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ATF checking on Chinese ammo manufacturing equipment import cutoff report
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It should be noted that his inability to locate a ruling does not prove or disprove its existence. There may not be such a rule or there may be and it has just not been well-communicated throughout the Bureau or to the public. If it does exist, it may not even be new -- this just may be the first time anyone has called it to wider attention. That such a determination is not (yet?) listed with other Rulings proves nothing either, as that list being incomplete is deemed by some critics to be what those who make arbitrary decisions prefer." ...

'Assault Weapons Ban' Déjà Vu (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the failure to pass an 'assault weapons' ban in the U.S. Senate, Democrat lawmakers nationwide continue to push for new legislation outlawing whole classes of rifles – from a Rhode Island effort to a new appeal from Vice President Joe Biden."

"'Liberal gun-controllers never ever give up,' says WND columnist Bob Just. He should know. A quarter century ago he was involved in combating a campaign eerily similar to today’s stridently emotional push to ban 'semiautomatic assault weapons.'" ...

Hollywood late to realize dangers of 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The real reason to fear forcible citizen disarmament has now been revealed. Because it renders law-abiding citizens defenseless against the lawless predators who would destroy them? Because a disarmed citizenry is a citizenry whose wrath the government need not fear, and is thus a citizenry that can be oppressed with impunity? Because a disarmed citizenry is, indeed, a citizenry that can be slaughtered in the tens of millions by its own government, any time that government wishes?

Don't be silly. This is serious stuff. The real reason to fear 'gun control' is that it could make violent movies and TV shows less realistic. From the New York Times:" ...

‘Bash NRA week’ begins with social bigotry in Houston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When tens of thousands of National Rifle Association members gather this week in Houston, they will find that traditional Texas hospitality has been replaced with politically correct social bigotry within the Houston school system, the first sign that 'Bash the NRA Week' has begun." ...

The Saul Alinsky Plot to Vilify Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like the brainwashing jihad running amok among government goons and most of America’s media, our social engineering indoctrination camps (formerly known as the public school system) clearly have it in for guns."

"This is not surprising since these camps are controlled by the National Education Association, which is the largest contributor to the bigger/more-control government-approved party (formerly known as the Democratic Party)." ...

New from SIG SAUER: SB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I gotta admit, I’ve never been drawn to AR pistols. The guns have reliability issues, ear-splitting muzzle blast and so-so ballistic performance. And those are just the minor issues. The real deal-killer: accuracy. I can no more hit the target with an AR pistol than I can by throwing a piece of popcorn at the bullseye. Others have tried and failed to make AR pistols more functional. Now SIG SAUER is entering the fray, selling a $139 doodad—the SB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace—that might succeed. If it remains legal . . ." ...

Obscure Object Of Desire: Saco Crossfire Rifle/Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Until the recent bans on normal-capacity magazines, the Saco Crossfire may have been the ultimate long gun for California shooters in the late 1990s. Consisting of a 4+1 round 12 gauge shotgun superposed over a 5.56 carbine fed by AR magazines, the Crossfire deftly dodged semi-auto gun bans because both actions were manually cycled by its sliding pump fore-end . . ." ...

New from Trijicon: VCOG 1-6×24
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trijicon announced earlier today that they are producing a new variation of the ACOG design, called the VCOG (the 'V' stands for variable). These scopes will feature first focal plane reticles with various different designs (including 300 BLK BDC reticle), all using AA batteries to power the illumination markings instead of visible light or radioactive tritium. These are the first variable power scopes with ballistic compensated reticles that Trijicon has offered, and comes on the heels of their recently introduced TARS scopes while being priced at about $1,000 less. Make the jump for the presser . . ." ...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: LaserLyte CM-MK4 Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The People of the Gun are split on the issue of pistol-mounted lasers. Some gun owners—especially those whose eyesight has gone south—consider them a godsend. Point and shoot? What’s not to love? As laser manufacturers point out, lasers are also excellent for non-traditional shooting stances ... I love them for trigger control training. Other POG folk consider pistol-mounted lasers a dangerous distraction. They reckon a laser sighting system could fail when you need it most and reduce marksmanship under pressure (follow the bouncing ball). Yes, there is that. Pressure. Stress. Can a shooter hopped-up on adrenalin using a LaserLyte CM-MK4 identify an array of eight dots to find the center dot while moving? ..." ...

Gander Mountain to Open “Gun-Focused Retail Super Centers”
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Very interesting story that I saw yesterday that said that Gander Mountain is focusing on developing what essentially amounts to 'mega gun shops'…."
"Picture a sprawling 30,000-square-foot Best Buy store—only instead of electronic gadgets and games, every aisle inside the big-box center is devoted to firearms, bullets, and 'tactical gear.' (…) big-box store devoted almost exclusively to guns and ammo."
"SWEET! ..." ...

Why are folks buying so many guns?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even after the failed passage of 'expanded background checks' in the U.S. senate people are still buying guns and ammo by massive numbers, with Sturm, Ruger reporting sales of 500,000 each in one quarter and a backorder list of over 2 million according to a recent report at zerohedge."

"And ammo for many calibers is still unavailable in most areas of the U.S. for the most popular and used calibers." ...

"But the question is – why are Americans still buying massive amounts or ammo, firearms and magazines, despite the fact of having already bought huge numbers of each over the past few months? ..."

"The only logical answer is that folks are seeing the writing on the wall and know that the poop is about to hit the fan ..." ...

Slaughter of the innocents: Children and daily gun violence in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America has a gun problem. America's children have a gun problem. The massacre of twenty little school children at Sandy Hook ... appeared at least initially to be a tipping point in America's attitude towards gun violence, especially gun violence against children. However, the initial despair and outrage has yet again seemingly given way to cultural indifference and numbness towards the never ending string of deaths to children at the hands of lethal firearms. ... We continue to live in a nation that accepts the slaughter of innocent children as mere collateral damage in the war to preserve our rights to own any damn gun we please and to leave it unlocked and unsecured as we see fit. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: (All numbers are annual averages from 2001 - 2010, "children" are people 12 and under) I would hardly call 151 children murdered with a firearm a "slaughter of the innocents", especially when compared to the 771 murdered with something other than a firearm, or the 1,011 who accidentally suffocate, or the 709 who drown, or the 415 who die in fires, or the 6,372 who die from 'congenital anomalies, or the 2,259 who die from SIDS or the . . . but you get the point.

NRA money and power influenced Senate gun vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the days leading up to last month's crucial votes on the most significant gun control legislation to come before the Senate in nearly two decades, polls showed that about 90 percent of Americans supported background checks for all gun purchases. But when the clerk called the roll, the centerpiece amendment ... got just 54 'yea's,' six votes short of the 60 vote super-majority required."

"... the vote proved to be the latest in a long-running string of victories for gun rights activists, the firearms industry and particularly the National Rifle Association, the nation's pre-eminent gun lobby."

"The power of the gun lobby is rooted in multiple factors, among them the pure passion and single-mindedness of many gun owners ..." ...

Mayor Bloomberg's Personal Reading Of Constitution
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Tyranny: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that in light of the Boston Marathon bombing, our interpretation of the Constitution will 'have to change.' Americans should be appalled at such a statement."

"But they're not. His comments 'we live in a complex world where you're going to have to have a level of security greater ... our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change' have drawn yawns."

"More frightening than his statement is the nagging fact that the public has not risen up in opposition to his declaration. A free nation should respond to such a crude threat to its liberties with righteous anger." ...

Bill Clinton: ‘You’re Way Better Off With A Shotgun Than An Assault Weapon…Trust Me’ (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Speaking at an event at Georgetown University on Tuesday, former President Bill Clinton shared his views on guns in America, stating that if you live in a city and need protection for your home, there is by far no better weapon than a shotgun. 'It’s not even close,' he said."

"Clinton noted that while an 'assault weapons' ban was passed on his watch as president, he paid for it in the 1994 congressional elections."

"'The people who were against it said, 'I’m going to kill you. I wouldn’t vote for you if you were the last candidate on earth,' Clinton said." ...

"'If you live in a city and you think you need protection of your home, you’re way better off with a shotgun than an assault weapon,' he said. 'Trust me. It’s not even close.'" ...

Mayor Bloomberg's Parallel Disdain for the NRA and the ACLU
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Progressives are generally sympathetic to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg when he advocates for gun control, trans-fat bans, limits on the salt content of meals, and restrictions on the size of soft drinks. They're more suspicious of the racial profiling of innocent Muslims ... and stop-and-frisk, an abusive policing strategy that subjects NYC minorities to a disproportionate number of searches conducted without probable cause."

"There is nothing inherently inconsistent about favoring the former policies and objecting to the latter. Yet libertarians would argue, correctly in this instance, that the same flawed mindset motivates them all -- that Bloomberg's paternalism and dismissiveness toward any individual liberty he finds inconvenient ..." ...

PA: Counties in Pennsylvania should be checking references for right-to-carry permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It should come as no surprise that the sheriff’s department in Northampton County — like most counties in Pennsylvania — is having trouble keeping up with the demand for permits to carry concealed firearms. ..."

"Because of the pressure, Northampton County deputies are conducting checks on criminal records, mental health histories and relevant protection-from-abuse data — but they’re skipping the part of the application procedure that calls for at least two reference checks (from names supplied by the applicant) to investigate the character and reputation of the prospective gun carrier." ...

Submitter's Note: So? If I have no disqualifying criminal or mental health history why should anyone else, "reference" or not, have any kind of veto power over my exercise of my natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right to carry the firearm(s) of my choice?

AL: Taking on the government: Alabama Senate uses twisted logic in defiance of federal gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Alabama Senate has again decided to tell the federal government which [federal] laws it will obey."

"Previous attempts to do this have not gone well. That does not seem to matter to the 26 Alabama state senators who voted for a bill that would declare null and void any federal law that was a 'violation of the Second Amendment.'" ...

"Under this twisted logic, it’s Alabama that will decide if a federal law is unconstitutional. In fact, if the bill becomes law, the state will have declared, in the words of the act, that 'all federal acts, laws, orders, rules or regulations regarding firearms are a violation of the Second Amendment.'" ...

LA: Use the whole Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In his argument Duckworth refers to the words 'infringed' and 'arms.' What about the first four words, 'A well regulated militia,' or the next seven words, 'being necessary for the security of a free state'? Without these parts, I would think the amendment would not have reason or purpose."

"Duckworth, as a chemical engineer, I think would agree that to get a true and proper conclusion one must use the 'entire' equation. One cannot pick and choose the part of the solution ..."

Submitter's Note: Unless, of course, 'one' has a Supreme Court ruling which "made very clear that the introductory clause to the Second Amendment is not part of ... the rule of law." - Prof. Joe Olsen testifying before MN Legislature.

AR: Father of Sandy Hook victim in Arkansas to talk gun loopholes (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The father of one of the children brutally murdered in the most deadly school shooting ever is in Arkansas trying to get his message about new gun control, to an Arkansas senator."

Neil Heslin from Newtown, Conn. said he wasn't getting enough answers from politicians in Washington, D.C., who shot down the bill on stricter gun laws, so he wants to tell them his story one-on-one." ...

Question of the Day: Got Ammo?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The great post-Newtown ammo shortage continues apace. We’ve heard reports of increasing (i.e. some) supplies hitting the shelves in some areas, but most gun stores are still rationing and certain calibers are still in short supply (i.e. all the popular ones). Bottom line: The People of the Gun are still struggling to replace and let’s face it stock-up on firearm food. While there’s ongoing resentment when ammo meets campers, there’s also a lot of ammo sharing between friends, family and strangers. Even as ammo makers work feverishly to satisfy America’s seemingly insatiable demand for cartridges they’re doing what they can to help the gun community. ..." ...

TTAG Heads to Houston for NRA Annual Meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We here at TTAG have always brought you the best and most complete coverage of the major trade shows and events in the firearms world, and we’ll be continuing that tradition this weekend. The 2013 NRA Annual Meeting is taking place in Houston and your TTAG editors will be there, covering the events and scoping out the new products with the same enthusiasm that you’ve come to expect. ..."

Psst, hey buddy, want to buy a tank?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm here to tell you, my fellow Americans, that there has never been a better time to buy a heavily armored Abrams tank."

"A tank, you ask? Why on earth would a civilian buy a tank, Abrams or otherwise?"

"There are two answers to that question:" ...

OH: Concealed carry permits continue to increase, Ohio Attorney General's Office says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 37,000 permits to carry concealed weapons were issued in Ohio in the first quarter of 2013, a dramatic increase over the same three-month period in 2012, according to the Ohio Attorney General's Office." ...

FL: State data show record number of woman have conceal carry permit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over gun rights wages on."

"Right now in Florida, more women are taking a side by choosing their Second Amendment right. We're talking about women like Shirley Hedge."

"Hedge is quite a shot. She bought two guns four months ago. She said it's something she's wanted to do ever since her husband passed away three years ago."

"'I felt that I was pretty much alone, except for God,' said Hedge. 'I pray and ask him to protect me, and then I have to do my part.'" ...

Toomey: Background check plan failed because of Republican politics (video available)
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A bipartisan proposal to expand background checks for gun sales failed in part due to Republicans' desire to prevent President Barack Obama from winning a victory on a major policy initiative, the gun proposal's chief GOP proponent said Wednesday."

"Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., who crafted a proposal with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to extend background checks to firearms purchased at gun shows and online, said the measure failed to win the 60 votes it needed to win passage due to Republican politics." ...

Quinnipiac: Most Disapprove of Obama's Gun Policy
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A majority of voters disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of gun control, according to a poll released Wednesday."

"The Quinnipiac Poll of 1,471 registered voters showed that 52 percent are unhappy with Obama’s approach to gun control, which focuses on an expanded background-check system for purchasers."

"The results contrast with a survey released Monday by the liberal-leaning polling firm Public Policy Polling that claimed there was 'overwhelming, bipartisan support of background checks' among voters, based on results showing that five senators — four Republicans and one Democrat — have seen their approval ratings plummet in their states after they voted against more extensive background checks." ...

MO: BREAKING: Nixon Is A Crook
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember that load of crap Governor Jay Nixon (D-Mizzurah) spewed when news broke that his Department of Revenue was sending CCW holders’ personal data to DHS? He was very reassuring, letting Show Me Staters know that no one in his administration was engaged in a program to rat out concealed carriers. Or as he put it so eloquently, 'There are no documents being sent to some federal government magic database somewhere to do something.' Except there was, as became clear when his Director of Revenue fessed up. And so did the head of the Highway Patrol. Still, Jay did the full Sgt. Schultz, professing that he knew nossing, nossing about the blatant violation of state law. Except, as it happens, he did . . ." ...

NH: NH considers legislation to restrict the rights given[sic] in Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Hampshire is one very controversial state when it comes to gun laws. Many people have opinions on the matter, but the representatives and citizens of the 'Live Free or Die' state have a stubborn outlook when it comes to new proposed laws."

"In 2013, that stubbornness is confronted with new ideas. Various New Hampshire State Representatives proposed five new bill proposals in 2013 for new gun laws." ...

NY: Urged on by a crowd, Suffolk panel votes to keep skeet range open
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"A proposal to shut down Suffolk's trap and skeet range at South Haven County Park was defeated Wednesday after an overflow crowd of more than 200 people, most of them gun enthusiasts, pleaded to keep it open."

"The proposal, which called for ending the county's contract with Hunter Sports Inc., was rejected on a 5-0 vote in the county legislature's parks committee." ...

AZ: Arizona law forces cities to resell guns from buy-back programs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Monday signed legislation forcing municipalities to resell firearms from gun buy-back programs rather than destroy them, closing a loophole in the conservative state's laws." ...

PA: Residents share sharp views on gun control with congressman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The congressman came to talk about access to mental-health treatment, but community members at a forum Wednesday night in Greensburg had something else on their minds: gun control."

"One after another they came to the microphone, most to ask Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, to support expanded background checks for gun purchasers, and some to ask him to keep Democrats from infringing on Second Amendment rights." ...

MN: Cornish lands seat on final public safety committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Tony Cornish is on a key committee to craft a final public safety bill but doesn’t think he’ll have to play defense for the Second Amendment."

"'I kinda think if the DFL1 really wanted guns to go on the bill, they wouldn’t have put me on the conference committee,' he said." ...

1: Democrat-Farm-Labor; MN's Democrat party.

RI: Gun Control Before RI General Assembly; Newtown Chief Testifies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several hundreds gun rights advocates rallied outside the statehouse."

"They're hoping to block legislation they feel violates their right to bear arms, but does nothing to criminals."

"Second Amendment supporter Tonya Ricketts said, 'We all shouldn't be punished for the actions of a few and the lawmakers need to look at the full big picture.'" ...

TX: Shiner goes Tactical: Governor salutes company's relocation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Texas Gov. Rick Perry began airing radio ads and sending letters to businesses in California, John Herrington’s Shield Tactical weapons accessories company wasn’t even on the shopping list."

"'This was a matter of him hearing one of the radio ads,' the Governor said Wednesday while helping Shield Tactical celebrate its grand opening in its new home of Shiner. 'He wasn’t one of the businesses we sent letters to. But he wanted freedom from over-taxation and over-regulation.'" ...

IL: State Senate's gun-carry bill to get overhaul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Illinois state senator said Monday he will rework legislation allowing the carrying of concealed guns that emerged last week after concerns about extra levels of scrutiny for Chicago and Cook County, but he defended the proposal against complaints that it was more restrictive than first touted." ...

Studios Fret That New York’s Gun Laws Could Hamper Film Production
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The sweeping gun control measure signed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and hailed by Democratic leaders has a surprising critic: Hollywood."

"Officials in the movie and television industry say the new laws could prevent them from using the lifelike assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that they have employed in shows like 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit' and films like 'The Dark Knight Rises.'"

"Twenty-seven film and television projects ... are now in production in New York State using assault weapons and high-capacity magazines ... Industry workers say that they need to use real weapons for verisimilitude, ... and that the entertainment industry should not be penalized accidentally by a law intended as a response to mass shootings." ...

Dissent opinion gives heart to National Rifle Association in handgun sales appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-judge appellate panel in New Orleans said this week it won’t reconsider a decision to let stand a ban on licensed dealers selling handguns and ammunition to people under 21."

"Although on the losing end of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ 8-7 vote Tuesday, April 30, the National Rifle Association’s lead attorney on the case said he found hope in a strongly worded dissent signed by six of the seven judges who voted to hear the appeal." ...

Not 'Libertarian' Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For someone who single-handedly brought about the landmark Heller decision, it is nearly incomprehensible Robert Levy penned the atrocity that appeared under his name in the New York Times. The Old Gray Lady used Levy’s stature to heap decidedly un-libertarian blessings on the resubmission of the recently defeated Mancin-Toomey 'compromise' gun control legislation. That the Times so bastardized 'libertarian' as an adjective to warn lawmakers is not surprising."

"Levy recommends the Senate should pass the bill warts and all lest they and gun owners suffer '…accusations from President Obama and others that they are merely obstructionists, zealots who will not agree to common-sense gun legislation'." ...

NC: Honors Student & Eagle Scout Charged with Felony and Expelled After Accidentally Leaving Shotgun in Truck (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to Todd Starnes of Fox News, Cole Withrow, an Eagle Scout, honors student, and active church member has had his life turned upside down."

"The trouble began when Withrow discovered he had accidentally left his shotgun in his truck once he arrived at school. He had been skeet shooting with some friends the day before."

"Withrow tried to immediately call his mother to come and pick up the firearm, but he was overheard by a school official."

"Withrow told officials the truth about what happened. Then he was arrested and immediately and permanently expelled from school." ...

OR: Record settlement expected in Portland police officer Dane Reister's shooting of man with bipolar disorder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Portland will pay $2.3 million to settle a federal lawsuit filed after Police Officer Dane Reister wounded William Kyle Monroe in 2011 when he mistakenly fired lethal rounds at him from a beanbag shotgun."

"The proposed settlement was reached after city attorneys and Monroe's lawyer met Monday in a mediation session with U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken." ...

IL: Lawsuit against Schaumburg cops moves to federal court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A civil lawsuit filed against two of the three former Schaumburg narcotics officers accused of stealing and selling illegal drugs is moving to federal court."

"Christopher Nelson is suing against the two former officers and the Village of Schaumburg. Nelson claims that in August 2012, he was arrested and sentenced to prison after former officers John Cichy and Terrance O'Brien planted drugs and other paraphernalia on his person during an illegal search." ...

NV: Use of Force Board recommends firing of police officer after shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's Use of Force Board is recommending the firing of a police officer for shooting a man in the leg in November."

"Las Vegas police were summoned to a local park on Nov. 11, 2012, because of a fight between a man and his ex-girlfriend."

"Upon arrival, they found the man and woman sitting in a car. The woman was removed from the car. While speaking to the man, the police officer fired one round, striking him in the leg." ...

CO: Police officer accused of submitting fraudulent work hours
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Colorado Springs Police Department supervisor arrested last week is suspected of clocking in and accepting pay for hours he did not work, according to court documents."

"James 'Angelo ' Butierres was arrested April 25 after admitting on April 23 that he 'had submitted time worked for hours that he had not actually worked, ' court records say. Butierres is accused of claiming he was on the job for at least 56 hours that he did not actually work, a cost of almost $2,500. One of his reporting officers is said to have reported the discrepancies, triggering the investigation." ...

MA: Ex-Lowell officer sentenced for extortion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Lowell police officer has been sentenced to two years in jail for using his badge to extort sexual favors from prostitutes."

"Aravanh Lakmany of Dracut pleaded guilty Wednesday in Lowell Superior Court to charges of extortion by threat and three counts of solicitation of prostitutes." ...

CA: Gov. Brown Signs Sb 140, Sen. Leno's Raid On Firearm Background Check Funds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Jerry Brown today signed ... SB 140, which takes $24 Million from a fund designated for firearm background checks and mis-appropriates it to other, unauthorized Department of Justice programs. ..."

"For years, the DOJ unlawfully over-collected Dealers Record of Sale (DROS) fees from firearm acquirers, amassing a surplus of millions of dollars. According to state law, the DROS funds had one purpose -- to support the DROS electronic background check system itself."

"'SB 140 is nothing less than the State of California profiting from years of unconstitutional overcharges by the California Department of Justice,' said Brandon Combs, executive director of The Calguns Foundation. ..." ...

Washington remains the number one gun sales people in the nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About two weeks ago, House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi vowed, the battle for gun contol wasn’t over. About the same time, Vice President Joe Biden vowed, the president would sign new executive orders the very next week. The country is still waiting for the next wave of attacks from Washington, but while they wait, Washington remains the number one gun sales people in the nation." ...

PA: Going after law-abiding citizens won’t stop gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every American mourned over the shootings and loss of precious life in Sandy Hook, Conn. It was a heinous evil crime committed by a very sick person. And, it opened the door for the gun-grabbing community to use this terrible event to, once again, go after the Second Amendment and push for more gun control. Right away our president passed 23 executive orders for more control, while using children and families as props." ...

OH: Ohio AG reports spike in concealed carry licenses issued
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wednesday the Ohio Attorney General released information showing a significant increase in the number of concealed carry licenses issued in the state of Ohio, non-coincidentally, after the Newtown, CT tragedy." ...

WI: Newspaper paints NRA as villain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, Green Bay Press-Gazette, you’ve done it again: Used your wide-swath propaganda brush to paint the NRA as the villain in the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey amendment."

"Your contention this amendment 'would not have impinged on the Second Amendment rights of any law-abiding gun owner' is preposterous. It smacks of nothing more than a biased personal opinion the writer already held prior to putting it to paper."

"Whoever on your staff wrote the garbage in your April 19 Our View section obviously didn’t read the text of S. 649. I have; not just read it, but studied it. ..." ...

CT: Connecticut gunmaker looking to modify banned rifle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"One Connecticut gun maker said it would move out of the state if lawmakers expanded the ban on assault weapons, but now that same company is taking a look at modifying the AR-15."

"Before some of the toughest gun laws in the country were passed, officials with the Stag Arms in New Britain said further modifications to the AR-15 would make it impossible to sell in Connecticut."

"Eyewitness News has learned that the company is working on making a modified assault weapon to fit the ban." ...

Submitter's Note: Well, I now officially take back all the good things I have ever said about Stag Arms.

Canada: Gun Seizures Up But Fears Of Porous Border Remain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Canada Border Services Agency last year seized twice the number of weapons at border crossings compared to six years ago, according to a CBC News analysis of agency data, but experts fear little progress is being made in stemming the flow of illegal guns into Canada." ...

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least." — HENRY DAVID THOREAU

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