The founders knew threat of tyranny
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I don’t deny the politics involved in the gun debate going on in this country. ... We can disagree with the other side and fling accusations about motives. But let’s at least be honest about where the idea 'that an armed people assure our liberties' comes from."
"The Second Amendment says nothing about hunting or self-defense (although the NRA probably would agree with the sticker on Kaiser’s front door that stated 'Nothing in this house is worth your life.') And even though the Second Amendment’s origins can be traced to English common law, which includes the right to have a weapon for both of those purposes, our Constitution specifically states that an armed public is a necessity for a free state." ... |
NY injured special forces soldier takes plea for same offense on which David Gregory walked
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In early January, we wrote about the ordeal of Nathan Haddad, who was being charged with 5 felony counts under New York State’s prior gun law, for possession of empty 30-round magazines, Injured special forces soldier arrested in upstate NY for possession of high capacity ammunition magazines."
"The case arose just prior to the decision in the District of Columbia whether to prosecute David Gregory for possessing a 30-round ammunition magazine and showing it on television."
"While Gregory was allowed to walk free despite having been warned by the police ... the prosecution in NY pressed forward against Haddad, NY Prosecutors to press case against retired special forces soldier in high capacity magazine case." ... |
Gun Rights Activists Stymie “Guns for Groceries” Event (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This past Saturday around 50 Second Amenment advocates attended a gun buyback event in Michigan to stage a unique demonstration."
"Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano and the Wayne County Sheriff ... teamed up with a local church to stage a no questions asked, 'guns for groceries' event over the weekend. Officials had saturated the airwaves with commercials trying to convince Detroit residents the 'obvious' solution to reduce crime was for everyone to sell their firearms for $50 in foodstuffs."
"But in an effort to counter the glaring fallacies present with gun buybacks, a variety of local pro-Second Amendment groups set up shop nearby and offered cash for working firearms."
"And apparently it was an instant success ..." ... |
Gays with Guns: A Growing Subculture?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gays and guns seem as likely to go together as Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey. As a culture, even under attack, we are a peaceful lot -- you catch more bees with honey, right?"
"'Wrong,' says Gwendolyn Patton of Pink Pistols, a group that advocates gun ownership for the LGBT community. With taglines like 'pick on someone your own caliber,' and 'armed gays don’t get bashed,' Patton says Pink Pistols changes the perception that gay people are easy victims." ... |
Gun lovers gather for build-your-own-rifle parties
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Although gun ownership makes a person subject to having their firearms registered with the government, build parties provide a setting in which gun aficionados can circumvent that requirement. ..."
"That’s because there is no law prohibiting Americans from making their own firearms for personal use, explains Alan Gottleib, founder of the Seattle-based Second Amendment Foundation."
"'People get together to build their own rifle, so to speak. They buy the parts, they sit down together, and they assemble them,' he said. ..."
"Lindsay Nichols, attorney with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in San Francisco, confirmed the legality. ... 'I think what's scariest about these gun build parties is the kinds of guns we're talking about.'" ... |
IL: HISTORIC! Illinois House passes carry with 85 (!) votes
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Illinois House of Representatives just made history by passing a shall-issue right to carry measure by a whopping 85 votes, far more than the 71 needed for passage."
"Of course, Gov. Patrick Quinn and Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel are *very* upset by this and pledged (impotently) to stop the measure in the Illinois Senate."
"Gun owners, call your State Senator *right now* and urge him to vote yes on SB2193." ... |
IL: Ill. House OKs guns plan; Gov. Quinn opposed
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Illinois House approved a potentially landmark proposal Friday to allow Illinoisans to carry concealed weapons in public."
"But the measure, which was sent to the Senate on an 85-30 vote, appears headed for a major overhaul."
"The Senate Democratic point man on gun control has problems with the plan, which also was panned by Gov. Pat Quinn."
"'This legislation is wrong for Illinois,' Quinn said in a statement issued minutes after the House vote. 'I will not support this bill and I will work with members of the Illinois Senate to stop it in its tracks.'" ... |
IL: House passes concealed carry
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Illinois House overwhelmingly voted Friday to lift the state’s prohibition on allowing people to carry concealed weapons by passing legislation favored by House Speaker Michael Madigan and gun-rights advocates, but Gov. Pat Quinn and the top Senate Democrat vowed to kill it." ... |
IL: Ill. House approves gun plan opposed by governor
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun owners could carry concealed weapons in Illinois, the last state in the nation to prohibit it, under legislation that swept through the House Friday with the backing of the powerful Democratic speaker from Chicago, a city torn by violence despite what critics claim are the nation's toughest firearms restrictions."
"The historic 85-30 vote would allow the carrying of concealed guns, a legislative task compelled by a federal appeals court ruling and precipitated by House Speaker Michael Madigan's turnabout." ... |
CA: California: Microstamping Law Now in Effect (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"After years of contentious debate and stonewalling on behalf of gun rights advocacy groups, microstamping is now a reality in the Golden State."
"California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced on Friday that a 2007 microstamping bill signed into law by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger could finally be enforced because the private patents that precluded the law from taking effect had expired."
"'The patents have been cleared, which means that this very important technology will help us as law enforcement in identifying and locating people who have illegally used firearms,' Harris said at a Los Angeles news conference." ... |
CT: Connecticut Leads the Way on Protecting Children
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"At a town hall meeting today on school safety at the Classical Magnet School in Hartford, I got to hear firsthand how Connecticut is leading the nation in adopting common-sense solutions to reduce gun violence and improve school safety." ...
"Unlike here in Washington, Connecticut’s lawmakers didn’t defend the status quo or shrink from tackling difficult questions. With bipartisan support, they enacted a comprehensive law to help curb gun violence and mass shootings that does not infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and hunt." ... |
AL: Confusion Over Alabama’s Sweeping Gun Rights Bill
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A sweeping gun rights bill passed by the Alabama Legislature this past session means big changes for how firearms are regulated in our state."
"The changes are not without their critics, and there are other people who are confused by what the changes mean for their rights to carry guns. WHNT News 19 viewers sent several emails asking us for clarification on what the changes mean for their rights." ... |
TN: Court rules state can regulate where to carry firearms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Tennessee Appeals Court has ruled against a Brentwood man who claimed state law regulating the carrying of firearms was unconstitutional."
"Leonard Embody filed a lawsuit in 2010 after state officials took away his carry permit, finding a 'material likelihood of risk of harm to the public.'"
"The revocation came after Embody was detained by Belle Meade police in 2010 while walking with a .44-caliber black powder revolver in his hand. He was detained in 2009 while walking in Radnor Lake State Park with an AK-47-style pistol. He also has been stopped in at least three similar incidents, although he was never charged with a crime." ... |
NY: Empire State Sheriffs, Cuomo SAFE Act Showdown
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The governor of New York and his state’s sheriffs are locking horns over their opposition to the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013."
"'As sheriffs it is our duty and obligation to speak out against laws that do not promote the public good,' said Putnam County Sheriff Donald B. Smith, legislative committee chairman of the New York State Sheriffs’ Association. NYSSA is a not-for-profit corporation, formed in 1934, for the purpose of assisting sheriffs in the efficient and effective delivery of sheriffs’ services to the public." ... |
NJ: Umbrella mistaken for assault rifle
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"A New Jersey light rail shutdown was due to an umbrella that was mistaken for an assault rifle."
"Someone had reported to police that a man wearing black pants, white dress shirt, with a cast on his arm was 'armed with a long barrel assault weapon' had gotten on the train."
"It happened Friday morning on NJ Transit's Hudson-Bergen line." ... |
SC: After 25 years as sheriff, Cannon still molding his legacy
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Many of his friends have wondered if attorney Al Cannon has thoughtfully reconsidered Sheriff Al Cannon’s statements about selective enforcement of gun laws. Surely, the sheriff would never willfully flout the law and assume extra-judicial authority."
"Or would he?"
"'There’s a bigger-picture view,' Cannon says. 'It’s that delicate balance between providing a level of order while protecting the freedoms that make us so unique.'"
"He fervently declares personal gun ownership is a 'sacred constitutional right.' He cites impressive facts and figures, and in his view, America is having a hip-shooting reaction to gun violence. He makes an engaging point that mental health is a bigger societal issue than guns ..." ... |
The new normal: The threat of violence weighs heavy on the minds of school and safety officials
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The utmost priority of a school is the safety of its students."
"Due to recent events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., school safety and gun violence have been front and center in the public consciousness. It’s not the first time, either."
"From mass media to local blogs to the Capitol rotunda, events like the Sandy Hook tragedy, the 1999 Columbine massacre, and local shootings at Rocori High School in Cold Spring and Red Lake Senior High School in Red Lake, have left an indelible mark on our collective psyche. In their aftermath, students across the nation have been forced to pose the question, 'Could it happen to me?'" ... |
VA: Disappointed in gun law failure
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the letter to the editor “We shall overcome NRA influence” (The Daily Progress, April 29), the author expresses his disappointment in Congress for failing to tighten restrictions on guns."
"I share the same feelings. I was shocked when Congress didn’t produce anything, especially after the recent tragic shootings at Aurora, Colo., and Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. I thought that after so many lives had been lost, some type of change would occur, but I guess Congress doesn’t see the necessity of such a law." ... |
OK: Enid News & Eagle should remove ‘no firearms’ signs
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Enid News & Eagle champions the First Amendment that includes the freedom of speech and the press, while at the same time you trample on the Second Amendment ..."
"The newspaper has signs posted on its front doors stating 'Firearms are prohibited on these premises.' I would think a business whose life blood is the First Amendment would also respect the second Amendment as well as the entire Constitution. What hypocrites!"
"By banning legally carried firearms on your premises, this does nothing but keep out honest persons desiring to exercise their constitutional rights. The person who is licensed to carry a gun has taken a firearms class, has been fingerprinted, background checked ..." ... |
MA: Gun Law Listening Tour Stops in Chicopee (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A week that included two deadly shootings in two days ends with a meeting about how to curb ]gun violence in the area. State Representative Harold Naughton is co-chair of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. He hosted a listening tour at Chicopee Public Library to hear how guns affect the communities of western Massachusetts."
"'In urban America, this is a scourge, and a lot of times it has to do with young people,' Mayor Domenic Sarno said."
"'An urban setting is closer quarters, it has its'[sic] challenges for tactical purposes, but gun violence is gun violence,' Springfield Police Deputy Chief Bill Cochrane said." ... |
MA: Toy Gun Causes Disturbance On Palmer Elementary School Bus (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A plastic Lego sized gun caused a disturbance on a Old Mill Pond Elementary School bus Friday morning."
"Mieke Crane is the mother of the six-year-old kindergarten student who brought the gun on the bus."
"'I think they over-reacted totally. I totally do,' said Crane."
"Another student on the bus saw the toy and yelled to the driver."
"'She said he caused quite a disturbance on the bus and that the children were traumatized,' said Crane."
"The school sent home a letter to parents of students who take the bus explaining what happened. It stressed no gun was on the bus and there was never any danger."
"The letter also has photo of the toy showing it’s actual size, which is slightly larger than a quarter." ... |
SC: Quick on the ‘gun rights’ draw
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Concerned that the General Assembly might be holstering its 'gun rights' zeal? After all, the state Senate recently put some reasonable restrictions in a bill to expand the authority for those with concealed-carry permits."
"Not to worry. A House Judiciary subcommittee decided Thursday to kill those limitations on carrying a pistol after midnight into bars and restaurants. It should be a relief for those who can feel secure in an eatery or watering hole only when surreptitiously armed." ... -------
Submitter's Note: It will also be a relief for people with a stalker like my friend Joel, or like Nikki Goeser (oh, wait it's too late for her, more so for her husband). |