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Newslinks for 5/26/2002

Reclaiming the Constitution
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"once the Constitution is taken seriously, once judicial nominees are able to show the Schumers of the world that they take both individual liberty and majoritarian tyranny seriously, they'll be in a good position to turn the tables on those selective libertarians of the left who suddenly lose their love of liberty when contemplating the latest Washington scheme for doing good."

OK: Officer shot while fighting attacking dog
Submitted by: serinde

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"An Oklahoma City police officer shot himself in the leg Friday while fending off a dog that was attacking him, police said."

"A pit bull-chow mix jumped on the officer's left leg and began attacking him ... the officer took out his handgun and fired several shots at the dog, one of which went through his lower left leg near his knee."

"the dog, which was killed by a shot in the head, was taken by animal control officers."

OK: Man's attack brings order for skunk kill
Submitted by: serinde

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"Police have orders to shoot skunks on sight after a man was bitten by a rabid animal outside his home."

"Residents who see skunks, especially during daylight, are asked to call the police department immediately. If they see a dead animal, they should call animal control officers."

--Do not try to shoot the skunk yourself, of course. That is a job for the police only.

Ireland: Suspected burglars captured by angry citizens
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Suspected thieves get caught up in bush telegraph" ... 60 citizens and police track down 3 suspected burglars in Ireland.

CA: Mountain Lion shot in backyard by Fish and Game officer
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Department of Fish and Game regional manager Chuck Raysbrook said the game officer who shot the mountain lion believed it would be dangerous to try to tranquilize the animal in such an urban area, even if he could have gotten a clean shot."

CA: Assembly OKs off-duty guns
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"Off-duty and retired police officers could carry guns into stadiums and other public places that prohibit weapons under a valley lawmaker's bill that passed the Assembly on Thursday."

"The sponsor of the bill, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, represents dozens of public safety unions. It contends that weapons are vital to the safety of off-duty officers, who might confront people previously arrested by the officers, and also to protect the public."

KABA NOTE: For more info, see CopsOnlyCCW

The Overthrow of the American Republic, Part Twelve
Submitted by: Mark M. Stehly

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--And they want you disarmed!?
Sherman refers to definitive documentation (if genuine) that this administration had warnings from AT LEAST 6 intel sources (referenced at informing of impending action.

Guerrillas, Drugs and Human Rights in U.S.-Colombia Policy
Submitted by: Mark M. Stehly

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--By remaining ignorant and/or purposely misinformed by a managed press, when we do seek to dig deeper we risk being seen as complicit when innocents abroad suffer and die.

"Over the past 15 years, Congress has insisted that U.S. security assistance for Colombia be restricted to combating the drug trade rather than fighting the long-standing civil war, in large part because of human rights concerns. Now, the Bush administration is pressing to lift those restrictions and allow all past, present and future aid to be used in operations against guerrilla forces."

IL: Handgun Giveaway Angering Chicago Law Enforcement
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The nation's murder capital has a Second Amendment vigilante in its midst and he's got the city of Chicago up in arms over handgun control."

"John Birch heads Concealed Carry, Inc., a gun rights group that is awarding one handgun per month to a resident of Chicago, a city that bans handguns ... a lifesaving fight against what he calls an unconstitutional law."

"a recent recipient of the ... giveaway said he's willing to risk arrest in order to be safe."

A Republic or an Empire?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The article, “All Roads Lead to D.C.,” by Emily Eakin, which included a picture of ancient Rome from a scene in the movie Gladiator, pointed out that many Americans, most notably conservatives, are now openly stating that the achievement of empire status is not something that Americans should bemoan but rather something we should be celebrating."

DC: The New Liabilities of Political Dissent
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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"Have you ever been arrested and charged during a demonstration here in Washington DC even when you weren't doing anything unlawful? Depending on the charge, under a bill being considered by the D.C. Council, you may face a minimum of ten years in jail next time around."

--Let not our righteous vigilance & wrath concerning the 2nd Amendment divide & conquer us by divorcing our attention from the many assaults (from within).

Statement of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney - Terrorist Warnings
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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Let Her Know She's Supported -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney deserves every vote of support the American people can send her. Here is a lonely courageous voice that now stands vindicated (except by those who "drink" the brain bilge-water that CNN, ABC, etc. dish out as news).

From the same site, read the references to official communiques yourself.

Let it be said that those awake enough to see tyranny sorrounding them support those who truly represent them.

WA: 'VIOLENCE - Young people need more safe places'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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--Exemplifies what the government schools are producing...

"As a senior at Kamiak High School, I think it's time the government should do something about all the violence that's around us ... If the government won't do anything about this, who will? We don't have the power and authority to change anything."

KY: Charlie Puckett admits 3 charges; 7 others dropped
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"In an abrupt turnaround from his previous feisty rhetoric, former Kentucky Militia leader Charlie Puckett pleaded guilty yesterday to three of the 10 federal charges against him and agreed to a sentence that could stretch to just over three years. Specifically, Puckett, 55, admitted that he:

• had tried ... to intimidate an unidentified witness against him;
• illegally altered a gun to make it a fully automatic SKS machine gun; and
• was a felon illegally in possession of a pistol."

Government Refusing to Arm Airline Pilots is Hypocritical
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"the decision by governmental agencies refusing to arm airline pilots in order that they might protect their cockpits, is clear proof that the bureaucratic prime directive is still to protect themselves from blame rather than to protect the American public. By making such a decision, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and John Magaw, undersecretary for transportation security, have demonstrated that their job titles are merely sad and empty honorifics."

You won't believe who has lost their right to own firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The U.S. Gun Grab -- before you plead guilty to any criminal violation, get the facts."

No Guns in Cockpits = No Last Line of Defense
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The terrorists are breaking into the cockpit. They have guns. Once they get in there, the pilots will be dead – and that means that every person on the airplane will, one way or another, be dead – and you don't want those pilots to be able to mount a last-ditch defense effort with guns?"

NV: LV officers get minor suspensions for suspect's broken neck
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A Las Vegas police officer, caught on videotape punching a handcuffed suspect, and a sergeant who withheld the tape have been given minor suspensions for violating department policies."

"Internal Affairs Bureau investigators determined officer David D. Miller used excessive force and his supervisor, Sgt. Leonard Marshall, neglected duty."

Five, Including F.B.I. Agents, Are Named in a Conspiracy
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Five people, including a current and a former F.B.I. agent, were charged by federal prosecutors yesterday with using confidential government information to manipulate stock prices and extort money from companies."

"Prosecutors said that he obtained government information about publicly traded companies and then used that information to predict which stocks would fall and to persuade companies to pay for his silence."

Defending our 'freedoms'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"We are told over and over again that the terrorists aren't upset with American foreign policy – it's our freedoms they can't stand. They want to destroy us because we're free."

"Unfortunately, those who say this don't spell out the particular freedoms that the terrorists are upset about..."

CA: Anti-Gun Bills Moving in State Legislature (CalNRA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"AB496 and SB682 are two bills designed to put gun manufacturers out of business. Do we hold car manufacturers responsible for car accidents? Do we hold fast food companies responsible for obesity? Yet these bills will open up gun manufactuers up for all kinds of bogus lawsuits and hold them responsible for the actions of others."

CA: CCW Abuse: The Cover-up At The State AG/DOJ Offices
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"We’ve spent a lot of time documenting the misdeeds of various local Police Departments and Sheriff’s offices regard CCW permit issuance. If you’re just joining in, the main web page cataloging the abuses is"

"Part of the process in getting a permit is that your fingerprints are run through the state Department Of Justice, which is under the direct oversight of the State Attorney General’s office."

No Guns for Pilots; They’re Too Busy, or Something
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A story by Jim Burns of CNSNews on May 21 said, "The federal government Tuesday said pilots will not be allowed to have guns in the cockpit on commercial airline flights." The main reason given seems to be that the pilots are too busy up there, intently studying dials and levers and all, such that to shoot at anybody who might want to steal their airplane would be a dangerous diversion."

NY: Vigil In Memory Of Man Killed By Police in Botched Raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Bullets fired by police killed Jose Colon during a botched drug raid one month ago."

"Suffolk police say an officer accidentally shot Colon ... the submachine gun he was holding fired three shots by accident."

"witnesses tell a different story. Colon's girlfriend and a neighbor said that police were stopped on the lawn when the fatal shots were fired, and that none of the officers bumped the police officer who fired the fatal shot."

Lies, Damned Lies and Left-Wing Scholars
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It was only last week that the media corrupted the history of Supreme Court opinion concerning the Second Amendment. The media, even putative conservative media such as Fox News and Alan Keyes distorted the judicial interpretation to be consistent with the propaganda of the gun-control lobby. Propaganda was disseminated as the gospel truth."

"However, this is just one example."

Nasdaq Resumes Trading of VeriChip Maker
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"it is clear that VeriChip is not an FDA-regulated device for security, identification, and financial applications. The FDA has asked for additional information regarding the linking of the VeriChip verification number with a medical database. If the FDA requires additional information or approvals for the linking of VeriChip with a medical database, we obviously will abide by the FDA's requests and cooperate fully."

INS Confirms 'Act of War' Committed at U.S. Mexican Border
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"approximately five miles north of the U.S./Mexico border, one the GS-11 agents out of the Ajo border patrol station noticed a military helicopter flying overhead, heading south towards Mexico. Shortly thereafter, he came upon a humvee, which not only began to approach him, but to fire upon his vehicle ... the agent was able to flee the incursion unharmed and concluded the conversation by stating, "As far as I am concerned, that should be an act of war."

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States....Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789.

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