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Newslinks for 5/22/2009

Brady Campaign rhetoric then and now: what a difference six months makes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Remember this?"

"We Win, They Lose. Now, Let's Get To Work." ...

"That was Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke 6 months ago, in the wake of the November elections. That's just a small sample of his gloating. If you're a real glutton for punishment, wade through the Brady Bunch's 30 pages of triumphant crowing ..." ...

"Sound pretty smug, don't they? Before a single new law had been passed, or even introduced, the Brady Campaign proclaimed a 'major victory for common sense gun laws.'"

"Unfortunately for the Brady Campaign, and fortunately for liberty in America, the above turns out to have been a counting of the citizen disarmament chickens before they hatched ..." ...

Gun ownership has brought lawlessness
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"How many more of these grisly massacres must we endure before the US citizenry turns on the NRA and its deluded followers and declares enough is enough?"

"Oh, sure, I can already hear the excuses from the gun-nuts: 'Guns don't kill people – people kill people.' All very true, but how many of these massacres would occur if the 10 or 15 victims had to be killed with a knife or a club? Not many, I think; it's the easy availability of the gun that makes it all possible." ...

Submitter's Note: OK City bombing, 168 killed (ostensibly) with fuel oil and fertilizer. Happy Land disco, 87 killed with a buck's worth of gasoline. Bath Township school massacre, 45 kulled, one with a gun the rest with explosives. It doesn't take a gun to perpatrate a mass killing.

Buy American, gun lobby tells drug lords
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I guess it wasn't enough for the gun lobby that they successfully cowed Congress into submission and won approval ... for people to carry assault weapons[sic] into national parks. They now believe that the Mexicans are lying when they report that 90 percent of guns seized from Mexican drug cartels are traceable to U.S. sellers."

"They think this supposed distortion of the facts is just a ploy by the pro-terrorist, socialist, anti-freedom President Barack Obama to further undermine our constitutional rights by trying to restrict our freedom to send our weapons across the border[sic] to kill Mexicans[sic]. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Since it is well documented that the Mexicans only submit about 20% of the siezed guns for tracing (the others being obviously not of American manufacture), the '90%' figure means that about 18% of siezed guns come from the US. Since the administration continued to use the 'distortion of the facts' in their arguments for various gun bans after the ATF had corrected it, what should we infer about their agenda and intentions?

Congress fails to trigger gun control debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "... I admit I'm scared silly by the prospect of only outlaws having guns should guns be outlawed. But how much security do firearms provide their owners if so many of the guns are being stolen and later used to commit crimes? ..." ...

"The Second Amendment seems to me an anachronism, something that could have been tossed out with the Minutemen and tricorn hats and not really missed. But fighting government tyranny remains a priority among gun rights advocates."

"I prefer to battle tyranny with a more subtle, yet often powerful weapon - my computer keyboard."

Submitter's Note: See Oleg Volk's take on the subject of free speech and press without the ability to enforce it.

FL: NRA to Crist: Leave 'our' money alone
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the latest show of the influence Florida's gun lobby holds over state politics, Gov. Charlie Crist's office has been bombarded by tens of thousands of complaints from angry gun owners."

"The spark: lawmakers this month took $6 million from a trust fund meant to help process concealed-weapons permits." ...

"Since then, gun enthusiasts from across Florida and other states have e-mailed, called and written letters to urge Crist to veto the sweep. Crist's office has totaled more than 25,000 so far." ...

Submitter's Note: It is sad that the old media is so used to 'astroturf' that they can't even recognize true grass-roots activism in action.

Voting rights v. gun rights: Washington Post shows blind bigotry on guns
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"The Washington Post on May 20 published an editorial that clearly demonstrates why that newspaper is losing readers ..."

"The Post is howling over the fact that a voting rights bill to allow District of Columbia residents full representation in the House of Representatives is being stalled by a measure that would strip the city's vehemently anti-gun council of the authority to regulate guns." ...

"... The Post needs to remember that owning a gun is just as much a right as casting a vote. Indeed, the fact that so many Americans have owned guns, and have been willing to bear them on battlefields all over the world, is what has guaranteed that voting right still exists." ...

Sour grapes from gun grabbers as National Parks gun amendment passes
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Anti-gun pundits can scarcely hide their disdain for gun owners in the face of yet another defeat, this time as legislation to reinstate the Bush rule change permitting law-abiding concealed handgun license holders to bring their firearms with them into National Parks passed both the Senate and the House and is headed to President Obama's desk."

"While most legislators know that the majority of their constituents support gun rights, those who would like to take them away blame the 'powerful gun lobby' and insinuate that they buy their agenda at 'the frustration and discouragement of many Democrats' while the media runs headlines like 'Guns Rule Congress' ..." ...

U.S. House Approves Gun Rights Bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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vote in the U.S. House of Representatives wasn't supposed to happen."

"Ever since it looked like a Democrat had a good shot at the White House, gun rights groups have been loading for bear. One example: Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman published a book last year titled These Dogs Don't Hunt: The Democrats' War On Guns, which wondered if it's 'something Democrats drink that causes them to climb aboard the Gun Control Express.'" ...

"So what persuaded a sizable majority of the House and Senate to vote for a bill lauding the 'the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens?' ..."

"Perhaps the most important reason is that Democrats strengthened their grip on Congress by enlisting more pro-gun members ..." ...

NRA Praises Congress for Allowing Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Wendesday NRA-backed legislation to restore the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in national parks and wildlife refuges passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by an overwhelming bipartisan majority of 279-147 ... This was a major repudiation of the gun control community's anti self-defense agenda."

"... The NRA has been working for the past several years in the regulatory, legal, and legislative arenas to achieve this policy change."

"'It has been an NRA priority to change the old, outdated rule, and we are pleased that Congress passed this critical legislation,' said Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist. ..." ...

Gun lobby wins a round in Washington
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congress gave final approval Wednesday to legislation that will limit abusive practices by credit-card companies. That bill contains an astonishing add-on."

"It will permit people visiting national parks to carry loaded, concealed weapons."

"The [NRA] and other elements of the gun lobby have been pushing for years for the right of gun owners to visit the Grand Canyon loaded for bear. Republicans and newly elected conservative 'blue dog' Democrats, many of them from rural states, were happy to oblige ..." ...

Submitter's Note: "Pushing for years"? But wasn't the administrative change a last minute parting gift to the gun lobby by the Bush administration?

National Parks bracing for armed visitors
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for Congress passing a bill this week that will allow people to carry loaded and concealed weapons in the nation's national parks." ...

Submitter's Note: Umm, so that a permit holder does not suddenly face 6 months in prison and a fine because s/he unknowingly entered a national park while carrying?

VA: Anti-Gun Coalition Disagrees with Guns in Parks Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence says it was deeply disturbed by Wednesday’s vote in the House of Representatives, which gave final Congressional approval to a dangerous, non-germane amendment to the 'Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Act of 2009.'" ...

"The coalition says the National Parks, like other gun-free zones, are some of the safest places in the United States, with a violent crime rate 280 times lower than the country as a whole." [emphasis added]

"The group complains that it is clear that the screening process for gun purchasers and concealed carry permit holders offers Americans no assurances that gun owners will be 'law-abiding citizens.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Deeply disturbed is the least of their problems...

Allowing Concealed, Loaded Guns In Our National Parks: How Did We Not Think Of This Sooner? (satire)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you're like me -- a proud gun owner who is constantly looking for places to take his gun -- you may have encountered the frustration and sadness that comes with the realization that you can't take your favorite firearm with you into a national park."

"Parks and guns seem to go together so well: families playing games, lovers picnicking, and you and your loaded gun concealed in the wasteband of your shorts ... but until now, it was illegal." [link added]

"'Until now'? Do you mean the government has finally collapsed and we can hunker down in our survival shelters shooting at looters?' I'm sure you're all wondering this, and although I'm sad to say that our government is still intact, it did manage to do something right today ..." ...

'Nothing short of insane': McCollum decries concealed-carry amendment to credit card bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A bill that would protect credit card users from certain kinds of rate hikes could also mean visitors to Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota could legally pack heat. ... Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum called the amendment 'nothing short of insane.'" ...

"But Minnesota Democrat McCollum characterized the amendment as 'a political game played at the expense of millions of families ...' She continued:"
"'This is a shameful example of the failure of the legislative process ... What rationale is there for the need to carry a concealed weapon on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial? ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately this idiot is my representative. Even the most ignorant of permit holders knows that there is no lawful carry in the District.

The Gun Lobby Fires Bullets
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Score another one for the gun lovers." ...

"... by and large, the Bill is the kind of relief Americans are yearning for. The Senate approved the proposals 90 to 5 yesterday."

"The Republicans stuck onto the proposed Bill a gift to gun owners. The attached legislation will allow licensed gun owners to carry their firearms into national parks and preserves. ..." ...

"... the attachment also have the support of Democrats, many of whom come from states with gun support. It's a pity that the Republicans were able to pull of such a perverted manuever." ...

KABA Note: In the Senate 27 Dems voted for the amendment, joined by 105 Dems in the House. So getting strong bipartisan support for a bill constitutes "a perverted manuever"?

Democrats' "No Fly No Buy" bill is all about NY politics
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Newsday reported recently that New York Representatives Carolyn McCarthy, Steve Israel, and Carolyn Maloney ... called a press conference to promote a new bill aimed at law-abiding gun owners. McCarthy's 'No fly no buy Act' would prohibit anyone who is on the 'no fly' list from purchasing firearms."

"The bill seems to be a political tool, rather than a serious attempt to fix any problem. Sadly that seems to be the normal mode of operation in D.C. these days."

"McCarthy has stated she will run against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) who was appointed to fill Hillary Clinton's vacant Senate seat. Gillibrand is at least relatively pro-gun and has been praised by the NRA, while McCarthy's number one issue is gun control." ...

Don't Tase Me, Big Bro!
Submitted by: Larry

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"With respect to the use of stun guns to administer electro-shock trauma to small children, the State and its agents apply a sliding scale of official charges and punishments."

"When a police officer subdues a child as young as five years of age by treating him to a 50,000-volt shock, this is a law enforcement decision that will be the subject of an official review." ...

On the other hand, when a privately employed father dealing with a misbehaving 14-year-old son decides to eschew the belt in favor of a home-made electric stun gun, this is an act of felony child abuse and domestic battery worthy of the full punitive attention of the state law enforcement apparatus." ...

When a Cop is Charged with Assault ...
Submitted by: Larry

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"... he can count on much gentler treatment than that given to 'mundanes' in the same situation."

"Take the case of Orlando police officer Fernando Trinidad, caught on video two years ago throwing a woman named Jessica Asprilla down the stairs at a local nightclub. Trinidad then compounded the crime by filing a battery charge against his victim ..."

"After the incident was made public, Trinidad was reassigned to airport security ..."

"Trinidad now confronts the prospect of prosecution for criminal assault. In the meantime he's still on the force in an administrative capacity ..."

"His victim, however, lost her job after Trinidad filed his spurious criminal charge against her."

And Now for a Little Bathroom Gun Humor- 'Only Ones'-Style
Submitted by: David Codrea

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I've posted on stories like these before. Here are a few it took me less time to locate than it takes for one of those Congressionally-mandated 1.6 gallon toilet tanks to refill...

FCC can search homes without a warrant, agency says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Have a Wi-Fi router? If you do — and it uses an unlicensed frequency — you could be subject to a warrantless search of your home."

"[FCC] guidelines stipulate that the agency can enter property when it suspects radio frequency energy is being abused. The provision, which was originally intended to aid the monitoring of unlicensed radio and tv stations, now has a broader range of application as more consumers join the wi-fi ranks."

"'Anything using RF energy — we have the right to inspect it to make sure it is not causing interference,' FCC spokesman David Fiske told Wired for an article Thursday. The FCC spokesman said the scope included Wi-Fi routers." ...

H/t to David Codrea who invites Fiskey boy to be the one to search his house.

NYPD: Photographers Are "Practically" Not Terrorists
Submitted by: Larry

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"Apparently the NYPD has told members of its 'service"'that photography in public places is still legal in the city (large JPG):" ...

"What a relief that I am no longer considered a terrorist. Jokes aside, this is a somewhat of a clarifying document, confirming the express permission to photograph in the subway and other areas. Also, section 2 (see image) states that cops cannot just ask to see what photos people have just taken without the photographer's consent. That said, as expected (this is the state after all!), the police can, when there are "exigent circumstances" confiscate equipment." ...

Carrying a firearm openly is not illegal in Georgia
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"With the explosion of what is often erroneously termed 'concealed carry licensing,' including more than 120,000 licenses issued in 2008 alone, many people often forget that it is legal to carry a firearm openly in Georgia."

"Sometimes, the people who forget are the police."

"Georgian Luke Woodard thought he was going to have a good day when he purchased a winning lottery ticket at a convenience store in Paulding County, west of Atlanta, but his luck was about to take a turn for the worse. Before the day was over, Mr. Woodard found himself spending the night in a cold, concrete cell. The reason? Mr. Woodard was carrying a pistol openly, where members of the public could see it." ...

NV: DEADLY CRASH: Officer was driving 109
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"In the moments before officer James Manor plowed into a pickup attempting a left turn, he was driving his patrol car 109 mph without flashing lights or siren ..." ...

"Gillespie called Manor's speed in the 45-mph zone on Flamingo Road 'excessive and unsafe,' even if his lights and siren had been on. The facts of the accident probably will alter the charges Darling faces ..." ...

"Darling, 45, was arrested for driving under the influence and failing to yield to an emergency vehicle ..." ...

"... So far, it has determined that Manor was not wearing a seat belt, Gillespie said. He said he didn't know whether the lack of a seat belt contributed to the young officer's death ..." ...

Submitters Note: Citizen-Subjects must wear their seatbelts and obey speed limits, under penalty of law. The annointed ones, not so much.

Surge in Gun Sales: Sign of the Times? (audio download available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Since the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency, gun sales have surged. "The more they say you can't have, the more I buy," says one man about his purchases, worried that the new Administration's policies will quash his Second Amendment rights. Are there other motivators for the uptick in gun ownership, and what will be the impact of home arsenals on communities? KGO's Jennifer Jones has this Spotlight 810 report.

WI: Gun rights advocates make progress
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In just the past month, gun rights advocates have managed to do the following, under the noses of the most radical gun hating administration at the federal level, and Jim Doyle and friends in Wisconsin."

"One month ago, Attorney General J B Van Hollen said in a memo to law enforcement publicly what has been the law in Wisconsin since forever. Open carry is lawful and is not by itself, disorderly conduct."

"His memo has (predictably) prompted talk at the Capitol of a bill to ban open carry. This is good. The people of Wisconsin ... have been prohibited from carrying a gun concealed for 137 years ... If open carry becomes prohibited ... the Wisconsin Supreme Court will get to decide which (or perhaps both) law to overturn ..." ...

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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