Flag--and Send a Message to Your Representative
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I asked for my flag to be flown on April 19 with the notation:

"'In tribute to the Citizen Patriots of Lexington and Concord who resisted confiscation of their armaments on this date in 1775, and in continued defiance of all who would infringe on the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.'"

"I can think of many other homages, such as 'In loving memory of the children of Mount Carmel,' or 'For Vicki and Sammy Weaver,' or numerous other events warranting commemoration. I'm sure you can, too."

What the Brady Campaign really wants
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For readers who have long followed the gun rights issue, today's article might not be news--it is, after all, mostly about a bill that was introduced in the U.S. Senate 15 years ago. For folks new to the debate, though, I hope to shed an instructive light on just where these 'reasonable gun laws' are headed, if groups like the Brady Campaign have their way." ...

"As I pointed out yesterday, Helmke's mention of 'stockpiling private arsenals' prompted me to wonder if the Brady Campaign is now advocating limits on the total number of firearms and/or the amount of ammunition a citizen may own. That, in turn, reminded me that such limits would not be a new objective for the Brady Campaign." ...

Investing in gun rights
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Since November, we've been seeing stories in the news about the record breaking retail sales levels for firearms and accessories. Manufacturers have been unable to keep up with demand, and many stores are now sporting empty shelves for guns and ammunition."

"One additional effect of all of this is that financial investors are starting to take notice and are predicting the trends will continue."

"Yesterday Barron's Magazine, a financial weekly published by Dow Jones & Company, published an article (Pulling the Trigger on Smith & Wesson) urging financial investors to take advantage of what has become one of the most fiscally stable industries in the U.S." ...

Does Violence Policy Center represent the People? (Part 2)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The previous article examined how Violence Policy Center (VPC) had to downsize in recent years in order to survive, due to significant decreases in 'direct public support.' Because VPC has no public membership revenues, the term 'direct public support' is misleading."

"... To understand the financial circumstances of VPC, one must understand their definition of 'public support,' which accounted for 91.8% of VPC's total revenue between 2003 and 2007. And to understand VPC’s 'public support,' one must understand the Joyce Foundation, because VPC's primary 'public donor' is the Joyce Foundation." ...

A Second Amendment win (second item)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the country's most liberal United States circuit courts has ruled the Second Amendment of the Constitution is incorporated into the Constitution through the 14th Amendment."

"Without too much legal jargon, the decision essentially means last year's Heller Decision by the Supreme Court is being accepted and integrated into the interpretation of cases relating to individual firearms ownership questions."

"The majority opinion was written by Judge Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain, with a concurring opinion from Judge Ronald M. Gould, who wrote, 'The right to bear arms is a bulwark against external invasion...That we have a lawfully armed populace adds a measure of security for all of us ...'" ...

A day at the range
Submitted by: david wolfe

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"... I finally got all my chores caught up and had a little time to kill so I decided to go shooting. Having my own range set up not over one hundred yards from my door, meant I didn't need to go very far." ...

"Being blessed with a curious personality, I like to test things to see how they work or if they work at all. I always thought of myself as a mythbuster perhaps not on scale or budget with ... the Discovery Chanel program but a mythbuster non the less."

"I love to run tests on guns and bullets, what will they do when shot into a car door or how many pages of a phone book will a round penetrate before coming to a stop? Will brand X mushroom and retain shape and weight better than brand Y after being shot into a barrel of water ..." ...

NM shooting range bills itself as nation's largest
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's billed as the largest and most comprehensive shooting facility in the United States."

"The NRA Whittington Center in northeastern New Mexico is devoted to the competitive, recreational and educational uses of firearms ranging from pistols to hunting rifles." ...

"And don't get hung up on the first three letters in its name."

"Armacost said that while the [NRA]'s acronym is part of the facility's name, the center doesn't venture into Second Amendment politics and you don’t have to be an NRA member to visit."

"'The NRA doesn't run this facility,' he said. 'Our mission is education and outdoor recreation. We are not politically motivated. The NRA doesn't underwrite us. They don't fund our operations in any way.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Don't worry Elmer, I'm sure if you ignore politics, your deer gun, target pistol, and skeet gun will all be safe from the antis.

National Parks Should Stick To Their Guns On Lead Ammo Ban
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A coalition of parks, wildlife and wilderness groups today urged Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to stand behind the goal of the National Park Service ban lead-based ammunition and fishing tackle by 2010, according to a letter released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), one of the signatories. The Park Service is under pressure from the National Rifle Association and allied groups to drop plans for eliminating lead ammunition from the park system."

"Hunting is currently permitted within 60 national preserves, recreation areas and other National Park Service (NPS) units. Fishing in widely allowed throughout the national park system." ...

State Legislators Are Playing With Fire
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There’s a new and extremely dangerous crop of gun bill springing up around the country. This bill is specifically designed to go after the federal authority to regulate guns. The goal is to get the new law into the courts, and ultimately before the Supreme Court, to challenge the federal authority to regulate guns through interstate commerce laws. These legislators, egged on by gun extremists and anti-federal government devotees, are playing with fire." ...

"Let's hope the courts act quickly and decisively to shut down this clearly unconstitutional law. Shame on legislators for supporting these bills that are not only dangerous, but blatantly anti-American." [emphasis added]

Submitter's Note: So a law which requires the FedGov to follow the Constitution is unConstitutional? And I thought their arguments against guns were nonsensical!

One Nation, Under Siege
Submitted by: Larry

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"In 1927, just days before Andrew Kehoe detonated bombs that killed 45 ... he left an ominous sign on his fence that read, 'Criminals are made, not born.' The problems that plagued Kehoe are familiar to us today: tax increases, overwhelming debt and property foreclosure. Unfortunately, his choice of 'expression' is also familiar." ...

"President Barack Obama ... called the recent mass killing in Binghamton, N.Y., an 'act of senseless violence.' But if Andrew Kehoe was right, and criminals are made, not born, these killings were not random. The roots of this rage are nourished by the economic chaos caused by the federal government and the machinations of politicians who care more about their pocketbooks than their own constituents." ...

H/t to

Conservatives prepare for Supreme battle
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Few issues rally conservatives as much as a Supreme Court nomination -- and activists are wasting no time gearing up for a battle."

"Conservative groups worked ... to arrange a conference call early Friday morning to talk strategy with representatives of more than 60 groups."

"Leaders on the call ... told colleagues that one of their first challenges would be convincing activists there is a fight to be had." ...

"Curt Levy ... argued to the nearly 200 activists on the conference call that this can 'be a winning issue' for conservatives if they focus on what he called the 'right issues,' such as same-sex marriage, the death penalty and the Second Amendment -- issues that can split Democrats." ...

Watch closely who Obama picks for the Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Word that Supreme Court Justice David Souter will retire to his farm in New Hampshire has given Barack Obama an opportunity to fill a spot on the high court, and with this appointment, Americans will get a more revealing perspective of just who this man is and what he believes in."

"It is beyond plausible that Obama will choose anyone who would say this: 'Undoubtedly some think that the Second Amendment is outmoded in a society where our standing army is the pride of our Nation, where well-trained police forces provide personal security, and where gun violence is a serious problem. That is perhaps debatable, but what is not debatable is that it is not the role of this Court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct.'" ...

NY: Cops investigate shooting in Ridge
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Police are investigating a shooting in Ridge on Friday in which a witness says a resident of an apartment complex apparently shot a fleeing intruder." ...

"One of the two residents of a unit in the Strathmore Ridge Apartments, home to a father and son, told Newsday there had been a break-in and a fleeing suspect was shot."

"Emergency medical personnel transported a man to Brookhaven Hospital. His condition was not known."

"The owner of the apartment declined to identify himself."

"He said that, during the incident, two or three subjects broke into the apartment and that one was shot at least once in the leg attempting to flee."

"Police on the scene have recovered a weapon." ...

MO: Burglar shot by homeowner
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A woman whose house was being burglarized is believed to have shot one of the three men caught in her home early Thursday."

"The woman arrived at her home in northeast Columbia and found that her back door had been kicked open, according to a release from the Columbia Police Department. Inside, she found three men robbing her house."

"She left the house, and the men followed her. She told police that one of the men had a handgun and pointed it at her. She fired one round at the men, the release stated."

"Investigators collected evidence that led them to believe that one suspect was shot. Though local hospitals were notified, there were no suspects at the time of the news release." ...

Gun Owners Slam Orrin Hatch for Protecting Arlen Specter
Submitted by: Opposing Views
Website: http://

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"[GOA] today slammed Senator Orrin Hatch for meddling in a Pennsylvania election."

"Senator Hatch this week assailed the candidacy of pro-gun former Representative Pat Toomey, claiming that Toomey could not get elected in Pennsylvania in a race against liberal Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter."

"'Orrin Hatch seems more interested in protecting his liberal anti-gun buddy Arlen Specter than he is in electing a real pro-gun conservative,' said Tim Macy, Vice-Chairman of [GOA]."

"Hatch also predicted that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, of which he is vice chairman, will not support Toomey."

"'Orrin Hatch needs step down from having anything to do with NRSC because he clearly is not mirroring Republican principles,' said Mr. Macy ..." ...

Will Obama Manage The Firearms And Ammunition Industries Next?
Submitted by: jgh

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"We keep waiting everyday to see stories that the Obama induced run on buying guns, magazines, and ammunition has stopped, or even slowed down. It hasn't. It doesn't even seem to be on the foreseeable horizon. When is that article coming? Apparently no time soon. You can find 3 or 4 stories every day lamenting the lack of guns and ammunition and continuing runs on them." ...

"One ammunition supplier representative has said that his company's production line is running 24/7. He said they might catch up in 8 or 9 months. But on the upside, they have been hiring. Give Obama credit for job creation. Its still a good time to buy stock in Olin, S&W and Ruger. But, gun stock will take at least a temporary plunge with a new AWB." ...

Obama's gun control plans center on South American treaty as an end-run around the Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've completed my review of the South America gun-control treaty that Mr. Obama wants to get ratified." ...

"-- EVERY aspect of the treaty introduces major required gun controls, most of which will affect average citizens (as well as the targeted criminal syndicates, dictators and other bad actors)."

"-- The controls go way past anything EVER attempted by gun-control groups in the United States."

"-- NONE of the proposed gun controls are likely to pass by themselves through Congress. If the treaty is enacted they don't have to -- they become law when the treaty is ratified."

"-- Virtually NO PROTECTIONS FOR RKBA are to be found, and the wordings are loose enough to allow all sorts of attacks on gun rights American enjoy today." ...

OH: Ohio's Alaska-style concealed carry legislation gains press attention
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The (St. Marys, OH) Evening Leader is reporting on State Rep. John Adams' introduction of House Bill 129, legislation that would amend Ohio's concealed carry law to a model similar to the State of Alaska."

"Under the proposal, Ohioans who are legally allowed to possess and purchase firearms would not be required to obtain a license to carry one. Other changes include removing the requirement that license-holders inform approaching law enforcement officials that a person is carrying a concealed weapon." ...

NY: Officials shoot holes in proposed pistol permit bill
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"State legislation that would require renewal of pistol permits every five years was blasted in Batavia Thursday as another bureaucratic restriction that would burden upstate New Yorkers and do nothing to cut down on crime."

"'This is just another way to raise revenue for New York,' state Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer said ..."

"The Amherst Republican ... headed up the news conference aimed at rallying opposition to the renewal legislation that has already passed in the state Assembly and is due for consideration soon in the state Senate."

"Ranzenhofer said the bill, sponsored by downstate senators, represents an added tax on upstate sportsmen and could be voted on in the Senate in the next week or two." ...

The Dawn of Robot Wars
Submitted by: Larry

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"With little public scrutiny, robotics is quickly revolutionizing not only how war is fought, but who fights in war. ..."

"Predator drones armed with laser-guided Hellfire missiles have regularly bombed Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years, and their use is skyrocketing. In 2008, 71 Predators flew 138,404 combat hours — a 94 percent increase over the year before ..."

"UAVs are also increasingly being used inside the United States. The Department of Homeland Security has deployed unarmed drones to monitor the borders with Mexico and Canada. Police departments in Los Angeles, Houston and Miami have been testing drones for surveillance purposes in their cities. ..." ...

A Nichols' Worth: What if they really wanted to take our guns away?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's a good time to be in the ammo business. Shelves in the Grand Valley are empty, according to an article that ran on the front page of this newspaper last week." ...

"Those interviewed last week as to why ammo sales have skyrocketed could sum it up in two words: Barack Obama." ...

"One would think the current president criss-crossed this country in '08 on a campaign platform of increased gun control." ...

"You would think he rode a wave of anti-gun slogans and promises straight into the White House."

"The spike in ammo sales would make perfect sense had that been the case. But the thing is, it wasn't the case." ...

Submitter's Note: Links added.

Americans Have Bought Enough Guns And Ammo In Last Three Months To Arm Entire Indian/Chinese Armies
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wondering why you're having trouble finding guns and ammo to buy these days? This is why:"
"... In just 3 months Americans bought enough guns to outfit the entire Chinese and Indian army's combined." ...

"You also bought 1,529,635,000 rounds of ammunition in just the month of December 2008. ..."

"This is an evaluation of overall firearms and ammunition purchases based on low end numbers per Federal NIC instacheck data base Statistics. The numbers presented are only PART of the overall numbers of arms and ammunition that have been sold. The actual numbers are much higher."
"Read that last part again. This is almost assuredly a low-ball estimate." ...

NC: Gun Sales Up In Eastern Carolina, Ammunition Low
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Besides being the President of the United States, Barack Obama is also being dubbed by some the gun salesman of the year. That's because since elected, gun sales have skyrocketed nationwide including here in Eastern Carolina. WITN headed to one firearm store in Jamesville in Martin County where sales have jumped 70% since Obama took office."

"Store managers say sales are good at Mackey's in Jamesville, which bills itself as one of the largest firearm shops in the world. Since President Barack Obama took office, store managers tell us their customers are buying everything they can, in fear gun laws could change." ...

PA: Think cop-killers will abide by gun laws?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Think cop-killers will abide by gun laws?"

"I am amazed at how much press the killing of law enforcement officers is receiving these days."

"During the time I served as a deputy sheriff in this commonwealth (in the 1980s and 1990s), I recall that most of the newspaper stories were about the 'abuse, brutality, and dishonesty' inflicted by police officers on the 'poor victims of society.'"

"Now it seems that the Second Amendment haters are playing on several of the tragedies inflicted on the courageous and selfless police officers (killed in the line of duty) and their families by publishing stories about how the commonwealth's gun laws have somehow contributed to these unpreventable abominations ..." ...

PA: Gun-permit lawsuit dismissal hearing is delayed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There's an unexpected delay in a hearing on a federal lawsuit filed by a Pennsylvania woman who insisted on openly wearing her holstered pistol to her daughter's soccer games." [emphasis added]

"... a Friday hearing on a motion to dismiss the lawsuit was canceled after a lawyer in the case was in a traffic accident." ...

"[Sheriff] DeLeo revoked Hain's concealed-weapons permit last year after other parents at the soccer games complained. A judge later reinstated her permit, but Hain sued."

"The Lebanon resident argued that the sheriff violated her Second Amendment rights and maliciously prosecuted her when he took away the permit."

Submitter's Note: Insisted on as used here means acted completely in accordance with the law when. Sort of like "That uppity Negro wouldn't of got shot 'cept he insisted on registering to vote.

A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution... The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down... a person cannot be compelled 'to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the constitution.' —MURDOCK V. PENNSYLVANIA 319 US 105 (1942)

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