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Newslinks for 5/27/2009

Sotomayor Nomination an Obama Slap at Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The nomination of Second Circuit Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court is a slap at gun rights and the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"Judge Sotomayor, a New York native, ruled on a Second Circuit Appeals Court panel that the Second Amendment is not a fundamental right and does not apply to the states in the case of Maloney v. Cuomo. This ruling is in direct conflict with a Ninth Circuit Court ruling in the Nordyke v. King case in California that the Second Amendment is incorporated through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment." ...

Surprise! Obama nominates liberal to Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Claude Raines declared in the film Casablanca that he was 'Shocked' that gambling was going on at Humphrey Bogart’s nightclub, it became one of the most oft-repeated sarcasms in the American lexicon."

"Well, the whole world must be 'shocked' that Barack Obama has nominated a (gasp!) liberal to replace retiring liberal Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Second District Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, 54, born in the Bronx and a self-proclaimed 'Newyorkrican,' according to the Associated Press, probably will not be a good news justice for gun owners, should the Senate confirm her nomination." ...

Sonia Sotomayor on Gun Rights and Racial Preferences
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"President Barack Obama's announcement that he wants federal appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter comes as something less than a shock. ..."

"But when it comes to her judicial philosophy, there are some real causes for concern. In particular, on ... Second Amendment rights, her record suggests a decidedly illiberal vision of constitutional law." ...

"'It is settled law,' Sotomayor ... held, 'that the Second Amendment applies only to limitations the federal government seeks to impose on this right.' But contrast that with the Ninth Circuit's decision ... which reached a very different conclusion, one that matches the Second Amendment's text, original meaning, and history:" ...

Obama Declares War on America's Gun Owners With Supreme Court Pick
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"President Obama’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a declaration of war against America’s gun owners and the Second Amendment to our Constitution. If gun owners mobilize and unite, it’s possible (though unlikely) to stop this radical nominee." ...
She is one of only three federal appellate judges in America to issue a court opinion saying that the Second Amendment does not apply to states. The case was Maloney v. Cuomo, and it came down this past January.

But when it comes to gun rights, we don’t need to guess. Judge Sotomayor has put in writing what she thinks. President Obama has nominated a radically anti-Second Amendment judge to be our newest Supreme Court justice.


All in Favor of German 'Gun Control,' Raise Your Right Hand
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... [W]ho wouldn't want to trust their lives to a device that interferes with a tool's primary function and depends on multiple layers of approvals and monitoring?" ...

Gun control wrong for all
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congress was eager for its new gun-hating leader to arrive, and they wasted no time. President Obama showed the fine people of the state of Illinois that he hates guns as he worked so diligently to disarm the people in their own homes. Next stop Washington! Creating the next step in the disarmament of America will probably be the high point of his political career -- that is, if we the people are too weak to stand up for ourselves."

"We were introduced to HR45 (Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sales Act) on Jan. 6. This bill is like resurrecting Hitler himself, as it closely mirrors the Nazis' gun control legislation decades ago. This bill openly touts safety in tracking guns being sold ..." ...

Sovereignty 101, Part II: No Alternatives to the State?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sovereignty is a scary concept for some, and as George Bernard Shaw put it, Liberty means responsibility, which is why most men dread it. Well said."

"That's fine, but what, then, is responsibility? From the point of view of a sovereign, I like to put it this way: The right to carry a concealed weapon began with the right to carry our own personal burdens. I think we can all remember people who do not wish to carry burdens, and it is this paternalism they fight for even more than the would fight for freedom. Freedom’s responsibilities begin with carrying our own burdens, but more to the point, insisting on carrying them and kindly refusing the offers of others to lift them from us." ...

Second Amendment is not about hunting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I am writing in response to the hunter who in these crazy times would give the government unlimited power to register, regulate and/or confiscate law-abiding people’s guns and ammunition. At this time, very few people trust anything the government is doing or has done. Does anybody even know what our government may be like a year from now, let alone 10? Can anybody tell me what our government does well?"

"Just a short time ago the head of the Department of Homeland Security had to apologize for a leaked memo to law enforcement naming half the country as possible domestic terrorists. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. It’s about our protection from enemies, both domestic and foreign. ..." ...

Crisis spurs spike in 'suburban survivalists' -- What? We can't blame the NRA and paranoid gun nuts?
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Go here and read liberal heresy. Note two things. First, that these are not your 'traditional bitter clingers,' hence whatever is panicking them is NOT the NRA. Second, they don't even mention firearms, but you can bet Great Aunt Tizzie's voluminous bra that folks who are buying supplies are, at least some of them, buying firearms too."

"In my neck of the woods, these are what we call 'newbies.'"

III" ...

Why concealed handguns don't result in blood running in the streets
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"The last state mandated report from the Ohio attorney general showed nearly 143,000 concealed handgun licenses had been issued in the Buckeye State since the program's inception in 2004. Considering the substantial increase for 2008 over the previous year, it is safe to assume that the number is over 150,000 by now."

"When concealed carry was being considered, those opposed to such licensing claimed that it would lead to shootouts over soccer matches and fender benders, that CCW holders would be dropping their guns at the mall leading to accidental discharges, that cops would be killed during routine traffic stops and that violence in Ohio would skyrocket. Five years later, that still hasn't happened. So why haven't more guns led to more violence?" ...

AK: Open Carry Day is Today
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Today is Open Carry Day on the Kenai Peninsula. The event is being sponsored by the Second Amendment Task Force of the Kenai Peninsula. One of the organizers is Scott Hamann of Nikiski. He explained that, too often, weapons are portrayed in a negative light through the media. He said today's event is to help show the positive aspects of guns. He said the event would start at the parking lot of Borough Hall in Soldotna at 2:30 p.m. He said those involved with the event would frequent several establishments as the carry their weapons. Congressman Don Young will also be participating in the event. An open carry day has previously taken place in Fairbanks. The Fairbanks event was also attended by Congressman Don Young, wearing a sidearm.

Try announcing you're unarmed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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To The Editor: I suspect that one reason there are not more home invasions is the fact that potential intruders fear what might be behind the door. If the anti-gun advocates really practice what they preach, then post a large sign in your yard informing all that “There are no guns in this house. You have nothing to fear. We trust everyone.” If you don’t, then you are hiding behind those who do believe in the Second Amendment.

Bill Redmond


CA: Authorities seek killer of popular Arcadia sushi chef
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"Jason Wei lived for his family and his restaurant. ..."

"But on Nov. 25, 2007, Wei was fatally shot by an unknown gunman as he worked behind the sushi bar at the restaurant ..."

"On Tuesday Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich and Arcadia police officials publicized a $20,000 reward being offered for information leading to a conviction in the robbery and homicide." ...

"Arcadia police Det. Dan Crowther said it was unclear why the suspect shot Wei, given that everyone in the restaurant had cooperated."

"'There was no resistance,' Crowther said. 'There was no reason to fire his weapon.'" ...

Submitter's Note: But the pro-criminal anti-defense cowards like Josh Sugarman will tell you every time that you don't need to defend yourself because if you just don't resist the criminal will never hurt you.

Gun control and the Republican party (Part 2)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In recent times, gun owners and the Republican party (GOP) have had a mutually beneficial relationship. By the same token, when the GOP is out of power in Washington, gun owners suffer. But what if the Democrat party was rehabilitated? While this would benefit self-defense supporters, it would devastate the GOP." ...

FL: Gov. Crist likely to veto $6 million raid on gun fund
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The $66.5-billion state budget Gov. Charlie Crist will sign Wednesday is likely to appease at least one vocal Florida constituency: gun owners."

"Crist will sign a budget balanced with $2-billion in tax and fee increases, including a dollar-a-pack increase in the cigarette tax, the first such tax hike since 1990. But he plans to veto a $6-million transfer, or what critics call a 'raid,' on a fund backed by fees that people pay to seek or renew their concealed weapons permits, which are valid for seven years." ...

NY: .50 caliber weapons ban: Your Stories Q&A
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"This Your Stories Q&A will come as a relief to some hunters around central New York."

"State lawmakers may ban some large caliber weapons, but there’s an important exception written into a bill now under consideration in Albany."

"This bill, not yet a law, has been passed by the full state assembly, and it's now in the Senate Codes Committee. And while it does ban the sale, possession and use of .50 caliber weapons, new language added to the bill specifically excludes one category of these large caliber weapons."

"Muzzle-loading rifles used by a lot of deer hunters are not affected by the pending legislation." ...

KABA Note: Don't worry Elmer, your gun is safe. For now . . .

NY: Second Amendment Rights In Jeopardy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"... I was appalled that the Assembly voted a day before scheduled. I was horrified to think this may have been a tactic used by our representatives to avoid hearing from the NYS sportsmen en route to protest these anti-gun bills ..."

"I was walking through the fields with my mom and dad ... blithely unaware of the bleak political dangers waving like a falling flag over the horizon. My dad carries his cell phone and pistol for safety reasons (he has come upon bears in the area which is natural unless they charge). His phone rang. It was a fellow hunting buddy who was outraged after reading the article. At the end of the conversation Dad grimaced and said, 'Don't cuss in church, and say a prayer for our Constitution.'" ...

This is how the BATFE keeps us safe
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The [ATF] is a busy agency. What with railroading owners of malfunctioning rifles into prison and 'arresting' gun parts, they're hard-pressed to trace the guns seized in Mexico ('700-weapon backlog') ..."

"One would think, then, that the agency would be careful to concentrate on priorities; to--I don't know--focus on dangerous criminals (well, those, and people whose semi-automatic rifles malfunction). One would be wrong, though."

"Wrong, that is, unless one agrees with the BATFE's apparent position, that attaching a handle to a pistol is such a nefarious, sinister action that it justifies a 10 year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine."

"I'm not making this up--from the BATFE themselves:" ...

IN: Elkhart police officer facing OWI charges after crashing squad car
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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"A late night accident on the Elkhart County-St. Joseph County line ended with a police car in pieces, and an Elkhart City police officer behind bars. Police arrested Cpl. Benjamin Kruszynski, 38, on a misdemeanor charge of Operating While Intoxicated." ...

Elkhart Police say Kruszynski was behind the wheel of a marked Elkhart Police squad car when the vehicle left the road and hit two fences and a tree. ..."

"Police also say Kruszynski wasn't alone in the squad car. A 43-year-old man and three 18-year-old females were also inside. ..." ...

"Cpl. Kruszynski was arrested at the scene for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. He was ... administered a breathalyzer test that registered 0.12." ...

TN: Bystander Hurt When Officer Tries To Fend Off Dogs
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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"A good portion of South Greer was blocked off by police as they investigated what happened when an officer responded to a dogs loose call Tuesday morning."

"Somehow two dogs at 111 Greer got loose, A pit bull puppy and full adult pitbull."

"'He did see two dogs running down the sidewalk. He attempted to pick up the puppy. That's when he was charged at by the adult dog.' says Monique Martin with Memphis Police."

"Police say the officer fired his shotgun several times at the aggressive adult dog."

"Neither dog was hit, but a neighbor across the street on his porch was."

"It appears one of the pellets ricocheted. That debris struck him in the thumb." says Martin." ...

OH: Does exercising your rights mean you have something to hide?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We have reached a new low when it comes to the Federal government's overzealous attempts to fight crime. According to a recent news story, the FBI and police in Westerville, Ohio are going to try and enforce a ban on wearing a hood, hat, sunglasses or use of a cell phone inside local banks." ...

"You can bet as soon as the first person is harassed after wearing a hat into their local bank, the powers that be will claim that people 'with nothing to hide' don't have a reason to fight the policy. That is a more and more common argument used by authority when they want to force compliance with an unconstitutional policy, or a policy that interferes with someone's civil rights." ...

Canada: Prosecutors lax in cases against cops
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"So the Calgary Crown prosecutors office decided to stay the prosecution of Cst. Aubrey Zalaski for Tasering a jaywalker."

"What a surprise."

"One of the biggest obstacles in the mission to ensure that police are held accountable when they commit criminal assaults on citizens is often the Crown Prosecutors Office."

"... This is the same Crown prosecutors office that decided that criminal charges were not warranted in the case of the Tasering and punching (with a Taser) of Randy Fryingpan. This is the same Crown prosecutors office that decided that the assault on Kristen Wilson on Whyte Avenue, despite the photographic evidence, did not warrant a criminal prosecution." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

OH: Months later, Ohio journalist's report continues to educate viewers on the dangers of 'gun-free' zones
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As we reported earlier this month, more Americans than ever oppose new government efforts to regulate guns, in spite of the best efforts of the media propaganda machine's anti-gun bias."

"There is also growing evidence that the years of pro-gun advocates' warnings about the danger of declaring spaces to be 'gun free' zones ... is also starting to penetrate."

"Thanks to a story by WCPO (Cincinnati ABC) reporter Brendan Keefe aired late last year, thousands of viewers in the greater Cincinnati area were exposed to a fact that the establishment media is normally fond of suppressing:"

"The vast majority of multiple victim public shootings occur in so-called 'gun-free' zones." ...

The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society. — HENRIK IBSEN (1877)

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