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Newslinks for 5/22/2002

Bush Administration Shoots Down Guns In Cockpit
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Bush administration today slapped millions of Americans in the face when it announced that pilots would not be allowed to have guns in the cockpit."

"despite the tremendous support in this country for what is really a very simple idea, the Bush administration has said "no" to arming the pilots, and "yes" to relying on an F-16 fighter jet to shoot down the next commercial plane that gets hijacked by a terrorist."

Feel Safer Yet? No Guns for Pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Be afraid -- be very afraid. This seems to be the only message sent out of Washington D.C. these days. In spite of all the increased terrorism threats, you can rest easy knowing over 55,000 daily commercial flights can still be turned into deadly weapons -- since the U.S. Transportation Department has decided not to permit commercial airline pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit as a measure to avert hijackings."

Memo to Ashcroft: Attorney general doesn't make nation's laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"An assertion by Attorney General John Ashcroft in a brief filed with the Supreme Court about gun ownership has triggered predictable responses from the National Rifle Association (cheers) and gun-control groups (cries of alarm). Whether either response is justified depends on whether an attorney general with a penchant for pushing executive authority to the limit can persuade the high court and/or Congress to embrace his interpretation of what the Constitution says on the subject." -- The Fresno Bee

'Gun show loopholes aid terror,' ad claims
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Supporters of a bill that requires stricter background checks at gun shows are touting the measure as a way to combat terrorism. In an ad that appeared Monday in the Capitol Hill publication Roll Call, three mug shots of suspected terrorists appeared with these words beneath: "Terrorists are exploiting the gun show loophole."

"Foreign terrorists --- buying guns here in America," reads the ad, sponsored by the nonprofit Americans for Gun Safety."

"Monday's ad was part of a $1 million campaign for the McCain-Lieberman bill."

NH: Support for gun ban grows
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Police Chief Bill Baker's plan to create a gun-free zone in Weirs Beach during Motorcycle Week has so far earned the blessing of city councilors, but most said yesterday they wanted to see proof that the rule could be enforced."

"I honestly have no idea what (the police) anticipate for an enforcement process," said Councilor Paul Bordeau. "We can pass it, the intent may be noble, but the actual enforcement of the law becomes the difficult part."

The Right of The People
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The idea of an individual, not collective, right to firearms can be traced back at least to the 18th century. In 1765, England's Sir William Blackstone, a major influence on America's Founding Fathers, described the British right to bear arms as one of "the rights of the subject," i.e., the individual. The British law was the basis for the Constitution's Second Amendment. ... . It was only in the 1930s that the idea began to shift from an individual to a collective right."

"The Bush administration's support of an individual right to bear arms, then, need not be hysterically viewed as a setback to legitimate, "limited" gun control. It threatens only those who would twist the framers' intent so as to ban private gun ownership altogether." -- Savannah Morning News

What Is The Difference Between a Pacifist and a Victim?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"One of my greatest personal heroes, Robert A. Heinlein, once stated flatly that a male pacifist was a contradiction in terms. Heinlein was a brilliant writer, one hell of a philosopher, and very seldom wrong."

"He was wrong this time. He should have said that a male victim is a contradiction in terms."

"Heinlein may be forgiven, though. No writer is perfect, and it is a common mistake to confuse the ideologically committed pacifist with the chronic, or professional, victim." -- Kathryn A. Graham

DOT Says No Guns in the Cockpit; Group working to legislate it
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After a lot consultation and realizing my experience in law enforcement, I will not authorize firearms in the cockpit," Magaw told the Senate Commerce Committee. He did not give any reason for the decision."

"Magaw's announcement angered a group called the 'Committee for the Armed Defense of the Cockpit', which said it expected this to happen. The group said that's why it is moving ahead with its allies in Congress, seeking legislation that will force the Department of Transportation to allow guns in the cockpit."

UT: Board Says 'No' to Guns In Courts
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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--What separation of powers? This is the JUDGES deciding THEY are above the LAW! People of Utah, take notice!

"Setting up a classic separation-of-powers battle, a board representing Utah's 70 district judges has voted to ignore a new state law ordering all courthouses to install gun storage lockers for holders of concealed-weapon permits."

Gun Games - Truth is a casualty of the anti-gun cause
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"McCain states: "A few years ago, Congress passed a law to make sure people undergo a simple background check before buying a gun." Lieberman chimes in, "That's right, John. That law has stopped 700,000 criminals from buying a weapon."

"But that's not true. The 700,000 figure is simply the number of initial denials under the National Instant Check System and its predecessor, the Brady waiting period."

WA: Deputies fired in machine gun incident (followup)
Submitted by: Mark Laiminger

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Colville -- "Two Stevens County sheriff's deputies accused of shooting homes in Suncrest with a machine gun have been fired. Criminal charges are still pending against both men and two others from the April 16 incident. Deputy Will Clark, 29, was fired Friday. Reserve Deputy Brian Cravens, 24, was removed from the force Monday. Both are charged with illegal possession of a machine gun and reckless endangerment. Clark is also charged with obstructing law-enforcement officers."

CA: S.F. A haven for pedophiles
Submitted by: Roger Tweeddale

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"San Francisco is a haven for pedophiles. So long as child molesters limit their abuse to "acceptable" victims -- child prostitutes and foster kids -- authorities look the other way and leave them alone."

(Not directly KABA related, but exposes another "Welcome Criminals!" flaw in our "system".)

NH: Proposed gun ban of some concern
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A proposed gun-free zone during Bike Week may pass muster with the U.S. and — although a little trickier — maybe with the New Hampshire Constitution as well, say legal experts."

"The gun-free zone is one option being explored by Laconia Police Chief William Baker as a means of reducing the likelihood of violence between rival motorcycle clubs during the June 8-16 event."

SC: Security team wins pistol shooting honors
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A military security team captured top honors at the Hundred Club's pistol shooting contest for area law enforcement officers Saturday at Charleston Air Force Base. The Security Forces Team 2 won first place in the team pistol competition, with 1,382 points. The Summerville police department team took second place with 1,289 points, and the Goose Creek police department team took third place with 1,272 points, said Edward "Moose" Remington, Hundred Club president."

OK: Council Approves Bass Pro Deal
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The city will spend $17.2 million to build a store for Springfield, Mo.-based sports retailer Bass Pro Shops in the Bricktown entertainment district, City Council members decided Tuesday."

"Local sports retailers had objected to the plan, saying it would put them at a business disadvantage and that it was a waste of money. Supporters of the deal say the city will recover the money through lease payments and increased sales tax revenue."

U.S. Won't Allow Guns in Cockpits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The federal government has said that pilots will not be allowed to have guns in the cockpits of commercial airplanes.

Life-threatening legislation euphemistically termed "gun control"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"England’s legislators would rather rely upon arming after-the-fact police, who usually arrive after a robbery, homicide or rape has been committed, for purposes of completing reports to initiate an investigation to track down the perpetrator[s] rather than take measures to protect and prevent such crimes from happening to innocent, law-abiding citizens in the first place."

"the death of 60 small children is an insignificant occurrence, but when more than that low number die by drowning in 5-gallon pails, and many more die from choking on food, then the number of gun accidents is astonishingly small and therefore insignificant."

Canada: Police trial gun unit becomes permanent
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Toronto police have established a permanent gun unit to crack down on illegal firearms after a 13-week pilot project was successful in reducing gun-related crime."

"As first reported in The Star late last month, Chief Julian Fantino announced yesterday that the gun task force is here to stay and will be expanded into a full-time squad with 14 designated officers, including two drafted from the Ontario Province Police."

Blakeslee Earns Spot on National Shooting Team
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Battle Ground area teen-ager Sarah Blakeslee earned a spot on the team that will represent the United States at the 2002 International Shooting Sports Federation World Shooting Championships in Lathi, Finland, in July."

"Blakeslee, 16, secured her spot on the national team with a strong performance during the World Championship Team Selection Matches last week in Atlanta, Ga."

FBI director says walk-in suicide bombers inevitable
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Walk-in suicide bombers like those who have attacked public places in Israel will hit the United States eventually, the director of the FBI said Monday."

--When this happens, government officials who prevent citizens from bearing arms will share in the responsibility!

Supposed to Be Free
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The US Government uses pretexts to send its armed invaders into the States, pretexts such as illegal firearms (none are unlawful in fact), tax evasion (no tax can be laid directly on the people, including federal and state income tax and property tax on domestic earnings and property gained by right), drug sales and manufacture (neither of which the feds have any constitutional control over except for imports), and suspected terrorism lacking even a shred of evidence."

OK: Callers help officials find stolen bullets
Submitted by: serinde

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"Anonymous callers led state, county and local law enforcement to two caches of ammunition that had been stolen last month from the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department firing range and hidden in southeast Oklahoma City."

"A local television station received an anonymous call ... Oklahoma City police Sgt. Charles Phillips said. "Whoever gave them the tip even gave them GPS (global positioning satellite) coordinates," he said.

TX: San Antonio gunman frees hostages
Submitted by: Mike McCafferty

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Too bad the employees inside the bank were not armed!

A Daily Nugget Of Midwest Humor and Wisdom
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"I have just run across a quote from a National President of the Fraternal Order of Police dated 1967. In his letter to the NRA, Mr. R. Pat Stark stated: "Those who push gun control are the same ones that hamstring the police. They intend to have a disarmed citizenry, protected by a paralyzed police department." When both come to pass, American Liberty will be at an end."

Debating the Second Amendment Point
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Constitution protects each American's right to own a firearm Pending before the U.S. Supreme Court is United States vs. Emerson, a case which involves the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Attorney General John Ashcroft believes that this is a fundamental right of law-abiding citizens, but argues that the federal law at issue in the case is valid." -- Stephen P. Halbrook, published on!

MI: Grant program targets 'gun violence'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A new special team of prosecutors is taking aim at gun violence in Genesee County with a $480,000 grant. "Throughout the country where this has been tried, it's been showed there has been a reduction of gun crime," said John Schlinker, deputy chief assistant prosecutor, who worked with Prosecutor Arthur A. Busch to write the grant."

NY: Play gun fight causes controversy in Syracuse
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The city attorney is considering charges against three teens who staged a pretend BB gun fight between themselves and the parents of at least one of the boys Sunday night at a private residence."

"Problems arose when a 9-year-old neighbor walked in on the activity and one boy allegedly threatened the child with his gun. "He thought it was a real gun," said Syracuse Police Chief Brian Wallace.

Sarah Brady: Illegal Gun Purchase? (followup)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Daily News later retracted the story, saying "a spokeswoman for the Delaware Department of Justice said it misinterpreted the law and that Brady was not obligated to state that the gun was for her son as long as he was legally qualified to own a firearm." So, is the Delaware DOJ bending the law to allow a politically connected celebrity activist off the hook, or is the law so confusing that the DOJ lawyers can’t properly interpret what they expect gun-owning citizens to know and obey?"

Gun Shows and Gun Control: McCain Is at It Again!
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is at it again, preaching draconian gun control. He has now paired himself with "the conscience" of the Senate, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., and joined forces with the national anti-gun group Americans for Gun Safety (AGS), a lobbying group that has been shown to have neither members, gun safety programs, nor credibility."

Out-of-Control AGs - Restraining state attorneys general
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It's time to rein in the power of state attorneys general. For most of American history they did vital, but routine and distinctly unglamorous, legal work for their states. But beginning in the 1980s, some Democratic attorneys general (AG) challenged the Reagan administration's policies in antitrust and environmental law, pursuing their own agendas through litigation."

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. — Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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