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Newslinks for 5/27/2002

Zambia: Shot in the dark
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"The story of a Zambian farmer who killed three gangsters with three bullets ... to the delight of the local police."

North Ireland: Freedom for man who shot burglar
Submitted by: Stuart Heal

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"A Fermanagh man who shot a suspected burglar has walked free from from Enniskillen Crown Court.
The trial judge directed the jury that Paul Hoy from Lisnarick should be found not guilty on all charges including wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm."

--It's nice to see a judge exercising a bit of common sense. If we had a few more verdicts like this, it could do wonders for the crime rate.

The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"James X. Dempsey and David Cole state in their book, Terrorism & the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security, that the most troubling provisions of the pre-USAPA anti-terrorism laws, enacted in 1996 and expanded now by the USAPA, "were developed long before the bombings that triggered their final enactment."

How Do You Spell Hypocrisy? U-N-I-T-E-D N-A-T-I-O-N-S
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Does it make sense to you -- to anyone -- that terrorist dictators should have all the arms they want, while potential freedom fighters must be prevented by a world government power from arming themselves?"

"Whose side is the United Nations on, anyway? It's on the side of power -- its own and that of oppressive governments."

Cartoon: What pilots should do when a plane is being hijacked
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This cartoon pretty much sums up the intelligence of the Nanny State -- all the way up to a certain idiot in the White House.

PA: Casey's Campaign Weak on Firepower
Submitted by: Anonymous

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--Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Bob Casey shot himself in the foot by not stressing his strong support of the Second Amendment.

MS: Roadblocks And Helicopters Part Of 'Crackdown On Crime'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The helicopters hovering over the city Thursday night told the story - law enforcement was on the move. Officers set up road blocks throughout the area targeting drug and gun violators."

"This was another part of the cooperation and networking of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies," said Police Chief Steve Bingham. "We don't have a count yet, but there were a fairly large number of violations."

"According to Bingham, four arrests were made."

Abuse of Eminent Domain Debated
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Eminent domain -- the government's Constitutional right to appropriate private property for public use, with fair compensation paid to the property owner"

"At a recent think tank forum on the issue, one participant cited "the unholy and unethical alliance of business and government" that has expanded eminent domain to include the government-backed, forced taking of private property not for public use, but for commercial use by private companies, ostensibly in the public interest."

Rosie Waves Goodbye: Will You Miss Her?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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YES - "It's sad to see her go. Her departure will leave a huge void in daytime TV."

NO - "Her hypocritical stance on gun control was enough to keep many people from watching. O'Donnell is such a hypocrite that it was amazing she lasted this long. Good riddance!"

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Rosie O'Donnell

ID: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The results from the Idaho 2002 Primary Election Candidate Survey. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 28, 2002.

KY: Primary Election Candidate Survey Results (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The results from the Kentucky 2002 Primary Election Candidate Survey. Primary voting date: Tuesday, May 28, 2002.

TN: Pro-gun Friend Running For State Legislature (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A great friend of gun owners is running for the Tennessee House of Representatives this year. Chuck Bates is a talk show co-host in Memphis who has presented the constitutional view of the Second Amendment to his audiences on countless occasions."

"Chuck is the only candidate opposing the incumbent in the primary. The incumbent, Joe Kent, needs to go."

State Farm and Prudential Don't Like Guns (Update)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Gary Atkinson, a South Carolina businessman, and Del Bruno, a Connecticut cop, have had a common problem. When their insurance companies found out that they were involved with guns, they had their insurance coverage canceled."

Homeland Insecurity: Gunning For The Inevitable
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"...what can be done to stop the inevitable suicide bombers?"

"Well, how about trying an idea that works. No country has been plagued with suicide bombers as much as Israel. What have they done to help slow down the attacks on innocent civilians? They recently issued up to 60,000 gun permits so that ordinary citizens can drop perpetrators who try to set off bombs."

GOA Blasts Transportation Department For Refusing To Arm Pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The administration has just given the American people the 'middle finger,'" said GOA Director of Communications Erich Pratt. "A majority of the American people support arming pilots. A majority of pilots support it, as does the U.S. Congress which last year passed legislation allowing pilots to be armed."

Gun control has not made England safer
Submitted by: Jason Roberts

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--I was especialy glad to see this in a Liberal newspaper (The Boston Globe). An article about how England's anti-self-defense laws have caused crime to increase. This oughta wake some people up!

"Public safety is not enhanced by depriving individuals of their right to personal safety." --Joyce Lee Malcolm

DE: 'If you want to carry a gun, go somewhere else'
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Lawmakers will consider one bill that, according to its sponsor, would give Delaware the toughest penalties in the country for using a gun while committing a felony."

"Another bill would require gun dealers to include locking devices in all handgun sales. It would prohibit the sale of any handgun made before Dec. 31 of this year without an external safety lock. Any handgun manufactured after Dec. 31 could not be sold unless it has a built-in mechanical safety device."

OK: Terrorism triggers rise in gun sales
Submitted by: serinde

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"Since the Sept. 11 attacks, Oklahomans have been rushing to buy firearms."

"What we see today is a much more focused gun-buyer. They know that terrorism is a fact of our era now."

"buyers want ... handguns small enough to be carried easily and inconspicuously ... we aren't really seeing a lot more first-time buyers. What we're really seeing is people who already have guns buying smaller ones ... and a lot of multiple purchases."

Airport Nat'l Guard Troops Ordered to Patrol with Unloaded Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"National Guard troops patrolling Pennsylvania airports for more than seven months after the September 11 terrorist attacks were carrying unloaded weapons..."

"At 16 airports across the state, the troops were banned from patrolling with loaded weapons, according to guardsmen interviewed by The Philadelphia Inquirer for Sunday editions. Instead, the guardsmen carried loaded magazines on their belts."

The reason? Commanders said, "We don't want any John Waynes."

WA: 'Trailers cannot be a permanent place of residence'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Codes are designed to uphold the public interest. But when they are applied to the individual case, they seem unfair," he said. "Our system of laws are designed to protect the majority."

--Glad to see that the majority continue to be protected from themselves...

OR: Grant County's Fury over U.N. Law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The U.N. ballot measure claimed the U.N. Charter promotes seizure of small arms and private land, worldwide taxation and "one-world controlled education of our children." All that's both untrue and just plain weird, but 58% of voters went ahead and demanded that the U.N. stay out of Grant County anyway."

--Untrue? Wierd? Not really.

Man-made Government Officials
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An armed citizenry is a reminder of who is the master.

Also - get a FREE wallpaper to Promote the Bill of Rights!

Guns in the cockpit?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"There are ample measures that can be taken to improve airline security. But giving pilots guns would introduce new risks to aircraft safety, despite the good intentions of the pilots' unions." -- Opinion of The Times Union

VA: Eminent Domain Powers Invoked
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Arlington County Manager Rod Carlee threatened the owners of a 465-unit apartment building with the use of eminent domain if the owners did not sell the property to a development organization specializing in low-income housing."

"The importance to the County of [the Gates of Arlington] cannot be underestimated and to that end I am prepared to consider the use of the County's power of eminent domain to acquire the property."

WA: Arrest warrant issued for Centralia man who killed burglar
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The rural Centralia man who shot and killed an apparent burglar outside his home last month was not arrested and taken into custody Friday as the Lewis County prosecutor expected, because he is apparently attending an out-of-state car show this holiday weekend. An arrest warrant was issued Friday for Oliver Glenn Hooker, 65, who was charged with first-degree manslaughter."

Community, Responsibility, Liberty: A Civics Lesson
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Liberty is the freedom to do anything you choose, as long as it does not deprive any other person of those rights mentioned above. You may not deprive any other person of his life, threaten his life, or take his property, without expecting retaliation from the community. Laws made by men should be designed toward those ends, and not to deprive any man of his right to liberty, as some laws do today." --Darrel Mulloy

VA: Robbery and Homicide on the rise in Richmond
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"There's no doubt that the Richmond area is seeing a new surge in robberies. The question is, why? ... those who have studied these violent offenders can only form educated theories about what's driving this spike in robberies and a parallel jump in homicides."

--Awww, what's the matter? "Project Exile" not working out as hoped? Try ARMING the CITIZENS.

LA: Girls, Aged 12 and 14, Accused of Killing 16-Year-Old
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Seven to 10 boys and girls attacked Smith on Marais Street in the Ninth Ward, and one stabbed her with a steak knife."

--Look Mom, No Guns!

"The younger girl would face juvenile charges: If she is convicted, she would get "juvenile life," or incarceration until she is 21."

--So she spends her entire youth in prison and then is let free to undoubtedly victimize others.

El Salvador: Toy gun does the job
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"El Salvador long has been portrayed as a violent land of men with guns, but one security guard in a dangerous suburb of the capital used a toy pistol on the job, and no one knew the difference. The fake weapon was discovered by National Civil Police among unregistered arms being used by security agencies, officials said on Friday."

"The ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination." --Voltaire (Source:

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