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Newslinks for 5/20/2009

Gun Owners on Verge of Huge Right to Carry Victory
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Get ready to pinch yourself."

"After eight years of clashing with anti-gun bureaucrats and congressional leadership hostile to gun rights, we have never been closer to victory in the battle to repeal the National Park Service (NPS) gun ban." ...

"Gun Owners of America reported last week about an amendment to repeal the gun ban, sponsored by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), that passed by an overwhelming 67-29 vote. Senator Coburn attached his amendment to a fast-moving 'must pass bill,' H.R. 627, dealing with credit card industry reform."

"The Coburn amendment simply allows for state law -- not unelected bureaucrats and activist judges -- to govern the carrying of firearms on NPS land." ...

The new Prohibition
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"My oldest daughter patted my hand indulgently and said 'Dad, I can assure you that nobody is going to come take your guns.' We were again discussing gun rights and she cannot fathom my trepidation about the current trend in our federal government. I agree that the current legislation being considered doesn't empower the police to come confiscate our guns, but it does put in place a national permit system to oversee citizens rights to own a gun. That is step one: make it an earned privilege to own a gun. Step two is to raise the bar so high that practically nobody is clean enough or trained enough or sane enough to actually own one. ..." ...

Violence Policy Center admits defeat?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Patrik Jonsson of the Christian Science Monitor recently wrote about a startling trend in the media presence at the recent [NRA] convention:"

"In the press box, bloggers outnumbered national reporters by a good margin. ..."

"Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director of the [VPC], is worried about this trend. ..."

"'If you compare the pro-gun activity in the blogosphere versus the pro-gun-control activity, the scales have just tipped tremendously in their favor ... they clearly have more free time than people on our side of the issue do.'"

"It's curious that Sugarmann forgot to mention that he has nothing but 'free time,' except that his time is paid for quite handsomely by the Joyce Foundation ..." ...

Did record-setting NRA convention deter anti-gunners?
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"Money talks and B.S. walks."

"That about sums up the state of the gun prohibition movement in the United States now that the [NRA] has left town. But in its wake ... the NRA left about $70 million, and enough good will to suggest that if the Violence Policy Center and Brady Campaign ...had shown up to protest, they might have been ridden out of town on a rail."

"If they showed up for their own convention, it might create a tiny blip on the city’s financial radar screen, compared to the financial windfall produced by the NRA's visit." ...

NRA sues S.F. over firearms laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has filed suit against the city of San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom and Police Chief Heather Fong, taking aim at city laws it contends violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"The NRA filed the lawsuit in federal court Friday on behalf of six residents and the San Francisco Veteran Police Officers Association. It challenges three provisions of the city's police code that it says interfere with their right 'to defend themselves and others ... within their own homes.'" ...

"Matt Dorsey, a spokesman for the city attorney's office, said the NRA's real goal is not to strike down the specific city laws but to win court rulings that expand the reach of the Second Amendment." ...

How Gun Rights In Romania Were Lost And A Few Words About The Brave Man And Women Who Fought A Guerilla War Against Communism
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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"My previous blog entry about Mr. Duca, the young Romanian candidate to the EU Parliament and his position on gun rights for the citizens of his country was read by a member of a gun forum where I post often."

"This member asked me to clarify a few things for him about Romania and firearms rights in that part of the world, which I did. I decided to post his questions and my answers on my blog because this way more people may have the opportunity to learn little known facts about how easy it is to lose your guns and how hard - if not impossible it is to get them back." ...

Americans Oppose Restrictive Firearm Controls, Notes Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Recent developments show Americans are turning their backs on gun-grabbing politicians,' gun rights expert John M. Snyder noted here today."

"A former [NRA] editor, Snyder, Public Affairs Director of the [CCRKBA], called attention to 'the recent Senate vote for a pro-gun proposal. The overwhelming 67-29 bipartisan margin reflected the strength of the grass roots gun rights movement. The anti-gun owner nature of the Obama administration has galvanized the movement'"

"'This wasn't supposed to be the case,' said Snyder. 'Gun grabbers thought they had it made with Obama. They thought they'd be able to get through Congress just about any kind of idiotic anti-gun legislation they wanted. ..." ...

Public Taking More Conservative View on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The matter of gun control is moving to the right. More and more Americans favor the conservative view, that the second amendment gives[sic] them freedom to own a gun. Gun ownership is growing in popularity."

"Attitudes on gun control are more conservative this year than last, mostly with men than women. Nearly as many people believe gun ownership rights to be important at 45% than to control it at 49%. ..."

"It is only in the East Coast that controlling guns has greater priority and there has been no change of opinion. Other regions of the country have moved at least 7 points towards gun ownership being important, indicating a growing movement toward the conservative view on guns." ...

9-1-1: Cancel your response
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ohio State Senator, Republican Thomas Patton has introduced a bill to forbid broadcasting of the content of 9-1-1 calls to the public. The Bill reduces public accessability to the request for aid to reading a transcript of the call, and for breach of the law, a $10,000 fine. I mention this for two reasons: 9-1-1 issues are a national concern, and I know something about 9-1-1."

"The question as framed is whether it is necessary for the public to have access to these recordings. I say, Affirmative. Translation: Yes. It is necessary for the public to have unfettered access to the recordings. The problem of 9-1-1 systems everywhere is that they need their own penalty for refusing access to them." ...

Gun rights on the air
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last night I was a guest on WHK, Cleveland, Ohio’s affiliate and their show Firearms Forum. This was the fifth time I have been on their show. Examiner Howard Nemerov was on last week. The significant point is that WHK 1420 AM is a mainstream station as part of the nationwide network, emphasis on mainstream. Host Chris Chumita asked me about my book Safe Streets, but the accentuation was on how the armed citizen can be a legal and effective force for getting out from under bigger government. This becomes an important message to the mainstream audience of non-gun owners who now feel as plagued and harassed by bigger government as much as gun owners have been. ..." ...

Firearm Owners Protection Act anniversary
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Twenty three years ago, 18 U.S.C. § 921 (the Firearm Owners Protection Act) was codified into law. This Act was intended to restore rights to U.S. citizens and reform the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. However, a last minute midnight amendment added a sweeping new gun ban."

"In 1982, a bipartisan subcommittee of congress issued a report which, in part, found as many as 75% of the BATF prosecutions 'disregarded rights guaranteed by the constitution and laws of the United States.' This lead to attempts at reform that culminated in the FOPA in 1986. ..." ...

It's not about guns, it's about freedom
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For those that have been following these columns you already know this self-evident truth. Those that have taken initiative to join the Boston Gun Rights Examiner social networking site, you know this as the opening tag line. But why? It's simple really. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution was placed there as the ultimate backstop and protection of all our other rights."

"It is ALL about Freedom. Freedom as defined by our Founding Fathers and as written, word for word, in the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and discussed at length in the founders own words in the Federalist Papers. (If you haven't read them lately, I'd encourage you to rediscover these precious documents.)" ...

'Gun violence': why are other forms of violence preferable?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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characteristic of citizen disarmament advocates is their bizarre apparent belief that 'gun violence' is somehow 'worse' than other forms of violence. One would think that being stabbed, beaten, bludgeoned, strangled, etc. to death would be just as bad as being shot to death, but apparently that's not a universally held belief."

"I was reminded of this peculiar attitude yesterday when reading 'New York's Gun Battle,' an article in the Gotham Gazette about current attempts to make gun laws in New York state even more restrictive ..." ...

"The implication is that Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun jihad has been successful, despite an increase in murders, simply because fewer of those murders were committed with guns. ..." ...

A great couple of days in the Midwest
Submitted by: John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner

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"This past Sunday afternoon, I was busy taking my final exam as a first year law student. However, if I had not [been busy] ... I would have been down in Onalaska Wisconsin."

"Why Onalaska? Because that is where Wisconsin gun owners, emboldened by Attorney General Van Hollen’s recent memo making it clear that legal open carry of a handgun is protected by the Wisconsin constitution and not grounds for disorderly conduct charges, held a massive open carry picnic at the Marvin Gardens Park."

"There was an astonishing turnout. According to picnic organizer Hubert Hoffman, there were 213 attendees who signed in, 99 of which were open carrying. He also noted that he served 100 hamburgers, 100 brats, and 50 hotdogs ..." ...

Times change on gun ownership rules
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Our governor recently addressed the NRA and appeared to open the door to guns in bars. ... But most people are confused about the 2nd Amendment. It had nothing to do with the right to own guns. Everybody had guns when this amendment was made. They had guns for hunting, in case of Indian trouble, or trouble with the British, etc. The right to own guns was not the issue. That right was taken for granted. The issue of the 2nd Amendment was about the federal goverment allowing the states to have their own militia. That's it!"

"But now, it looks like we should have tighter controls on who buys guns ... And, we don't need AK-47's on the streets. There should be tight controls on these kinds of automatic weapons. ..." ...

NJ: Resident shoots man trying to break into Berkeley Heights home
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A resident shot a man last night when the would-be intruder tried to enter a home in the Deserted Village of Feltville, authorities said."

"The shooting in the secluded section of Watchung Reservation occurred around 9 p.m. on Cataract Hollow Road, Union County Police Chief Dan Vaniska said. He said the victim, whose name and address were not available, was taken to Morristown Memorial Hospital and was listed in stable condition."

"'An unwanted guest forced himself into the residence and a resident responded by shooting him,' Vaniska said at the scene." ...

Submitter's Note: An 'unwanted guest? An 'unwanted guest'?!? Does Dan Van refer to rapists as 'unwanted sex partners' and racketeers as 'unwanted business partners'?

Arming sailors on US flagged ships goes mainstream
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Just a few weeks ago I suggested that we should just give the pirates our ships - bullets first ... The notion was that there is no particular reason that American sailors on US flagged ships should have to leave the same guns they carry hunting and while shopping at the mall at home just because they are going to sea through say, pirate infested waters off Somalia."

"And now comes a Washington Times Editorial ... 'Arming sailors Gun-free zones are dangerous at sea.' Quoting Richard Phillips, the heroic captain of the crew that fought off pirates on the Maersk Alabama a month ago, the Washington Times agreed that 'armed crews 'should be part of the overall debate about how to defend ourselves against criminals on the seas.'" ...

Armed self-defense: Getting essential training
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For starters, I asked Tom about problems he has encountered with new gun owners and his recommendations in addressing those problems. His answer:"

"Buying a gun prior to instruction: Those who have purchased a gun (prior to any firearms education) under advisement of a friend or other 'credible' source only to find it too complicated (semi-auto), doesn't fit their hand or is too large of a caliber to handle at this level of experience (case in point: assuming a 'little gun will kick less')." ...

Loaded guns allowed in national parks under bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Democratic-controlled Congress is moving to restore a Bush administration policy that allowed loaded guns in national parks."

"The Senate voted Tuesday to allow guns in national parks and wildlife refuges, and the House could follow suit as soon as Wednesday."

"The measure is included in a popular bill imposing new restrictions on credit card companies. Democratic leaders have said they hope to send a final version to the White House for the president's signature by week's end."

"The Senate vote is a stark reversal from what many gun-control advocates expected when a federal judge blocked the Bush policy in March. ..." ...

Coalition calls on House leaders to kill Coburn's gun amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A coalition of House Democrats, retired rangers and supporters of national parks called on House leaders Tuesday to kill a Senate-passed amendment by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., to allow loaded guns in national parks."

"Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, conceded the group faced an uphill battle."

"That did not stop Grijalva and other members of the coalition from describing the Coburn amendment and its consequences in stark terms." ...

"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., called on Americans to speak out on such issues. If they do not, McCarthy said, other places now off limits to loaded weapons such as schools will be covered by the next change." ...

KABA Note: Carolyn, relax and take a deep breath. The sky isn't falling. It'll be okay.

Democrats hold fire on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last week, 27 Senate Democrats joined Republicans to pass an amendment that allows concealed weapons in national parks."

"This week, the Senate could take the first step toward overturning a gun control bill passed by their own Democratic brethren more than a decade ago."

"After a soul-searching exile, the Democratic Party that regained control of both Congress and the White House in the past two election cycles is proving in many ways to be a distinctly different breed than the one that last ruled the capital."

"Nowhere has that transformation become more evident than on the issue of gun control ..." ...

Steny Hoyer says Democrats beaten on guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer admits that Democrats are conceding the gun issue to Republicans for now."

"Republicans have been increasingly using pro-gun amendments to throw a wrench into Democratic legislation, attaching amendments to seemingly unrelated bills allowing for expanded gun carrying privileges in national parks."

"The tactic seems to be working, with Democrats acknowledging that pro-gun members rule in both chambers."

"'There clearly is a majority in both houses that the Second Amendment rights ... that relate to the national parks are too restricted,' Hoyer told reporters Tuesday. 'The reality is that a majority in both houses agree with that position.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So Steny believe the Dems who support gun rights ... aren't Dems?

Is the National Rifle Association the new face of the American right?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"According to a report in the Christian Science Monitor when Kirby Warner, a trusty Ruger pistol strapped to his hip, sat around and shot the breeze with his fellow gun owners in Phonenix at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting this weekend, they weren't just chatting calibers and cartridges."

"Nor did they stop at other tried and trusted fare, such as President Obama and gun control. This year, taxes, bailouts, and the general direction of the country was all on the docket. He remembers reading a sign at one of the national tea parties: 'If First Amendment fails, see Second Amendment."

"'I like that,' he chuckles." ...

S. 941 and H.R. 2296: The 'BATFE Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2009'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have introduced S. 941 ... Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio) have introduced a companion bill in the House. The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations."

"Of highest importance, S. 941 and H.R. 2296 totally rewrites the system of administrative penalties for licensed dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms. Today, for most violations, BATFE can only give a federal firearms license (FFL) holder a warning, or totally revoke his license." ...

McCarthy introduces 'no rights' list
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When we last focused attention on Rep. Carolyn McCarthy ... she was trying to ban guns because they had something on them she could not define beyond 'I believe it's the shoulder thing that goes up.' That and introducing an Assemblywoman who wants to fight terrorism by banning .50 caliber firearms because their bullets had 'a heat seeking device' that would allow you to 'cook [ a deer] at the same time' you shot it." ...

"Well it turns out there's a greater threat to the Republic than Assault Shoulder Things that Go Up and Shoot 'n Cook Ammo combined: Citizens who haven't been convicted of anything! You know, the ones our legal system defines as PIs (Presumed Innocents)." ...

Labbe: Gun show legislation is a diversion from addressing the real problem of illicit drugs
Submitted by: jgh

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"There's a practical reason why the proposed law requiring private gun owners to conduct background checks on potential buyers at a gun show is unworkable."

"Only federally licensed firearm dealers have access to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS."

"An individual gun owner, who's paid a rental fee to set up a table at a gun show to sell from a personal collection, can't place that call ..." ...

"The truth is that the feds aren’t honest enough to admit their failure in securing the border, nor do they have the will to weed out the small percentage of people with bad intent who frequent gun shows. It’s much easier to just restrict the rights of everyone."

LA: House panel kills bill to ban semi-automatic weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Legislation designed to impose a statewide ban on semi-automatic weapons was killed 10-2 by the House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice today."

"House Bill 387 by Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans, is dead for the session unless he can amend it on to another bill or get the full House to order the panel send it the bill."

"Richmond said his fallback position will be to ask the New Orleans City Council to adopt a local ban on automatic weapons."

"Richmond said under recent court rulings, cities can enact their own ban on the automatic weapons that he called 'tools of mayhem.'" ...

TX: College handgun bill clears first Senate vote
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"College students and faculty members with a concealed handgun license would be able to pack their firearms on campus under a bill that the Senate tentatively approved on Tuesday. ... Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, said the right-to-carry measure also would protect students from other life-threatening situations."

"'When I read about massacre in Virginia (in 2007), I felt I would feel personally guilty if it woke up one morning and read that this had happened on one of our college campuses and I had done nothing to prevent it from happening,' Wentworth explained to other senators. ..."

"The measure, which needs a final vote in the Senate, faces an uphill battle in the House ..." ...

NY: Richard Aborn for Manhattan DA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Advocates who have fought for decades for criminal justice reform rightly see this moment as one where the stars are aligning for change. The fiscal crisis has governors and state legislators looking for alternatives to spending $50 billion a year on incarceration. ..."

"... Now, in New York City, where Robert Morgenthau is stepping down as Manhattan District Attorney after 35 years, the race to determine his successor is providing a unique opportunity for a progressive re-envisioning of our criminal justice system. Richard Aborn is the candidate most passionately describing such an alternative future." ...

"... As the president of Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Campaign), Aborn played a key role in passing the Brady Bill and the national assault weapons ban ..." [emphasis added] ...

FL: Raid on concealed-weapons fund stirs fight
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As more people in Florida seek concealed weapons permits, Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson wants Gov. Charlie Crist to veto a $6 million raid on a fund that pays for the program."

"Bronson's request presents a timely opportunity for Crist to score political points with gun owners ..."

"In a letter to Crist, Bronson cited 'unprecedented growth' in applications for gun permits that has created a 'tremendous backlog' of cases to be processed. All applicants are subject to criminal background checks."

"To balance the $66.5 billion state budget that takes effect July 1, legislators swept nearly $600 million from dozens of accounts known as trust funds. ..." ...

We Are the 'Enemy of the State'
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Repeatedly, throughout our history, the state has demonized, most often using its lapdogs in the media, those it intended to war against. ..."

"The [DHS], The Missouri Militia Report and Virginia's Homegrown Terrorism Report have unleashed an attack designed to demonize and dehumanize opponents of tyranny. The unclassified lists of those viewed as potential threats and terrorists includes ... third-party political supporters, supporters of the Second Amendment, ... constitutionalists, veterans, ... and anyone fitting the 'Right-Wing Extremist' profile."

"Conspicuous in its absence in DHS's report is any mention of Maoists, Marxists, Leninists ... In short, our government ... only fears those who would hold it accountable to the Constitution and rule of law." ...

U.S. military: Heavily armed and medicated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "In deploying an all-volunteer army to fight two ongoing wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has increasingly relied on prescription drugs to keep its warriors on the front lines. In recent years, the number of military prescriptions for antidepressants, sleeping pills, and painkillers has risen as soldiers come home with battered bodies and troubled minds. And many of those service members are then sent back to war theaters in distant lands with bottles of medication to fortify them." ...

"In other words, thousands of American fighters armed with the latest killing technology are taking prescription drugs that the Federal Aviation Administration considers too dangerous for commercial pilots." ...

Submitter's Note: Leave it to MSNBC news to imply that our troops are loaded bombs ready to go off once they are back stateside.

IL: Veteran Ill. sheriff accused of trafficking pot
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sheriff Raymond M. Martin has been the law for nearly 20 years in a struggling southern Illinois county. But federal prosecutors say he's been breaking it lately by peddling pounds of pot, some seized by his own department, often in uniform and from his patrol vehicle." ...

"Martin was jailed pending a Wednesday detention hearing on three counts of marijuana distribution and two counts of carrying a firearm, his service weapon, while trafficking drugs. He could not be reached for comment Tuesday." ...

CA: Breaking the Code of Silence
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Sheriff Sandra Hutchens and Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs President Wayne Quint were both furious – Wayne had steam coming out of his ears, according to one associate – at District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, and more specifically at his press spokesperson, Susan Schroeder, for a few matter-of-fact comments she made after a recent mistrial. When asked why the office was not going to retry the excessive force case against a deputy who used a Taser on a handcuffed suspect, she gave an honest answer: 'We argued in closing arguments that we felt there was a code of silence – what is it? A thin blue line. We're very disappointed. … It's very important for the District Attorney's Office to have ethical and law-abiding law enforcement officers.'" ...

MN: Stillwater police officer resigns amidst accusations
Submitted by: jgh

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"Stillwater police officer Scott Geving resigned Monday, after criminal charges of harrassment, stalking and fifth degree sexual conduct were filed against him."

"Geving has been on paid leave since last August."

"Geving is charged with two separate cases of criminal sexual misconduct."

"... police have expanded their investigation after two more alleged victims came forward."

"Geving's is currently awaiting trial for allegations of making unwanted sexual advances towards two women."

"His resignation comes after months of negotiations with city officials. He will be paid through June and get benefits through July. In all, Geving will have received $71,000 in pay and benefit to stay at home for ten months." ...

FL: People flocking to firearm training courses
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun sales have been shooting into the stratosphere this year since many people are jittery about uncertain times during the recession. New gun owners have been flocking to training courses."

"'Gun sales are going through the roof,' said Bill Bunting, a Republican state committeeman ... and life member of the [NRA]."

"Democrats swept control of both the White House and Congress last November, prompting a buying spree at gun shops."

"Bunting specializes in teaching classes so people can obtain concealed weapon permits."

"One recent student was none other than former state senator Jack Latvala. The Pinellas County Republican said he thought it wise to protect himself since he likes to hike through woods." ...

Obama-inspired gun sales surge continues in April
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The upward trend in firearms sales continued in April, marking the sixth consecutive month of significant increases."

"Data released by [NICS] reported 1,225,980 checks in April 2009. This figure is a 30.3 percent increase from the 940,961 reported in April 2008." ...

"The April increase follows a 29.2 percent gain in March and rises of 23 percent in February, 28 percent in January, 24 percent in December and 42 percent in November when a record 1,529,635 background checks were performed."

"The increase in NICS checks coincides with a rise in excise taxes reported by firearms manufacturers, another indicator of firearm sales."

MA: Crime control, not gun control, is needed
Submitted by: jgh

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"If the intent of the Gun Control Act of 1998 was to discourage the sport of hunting and competitive target shooting and to disarm Massachusetts citizens, it must be considered a howling success. In 10 years since its passage, the number of licensed gun owners has decreased from 1,500,000 to 220,000, an 85 percent drop ... Well done!"

"If the intent was to reduce crime, then that law must be considered a miserable failure. Based on incidents per 100,000, gun-related homicides are up 68 percent, assault related gun injuries up 72 percent, assault related hospital discharges up 160 percent, gun assault Emergency Dept visits up 222 percent and gun assault outpatient observations up 538 percent. ..." ...

KY: Emily Quiner Signs With MSU Rifle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Murray State Rifle Head Coach Allan Lollar announced the signing of Emily Quiner of Brooklyn Park, Minn."

"Quiner will join the MSU Rifle program in the fall as a freshman."

"'We are excited to add Emily to our 2009 recruiting class,' Lollar said. 'She brings a great combination of work ethic, experience and drive that will fit right in with the team we are building.'"

"Quiner is set to travel to the Czech Republic in early June to compete as part of the USA Shooting National Development Team. ..." ...

"Quiner comes to Murray State with some outstanding credentials including: earning national champion honors in the 2008 Daisy USJCC Junior Open and the 2009 USA Shooting Junior Olympics. ..." ...

MA: Man Shot Near Harvard University Dormitory
Submitted by: jac

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A man has been shot near a Harvard University dormitory.

The man was wounded Monday outside an entrance to Kirkland House, one of a dozen dorms on the university's campus in the Boston suburb of Cambridge. He's hospitalized in stable condition.

Police say it's unclear if he's a student. House Master Tom Conley tells The Harvard Crimson student newspaper the man doesn't live in the undergraduate dorm.

A witness tells the Crimson the victim appeared to be "college-aged" and was bleeding but conscious.

Dorm administrators have e-mailed students about the shooting and asked them to cooperate with police. No arrest has been made.

Harvard says the shooting appears to be an "isolated" incident.

Submitters note: How is that possible in a victim disarmament zone?

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. — Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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