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Newslinks for 5/22/2013

Widening ‘Reportergate’ scandal attracts gun group’s wrath
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In a Tuesday morning press release, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, called the Justice Department’s investigations regarding Rosen and La Jeunesse 'deplorable and despicable.'"

"'It’s a clear sign that the Obama administration is not simply out of touch, it is out of control,' Gottlieb stated. 'It is time for Congress to put a check on the Executive branch and rein these people in, and it is also time for Attorney General Eric Holder to go.'"

"Gottlieb also noted that, 'It is the role of the press to be a watchdog on government, not the other way around.'" ...

Disarmers Begin to Realize What Obama’s Scandals Mean for Gun Control’s Prospects (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ruh roh. You know it’s getting bad out there when Jon Stewart, one of the premier forgers of what passes for conventional wisdom, starts crumpling paper and screaming MOTHERF****R! Repeatedly. Last week we asked if the burden of handling the cascading scandals the Obama administration is now juggling means they’ll be too busy dodging suddenly pointed inquiries from their former fluffers in the the White House press corps to have Double Barrel Joe Biden flying around recruiting cannon fodder for another crack at gun control legislation. The consensus of the Armed Intelligentsia was, well, mixed. But Stewart doesn’t really sound optimistic . . ." ...

When Gun Control Comes Between Brothers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just finished reading an article published at summarizing the disagreement Ted Nugent and his brother Jeffrey have over expanded background checks. Nuge’s elder brother is for expanding them, while, as you’d guess, younger brother Ted opposes expanding existing law. They posted dueling op-ed articles and are both respectful in their agreement to disagree. Very commendable of them both, and they earn my respect regardless of their conflicting views. I only wish my own don’t-agree-with-you-about-gun-control brotherly conflict was as agreeable . . ." ...

Black Conservative Leaders Discuss How The NRA Was Created To Protect Freed Slaves (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, African American activists brought together by the Center for Urban Renewal and Education at the National Press Club discussed their support for the Second Amendment." ...

Reason #7,452 to Stay out of NJ – TX Man Transporting Unloaded Firearms Through NJ Doing 3-5 Years in Prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX man, who was in the process of moving to Maine, made a very simple mistake, and never made it to his hew home. Dustin Reininger is serving a 3-5 year prison sentence in the Garden State because he made a mistake, he stopped to take a nap in NJ during his multi day drive from Texas to Maine."

"Police approached Reininger’s car when he was taking a nap near a bank in Readington, NJ."

"Police then searched the suspect’s vehicle after seeing gun cases laying in the back seat and found the man’s personal gun collection, which was being transported in the car. This included 14 rifles, 4 shotguns and 3 handguns along with hollow point ammunition (which is extremely illegal in NJ). ..." ...

If Your Doctor Asks You About Guns, Do You Have to Answer? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Stuart Varney said this morning on 'Varney & Co.' that one of his producers was given a questionnaire with some surprisingly intrusive questions on it when he switched doctors. One of the questions was whether he/she was concerned about unsecured weapons in the home. Another asked whether he/she was 'in a relationship in which you have been physically hurt or are you afraid of your partner?'"

"Judge Andrew Napolitano explained that the question about guns comes out of a post-Sandy Hook executive order by President Obama, but it will be required under Obamacare. Varney expressed amazement that these questions are being asked, but Napolitano made an important observation." ...

Eight million gun owners are law-abiding citizens.
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"The current gun control furor is an exercise not only in futility — gun control laws affect only law-abiding citizens — but in monumental hypocrisy."

"The gun control leadership portrays gun owners as violence-prone cavemen, and gun owners’ organizations such as the National Rifle Association as evil gangs financed by shadowy money men whose agenda is to block passage of common sense gun safety legislation."

"The opposite is true. Eighty million gun owners are law-abiding citizens who finance their activities and organizations by membership dues and legal, voluntary donations. ..."

"The gun control leadership, by contrast, is a tiny clique of limousine-left politicians financed by huge funding from a few socialist moneybags ..." ...

Irresponsible gun owners are bad for everyone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a member of the National Rifle Association and a former Army officer with assignments in the military police, artillery, and operations research and intelligence at the Pentagon."

"I’m also Ted Nugent’s older brother."

"... We both understand that guns constitute deadly force, so safety is foremost in our minds. It’s part of responsible gun ownership."

"And I agree with Ted that our constitutional right to bear arms should not be undermined. I want all those who are qualified to purchase a gun to be able to do so. But — and here is where I part ways with my brother — not everyone is qualified to own a gun, so expanded background checks should be a legislative priority." ...

With high-tech guns, users could disable remotely
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A high-tech startup is wading into the gun control debate with a wireless controller that would allow gun owners to know when their weapon is being moved - and disable it remotely."

"The technology, but not an actual gun, was demonstrated Tuesday at a wireless technology conference in Las Vegas and was shown to The Associated Press in advance. It comes at a time when lawmakers around the U.S. are considering contentious smart gun laws that would require new guns to include high-tech devices that limit who can fire them." ...

New From Birchwood Casey: Shoot-N-C 17.75″ Sight-In Target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regular readers know I’ve got a thing about bullseye targets. I love, love, love them for mastering firearms fundamentals and, yes, sighting-in shotguns, handguns and rifles. For these applications, Birchwood Casey’s Shoot-N-C’s are the bee’s knees. But I reckon shooters training for armed self-defense should avoid them like a zombie plague. Yes, Virginia, there’s such a thing as too tight groups. As a general rule of thumb . . ." ...

The most comfortable gun I carry – S&W 340PD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just picked up a gently used, or as I like to call them, broken in, S&W 340PD with fairly new CT laser grips. Guy who owned it shot it a few times and never shot it again. He decided to sell it to get something he could shoot at the range. Gun is like new but then again I find a lot of guns like that in my retirement community. People with guns die, ammo is too expensive on a fixed income and old age makes shooting difficult. ..." ...

The 'smart gun' that terrifies the gun-grabbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to last Friday's article, 'Federal 'smart gun' mandate going nowhere unless 'Only Ones' are exempted,' Firearms Coalition Director and frequent WorldNetDaily contributor Jeff Knox left a helpful comment:" ...

James Bond inspires US bill to require smart guns for all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American gun manufacturers will have to fit smart technology to their products if a new bill from US Representative John Tierney (D-MA) comes into force."

"The Personalized Handgun Safety Act of 2013 would give gun manufacturers two years to fit all guns with technology that would only allow the owner (or an authorized user) to fire them. ..."

"'Last month, a 6-year old in New Jersey accidentally shot and killed a 4-year old child. Accidents like this are not as rare as we want to believe, and they are preventable,' said Congressman Tierney, who says he was inspired by Daniel Craig's personalized Walther PPK/S, seen in the movie Skyfall." ...

Submitter's Note: a little reminder for you Johnny-boy.
fic·tion [ fíksh'n ]
  1. literary works of imagination: novels and stories that describe imaginary people and events
  2. work of fiction: a novel, story, or other work of fiction
  3. untrue statement: something that is untrue and has been made up to deceive people

Gun Control Debate 2013: Mandatory Firearm Insurance is the Newest Ridiculous Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While we should not be surprised by now at the ridiculous proposals rolled out by our government, the gun insurance proposals springing up around the country nevertheless cause a face palm from any rational thinker. The new gun bill proposal in D.C. would mandate purchasing a $250,000 liability insurance policy. The D.C. Council is currently considering the proposal, which would mandate coverage for negligent and intentional acts not taken in self-defense, with the intention that it would provide compensation to individuals whose person or property was in some way injured or damaged as a result of the use of a firearm. ..." ...

Sheriffs: Cuomo asked for silence
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The sheriffs thought they were being summoned to the Capitol to discuss ideas for changes to New York's gun control law, the SAFE Act. Instead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo told them to keep quiet." ...

"'The governor was of the opinion that the sheriffs around the state should not be interjecting their personal opinions in reference to the law,' [Chemung County Sheriff] Moss said, adding that Cuomo said sheriffs can't do that and enforce the law."

"One person briefed on the meeting said Cuomo threatened to remove sheriffs from office, a little-used power afforded the state's chief executive under the state constitution. Moss would not confirm this. ..." ...

Smart guns could save lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joe Bartozzi, the vice president of one of the country's oldest firearms manufacturers, Mossberg & Sons, said while "smart gun" technology has existed for some time, his company has no plans to mass market such a gun because the company believes the public will not buy it."

"... Bartozzi said his company has surveyed focus groups about some of the cutting-edge smart gun technology and the response has been overwhelmingly negative." ...

"Bartozzi's reaction drew marked criticism from Mayors Michael Nutter of Philadelphia and R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis, who pointed out that, too often, guns accidentally end up in the hands of children, with devastating consequences." ...

NBCI Calls on all Christians to Get Rid of Their Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans churchgoers, calls on its membership to get rid of any weapons in their homes. The black church believes that having a weapon is a sin; as Christians we are asked to put their faith in God. God says that He will protect us even until the ends of the Earth. So if God is going to protect you, why would you need a gun?" ...

NJ: Loretta Weinberg on Guns: Confiscate! Confiscate! Confiscate!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Star-Ledger reported last Friday that after a closed-door hearing on gun control in the New Jersey Senate the previous day, three state senators–believed to be Democrats Loretta Weinberg, Sandra Cunningham and Linda Greenstein–were caught on tape, complaining that bills introduced in the Garden State–including one that would require mandatory training to possess a firearm–don’t go far enough." ...

AZ: Another view on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Half way through eating our sundae, a young man in his mid 20s entered and sat down and began to text on his cell phone and look around the place. He was wearing a loaded gun on his hip and though he probably was waiting for his order to come up, his presence made me very nervous. I’m sure he was exercising his Second Amendment rights or maybe just showing off, but his presence made me so nervous that I took my wife and daughter out to the car to finish our ice cream. Am I supposed to feel comfortable when a complete stranger whom I do not know his motivations or disposition is in the same confined space as me while he is packing a weapon?" ...

Everything I know about guns I learned on TV
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why spend big bucks traveling to one of those well known training institutes run by well known gun experts who will teach you all you need to know about gun fighting? Grab some popcorn, put your butt in your favorite easy chair and learn all you ever needed to know about using a gun to protect your life and that of others. You can even do it in your underwear for those who tend to spend all their money on guns rather than clothes."

"A while back I was sick with the Flu and decided to watch a lot of TV movies and shows with guns in them. Since I could not shoot when sick I had to get my gun fix somewhere and TV was the logical choice. Like with the information on the internet, we know that if we see it on TV it must be true. ..." ...

My Take on the Ammunition Shortage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several of you have asked me what the cause of the ammunition shortage is."

"The ammo shortage is nation-wide, and pretty much for all calibers. The shortage also includes ammunition components (brass, powder, primers and bullets) and all reloading equipment and supplies."

"A part of the problem is the heavy federal government purchases, stressing an already-stressed marketplace."

"However, the larger problem is the difference in elasticity between supply and demand." ...

Some Gun Porn – USPSA Open Division Race Gun (photo story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Meet The Blind Man Nicknamed ‘Midnight Gunslinger’ Who Has 80% Shot Accuracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve seen how a woman born without arms didn’t let her disability keep her from learning to shoot guns. Now, a Florida man nicknamed 'Midnight Gunslinger' is showing that he too hasn’t let his disability stop him from being a fast, accurate shooter either."

"Jim Miekka of Citrus County is completely blind." ...

Administration scandals demand fresh mass media look at 'Project Gunwalker'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When gun rights blogger Mike Vanderboegh, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea and Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman first exposed the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal at the very end of 2010, the mass media had no interest in the story. A great deal of hard work by the above three, along with help from the likes of 'just a blogger' Michelle Malkin, finally pushed Fox News and CBS News (whose investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson went on to earn the Edward R. Murrow award for her superb coverage of the story) into investigating."

"Most other major "news" outlets, though, either ignored the story, or heaped scorn on it as a nutty 'right-wing conspiracy theory' ..." ...

'Fast and Furious' Scandal Returns to Haunt Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fast and Furious is back. As if the Obama Administration needed an additional problem, the U.S. Justice Department inspector general said Monday that one of the department’s politically appointed officials retaliated against a whistleblower by leaking derogatory information to a Fox News (NWS) television producer."

"Named for a misbegotten federal gun-trafficking investigation that began in Arizona in 2009, Fast and Furious eerily foreshadowed themes now casting ominous shadows over Obama’s second term—and warming the cockles of vengeful Republican hearts. ..." ...

Grassley blasts DOJ treatment of ‘Gunwalking’ whistleblower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Charles Grassley, who launched the first Capitol Hill investigation of Operation Fast and Furious more than two years ago, today blasted the treatment of a chief whistleblower in the investigation by the former U.S. attorney in Arizona, and subsequent attempts to discredit him by the Justice Department." ...

NY: Anti-SAFE activists rally, drop off 400K postcards
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Muggy weather and concrete provided a better venue for opponents of the SAFE gun control act, who gathered on the East Capitol Steps on Tuesday to denounce Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders, and press for passage of Assemblyman Steve Katz’s full-repeal measure."

"MCed by Talk 1300 AM’s Melody Burns and hosted by the NY2A Grassroots Coalition, the rally attracted about 400 participants at its peak. Speakers included Katz as well as Richard Mack, a former Arizona county sheriff prominent in conservative circles." ...

NY: "Do not comply!": Latest Albany gun rally attracts a few hundred
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"As the crowd began filed toward the Capitol to meet with legislators, emcee Melody Burns repeated what was the main theme of Albany’s latest pro-gun rally: 'Do not comply!'"

"She was asking rally-goers, of course, not to comply with the state’s January gun laws, which included a stricter limit on the number of rounds in a magazine and a requirement that previously owned assault weapons be registered with the state."

"Compliance with the law has been a hot topic since the controversial measure was passed, and was at the center of the rally on the Capitol steps Tuesday. It was at least the fourth significant rally at the Capitol since January." ...

NY: Hundreds of protesters call to repeal tough New York gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying American flags and signs supporting the Second Amendment, more than 200 people gathered at New York's state capitol building in Albany on Tuesday to press for repeal of the state's tough new gun law."

"A coalition of conservative groups delivered 400,000 signed postcards to members of the Assembly calling on them to roll back the measure passed in January." ...

Gun lobbyist Larry Pratt: They will take our guns if they pass immigration reform
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt warned earlier this month that immigrants would take away American’s guns, Right Wing Watch reported Tuesday."

"Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, Pratt explained that gun rights advocates needed to defeat comprehensive immigration reform."

"'Why do we care about an immigration bill?' he said. 'Well, frankly, it’s a matter of numbers. If you bring in a whole bunch of Democrats into the country, most of them are going to vote to take away our guns. And in a few years, that’s exactly what would happen.'" ...

Immigration reform and 'gun control': an alternative view
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In late April, the hard-charging, no compromise gun rights advocacy group, Gun Owners of America, warned members that a current top priority in Congress, immigration reform (now that 'gun control' is--for the moment--taking a back seat), poses its own enormous threat to gun rights in America. The full scope of the threat may not be felt for decades, but the case GOA builds is compelling. Describing the transformation of California politics subsequent to the 1986 'Simpson-Mazzoli' amnesty bill, GOA paints a frightening picture of the same dynamic playing out on a national scale:" ...

IL: Here’s your shot across the bow, Illinois politicians…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Illinois Politicians:"

"Remember Debra Maggart?"

"Probably not."

"She was the chairman of the Republican Caucus in the Tennessee House."

"She stiffed gun owners in Tennessee."

"She then met with the wrath of gun owners in her district the next primary election."

"She lost."

"Is your picture the next one to go up on that billboard?"


Illinois Gun Owners." ...

GA: Holly Springs resident calls for required gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If one resident gets his way, Holly Springs soon will follow in the footsteps of nearby Nelson and adopt an ordinance requiring all residents in the city to own a gun."

"During the Holly Springs City Council work session Monday, resident Dave Konwick ... asked it to consider adopting the Family Protection Ordinance, the same ordinance passed by the city of Nelson in April."

"... the Family Protection Ordinance requires all heads-of-household to own a gun and the necessary ammunition for the 'safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.' Further down in the text, though, a list is given of residents who would be exempt from the law. This list includes those who oppose gun ownership." ...

LA: Louisiana Senate passes 3 gun bills; one is headed to Jindal's desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Journalists, bloggers or anyone else who intentionally publishes concealed-carry handgun permit information would be subject to stiff penalties under a bill passed by the Louisiana Senate on Tuesday. Two other gun bills also were approved." ...

IL: Call. Call. Call.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Call. Call. Call."

"Email. Email. Email."

"And call again after lunch."

"Call your Senator and the following three Illinois Senators in addition to your own. Yeah, it’s going to take five minutes of your day, but if you want law-abiding Illinois residents to be able to protect themselves without arbitrary restrictions, then it’s a small price to pay." ...

MD: Maryland gun control: Del. Simmons aims to close loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Maryland lawmaker is on a “one-man crusade” to close a gun control loophole. It comes less than a week after Gov. Martin O’Malley signed into law some of the toughest restrictions in the country."

"Del. Luiz Simmons worries the state is failing at keeping guns of the hands of convicted criminals. In Maryland, anyone found guilty of a violent crime must surrender the weapon, but enforcing that law is where he says the trouble lies." ...

CO: Jefferson County approves ordinance to prohibit openly carried weapons in some government buildings (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jefferson County commissioners approved an ordinance to prohibit the open carrying of firearms in select county buildings, including the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney’s Office and Department of Human Services."

"County commissioners approved an open carry ban Tuesday that will apply to county owned or leased buildings that have been deemed 'vulnerable' by the Sheriff’s Office, following a vulnerability assessment." ...

KS: Kansas lawmakers pass bill on gun lobbying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kansas legislators gave final approval Tuesday to restrictions on using state funds to promote or oppose gun control policies despite criticism that the new law would violate public officials’ free-speech rights." ...

"The new law would prevent local governments and school districts from using dollars received from the state to hire statehouse lobbyists to influence legislators on gun control issues. Neither the state nor local governments could hire Washington lobbyists to influence federal officials." ...

MN: Law updates background check system, not gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Minnesota legislators passed the Public Safety Finance Bill during this year’s session, they included measures to shore up the state’s criminal background check system and to fund school-safety programs.

However, the legislation falls far short of the kind of measures gun control advocates wanted to see passed — most notably, expanded background checks for gun sales." ...

UT: Utah Lawmaker Seeks to Attract Beretta, Other Gun Companies from Anti Gun States With Lucrative Tax Incentives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As some states such as Maryland, Connecticut, and Colorado turn their backs on gun companies who have contributed to their state economies for years by passing extremely restrictive anti gun laws, other, pro-gun states are actively courting gun companies to bring jobs to their states." ...

NJ: NJ Gun Rights Advocates Wait for Christie to Cave
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Garden State gun rights advocates worry that New Jersey Democrats will ambush and corner Republican Gov. Christopher J. Christie as they push bills to restrict gun rights as he campaigns for reelection in November."

"'Anti-gun legislation is not advancing as quickly as Democrats would like,' said Scott L. Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, the state’s premier second amendment organization and official National Rifle Association state affiliate." ...

NJ: First Three NJ Gun Ban Bills Hit Gov. Christie’s Desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Three bills aimed at controlling gun violence gained final legislative approval in the state Assembly today, making them the first of what is expected to be a big batch of gun control legislation to land on Gov. Chris Christie’s desk.' Controlling gun violence. You gotta love Or not. If you live in the Garden State and love your natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, you’re not going to be well pleased with this tyrannical trifecta. Read ‘em and weep . . ." ...

Federal appeals court upholds concealed weapons ban for under-21s
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a state law that forbids most people between ages 18 and 20 from obtaining permits to carry concealed handguns."

"A three-judge panel handed down its decision Monday, May 20."

"The panel unanimously held that the Texas Legislature’s goal of 'curbing gun violence by keeping handguns out of the hands of immature individuals' serves a government interest of maintaining public safety through crime prevention." ...

VA: VCDL Takes on the Petersburg VA Circuit Court Clerk For Not Doing Her Job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Petersburg Circuit Court Clerk, Shalva J. Braxton, is refusing to do her job."

"She is not following Virginia law when issuing CHPs, so VCDL is petitioning the Virginia Supreme Court to issue a Writ of Mandamus against Ms. Braxton!" ...

West investigation stymied by other agencies, CSB chair says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Chemical Safety Board’s investigation of the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion has been consistently impeded by other agencies, the CSB’s chair complained in a letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., released Tuesday."

"The [ATF] and the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office essentially blocked CSB investigators for almost three weeks after the explosion, keeping them from the accident site and from interviewing key witnesses ..."

"The ATF removed key chemical evidence from the site without consulting CSB, he charged, adding that the explosion site 'was massively and irreversibly altered under the direction of ATF personnel, who used cranes, bulldozers and other excavation apparatus ...'" ...

MD: Baltimore police officer charged with second-degree assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Baltimore police officer Robert W. Mitchell faces a second-degree assault charge after police and prosecutors accused him of overstepping his powers and beating a young man more than a year ago."

"The Baltimore state's attorney's office also charged Mitchell on Friday with two counts of misconduct in office. Prosecutors allege that Mitchell beat Baltimore resident Tiyon Williams in the 1000 block of N. Mount St. on May 19, 2012."

"'The allegations against Mr. Mitchell are reprehensible,' Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said in a statement, 'and I promise we will continue to aggressively target those who sacrilege the good men and women of this department and the sacred privilege of serving our community.'" ...

AR: Rogers Police Officer Suspended With Pay After Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Rogers Police Department has put Sgt. Jesse Ray on paid administrative leave following his arrest Friday (May 17) on suspicion of choking his wife and threatening to kill her, deputies said."

"Washington County deputies responded to a report of assault at a home on North Jackson Highway in Lincoln Friday, according to the preliminary arrest report. Patricia Ray complained she had been choked and beaten up by her husband, Jesse Ray, the report states." ...

PA: Couple charged in theft of $854K from South Whitehall Township
Submitted by: jac

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"A former municipal employee and her husband, a former police officer, have been charged with embezzling more than $850,000 from South Whitehall Township in Lehigh County." ...

OH: Advocates put police, gun laws to the test (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Advocates of 'open carry' of weapons are testing police on their knowledge of state laws and then posting the results on the internet." ...

DC: D.C. mayor was in on David Gregory coverup in Part III of investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since D.C. officials refused to turn over any documents about their investigation and decision not to prosecute NBC News’ David Gregory, we have to depend on the Freedom of Information Act to force transparency. Mayor Vincent Gray’s office, however, responded to my request by deflecting. It turned out, he was hiding information." ...

MS: Ex-Mississippi police chief faces new indictment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Mississippi police chief already charged with demanding money or property in exchange for dropping criminal charges against people has been indicted on nine new federal counts."

"The new indictment against ex-Mendenhall Police Chief Donald 'Bruce' Barlow says he sometimes made people sign over their vehicles in exchange for him dropping charges and also demanded cash payments, in one case $4,500." ...

OR: Yamhill County brutality lawsuit moves forward
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A trial date could be set this week for a lawsuit claiming Yamhill County law enforcement officers used excessive and unnecessary force in making an arrest three years ago." ...

MI: Davis Trial Begins; Second Officer In Police Corruption Case Enters Plea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of two former Michigan State Police lieutenants who served in a Monroe drug unit and were charged in a police corruption case has pleaded no contest and avoided going to a trial that was to begin today." ...

Associated Press chief starts to sound like Alex Jones: 'Government is unconstitutional...'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mainstream media has a lousy reputation for upholding the Bill of Rights, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms, the Fourth Amendment's right to privacy and the Tenth Amendment's limitation on federal power."

"But when an imperial president wielding an imperial bureaucracy tramples on the First Amendment - look out: the media viciously guards its First Amendment right freedom of the press."

"Nowhere is that more evident than from The Associated Press whose reporters were targeted by an overzealous 'Justice' Department, which recently - and likely very unconstitutionally - tapped more than 20 phone lines of AP reporters, ostensibly to tamp down on 'leaks.'" ...

Sharyl Attkisson's computers compromised
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sharyl Attkisson, the Emmy-award winning CBS News investigative reporter, says that her personal and work computers have been compromised and are under investigation." ...

"Attkisson told WPHT that irregular activity on her computer was first identified in Feb. 2011, when she was reporting on the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal and on the Obama administration's green energy spending, which she said 'the administration was very sensitive about.' ..."

Protect the freedom of the press
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Department of Justice has stepped in a hornet’s nest, and I hope they get stung. In a broad sweep, through secret subpoena, the DOJ seized phone records for 20 different phone lines over two months — the broad stroke also included records from journalists’ personal phone lines. " ...

"The current administration and many of the current presidential appointed officials slowly are chipping away at the Constitution. Not too long ago, it was the Second Amendment, and I don’t think they’ve given up on that — but it now seems like they are using power to help chip away at the First Amendment." ...

Submitter's Note: Damn that shoe sure pinches when it's on the other foot, doesn't it!

Firepower loads up its star power
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are two topics that editors of small newspapers try to stay away from when choosing subjects for columns or editorials: abortion and anything related to gun control."

"That's because they're such emotional issues, generally not local, and people are very unlikely to be swayed by the thinking of small newspapers."

"But sometimes, we have little choice than to tiptoe into the danger zone. Like today. Blame the National Rifle Association."

"At first I thought it was a spoof, the NRA's American Rifleman publication presenting a feature on the top 10 'coolest gun movies,' each piece featuring descriptions of the dramatized gun violence and a detailed, gee-whiz inventory of the weaponry involved." ...

TX: Gun Tweet of the Day: Austin Police Chief Harshes My Mellow Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As regular readers know, your humble scribe is relocating from Providence, RI to the heart of Texas. Well, not the heart. The stoned brain. Austin. True story: I’m fleeing Ocean State liberalism for Lone Star statism. Or, as I prefer to call it, libertarianism. But I would say that, wouldn’t I? Truth be told, there’s a gun grabbing gestalt underlying the Keep Austin Weird thing. As evidenced by the communication from Austin’s top cop . . ." ...

CT: More rational dialogue needed in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I conclude that the gun control issue cannot be discussed rationally. The cause is extreme polarization on both sides, each employing (sometimes vitriolic) name-calling, circular or self-proving arguments, and distorted statistics to support their position. Emotional, catchy slogans (often defying logic) abound on both sides." ...

PA: Guns, assault-style weapons raffled off for cash (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun bashes have been a fixture in western Pennsylvania for decades as a way to raise money for many different types of groups, but now some are raising concerns about whether the events are sending the wrong message, especially when held by public safety agencies."

"One gun bash was organized by the Allegheny County Deputy Sheriff’s Association in April. The organizers served up beer, food, and raffled off dozens of weapons including handguns and shotguns." ...

WA: Uptight Washington libs furious over gun rights posters aimed at gays
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hell hath no fury like a liberal confronted with reality, if reaction in today’s Think Progress and yesterday’s on-line commentary at The Stranger – the latter a popular Seattle alternative newspaper – to pro-gun posters aimed at gays that are reportedly appearing around the Capitol Campus in Olympia and Seattle’s Capitol Hill."

"The posters seem to have hit a raw liberal nerve. They ask questions and make statements obviously aimed at providing gay citizens a different perspective on gun ownership. One poster shows two females, one of whom is armed with an AR-15 rifle, and it has this message: 'Some people dislike gays. Others dislike guns. We should not base our laws on personal dislikes.'" ...

OK: Search your heart regarding guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is almost incomprehensible that our beloved country, our homeland, our USA, has come to the point of being dragged down by certain people whose sole motivation/primary interest is to concentrate on a quintessential inanimate object: The gun." ...

PA: Why standard capacity magazines? Multiple attackers… like these (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When trained police officers only hit about 20% of the time in their rounds fired, what’s the average civilian supposed to do when faced with multiple attackers?"

"It’s hard enough to thwart a violent attack without nanny-state legislators tying one of your hands behind your back with arbitrary restrictions on your ability to defend yourself and your family!" ...

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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