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Newslinks for 5/21/2012

Alan Dershowitz: Drop George Zimmerman's murder charge -- New evidence suggests Trayvon Martin's killer acted in self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A medical report by George Zimmerman's doctor has disclosed that Zimmerman had a fractured nose, two black eyes, two lacerations on the back of his head and a back injury on the day after the fatal shooting. If this evidence turns out to be valid, the prosecutor will have no choice but to drop the second-degree murder charge against Zimmerman -- if she wants to act ethically, lawfully and professionally.

There is, of course, no assurance that the special prosecutor handling the case, State Attorney Angela Corey, will do the right thing. Because until now, her actions have been anything but ethical, lawful and professional.

Breyer push for more protection illustrates elite double standard
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"That Breyer demands armed police protection provided at taxpayer expense illustrates no small amount of elitist hypocrisy considering his dissent in the landmark District of Columbia v. Heller case..."

Federal's New Guard Dog Self-Defense Ammunition Getting More Popular
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Federal Ammunition was awarded the NRA publication Shooting Illustrated's Golden Bullseye award for their premium self-defense Guard Dog expanding full metal jacket ammunition not too long ago. The award is for the Ammunition Product of the Year. And at the very least, this is interesting ammo. The design is a combination of both hollowpoint and full-metal jacket features. Guard Dog ammunition has a polymer-filled cavity inside the front of the bullet that is constructed similarly to hollowpoints and scored inside to split apart. But the petals are all connected together by a thin jacket over the bullet's tip.

FL: What the evidence in Trayvon Martin case doesn't show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"I still don't see any evidence yet of the elements of second-degree murder," said Miami defense attorney John Priovolos, a former prosecutor. The special prosecutor "has to prove ill will, hatred or spite. I don't see any evidence of his state of mind," he said.

The new evidence also includes photos of injuries to Zimmerman that could bolster his self-defense claims, and statements from witnesses that appear to contradict some key conclusions made by investigators in an affidavit supporting Zimmerman's arrest.

The new information "tends to support what Zimmerman is saying, that he was being assaulted," said former Miami-Dade prosecutor David Waksman.

FL: Democratic Leader: Battered Women Not Protected By ‘Stand Your Ground’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Incoming Senate Democratic Leader Chris Smith has ratcheted up criticism of Florida’s “stand your ground” law, pointing to a loophole that could endanger some women, rather than protect them.

Smith’s remarks came in response to a recent case in which a Jacksonville woman was sentenced in a domestic assault case.

Smith said the law – which allows people to shoot back when threatened without a duty to retreat – could actually end up making domestic violence victims more vulnerable.

MI: Gun-toting Michiganders promote 'constitutional carry' at rally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights activists from throughout Michigan gathered at the Capitol on Saturday to promote easing restrictions on carrying firearms.
The group wants Michigan to become a “constitutional carry” state, where concealed weapon licenses are not required and there generally aren’t restrictions on how or where guns are carried. Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming have similar laws.

NM: Current cases show limits to Stand Your Ground defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is no duty to retreat from an actual or reasonably perceived attack in Stand Your Ground states like Florida, New Mexico, and about two dozen others. However, once you have retreated to a safe place, as Ms. Alexander had done, you cannot reignite the confrontation and still claim you were acting in self defense. New Mexico law specifically looks at who instigated the confrontation in determining whether our Stand Your Ground defense applies. The public debate over Stand Your Ground laws rages on, but this case clearly shows there are limits on this defense. Whether or not Ms. Alexander’s race played any part in the DA’s charges against her, or the jury’s verdict, is something you can “Judge for Yourself.”

Congress Not Standing Ground on 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Are gun voters being taken for granted? Republicans control the House and self-styled pro-gun Democrats abound in the Senate. So why has neither chamber addressed any of the major gun rights issues awaiting resolution?

Numerous bills to restore and preserve Second Amendment rights to Americans have been filed, yet not one has been slated for a vote this year. John Velleco of Gun Owners of America (GOA) tells Townhall, “Every election year, the members of Congress come to pro-gun voters asking to be re-elected, yet we don’t have any pro-gun votes scheduled to come to the House and Senate floor.”

CO: Never declare victory when complaining will do
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So why is the NRA fuming about a president who has done it no harm? Like most advocacy groups, be they environmental or political, it needs to keep its members terrified so that they'll keep sending money to protect what they hold dear, be that wolves or pistols.

NRA’s Guns & Gold Memorial Day Marathon Exclusively on Sportsman Channel
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every gun has a story. And these stories mean freedom.

This Memorial Day, remember our heroes and the guns they brought to battle during the NRA’s Guns & Gold Marathon brought to you by Sportsman’s Guide on Monday, May 28 from 8 to 10 pm ET exclusively on Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman.

OH: The real truth about gun violence: Too easy to get guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The mass murders that occurred at Columbine, Virginia Tech and Chardon High School were perpetrated by two Caucasians and an Asian American. It was very easy for these cold-blooded killers to obtain a gun because the NRA has made it possible for anyone to get a gun at any time.

The tragedy of 9/11 left us with 3,000 dead. There are 30,000 deaths annually in America due to gun violence. The NRA does not care about American lives.

Dershowitz demolishes Zimmerman prosecution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After writing in the New York Daily News that murder charges should be dropped against George Zimmerman in the slaying of Trayvon Martin, liberal law professor and author Alan Dershowitz appeared on Fox News to reiterate his disgust for Zimmerman’s prosecution by Florida State Attorney Angela Corey.

Four GOP lawmakers hit Holder on guns operation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“As co-equal branches of the U.S. government, the relationship between the legislative and executive branches must be predicated on honest communications and cannot be clouded by allegations of obstruction,” House Speaker John A. Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa said in a letter Friday to Mr. Holder.

NE: Omaha police collect 28 guns during amnesty day
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Omaha police have collected 28 firearms during the department's most recent gun amnesty day.

Police say eight 5-gallon buckets of ammunition, a canister of black powder, several BB guns, a knife and a crossbow were also turned in during Saturday's collection.

Obama wants this dead cop to go away
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Then there’s Brian Terry, a cop who didn’t get much attention last week. The U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed in Arizona a year and a half ago by gangsters working for Mexican drug cartels. The guns that killed him were sent to criminals in Mexico under orders from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

CA: CBS 5 Story Inspires New Legislation To Ban ‘Bullet Button’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The debate over California’s strict gun control laws is about to heat up in Sacramento and it’s all because of what we reported a few weeks ago.

“When I saw the news I was absolutely horrified,” said State Senator Leland Yee, referring to a CBS5 report about the so-called bullet button.

It’s a modification that enables the magazine of a semi-automatic rifle to be removed quickly, with the tip of a bullet. Removable magazines in combination with other features like a pistol grip and telescoping stock are banned under California law. But the bullet button is legal because it doesn’t work with your finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”

PA: Pistols are focus of self-defense class
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Call it a case of girls with guns.

For the third year in a row, Irwin Sportsmen’s Association is offering a women’s self-defense class. Held at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, it focuses on pistol shooting.

The class includes a wide range of participants, from experienced shooters looking to improve to those who have never fired a gun. The instruction and shooting sessions are based on the basic pistol and self-defense courses of the National Rifle Association.

DC: Soldier gets his guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That changed after The Washington Times published a story about the case last Monday. The long-time firearms lawyer had never known the city to set up a hearing within a matter of days. Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, spoke with Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier on Thursday. Fellow Palmetto State Republican Sen. Jim DeMint and Rep. Tim Scott have also been engaged. “When you get two senior U.S. senators and a member of Congress calling the chief of police, it makes a difference,” Mr. Gardiner explained.

NC: Durham clerk says customer shooting was in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Alaael Ahmed El-Hamalawi, 52, said the man, whom police identified as John Reid Jr., walked into the University Market on West Chapel Hill Street, on April 30, yelling that he had a knife and was going to kill El-Hamalawi.

El-Hamalawi said Reid also struck him on the hand and broke a window with an electric drill that he had been swinging.

"If I (had not) ducked, he would have killed me that day," El-Hamalawi said.

He said he tried to push Reid out of the store, and then he got a gun, warned him and then shot him in the leg. Debuts Powerful Solutions For Anyone To Start A Home based Firearms Business
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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UK: Evidence in Trayvon Martin case released; witness accounts are contradictory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A witness claims to have seen Trayvon Martin straddling and pummeling George Zimmerman “MMA style” shortly before Zimmerman shot the teen in February, according to police reports obtained by The Smoking Gun. Other accounts claim that Zimmerman was the one straddling Martin.

This conflict is one of several found in the recently-released witness reports.

FL: I don't need gun to live without fear
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association often says that if we limit the right to bear arms, then only criminals will have guns. I say that if everyone has a gun, we are no different than criminals.

A strict constitutional constructionist would interpret the Second Amendment only as it was intended by our Founding Fathers. When it was written, the only arms were swords and muskets.

If conservatives are consistent with their constitutional views, they must agree that we have the right to bear only muskets and swords. Then we would be a lot safer than now.

NC: Fayetteville homeowner shoots suspected burglar
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cumberland County authorities have arrested two men in connection with a home break-in over the weekend in which the homeowner scared them off after shooting one of them in the chest.

The woman told sheriff's deputies that she was taking a nap in her home on Grape Arbor Drive, east of Fayetteville, Saturday afternoon when she heard glass breaking.

She grabbed the shotgun, police said, went into the kitchen and saw the hand of a man attempting to unlock a window.

She fired a shot when yelling didn't scare them away. The two teens then fled the scene, and the woman called 911 to report the crime, according to investigators.

CA: Community buyback to offer $100 gift cards for guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We have had gun buybacks before that turned out to be huge failures. Remember then-State Sen. Don Perata's plan back in 2008 to offer $250 for each working gun, no questions asked? Gun dealers from out-of-state flocked to Oakland to dump useless antiques and other weapons they couldn't sell -- totally defeating the buyback's intent of removing weapons from the streets of the inner city.

Martinez says OPD has learned from those ill-fated ventures. People will have to show proof of Oakland residency in order to turn in a gun. Gift cards are being offered this time around instead of cash.

No one has any illusions that criminals are going to flock to the drop-off point and unload their arsenals.

MT: Gun Safety Class Aims To Empower Women
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recent attention surrounding sexual assaults in the Missoula community have many concerned for their safety. But one firearm expert is offering a class to give women another option of self defense, one he says will prevent them from being victims.

Wendy Hufman is a working mother; she’s also a gun owner. “I have young kids at home and I own a gun. I do a lot of traveling by myself; I decided that I needed to be extremely safe,” she said.

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave. — Andrew Fletcher 1698

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