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Newslinks for 5/24/2013

Court gives prosecution more time in case against N.M. gun dealer family
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "This latest order, essentially a two-week extension, will not seem like much to government lawyers who draw their salaries and go home at the end of the day to situations where it is their choice if the expenses they face are within their means. That’s not so for the Reese family, and every day they are denied a resolution to their ordeal is a day where legal and living expenses mount as their assets are walled off and their livelihoods are cut off from them." ...

Gun Control is Expensive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My mother used to drag my father into some of the world’s most expensive stores. She’d point out how ugly something was ... 'At least it’s expensive,' my father would pronounce. That’s how it is with gun control. Not only is civilian disarmament ugly—in terms of trampling on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms—it’s also an enormous waste of taxpayer money. To wit this little gem from Connecticut’s 'State police are seeking 39 additional workers — at a cost of $2.6 million — to handle an avalanche of new duties brought on by gun laws passed after the Newtown school massacre.' Pah! That’s a drop in the bucket. The real cost of the Constitution State’s unconstitutional gun laws is . . ." ...

New attention to old rape case underscores need for guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past 48 hours, National Public Radio, India Today and Opposing Views have zeroed in on a months-old southwest Oregon rape case that underscores the need for gun ownership where police are few and far between due to budget cuts."

"In the process of resurrecting this story, all three agencies published excerpts from the 911 call made by the victim before she was assaulted and raped by an ex-boyfriend. Included in that transcript is one of the most startling remarks one might imagine."

"The police dispatcher tells the frantic woman, 'You know, obviously if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away? Or do you know if he’s intoxicated or anything?'" ...

Documentary exploring history of Second Amendment features Ted Nugent, Ice-T
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When music fans think of West Coast rapper Ice-T, Ted Nugent may not be the first name that immediately comes to mind. But that’s who the rapper is teaming up with for a new documentary about the heated gun control debate."

"The recently announced film, 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire,' looks at the background of the Second Amendment."

"'Assaulted' turns the gun debate around. It is a civil rights issue, and we take a look at the history of the Second Amendment. It’s a right that has been abused over the years and one that gets overlooked the most,' the film’s executive producer, writer and director, Kris Koenig, told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. ..." ...

Armed and Dangerous? Nah, I’m Just A 2A Supporter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Simply put: To support The 2A is not a crime. It does not mean you are a criminal. It does not mean you wish to shoot anyone. It does not mean you applauded the tragic and horrific shootings of Aurora, CO, or in Newtown, CT. It does not mean you are automatically 'armed and dangerous' and that you should be monitored and scrutinized by lesser Americans ..."

"Nope. None of those things. At all."

"I am armed. Am I dangerous? Hardly. Well, hold on. Let’s look at this for a moment. Alright, listen, if you assault me or mine, or present an inescapable, imminent threat to the safety of my family, I will shoot you. Don’t take it personal, and don’t think I am dangerous. I’m merely a damn good shot ..." ...

Could the IRS scandal derail public support for background checks?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During Thursday morning’s remote broadcast from a deli at Bellevue’s Factoria Square, KVI talk host John Carlson referred to stunning remarks made a few days ago by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough regarding background checks, and how the current Internal Revenue Service scandal – made worse Wednesday by Lois Lerner’s non-testimony – could raise alarms about too much government intrusion into individual privacy." ...

In Colorado and Connecticut, the Gun-Rights Fight Gets Local
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The NRA' is not just the NRA."

"Gun-control advocates alternatively marvel at and condemn the effectiveness of the National Rifle Association. Liberals mistakenly accuse the gun lobby of being in the thrall of firearm manufacturers when, if anything, the opposite is true: The NRA leads the industry around by the ear."

"NRA foes also fixate on the organization’s dues-paying membership, which has jumped since the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., and now approaches 5 million, according to the NRA. Still, skeptics demand, why should a mere 5 million people set national gun-control policy? The question betrays a misunderstanding of the reach and appeal of gun rights in the U.S." ...

New From ProMag: Archangel Mosin-Nagant Conversion Stock (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We all know Mosin-Nagants are cheap and powerful. They’re also fairly ugly, not terribly comfortable, and only hold five rounds. ProMag’s new Archangel stock can remedy those issues and turn your battered old mil-surp boomstick into a fancy M44 scout rifle or 91/30 sniper ‘stick’ . . ." ...

New Smart gun a boon to Senior Citizens
Submitted by: Old Dog

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"New technological advances in smart guns may prove to be a boon to senior citizens who love to hunt or shoot rifles but have problems due to advancing age. Using laser and computer technology, a new rifle allows you to simply look through a ‘scope’, put the X on your target and lock in the laser dot and it does all the rest. It will take into account distance, barometric pressure, temperature, the curvature of the earth, and other variables and even allow you to track the target when it is moving. You simply press the trigger but the rifle does not shoot right away like a normal one would. It computes all of the above and fires at the optimum time. Very science fiction." ...

Comparison misfires: Terrorist attack in U.K. is no argument for guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Forget the fact that even the most alert passerby with a gun might not have had time to react and save someone suddenly attacked with a meat cleaver. The pertinent fact is that murder of any sort is relatively uncommon in Britain. People there are very much safer without guns than those in the United States, where the number of gun-related homicides is counted in the thousands. The comparison is a dud."

Facebook Deletes Popular Star Spangled Banner Video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Best selling patriotic rock band, Madison Rising woke up this morning to hundreds of complaints from angry fans complaining that their postings of the band’s best selling rendition of the Star Spangled Banner had been deleted from Facebook over the past 24 hours."

"What started as complaints from a handful of fans escalated onto a barrage of anger after the band posted a message asking if anyone else had experienced this same problem." ...

Submitter's Note: Excellent version of the national anthem! You can listen to it here.

Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To many veterans of the 1960s-era civil rights movement there is a rising angst and discourse among the populace that is eerily familiar to them." ...

"Take one case in New Jersey recently, where a state Senate panel on gun control cut off testimony on a bill ... when citizens in attendance clearly had more they wanted to say, as evidenced by their requests to do so from the gallery. As seen in this video, a couple of individuals who attempted to speak were made to leave by a court police officer, but when one man - Frank Fiamingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society - had enough of the Senate panel's dismissive attitude, he organized the dozens of attendees into reciting the Pledge of Allegiance ..." ...

Woman fabricated tale of Italian gun exec. being questioned after ‘terrorist’ claim
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Two trusted sources who told FOX31 Denver that an Italian gun company executive was questioned by local law enforcement after a Denver cab driver thought he might be a terrorist now say they were misled."

"David Kopel, a nationally-recognized Second Amendment attorney with the Independence Institute in Denver, first told FOX31 Denver about the alleged incident Saturday. He referred us to Korrine Aguirre, who, it now appears, concocted an elaborate but false story."

"Aguirre told FOX31 Denver, and another media organization,, that an executive with the Perazzi gun manufacturing company was on his way to the Colorado Gun Collectors Association show, to display a half-million dollars worth of prototype guns." ...

MI: 26 Year Old Young Lady Uses Gun to Fight Off Man Who Stabbed Her Twice (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The daughter of a fallen police officer, Samantha Minehart, was tending to her horse in the family barn when a man walked up behind her, put a knife to her throat, and told her 'not to do anything stupid'. Despite her compliance, the man started stabbing her, once in the stomach and once in the leg, resulting in the need for multiple stitches."

"Minehart wasn’t taken totally by surprise though. Her family had been attacked on their land before, and she was ready. Minehart drew a gun that she was carrying for personal protection and fired two shots at the suspect, who then fled." ...

MI: Alleged robber fatally shot on Detroit's northwest side
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "A man was filling his tires with air when someone approached and tried to rob him at gunpoint, according to reports. The man pulled out a gun to defend himself and a shootout occurred. Both ended up firing at each other, with the victim chasing the suspect away from the gas station."

"Police say the suspect’s body was found in an alleyway across the street from the gas station. The victim also suffered a gunshot wound, but is expected to be OK. An investigation is ongoing." ...

OR: 911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Oregon Public Radio reports that an unidentified woman called 911 during a weekend in August 2012 while Michael Bellah was breaking into her place. Her call was forwarded to Oregon State Police because of lay-offs at the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office only allows the department to be open Monday through Friday."

"'Uh, I don’t have anybody to send out there,' the 911 dispatcher told the woman. 'You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away? Do you know if he’s intoxicated or anything?'" ...

Submitter's Note: After all, nobody needs to own a gun.

NY: DA will not prosecute man arrested under SAFE Act (video story)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "Dean was pulled over earlier this month after police say the light over his license plate was out."

"Police say he also had a gun in his car."

"While they say it was possessed legally, it had nine rounds of ammunition, which exceeds the state's new limit of seven rounds." ...

Colorado: Countdown To PMAGgeddon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the Centennial State counts down toward governor Governor Hickenlooper’s foolish, unconstitutional and ineffectual ban on normal-capacity magazines, I brought one of my own beloved PMAGs back to its Boulder birthplace for one last photo op. Here it is, standing tall before the iconic Flatirons. For now. But soon . . ."

"On July first, my Magpul PMAG will become an exile. When Colorado’s magazine-ban bill goes into effect, the PMAG becomes magazinus non gratis. Unless, that is, the state’s 54 Sheriffs succeed in their lawsuit to block it." ...

CA: CA Tax to Send Ammo Prices Soaring. Again. Still. More.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a mobster might put it, Ronald Reagan was not a friend of ours. As California’s Governor, Ronnie curtailed gun rights. As President, he elevated the ATF to full agency status and supported the Brady Bill. Still, the Gipper knew how government thinks: 'If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.' In other words, they get you coming and going. We can see this all-embracing ethos in the current push for civilian disarmament. Specifically, surcharges. In its recent package of gun ban bills, Connecticut added a $35 per person fee for mandatory 'eligibility certificates to purchase guns and ammo.' Not to be outdone on the tax side, California is working on adding to the cost of ammo . . ." ...

IL: The bus pulls out: Illinois’ new carry bill passes out of committee Legislative update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If I had to summarize my thoughts on this bill in a nutshell:"

"It’s a huge win for the 40% of Illinoisans who live in Cook County. Not only do they get a shall-issue carry law, but we’re rolling back all sorts of local gun restrictions that have kept them disarmed and at the mercy of thugs and predators for decades now."

"Think about it, folks. In post-Sandy Hook America, where else are we rolling back so-called black gun bans, gun registration schemes and all sorts of other rules and regulations that keep guns out of the hands of good people?"

"It’s a huge win for Chicago residents." ...

CT: Gunmakers Say Connecticut Law May Push Them Out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a state desperate to maintain and revive its industrial base, Mark Malkowski thinks he should be getting gold stars."

"He started a manufacturing company at age 25, and in 10 years built it into an industry leader, with 200 employees, that sells 6,000 of its products every month at roughly $1,000 each. The company, Stag Arms, is currently almost a year behind in fulfilling orders."

"But when you are manufacturing AR-15 assault rifles 40 miles from Newtown in a state that has banned their sale, it is not surprising that things are more complicated." ...

IL: Quinn skeptical of Ill. House concealed-carry plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A compromise plan on concealed weapons heading for a House floor vote drew swift opposition Thursday from Gov. Pat Quinn, whose office called it a 'massive overreach' because of the way it would curb local firearms regulations." ...

Submitter's Note: S'okay with me if you don't pass anything and become the 6th fully Constitutional carry state.

IL: Compromise concealed-carry bill surfaces at Illinois Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the deadline fast-approaching for lawmakers to enact a concealed-carry law, legislation surfaced Wednesday that allows local law enforcement to object to permit applications while creating a licensing review board that has final say."

"Sponsoring Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, who has been leading the concealed-carry efforts, said the legislation includes some trade-offs that satisfy gun-control and gun-rights advocates." ...

LA: Louisiana Passes Measure To Criminalize Reporting On Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the latest move by Louisiana to plow ahead with looser gun laws, the state legislature passed a measure that would criminalize journalists for publishing information about gun owners. Under House Bill 8, which now goes to Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) for his signature, those who 'release, disseminate, or make public' any information contained in a handgun permit or about the identity of the permit-holder, including journalists, may be subject to a $10,000 fine and/or six months in jail." ...

NY: Demonstrators urge Congressman Hanna to co-sponsor bill on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group of local residents organized a demonstration outside of U.S. Representative Richard Hanna’s office on Thursday urging him to become a co-sponsor of legislation that would expand background checks for gun sales."

"The group brought with them a stack of petitions with signatures from constituents living within the 22th district and many posters to attract pedestrians and commuters passing by Genesee Street." ...

NY: State lawmakers seek to exempt retired cops from new gun restrictions
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State lawmakers are trying to carve out a loophole for retired cops in the sweeping state gun control law that Gov. Cuomo has touted as the toughest in the nation."

"A bill approved by the state Assembly Thursday would allow retired police officers to keep assault weapons and high-capacity magazines they purchased during their time on the force."

"'They are going to have what they retired with, what they trained on,' said Assemblyman Joe Lentol (D-Brooklyn), who sponsored the bill." ...

Federal lawsuit filed against Connecticut's new gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The President of the gun rights organization that has filed a federal lawsuit against Connecticut's new gun law is speaking out Thursday."

"Scott Wilson of the 'Connecticut Citizens' Defense League' says they are ready for a long court battle, but feel the constitution is on their side." ...

FL: Florida Carry Files Action To Stop Daytona Beach from Confiscating Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida Carry, Inc., filed an action to stop Daytona Beach’s illegal practice of refusing to return firearms to people ... who were Baker Acted but found to be no danger to themselves or others."

"For too long, many jurisdictions throughout Florida have refused to follow the law."

"In 2009 the Florida Attorney General made clear in an opinion that the continued detention of firearms after a person was released without being found to be a danger to themselves or others was prohibited by Florida law."

"Despite the clear instruction from the Attorney General and the legal prohibition on creating their own firearms rules since 1987, these individuals and agencies who have sworn to uphold the law, have instead violated the law ..." ...

DE: Ruling over gun limits in public housing appealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having lost a federal court battle over restrictions on guns in Wilmington public housing, plaintiffs backed by the National Rifle Association asked an appeals court Thursday to send the matter back to Delaware courts."

"Attorney Francis G.X. Pileggi told a panel of the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals that Delaware’s Constitution provides for a far broader right to keep and bear arms than the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, so this case – involving limits on those rights – would best be resolved at the state level." ...

NY: NY sheriffs fault new gun law, seek to join suit
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"County sheriffs have asked to join the federal lawsuit challenging New York's tough new gun restrictions, calling some provisions vague and impossible to enforce fairly."

"The New York State Sheriffs' Association and five individual sheriffs are asking U.S. District Judge William Skretny to add their position to the record. They support gun rights advocates seeking to block enforcement of new bullet limits for magazines and the tighter definition of assault weapons." ...

IL: A lighter story: Cops stand in for fallen officer’s daughter’s kindergarten graduation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s been a rough week."

"Time for some lighter fare to restore your faith in humanity." ...

IL: East St. Louis detective Orlando Ward resigns amid drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran police detective who was charged in connection with a federal drug sting has resigned from the department."

"Detective Orlando Ward resigned Wednesday after more than a decade on the job. He was arrested two weeks ago by federal agents investigating a drug ring in the metro-east." ...

FL: Clearwater officer to be disciplined for improper use of database
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Internal investigators say a Clearwater police commander used a law enforcement database more than 100 times during a two-year period for 'questionable' purposes, inappropriately looking up personal information about individuals including his ex-wife's boyfriend, a television news reporter and the wives of other police officers." ...

CA: South Lake Tahoe Police Officer Pleads Guilty To Witness Tampering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A South Lake Tahoe police officer pleaded guilty Wednesday to multiple counts of witness tampering and obstruction of an official proceeding." ...

PA: Narcotics Officer Sets Up Arrest to Rob Drug Dealer: Police (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Philadelphia police officer was arrested and accused of working with his confidential informant to set up and rob a drug dealer."

"Officer Jeffrey Walker, a 24-year veteran of the force and 14-year vet of the Narcotics Division, had multiple discussions with an informant in attempts to set up a heist, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court that was obtained by NBC10." ...

OH: Officer Fired After Stabbing Boyfriend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city police officer, who stabbed her boyfriend last year during an argument, has been fired."

"Shani Hannah was terminated Wednesday."

"Safety Director Martin Flask issued the termination letter stating that Hannah used a knife to inflict harm on another." ...

WI: Sheriff David Clarke: Federal government greater threat than terrorists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. said in a television interview Wednesday night that he agrees with the views of an anti-federal government group that recently gave him an award."

"During a interview on a range of topics with WISN-TV (Channel 12), Clarke was questioned about being named "sheriff of the year" by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and an image of Journal Sentinel columnist Daniel Bice's recent article about the award flashed in the background." ...

NY: Bronx Officer Is Accused of Hiring E-Mail Hackers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was the sort of discovery that is usually the mark of good police work: A Bronx detective came upon an online criminal enterprise that offered — for a low price — to hack into private e-mail accounts."

"But the detective was not seeking to build a case against the outfit, federal prosecutors said on Tuesday. Rather, prosecutors said, he became a client."

"Using information bought from the hackers, the detective, Edwin Vargas, obtained login information for at least 43 e-mail accounts associated with 30 people, including at least 19 members of the New York Police Department in the Bronx ..."

"The reason for the digital snooping appeared to be personal, law enforcement officials said ..." ...

Gun Control vs Gun rights interactive graph
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post has a very interesting interactive graph that allows you to select what data to see. It shows the break down by race, political leanings, age, and more; for and against gun control. One of the best visual representations of who is for and against gun control that I have come across. What is interesting is how wide the split was up until 2009 when it started intertwining. ..."

Homeland Security bulletin warns 3D-printed guns may be 'impossible' to stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence bulletin warns it could be 'impossible' to stop 3D-printed guns from being made, not to mention getting past security checkpoints."

"A May 21 bulletin distributed to numerous state and federal law enforcement agencies and obtained by states that the guns, which can be made by downloading blueprints into cutting edge computers that mold three-dimensional items from melted plastic, "poses public safety risks" and are likely beyond the current reach of regulators. The guns threaten to render 3D gun control efforts useless if their manufacture becomes more widespread." ...

Fox News Reporting Homeland Security Has Issued Internal Memo on 3D Printed Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'You can’t stop the signal.' The quote is from the popular sci-fi movie Serenity in reference to information being made public and kept public. The quote has become a battle cry for First and Second Amendment supporters who have rallied around new 3D printed gun technology." ...

"It seems the State Department isn’t the only government agency which has their eye on 3D gun printing. According to Fox News, they have obtained an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo that outline the agencies concerns about the the new technology."

"According to Fox News, DHS considers 3D guns to be a viable threat." ...

Gun safety: Progress—and then pushback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Texas measure that would designate and train school employees to respond to potential shooters as armed school marshals is heading to Gov. Rick Perry’s desk, after the State Senate passed the major gun bill Wednesday. The legislation echos Wayne LaPierre’s call to place armed police officers in every school, an idea introduced at the National Rifle Association’s first press conference following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting last December." ...

TX: Texas 2-Gun Match to Benefit West, TX EMS
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are few moments in life I can remember as clearly as the first time I sat in the front right seat of an ambulance. I’d been aware of the risks of being a 911-dispatched EMT, but there’s something about being the Officer In Charge for the first time that makes you realize just how vulnerable you really are. You can be sent into anything at any time, and it’s up to you to keep your crew safe. That’s what really drove the disaster in West, Texas home for me, the idea that it could just as easily have been me arriving in the first unit on scene. Now someone is organizing a 2-gun match near Marble Falls, Texas with all proceeds going to benefit the West, Texas EMS . . ." ...

NY: The Solution to Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Moreover, under this plan, ownership of military-style assault weapons could not occur except within the context of a national militia. A person would have the right to keep and bear arms because he or she is a member of a militia, or a hunter, or one who needs self-defense, and he or she would have to abide by the established military's rules and regulations concerning arms." ...

NJ: Reducing ammo capacity a waste of time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Morristown Councilwoman Rebecca Feldman ignorantly writes that by reducing the size of magazines in a rifle or pistol to 10 rounds we would somehow magically stop someone from taking more lives."

"Capping the number of rounds in a magazine would not make a difference in any mass shooting. It takes one-and-a-half seconds to drop a 10- 15- or 30-shot magazine and re-load. It’s been done as an exercise by numerous sheriffs departments across the land, showing the stupidity of reducing magazine size. Say 'one thousand and one, and....' and you’ve ejected the empty and put in the full magazine. The shooter at Virginia Tech had two pistols with 10-round magazines. He reloaded multiple times, yet killed 32 people and injured 17." ...

MI: Detroit Gun Rights Advocates Stage Successful Protest At ‘Guns For Groceries’ Event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It didn’t take long for the county officials to discover why their event wasn’t as successful as they thought it would be. In fact, about an hour into the selling period, the Wayne County Executive himself, Robert Ficano, pulled into the parking lot where the gun rights activists were set up and exited his vehicle to survey what was happening. He left frustrated, 10 minutes later. In his place, Wayne County deputies were sent to the lot."

"From that moment forward until the event ended, the gun rights activists were harassed by all day by Wayne County deputies. Their first act was to park one of their marked cars by the parking lot’s entrance and started directing people further up the street to the church." ...

MA: Distorting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We hear references to the Second Amendment constantly as protection of everyone's right to own a gun. But read the Constitution. 'A well regulated Militia ...' hardly offers a criminal or a mentally unbalanced person that right. That right was conceived as permission for individual states and municipalities to have what we now call National Guard units. We lose sight of that historic truth because the more all-encompassing NRA usage is so pervasive. Repetition has made a distortion into something accepted as truth." ...

Submitter's Note: Not to mention the Supreme Court ruling in Heller, something the antis try very hard not to mention.

MO: Panel discusses second amendment rights, department of revenue controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Saline County Pachyderm Club hosted a panel discussion on 2nd Amendment rights featuring State Sen. Kurt Shaefer (R-Columbia) and other local gun advocates Thursday, May 23, at the Martin Community Center in Marshall." ...

Disarmed Brits Can Only Shoot Savage ... With A Camera
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 'frenzied machete attack.' 'The most appalling crime.' 'Sickening.' 'Barbaric.' 'A deluded, deranged act of violence.' 'Gruesome and shocking.' These were press-cited descriptions of the butchering of a British soldier by a black man with a meat-cleaver, on a southeast London street." ...

"At the risk of repeating what ought to be obvious, a right that can’t be defended is a right in name only. Inherent in the idea of an inalienable right is the right to mount a vigorous defense of the same right. If you cannot by law defend your life, you have no right to life."

"By logical extension, Britons are bereft of the right to life." ...

A fanatic is one who won't change his mind and won't change the subject. — Winston Churchill

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