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Newslinks for 5/23/2009

More 'Gun Control' Won't Stop Drug War Corruption and Violence
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Do any beside the willfully deluded really believe the proposed 'solution' of more 'gun control' targeted at peaceable gun owners is anything other than a shameless and agenda-driven fraud?"

Philosophy 101: Is there such a thing as an absolute right?
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"In the debate about the Second Amendment and its interpretation (no, this argument was not concluded by last summer's Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller) some insist that the Second Amendment is 'an absolute right.'" ...
"'Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose' - Justice Antonin Scalia" ...
"Perhaps we are not talking about an 'absolute' right but a 'fundamental' right. As such, this right would be a 'basic principle, rule, law, or the like, that serves as the groundwork of a system; (an) essential part.'" ...

More Ammunition For Gun Advocates
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association meeting last weekend in Phoenix was billed as a 'celebration.' The organization does not seem to have much to celebrate. A Democrat who has been a supporter of gun control is now president. And while he was winning the White House, his party was increasing its majorities in Congress."

"Gun control advocates are the ones who should be celebrating, but they're not. 'At this point, I guess the right term is that we are frustrated,' said Dennis Henigan, vice president for law and policy at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. ..." ...

Tiptoeing no more about gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We, in Wisconsin are tiptoeing no more about gun rights."

"Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen opened the box and gave us our BOOTS. Open Carry Picnics are being organized around the state. Local officials are being asked questions. Village attorneys are ducking phone calls."

"The genie is out of the bottle."

"I recently sent several letters to the editor of our local weekly paper. He published them. The result was a very complete story this week, and more to come."

"Finally, people are beginning to realize what we have known all along."

"Peaceful Open Carry is Legal in Wisconsin." ...

Lying about gun control with statistics
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"One common tactic by the anti-gun crowd is to claim that gun rights are unpopular and to use their flawed poll results to try to back up that claim."

"Recently, several nationally recognized polling agencies have conducted studies proving that gun rights are, in fact, more popular now than they have been in years. Despite this, organizations like the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence continue to tout on their website that Ohio's concealed carry law is 'unpopular.' ..." ...

Government Of, By and For the Politicians
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you're among the millions of Americans a report from the [DHS] tarred as terrorists last month, you probably rejoiced on Tuesday when a Congressional committee voted to investigate this libel. But don't pop the bubbly just yet. The government's staging its usual farce ..."

"You no doubt remember the ... report ... Its nine paranoid pages condemn Americans who disagree even slightly with our rulers' diktats as 'domestic terrorists.' ... Do you honor the Constitution, even – gasp! – the Second Amendment? Clearly, you're a terrorist ..."

"Terrorists wreak their direst evil in the voting booth: they pull the lever for the Libertarian or Constitution Parties rather than either branch of the ruling conglomerate. ..." ...

First meets Second
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "... the people who have had the greatest influence on me were my family or those who I met along the way in the newspaper business. Sometimes you run into people for the first time and you know instantly you've made a new friend."

"It happened to me on Sunday at the NRA annual convention in Phoenix. I was walking through the Glock exhibit area when I happened upon Wayne LaPierre. He is the CEO of the National Rifle Association. Over the years I've watched him on television as he delivered speeches on what gun ownership should mean to each of us, and why the second amendment is so important."

"Until Sunday, I didn't fully grasp how important both First and Second Amendments are to our very existence. ..." ...

NYC synagogue bomb plot: interesting choice of weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I suspect most, if not all, readers have heard about the alarming plot to bomb two synagogues in New York City and shoot down Air National Guard aircraft." ...

"When reading about this terrorist plot, what struck me right away was the would-be jihadists' choice of weapons. For the attacks on the synagogues, they eschewed so-called 'assault weapons,' despite the Brady Campaign's strident labeling of such firearms as 'mass produced mayhem' (pdf file), 'designed to slaughter people.' Sounds like just the ticket for aspiring jihadists who believe that their status in the next life is enhanced by killing as many Jews as possible." ...

Democrats beat a retreat on gun control
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Roughly five dozen Americans have died in mass shootings since the beginning of March, so naturally the details tend to blur. Nevertheless, the Pittsburgh incident stands out. On April 4, some nutcase with a private gun arsenal wigged out at his mother's house, killed three city cops and held off a SWAT team for several hours with the help of his AK-47 assault rifle."

"Yet the Democrats, traditionally so concerned about the easy availability of weaponry, said nothing."

"The federal ban on assault weapons, enacted by a Democratic Congress in 1994, was allowed to expire in 2004. One might think that President Obama ... would have cited those cop slayings as proof of the need for a new federal ban. ..." ...

D.C. Gun Case Triggers Amicus Support in D.C. Circuit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Robert Ord says he stays away from the District of Columbia because he fears he will be arrested on a gun charge. The private security officer unsuccessfully sought a declaration in federal court that he is immune from prosecution on D.C. gun laws. His suit was tossed for a lack of standing."

"Ord is challenging the dismissal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where the Second Amendment Foundation and the ACLU National Capital Area are participating as amicus curiae in support of Ord, saying his case against the city should move forward. At issue on appeal is whether Ord has standing to sue the District." ...

CA: Teen accused in Sacramento County homicide
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A 17-year-old boy stands accused of killing a man Tuesday morning, though detectives now believe the shooting was justified, authorities said Wednesday."

"Sacramento County sheriff's deputies arrested the boy ... late Tuesday night on suspicion of murder, said sheriff's Sgt. Tim Curran."

"Detectives made the arrest based on information they had gathered about the fatal shooting that morning of 30-year-old James Davis ..."

"But after interviewing the boy, Curran said, detectives learned that he had acted in self-defense – and in defense of his mother, Davis' girlfriend, who had been 'beaten severely' before the fatal confrontation." ...

Armed self-defense: Getting a concealed handgun permit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The third in a five-part series intended to guide the many thousands of new handgun owners created by the Obama administration, 'Getting a concealed handgun permit' will discuss laws, equipment, training and legal considerations involved. As with other segments, it will feature Q & A with defensive firearms instructor Tom Iradi of Eagle Rock Training Systems."


"Beginning with Florida in the mid-1980s, a movement began toward 'shall issue' concealed handgun laws. Unlike older systems in which issuing authorities could decide whether you 'needed' a permit, shall issue or 'right-to-carry' laws stipulate that if you meet the required criteria, you cannot be denied." ...

TX: Granny Uses Car Jack To Fight Off Attacker
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"'You picked on the wrong grandmother.' A North Texas woman sent that message loud and clear to a man who allegedly tried to rob her. The 58-year-old Fort Worth woman beat the man with a car jack, and he didn't get away with a dime." ...

"... the man took off his shirt and punched her in the face. Though she was dazed by the attack, the victim reached in her trunk, grabbed her car jack, and started beating the man with it."

"... While she was hitting her attacker, the woman says she screamed for help, but no one came to her aid. ..."

"Eventually a man drove up and bumped the robber with his car. The suspect then took off running down the street, but police caught up with him on Handley Drive." ...

Concealed carry in Colorado
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It is imperative, now more than ever, to exercise rights and liberties that are, no doubt, soon to be under attack. Congressional liberals, and even our Governor (who recently vetoed HB1180 – a bill to streamline the purchase of a gun for a valid CCW permit holder) oppose many of our second amendment rights. Even Barack Obama, in an interview with NPR in September of 2004, made clear his contempt for right to carry laws. As a result, more and more Coloradoans are preparing to exercise their liberties, and applying for their own permit; despite their inclination to carry a firearm. For this reason, I have outlined below the steps to apply and receive your permit to Carry a Concealed Weapon. ..." ...

Respecting States' Wishes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne,' the presidential candidate Barack Obama often said when discussing gun policy. President Obama has put his principle into practice, signing a bill which, besides changing the laws about credit cards, repeals an inappropriate federal regulation."

"... Thanks to the new law, the federal rules about guns in national parks and wildlife refuges will be the same as the laws of the host states."

"So in Manhattan, where handgun carry permits are reserved for diamond merchants, the political-social-celebrity elite and a few other favored groups, there will not be a mass of people carrying guns at the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace ..." ...

These Guns Require Permits, So What's the Problem?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Massive majorities in the House and Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, voted to eliminate the gun ban in national parks. The new federal law is hardly radical, as it simply defers to state law. If a state allows people to carry permitted concealed handguns, permit holders can carry their guns in the national parks in that state."

"Opponents worry about the possibility that permit holders will accidentally shoot others or use their guns to commit crimes such as poaching. But this isn’t the first time people have been able to carry guns in national parks. They were allowed to do so for over two months this year, from January through March, and absolutely no problems were reported." ...

The Great Equalizer
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Most women live with fear every day. It's in the way we park our cars, walk down the street, and use mass transportation."

"I have a good friend. Her name is Jenny, and she has three children. She's an avid cyclist and, on a hot Georgia day, Jenny took off on a routine ride along the Silver Comet Trail."

"Someone else was on that trail. He wasn't a cyclist. He was a convicted rapist, free again. Not out for exercise, but for evil. Jenny's a fighter. And she fought hard while he raped, sodomized, kicked and beat her."

"Jenny is dead."

"I don't know if she wanted to carry a firearm along that trail, and I can't say for sure if it would have saved her life. But I do know Jenny never had that choice. ..." ...

Pack Pepper Spray, Not a Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ever since Yellowstone, the world's first national park, was created in 1872, parks and wildlife refuges have been the de facto hunting grounds of armed people tempted by animals who have lost their wariness. Living within Grand Teton National Park, I see this all the time: a deer gunned down by the side of the road, its antlers chopped off; a moose waylaid just inside the park boundary; a coyote shot as it watches a car go by. These killings ... often remove spectacular, genetically fit individuals, and create one more enforcement burden for park rangers."

"Allowing visitors to carry loaded firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges, as legislation just passed by Congress does, will only make such poaching worse ..." ...

Introducing the Fear Factor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In about nine months, guns will be allowed to be carried loaded throughout national parks if the state they are in permits guns in that state. ..."

"Let me be blunt: Carrying a gun is not going to make me feel safer in a national park. As an avid hiker and skier in our national parks, I know it is most important to make sure you have a map, a compass, a watch, plenty of water, good boots and adequate clothing. That will better ensure a safe, fun hike through a national park. Most visitors are out enjoying these places that dazzle the senses. As you are listening to birds singing and following a trail, I would bet most people hiking are not afraid to continue along a trail or feel the need to have a gun." ...

Gun Violence: The Real Story
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"People used to have to keep their guns unloaded and stored away when visiting our national parks. But the law passed by Congress this week ... now allows gun owners with state permits to carry guns in public to take their loaded handguns and other firearms into the parks."

"The [NRA] is elated. Gun control proponents are despondent. Both sides are over-reacting ..."

"It does not take an advanced degree to speculate that the new law is not likely to have much impact on the carrying of loaded guns in our national parks. Statewide laws that make it easier for people to get permits to carry concealed handguns in public are unlikely to have much impact on crime one way or the other ..." ...

Why Poaching Will Be Easier
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Opposition to the measure allowing loaded, concealed weapons in national parks is grounded in the purpose of the existing regulations — to reduce the illegal take of wildlife. The National Park Service has had regulations restricting firearms in national parks since 1936 for this reason."

"A core purpose of the national park system is to provide a strict sanctuary for wildlife. Rangers are few, and the miles of roads and trails in the park system are many. ... Parks, which contain some of the most valuable and spectacular trophy specimens, are places that tempt and reward poachers already. If carrying concealed and loaded weapons becomes legal, there will be little ability to enforce rules against poaching. ..." ...

National Parks Gun Law Takes Effect in February
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A new law permitting concealed loaded firearms at National Parks will not take effect until February and the Interior Department will continue to enforce Reagan-era restrictions until then, a spokeswoman said today."

"'Under the current regulation, firearms are generally prohibited, but citizens may transport unloaded and dismantled or cased firearms and carry firearms while participating in approved hunting programs and under certain other circumstances,' Interior spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said in a statement released minutes after President Obama signed the credit card holders' bill of rights, which includes an amendment allowing firearms at the nation's National Parks and wildlife refuges." ...

Gear up in (Second-Amendment) style for the national parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Heading to a national park this summer?"

"Make sure you're 'packing heat.'"*

"In what's viewed as a defeat for advocates of gun-control, Congress Wednesday voted to allow people to carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges."

"Press reports suggest the gun measure essentially restores a Bush administration policy. Said policy allowed loaded guns in national parks."

"Gun-control proponents say it's evidence of the strength of the lobbying group the National Rifle Association."

"Others defend the measure, saying American gun owners just want to retain their Second Amendment rights without a bunch of government red tape." ...

* The change does not actually take effect until February 2010.

Gun control and the Republican Party
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For years, supporters of the civil right of self-defense have relied on the Republican party (GOP) to protect the Second Amendment, but counting on one political party places your rights at risk every election."

"In 2006, the GOP lost Congress, and in 2008 the White House. With traditionally anti-rights Democrats in control of two branches of government, it only takes a couple of Supreme Court vacancies to reverse Heller’s 5-4 decision that the Second Amendment acknowledges an individual right."

"Therefore, it is up to the People to insure that our rights remain sacrosanct. To do this, we need both major parties to broadly support the right of self-defense." ...

OK: Oklahoma AG: Law Allowing Guns in Vehicles at Workplaces Will Stand
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that allows Oklahomans to store firearms in locked vehicles parked on company property will stand after the filing deadline passed for further legal appeals, Attorney General Drew Edmondson announced."

"Edmondson's office, in partnership with the National Rifle Association (NRA), defended the constitutionality of two Oklahoma gun laws that prohibit businesses from forbidding their employees to store firearms in locked vehicles parked on company property. " ...

LA: Gun, ammo tax holiday advances
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun, ammunition and other hunting-related purchases would be exempt from sales taxes one weekend a year under a bill approved Thursday by the Senate."

"The Senate voted 34-0 to establish an annual Second Amendment sales tax holiday the first weekend in September."

"The tax break would cover sales between Friday and Sunday."

"State and local government would lose about $263,000 in revenue ..."

"State Sen. Rob Marionneaux, D-Grosse Tete, said his Senate Bill 52 had the support of the National Rifle Association and hunting supply stores."

"The tax break only applies to consumer purchases."

"It defines hunting supplies to cover purchase of 'any tangible personal property for the use of hunting.'" ...

TN: Wife of Murder Victim Joins Supporters of Guns in Bars
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The wife of Ben Goeser, who was shot and killed in a Nashville sports bar, is speaking out for the legislature's bill to allow handguns into places that serve alcohol. In a Tennessean column today, Nikki Goeser writes: 'My husband was gunned down on April 2 right in front of me at Jonny's Sports Bar on Nolensville Road here in Nashville.'"
"'I am a permitted gun owner here in the state of Tennessee. If I could have been allowed to carry my gun that night, perhaps I could have saved my wonderful husband. ...I can tell you that the odds would have been more in our favor. ...'" ...

WA: City Prohibits Guns at Folklife Festival
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the wake of last year's shootings at Seattle's Folklife Festival, Mayor Greg Nickels pledged to ban guns on city property. But except for one public hearing, there's been little sign of activity. Now as the festival kicks off this weekend at Seattle Center, city officials say the new policy is in effect." ...

"Scales [Seattle's senior policy analyst on this issue]: 'The state preemption clearly prohibits the city from passing a law. A rule is not a law. What a rule is, is essentially a formalized policy.'" ...

"Alan Gottlieb heads the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue. He's been a vocal critic of the Seattle gun rule. He says it violates state law and he'll be in court as soon as the city implements it." ...

NJ: Arsenal seized in Parsippany, authorities say
Submitted by: Larry

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"Authorities raided a Parisppany home early yesterday and seized an arsenal of more than 40 firearms, many of which were loaded ..."

"Adam Coughlan, 28, was arrested and charged with the unlawful possession of high-capacity ammunition magazines and three counts of unlawful possession of an assault firearm with a high-capacity detachable magazine ..."

"With a warrant, heavily armed officers searched Coughlan's home ... They found 'numerous' assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and other 'high-powered' weapons, he said, as well as thousands of rounds of ammunition." ...

KABA Note: No hint or implication of any actual bad acts, just violating some mala prohibita 'laws'.

WA: Second Amendment updated
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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'Well-regulated militia' does not refer to government regulation or membership in an official military. When Mr. Madison wrote the Bill of Rights, 'well-regulated' was synonymous with 'orderly,' and a militia was all able-bodied men. Written in modern English, the Second Amendment would read: 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed because orderly, armed citizens are necessary to the security of a free state.'
Thomas Jefferson counseled that your gun should be your constant companion, and George Washington declared guns 'everywhere' to be restraints against evil. Our founders had no notion of guns as a collective right.

Don Nelson

NC: NRA is about personal, national protection - not making money
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In response to the letter, 'Feels NRA keeps Americans frightened to fill its coffers' ... Criminals will always obtain firearms, whether gun ownership is legal or not. Granted, not all public officials want to abolish the Second Amendment, but some ultra-liberal politicians would do so in a proverbial New York minute if they ever had a chance."

"In addition to being an obvious deterrent against criminal activity, an armed citizenry stands as an obstacle against foreign invasion. This country is blessed with some of the highest quality military and law enforcement personnel in the world."

"However ... police cannot respond everywhere at once, [nor can] the army could not send soldiers everywhere at once in time of war." ...

By a very conservative estimate, a hundred million people have died at the hands of their own governments in this century. Given that record, how bad could anarchy be? — Joseph Sobran

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