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Newslinks for 5/27/2013

Gays with Guns: A Growing Subculture?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Gays and guns seem as likely to go together as Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey. As a culture, even under attack, we are a peaceful lot -- you catch more bees with honey, right?
"Wrong," says Gwendolyn Patton of Pink Pistols, a group that advocates gun ownership for the LGBT community. With taglines like "pick on someone your own caliber," and "armed gays don’t get bashed," Patton says Pink Pistols changes the perception that gay people are easy victims.

Submitter's comment: Typical leftist crap: First you create a stereotype and then you act surprised and shocked when reality doesn't mesh with your fantasy.

CA: Sacramento Police Investigating Death in Custody (with video)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A man taken into custody by the Sacramento Police Department has died, according to the police department.
Video obtained by CBS13 of the arrest on the 8300 block of Folsom Boulevard shows a suspect being restrained by a male officer’s legs, while a female officer strikes him 10 times with a baton.
According a statement from Sacramento Police Department, a man in his early 40s entered the Metro PCS store and made unintelligible statements to a female employee. She called 911 fearing for her safety.

Submitter's comment: They refer to the deceased only as the suspect. What he's suspected of? Mumbling unintelligibly?

FL: Can Fort Lauderdale compel background checks at gun show?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A showdown is brewing between Fort Lauderdale and the Ohio-based company that has long held gun shows at the city-owned War Memorial Auditorium."

"The city has clamped down on the arms-bazaar excesses of the show, and a lawyer for Suncoast Gun Shows say city officials may have gone too far this month with a move requiring background checks for all gun sales at the show. That would halt private sales previously exempt from background checks." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks: Why is a column using judgmental terms like "arms-bazaar excesses" appearing under the "News" category instead of "Opinion"?

FL: Second Amendment group sues Chief Chitwood, Daytona, over seized guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Second Amendment group is suing the city of Daytona Beach on behalf of a combat veteran whose firearms the group claims were seized illegally by police.

Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry Inc., also said the U.S. Army veteran's Second Amendment rights had been violated and that police had no warrant when they entered the man's home and confiscated 16 firearms. The veteran, whom Caranna would not name, served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FL: Zimmerman attorneys: Texts show Trayvon Martin 'hostile' day of shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Text messages sent from Trayvon Martin's cell phone the day he was killed show he had been arguing with someone on the phone and was "hostile," attorneys for George Zimmerman wrote in a recent court filing.

Zimmerman's lawyers argue the texts are relevant to the case, in which the unarmed teenager was fatally shot by the neighborhood watch volunteer during a confrontation in a Sanford, Florida, neighborhood in February 2012.

CO: Most productive session in a generation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We supported reasonable measures to make our neighborhoods safer by making it harder for criminals and other dangerous people to obtain guns, while also protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

Ed.: A poll where you may grade the legislative session--so far, 'D-F' is winning by a landslide.

IL: Great Guns!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mr. LaPierre attempts to convince us that background checks wouldn’t have prevented Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson and other shooting tragedies. My question to you, Mr. LaPierre is, how in the hell do you know that? Frankly, I think he’s starting to see the handwriting on the wall and is afraid of what it is saying. As a result, he’ll say anything, do anything, and tell lies, and hope that by sheer bombast, we’ll believe him.

With high-tech guns, users could disable remotely
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The new Yardarm Technologies LLC system would trigger an alarm on an owner's cellphone if a gun is moved, and the owner could then hit a button to activate the safety and disable the weapon. New guns would come with a microchip on the body and antennas winding around the grip. It would add about $50 to the cost of a gun, and about $12 a year for the service.

"The idea is to connect gun owners more directly with their guns, no matter what the circumstance," said Yardarm CEO Robert Stewart.

ME: Shortsighted and dangerous
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legislation introduced by Rep. Aaron Libby, R-Waterboro, LD 660, that would repeal Maine law requiring a permit for concealed carry, is a shortsighted and a dangerous step in the wrong direction in the efforts to make our communities more safe.

But don’t take it from me. The stance of the Maine Chiefs of Police Association on the bill reveals that the very law enforcement officials whose jobs Libby seeks to make easier are among the bill’s most vocal opponents. The dangers of sanctioning concealed carry for any interested individual without requiring a thorough background check should be obvious — but apparently are not to Libby.

AK: Fairbanks experiencing ammunition shortage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's common knowledge among frequent customers that Tuesdays are ammo days at Sportsman's Warehouse in Fairbanks.

Ammunition shipments usually arrive on Tuesdays at the Johansen Expressway store. Popular calibers, such as .22 and .308, generally sell out in minutes despite a store-imposed limit of three small boxes or one large box per customer, hunting department manager Jason Kohfeld said. What used to be a three-week supply of ammunition sells in less than a week.

OH: Columbus eyes limits on 'lookalike' weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Concerns that air guns are being mistaken for high-velocity firearms are prompting Columbus officials to consider changes in the city's weapons laws.

Low-velocity weapons have been brandished in more than 20 incidents this year, The Republic reported. Most of the cases involved preteens or young teenage boys, but one involved an 8-year-old.

NJ: Court Upholds Man Arrested For Visible Gun Case In Car
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Motorists driving through New Jersey can be subjected to a warrantless search if their luggage is similar in appearance to a gun case, an appellate court ruled last week. The Superior Court's Appellate Division upheld a five year prison sentence against Dustin S. Reininger, a former police officer who was in the process of moving from Maine to Texas when a Readington Township police officer recognized the cases in the back of Reininger's vehicle as the sort that usually carries a rifle.

MO: Man shot, killed in Douglas County in likely case of self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man is dead in Douglas County after a shooting the sheriff said is probably justifiable.

According to Douglas County Sheriff Chris Degase, Steven Compton, 59, was killed by a gunshot wound Friday night during a dispute with three family members.

Degase said he does not expect to make an arrest because the shooting appeared to be in self defense. However, he said he is still waiting for the results of an autopsy. He said he expected the autopsy to be completed early this week.

DE: No resolution in sight in debate on gun-control laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So you can ignore gun rights advocates when they rhetorically ask “What part of the Second Amendment’s ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?” No justices think Second Amendment rights are absolute any more than they think freedom of speech allows people to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater or freedom of religion allows people to conduct human sacrifices.

MO: Missouri Action Alert: Help Push the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act Over the Finish Line
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But work remains to make Second Amendment preservation a reality in Missouri. The legislature transmitted the bill to Gov. Jay Nixon on May 22. That gives him until July 6 (45 days) to make a decision on the bill. Should he veto the measure, the legislature will reconvene in September and consider an override.

Sources close to the Tenth Amendment Center indicate Nixon does not want nullification to become a reality in Missouri. But he has political considerations to take into account.

MO: Mo. Gov. May Allow Gun Control Nullification to Pass Without His Signature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When asked about Governor Nixon’s intention, a source inside his office told The New American that in an effort to avoid multiplying the several scandals already plaguing his administration, Nixon would likely let the bill sit on his desk without signing or vetoing it, thus allowing the measure to become law without his participation.

DE: NRA fights ruling on guns in public housing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Having lost a federal court battle over restrictions on guns in Wilmington public housing, plaintiffs backed by the National Rifle Association have asked an appeals court to send the matter back to Delaware courts.

Memorial Day offers a refresher on freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Memorial Day reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice made by so many in the armed defense of liberty and self-rule. We pause on this day to remember and to thank all of those who have served and fought against the dark forces of totalitarianism in all its incarnations.

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson, Encyclopedia of T. Jefferson, 318, Foley, Ed., reissued 1967.

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