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Newslinks for 5/23/2013

Shotgun executive terror report dismissed as ‘hoax’ as Fox stands by story
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Gun Rights Examiner has gone through extensive follow-up on this story after the Perazzi press release, explaining all of the verification efforts gone through before publishing the story, and the subsequent outreach to FOX31, to law enforcement and to Perazzi after the company dismissed it as a fabrication. Conversations have also been held with other media personnel including 9NEWS, a Colorado Gun Collectors Association official, the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, and other potential witness leads that turned out to have merely heard the story from others." ...

Shotgun executive ‘terrorist’ arrest story in Denver may be massive hoax
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, the Adams County, Colo. Sheriff’s Office is blasting what appears to have been a massive hoax that raced across the internet over the weekend, ensnaring a prominent gun rights writer, one Denver television station, several Second Amendment activists on a popular Northwest gun rights forum and a well-known Second Amendment attorney." ...

The Next Gun Debate? Armed Drones Could Be Protected By the Second Amendment -- Several YouTube videos show hobbyists who have allegedly created rudimentary armed drones.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "For 13 hours on the Senate floor this March, Paul railed on the government's willingness to use armed drones on American civilians, even suggesting that the government could use an unmanned plane to kill an American eating dinner with his family. But he never mentioned the possibility that the person flying the drone could be a neighbor."

"That idea sounds farfetched, but some legal scholars think that Second Amendment rights might extend to robotic arms, including drones outfitted with weapons." ...

Pink Pistols not responsible for pro-gun posters aimed at Seattle gays
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Pink Pistols, a national gay gun rights organization based in Philadelphia, today issued a statement that it is not responsible for pro-gun posters supporting the right of gay citizens to be armed for personal protection that have appeared in Seattle and Olympia." ...

Arsenal Stops Production of SLR-106 Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arsenal, the Bulgarian manufacturer of some of the higher end AK clones sold in the United States, has decided to end production of their 5.56 caliber AK-74 rifles. The decision comes after what the company describes as an audit of recent trends in the gun industry, which I’m taking as CYA language for “scary black rifles are being demonized and we don’t want to take the heat.” Make the jump for the press release . . ." ...

Rac-Em-Bac Bow Mag – Bullet tipped arrow! (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Somebody over at Rac-Em-Bac has been playing too much Call of Duty. Wow! This is the new Bow Mag which will allow you to put an actual bullet (.38 or .357) right on the head of your arrow to discharge on impact." ...

Ad Campaign Compares Gun Control to Gay Marriage, Enrages Hippies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to which amendments in the Bill of Rights modern liberals support, they’re highly selective. All rights are equal, but some are more equal than others. ... Rachel Maddow froths at the mouth and claims the Constitution to be a living document when someone starts talking about gun rights, but as soon as the AP’s phone records get a peek from the FBI, she provides a full throated defense of the first amendment as-written, as if it were a commandment from God above. So naturally, now that a series of posters started springing up in Washington state comparing gun rights to some other personal liberties, the local hippy population is up in arms about the affront to their sensibilities. picks up the party line . . ." ...

Special Report: Guns Marketed To Children (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Most Americans agree that the 2nd Amendment gives individuals right to bear arms, according to a 2003 Gallup poll. But recent tragic events like the shootings in Newtown have reignited the debate about gun ownership in America. Particularly inflammatory to some is the marketing of guns towards children."

"The Crickett rifle, made by Keystone Sporting Arms in Milton, PA, is branded as 'My First Rifle', and comes with a stuffed animal of the company's little green mascot at the point of sale. It is the same rifle used by a 5-year-old Kentucky boy who tragically shot and killed his 2-year-old sister in late April."

"Some gun enthusiasts say that introducing their children to shooting at a young age is part of their way of life. Mallorie Moore is a gun owner and parent of a 3-year-old daughter, for whom she just bought a little pink rifle." ...

Stricter Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did you know that all handguns are semi-automatic? This means that all that stands between you and death is the pull of a trigger. Limited access to handguns would decrease violence, as has been proven in the past by numerous laws. In addition, the mass killings that throw a blanket of loss and sorrow upon our nation can only be done with guns."

"The opposing argument – that the Second Amendment applies and gives us the right to possess guns – is not supported with evidence, and is plain hogwash. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: My mama always said, stupid is as stupid does; like calling revolvers semi-automatic.

NJ: The tobacco amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine if the Founding Fathers had written an amendment to support the South’s important tobacco industry, providing that the right to smoke must not be infringed. Had that happened, there would be people today — though smoking is a major health issue — saying that any government regulation of tobacco would be an act of tyranny. To those people, once in the Constitution, forever frozen in the mind." ...

Trailer: “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire” Documentary on Gun Rights (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kris Koenig is the mastermind behind the upcoming documentary titled Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire. The project started as a look into the gun control debate raging in California, but as the debate heated up nationwide this past winter they broadened their scope to include the national debate as well. The project has been funded entirely through the website Kickstarter (initial funding – second push), where individuals pledge their own money to support a cause they believe in, and the finished product is nearing release. ..." ...

Liberator Modified, Successfully Tested for Printing on Cheap 3D Printers (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The original Liberator handgun was printed using an $8,000 piece of equipment the size of a refrigerator. But for most people, something like a 'Lulzbot AO-101' is more affordable at around $1,750. Unfortunately, the original plans were not completely compatible with that kind of printer and needed a little tweaking. Which 'Joe,' an engineer in Wisconsin, has done and successfully tested . . ." ...

Introducing The Othermill Desktop CNC Machine (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plastic, schmastic. While the 3D printer was the first step toward easily making your very own firearms at home, the technology still has its limits. Namely, it can only really print in plastic — not exactly the optimal medium for something that goes bang. For centuries, metal’s been the gunsmith’s medium of choice. These days, crafting it into pistol parts is a job for a CNC machine. Unfortunately, they’ve been way too big and far too expensive for the average Jane or Joe to have one in the privacy of their very own home. Until now . . ." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots 1 of 3 Daytime Burglars (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in FL didn’t answer his front door when three unidentified people knocked. The 3 young men then appeared to leave the property. However, shortly thereafter, the homeowner heard someone trying to get into his home through the back door. In order to defend himself and his property, the homeowner fired a single shot through the backdoor as the suspects tried to gain access to the home."

"One of the suspects was hit in the arm by the shot. Realizing they were facing an armed would be victim the suspects fled the scene, but were quickly arrested at a nearby medical center where they went to seek treatment for the injured suspect." ...

AL: Alabama Homeowner Shoots Registered Sex Offender (Just Released from Prison) During Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jimmy Lee Garrett, 48, of Alabama is a registered sex offender who has been arrested twice in 1985 for first-degree sodomy and first-degree sexual abuse of a 69-year-old woman. Garrett, apparently not content with the freedom the state so graciously lets him enjoy, decided to break into the home of a neighbor at 4am for unknown reasons. Garret was most recently released from jail on April 21, 2013 according to a report."

"When the woman who lives at the home saw Garrett in her kitchen, she yelled for her husband, who grabbed a gun. During a confrontation Garrett was shot once in the foot by the homeowner." ...

NY: Third anti-SAFE Act rally held in Capitol park
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A third rally to protest the New York SAFE Act was held in East Capitol park Tuesday, wrapping up a postcard signing effort to support Assembly bill A.5955 sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Katz, R- Mohegan Lake. The rally, the smallest of the three, drew about 300 supporters." ...

NY: Cuomo Says He Did Not Attempt To Stifle Sheriff's Opposition To NY SAFE (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"While visiting the area on Wednesday, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo denied any attempt to stifle opposition by elected County Sheriffs across the state to the NY SAFE Act."

"The Albany Times Union recently reported that when a group of Sheriffs were summoned by the Governor to the state capitol earlier this year, they thought they were being called in to add their input to the controversial gun control measures as part of NY SAFE, and to advise him on possible changes."

"Instead, the paper says Cuomo told the Sheriffs to keep quiet and stop making public statements about their opposition ..." ...

MD: Commissioners pass resolution opposing state gun control bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carroll County became the third county in the state this month to pass a resolution stating their opposition to the Maryland Firearms Safety Act of 2013 Wednesday."

"The Carroll County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to approve a resolution deeming Carroll a '2nd Amendment Sanctuary County' during a forum at Carroll Community College." ...

CA: Leland Yee Backs Off of 3D Printer Registration, Background Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the Liberator was introduced, Californian State Senator and gun-grabber extraordinaire Leland Yee immediately proposed that 3D printers require a background check to purchase, be registered and subject to all the other draconian laws that California places on firearms (no pistol grips on your printer!). Anyway, it looks like Yee might be backing down from his typical authoritarian control freak stance. According to the IB Times, Yee’s press secretary issued this statement: . . ." ...

AL: Bi-Partisan Vote in Alabama Overrides Governor’s Veto of Armed Teachers Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alabama state lawmakers worked late into the night yesterday considering last minute bills before the close of their legislative session. One of the bills being considered was a bill that would allow rural teachers with a concealed carry permit to carry firearms to school to protect themselves and children."

"The bill actually already passed the state legislature earlier this year, but was vetoed by Governor Robert Bentley, citing his concerns for insufficient training requirements. In a rare show of bipartisanship at any level of government, a coordinated effort by lawmakers got the votes needed and actually overrode the governor’s veto." ...

Is Brandon Phelps’ IL Concealed Carry Bill The Real Deal?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I heard about the latest attempt at a concealed carry bill to bubble up in the Illinois legislature this afternoon (the 396th attempt, I think) I went to someone who I knew would be plugged into the situation: John Boch of Guns Save Life. And what do you know…he’d just put his thoughts up at" ...

Lawsuit Filed in Connecticut Against “Assault Weapons” Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Connecticut Civil Defense league has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Connecticut looking to block the recently expanded assault weapons ban from going into effect. The suit is based on the recent Heller and McDonald decisions, which held that commonly used firearms cannot be banned and made the Second Amendment an incorporated civil right. Make the jump for the press release . . ." ...

NY: Blankenbush to bring investigation of Cuomo’s gun control law to the north country
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman Kenneth D. Blankenbush, R-Black River, will hold a legislative oversight hearing on the NY SAFE Act from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 31 at the Italian-American Civic Association, 192 Bellew Ave." ...

NY: Massive Pro-Gun Rally in Albany, MSM Ignores
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This was the scene yesterday, where thousands of pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers descended on Albany to make their voices heard in opposition of the SAFE Act that was rammed through the legislature and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo. It was a throng that made every gun control meet-up look like a Sunday morning sewing circle by comparison. And yet the mainstream media really couldn’t be bothered. A dozen gun control advocates outside the NRA convention will get national coverage, but thousands of pro-gun Empire Staters, pissed off at their government, goes almost unnoticed. Head on over to the Times Union site for the full story, but here’s the highlight of the article for me . . ." ...

NY: Massena trustees don’t act on resolution to repeal SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Village trustees chose Tuesday night not to make a motion on a resolution calling for the repeal of the state’s recently-passed package of gun-control laws."

"Norwood resident William Gray, who has been making the round of town and village board meetings around the county, presented the village’s Board of Trustees with a resolution calling for the repeal of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, saying the swiftly passed bill is filled with errors and inconsistencies and infringes upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners. He called the controversial package of strict gun control measures a 'knee-jerk reaction to the Sandy Hook shooting.'" ...

Kansas Teacher [Not Shown] Arrested for Firearms Possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m old enough to remember when Kelly LeBrock was the world’s most beautiful woman. Actually, I’m older than that. I remember ... growing up during the not-so-beautiful 'police action' in Vietnam. The war in Southeast Asia amplified and radicalized America’s political and cultural bifurcation. It was Left vs. Right. Anti-Establishment vs. Establishment. The tension led to violence: Kent State, busted heads at the Chicago convention and deadly riots. I guess we didn’t learn from history. Two visions of America—Big Government vs. Small Government, Gun Control vs. Gun Rights—are competing for dominance. It’s like tectonic plates building up pressure; there will be a release and it won’t be pretty. Where? Odds are it’ll be . . ." ...

D.C. prosecutors give hero a break: 'Only' $1000 fine for saving child's life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in January, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner noted that a Washington D.C. resident who shot and killed one of three pit bulls savagely mauling 11-year-old Jayeon Simon could, despite very likely having saved the boys life, face serious legal consequences for violation of D.C.'s oppressive gun laws. ..." ...

"... So . . . instead of jail time and a criminal record, Mr. Srigley will 'only' be fined $1,000. Good thing it wasn't an entire Little League team he'd saved--at $1,000 per kid's life saved, a guy could go bankrupt pretty quickly. ..." ...

NY: Howard deserves praise for upholding Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Erie County is fortunate to have Timothy Howard as sheriff. He is courageous and a protector of Second Amendment rights. Obviously he has read the Constitution and understands everything there is to know about “shall not be infringed.” He takes his oath to uphold the Constitution and intends to place that at the forefront as he exercises his obligations of the office." ...

VA: Gun Shop Owner: Past 6 Months ‘Busiest The Industry Has Ever Seen’
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For five months, ammunition at Nuckols Gun Works in Staunton has been flying off the shelves."

"'It doesn’t matter what brand, make or model,' said owner Chris Kincheloe."

"Kincheloe believes that the shortage, which has most affected handgun and .22-caliber ammunition, can be traced back to the Newtown, Conn., school shootings, which killed 20 children and six school staff. Gun control measures put forth by President Barack Obama following the mass killing have spurred ammo sales, he believes." ...

A call to action in the EU
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Italian IAPCAR member group FISAT, has sent an important call to action."

"Attempts are underway by the European Union to further restrict the right of civilians to have certain firearms."

"It is vitally important to the firearms rights community stand together internationally."

"There are three important things we can each do:" ...

UK: Horrified Brits watch soldier hacked to death as they wait for police.
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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... "Soon after, police arrive? I read that it was 20 minutes before the police arrived. In fact the terrorist where able to walk up and down the street and even make a recording on a bystander’s cell phone. They had time to pray over their sacrifice and make speeches. This is a good example of what happens when you disarm your citizens. All they can do is watch on in horror, helpless to stop what is going on. ..." ...

UK: 'You and your children will be next': Islamic fanatics wielding meat cleavers butcher and try to behead a British soldier, taking their war on the West to a new level of horror
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Clutching a bloodied meat cleaver, the man suspected of executing a soldier on a crowded street declared: 'you and your kids will be next'."

"In a chilling rant captured on camera, the knife-wielding man declared: 'The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers.'" ...

Submitter's comment: The politicians who disarmed British society and transformed it into a herd of sheep for the slaughter will remain safe, no matter how bad it gets.

As an individual, I believe, very strongly, that handguns should be banned and that there should be stringent, effective control of other firearms. However, as a judge, I know full well that the question of whether handguns can be sold is a political one, not an issue of products liability law, and that this is a matter for the legislatures, not the courts. The unconventional theories advanced in this case (and others) are totally without merit, a misuse of products liability laws. — Judge Buchmeyer, Patterson v. Gesellschaft, 1206 F.Supp. 1206, 1216 (N.D. Tex. 1985)

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