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Newslinks for 5/28/2009

Obama's Court Nomination Validates America's Rush to Buy Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"President Barack Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court validates the concerns of millions of American citizens who have been rushing to gun shops for the past seven months, fearing their Second Amendment rights are in jeopardy, the [CCRKBA] said today."

"Judge Sotomayor was part of a Second Circuit Court panel that ruled in January that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states, in Maloney v. Cuomo. That is in direct conflict with a Ninth Circuit opinion earlier this spring in Nordyke v. King that the Second Amendment is incorporated to the states, and therefore does place limits on states' ability to regulate the individual right ..." ...

Political extremists start smearing a would-be Supreme
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The right launched its own 'Borking' on Tuesday moments after President Obama announced his nomination of U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayer to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter." ...

"Out of Bellevue, Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation commended Democrats in Congress for 'great strides' in submitting to the agenda of the gun lobby."

"With Sotomayer, however, 'President Obama just demonstrated that he prefers judges who oppose Second Amendment rights,' Gottlieb declared." ...

"Such rhetoric aims to rouse 'the base,' the 21 percent or so of the American electorate that still identifies with the Republican Party. The base is elderly, white, resentful and male." ...

Sotomayor's Court Record: Lame or Controversial?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In initial reviews of Sotomayor’s court record, a trend emerges: many of her questionable court decisions have been made per curiam, or, as part of an unsigned decision made by a group of judges, while the decisions she signs her name to are relatively unremarkable." ...

"... According to her, if a state denies the right of its constituents to own guns, as is guaranteed by the Constitution, the Supreme Court cannot overturn that decision. Sotomayor is one of only three judges in America to hold this opinion, though again, she did not sign it."

"'Now, really, all aspects of the guns rights issues are up for grabs, and whether it applies to 50 states,' said Kurt Levy at the Institute for Justice. ..." ...

Is Sotomayor Obama's 'declaration of war' on gun owners?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "A few personal observations:"

"The scariest thing I've heard her say is how 'policy is made' at the U.S. Court of Appeals. I'm also of the mind that the law should be indifferent to sex and heritage. Her assertion that 'a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion' than a 'white male' judge' is just plain offensive. To those who say it's not, ask them to reverse the assumption."

"But what did we expect? Obama is going to nominate who he thinks he can get confirmed. If not this candidate, then who? And don't forget that Sotomayor was originally placed on a federal bench at the recommendation of Bush the Elder ..." ...

Why Sonia Sotomayor is simply wrong for the Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While she is certainly an example of what someone with drive and ambition can achieve in America, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is someone who should not serve on the highest court in the land."

"Gun rights activists are already lobbying hard against Sotomayor’s nomination, not only because her position on the Second Amendment is clearly spelled out in this year’s Second Circuit ruling in Maloney v. Cuomo, but because she is an unabashed liberal activist judge, and such judges – as a Washington Times editorial points out – are typically bad news for the country."

"This goes deeper than a gun rights issue, however."

"There is more than a subtle hint that Judge Sotomayor may be something of a bigot ..." ...

Liberals out of touch with reality regarding gun control
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"The Daily Item of Sunbury, PA ran an interesting editorial today, 'Lobby too strong for gun control.' In it is the usual lamenting about the liberal agenda of gun bans not being popular with the peasants (I mean, people) and illustrates the delusions of liberal elites when it comes to gun control." ...

"'Unwilling to adopt even modest legislation.' Apparently, the more than 20,000 gun laws in this country don't even make the grade. The myriad of 'may issue' states ... numerous victim disarmament zones restricting guns only from those inclined to follow the law in the first place ... and many, many more gun laws don't even rise to the level of modestly meeting the goals of the gun grabbers." ...

Suppressors (aka 'silencers') are for safety
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday's article was about the strict federal regulation of a safety device (improved ergonomics lead to better stability and control, and the better a firearm is controlled, the safer it is). In a comment, a reader pointed out another firearm safety device that is even more strictly regulated by the federal government (with, in many states, additional regulation by the state--to the point of outright bans)."

"I refer, of course, to suppressors. As with vertical fore grips, the BATFE enthusiastically enforces their interpretation of laws regulating suppressors, to the extent that they have prosecuted (persecuted?) people because they possessed rubber washers--supposedly 'unregistered silencer parts.'" ...

Community College Coed Under Fire For Proposing Concealed Carry By Students
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A student who wants to form a gun-rights group at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) has been threatened with disciplinary action for her efforts. Student Christine Brashier has turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help after reporting that administrators banned her informational pamphlets, ordered her to destroy all copies of them, and told her that further 'academic misconduct' would not be tolerated." ...

"Great reading. A fascinating case. Ms. Brashier is being singled out because the university administration doesn't like the Second Amendment."

"And they can't do that." ...

When do you actually own a new gun?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When do you own your new gun? While less than 1% of checks sent through [NICS] are turned down, one such denial has turned up an interesting question. An Examiner colleague of mine, Brigette Rodriguez, alerted me to a local gun dealer who contends that only after you buy the gun can he submit the request for the background check. His reasoning is that since you have to attest on the form that you are the buyer of the gun ... you must have consummated the purchase for him to legally run the background check. He had a woman who failed the background check. He explained to her that although she paid for the gun, he could not legally let her have possession. To help out however, he would resell it for her for a 20% commission." ...

Parks just got a bit less serene
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An unfortunate and misguided amendment just passed Congress that allows loaded and even concealed firearms to be carried in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges."

"Sen. Tom Coburn ... did not have the courage to introduce such important legislation as a stand-alone bill that could be thoughtfully debated and voted on. Instead, he offered it as an amendment to the unrelated Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights Act which was certain of passage. The long-standing practice in nearly all National Parks is that firearms are required to be unloaded and stored. That seems very reasonable ... Supporters of the bill, including the NRA, said it was about States' Rights and the Second Amendment." ...

Lobby too strong for gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Our nation is faced with a gun crime crisis, but there is little reason to believe the problem will ever lead to legislation that tramples rights enshrined in the Second Amendment. On the contrary, elected officials wary of falling afoul of the gun rights lobby have been unwilling to adopt even modest legislation that would make it more difficult for criminals to get weapons."

"Yet, the perceived threat posed by a liberal in the White House is fueling a run on ammunition, gun shop owners report. This over-heated reaction is usually fanned by the gun lobby ..."

"Most gun control measures under consideration are tailored toward stemming the crisis of inner-city crime." ...

Submitter's Note: See the Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner's piece on this balderdash.

'Assault rifles' found in Austin dumpster, or media bias?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"KVUE reported that on Tuesday, police found 'assorted parts from assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition' in a dumpster in north Austin."

"However, the Statesman reported that police found 'eight upper receivers for an AR-15 rifle' and 'about 2,000 rifle rounds.' KXAN reported that while 'AR-15 receivers' were found, there were no parts with serial numbers."

"Mark Wilson ... of the [ATF] said they found 8 upper receivers with barrels for AR-15 semi-automatic rifles. When an AR-15 is fired by pulling the trigger, a new round of ammunition is fed into the upper receiver ... Therefore, upper receivers are a passive component group, which is why the ATF does not classify them as firearm." ...

OK: Oklahoma City Home Owner Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: Don Essary

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One person is dead in south Oklahoma City where a homeowner says he found an intruder in his house and opened fire.

The homeowner shot and killed the man, the wife of the homeowner said.

About 11:30 a.m. Scott Henson, a machinist, went home for lunch, 2200 SW 57, his wife Delores Henson said.

Her husband has a concealed weapon permit and found the intruder inside.

Authorities confirmed one person is dead of a gunshot wound at the scene.

In violent society, we must be free to arm ourselves
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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In response to the May 22 letter about gun control and assault weapons ("There's little to celebrate about booming gun business"), I have one response: the Second Amendment of our Constitution.

We have the right to secure and bear arms. People are buying more guns today in response to the growing violence in our society. Sometimes it comes down to kill or be killed.

We need better screening to secure a gun permit, but we don't need further gun control that only hurts the law-abiding citizen. Criminals can get any type of gun with no problem whatsoever.

I never thought I'd consider purchasing a gun. But society is becoming an increasingly violent place to live.

OH: Toledo police layoffs leading to gun buying
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The first round of Toledo police layoffs, in which 75 officers were let go, may already be having an affect on gun ownership."

"'I just don't feel safe with the amount they're laying off,' says Jonna Ewing. 'I think it's going to be a longer respond time.'"

"She is spending the day at a conceal carry class. She's been thinking of getting a gun for awhile, but feels now's the time due to the recent layoffs."

"She's not alone. ..."

"Tom Urbanski runs Ski's Firearms Training & Consulting. He also teaches the conceal carry classes."

"For him, the layoffs mean big business as people are taking safety into their own hands." ...

Armed self-defense: Beyond the basics
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Observer

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"As the fifth in the 'Armed self-defense' series intended for both long-time shooters and the many new gun owners created by the Obama administration, this segment examines slightly more advanced techniques as taught by veteran instructors Tom Iradi and Scott Mauldin of Eagle Rock Training Systems." ...

"This course, 'Practical/Tactical Phase II' (P/T II), covered:"

"Turns and pivots intended for threats to the side or behind;"

"Movement while shooting, including forward, aft and laterally;"

"Use of cover on both strong hand and support hand sides; and"

"Complex exercises encompassing most of the above plus emergency reloads." ...

OK: Oklahoma City pharmacist charged with murder in teen's death
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"An Oklahoma City pharmacist who shot and killed a 16-year-old would-be robber has been charged with first-degree murder."

"... District Attorney David Prater said Wednesday that ... Jerome Ersland was justified in shooting Antwun Parker once in the head on May 19. But Prater says Ersland went too far when he shot Parker five more times in the abdomen while Parker lay unconscious on the floor."

"Ersland's attorney ... says Ersland was protecting himself and two women inside the pharmacy."

"Prater showed a security video in which two men burst into the pharmacy and one being shot. Ersland is seen chasing the second man outside before returning, walking past Parker to get a second gun then going back to Parker and opening fire."

Coming Soon to a City Near You
Submitted by: Larry

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"In November of 2008, millions of American voters went to the polls and voted for "change." Many are beginning to realize that very little has actually changed. When those who run the state apparatus begin to realize a lack of confidence in their abilities to control, drastic measures are often employed." ...

"The 'change' since the election, as I see it, is: a much larger national debt, ever expanding wars in the Middle East, a greater threat to personal liberty, a huge increase in gun sales, a national shortage of ammo, and rapidly increasing fuel prices. Is that the 'change' Americans voted for?" ...

Obama’s Transportation Secretary Says He Wants to ‘Coerce People Out of Their Cars’ -- Is Turnabout Fair Play?
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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The moderator of the press club event asked LaHood: “Some in the highway-supporters motorist groups have been concerned by your livability initiative. Is this an effort to make driving more torturous and to coerce people out of their cars?”

LaHood answered: “It is a way to coerce people out of their cars. . .

Hmmm. So, is turnabout fair play? Here's how somebody in Pakistan tried to coerce the new President of the country out of HIS car back in September of last year . . . This is how they coerced Iraqi politicians out of their cars back in 2006. Is this what LaHood has in mind?

Just wondering.

FL: Rep. Drake Applauds Gov. Crist For Budget Vetoes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Representative Brad Drake, R- Eucheeanna, today applauded the Governor’s stand for state employees and for Floridian’s second amendment rights, by vetoing the proposed two percent state employee’s pay reduction and the concealed weapons trust fund raid." ...

"As well, according to Rep. Drake, the Governor appropriately stood up for the protection of second amendment rights as he vetoed the raid on the Concealed Weapons and Firearm Trust Fund. 'Monies collected in the concealed weapons trust fund came from gun owners, and should remain dedicated for the specific use of furthering and sustaining the concealed weapons and firearms licensing program, 'period' said Drake. And I appreciate Governor Crist’s recognition of this.'"

Govt: Guns barred from national parks until Feb.
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Not so fast, gun owners. A new law allowing loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges will not take effect until next year, the Obama administration said Friday."

"President Barack Obama signed the gun law without comment Friday as part of a measure creating new rules for the credit card industry."

"A spokeswoman for the Interior Department said that because the credit card law won't take effect until nine months after it is signed, the gun measure also will be delayed." ...

"Until then, rules adopted under the Reagan administration will remain in place. The rules severely restrict guns in the national parks, generally requiring that guns be locked or stored in a glove compartment or trunk." ...

TX: Senate passes gun rights resolution
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Texas Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 54 ... to express opposition to federal legislation infringing on the individual right to keep and bear arms."

"'I filed this resolution to reassert our constitutional right to keep and bear arms,' said Estes. 'The Second Amendment is fundamental to the founding of our republic and a cornerstone to our personal freedoms.'"

"The resolution reasserts our 'right to keep and bear arms to protect oneself, one's family, and one’s possessions from either the lawlessness of other persons or the tyranny of the government.'"

"Senate Concurrent Resolution 54 specifically opposes federal gun control legislation ..."

PA: Public divided on city's gun reporting plan
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Rev. Bill Worley is a deer hunter with a passion for firearms, but the pastor ... said Tuesday night he has no problem with a proposed city regulation of lost or stolen firearms."

"'This is a no-brainer. This is just common sense,' Worley said of a proposed ordinance that would require gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms within 72 hours of discovery."

"Worley ... was one of about 10 speakers who addressed the proposal now before Lancaster City Council." ...

"Speakers at Tuesday's meeting were divided between those who see it as a tool to help keep illegal guns off city streets and those who dismissed the measure." ...

NY: Bullet bill draws heavy fire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Some 200 people jammed into the County Legislature chambers Tuesday night, nearly all to send a message to legislators that a proposed law requiring gun shops to register ammunition sales won't stop crime but could halt re-election bids."

"'The people of your towns, villages and cities are fed up with politics as usual, taxes and politicians who don't listen ...,' said Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association and an NRA board member, to thunderous applause. 'Thank you for pushing a ludicrous gun control issue that has finally helped me rally gun owners.'"

"King estimated there are '35,000 voters in this county who are motivated gun owners.'" ...

FL: Florida governor signs $66.5 billion state budget
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Florida Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed a 2 percent pay cut for about 28,000 state employees Wednesday as he signed an austere $66.5 billion state budget. ..."

"The only other line item Crist vetoed would have shifted $6 million in fees paid by concealed weapons permit applicants to cover that program's expenses to other state spending." ...

"Crist credited Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson ... with persuading him to veto the transfer of money for processing applications including criminal background checks."

"... Bronson wrote the shift could have dropped the concealed weapons trust fund to $2 million - not enough to respond to a recent surge of applications within the 90 days for each permit required by law." ...

NJ: 2 Cops Busted
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two Jersey City cops were arrested down the shore on Memorial Day - one charged with punching a woman and a man in the head, the other with driving while intoxicated after doing nearly 90 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone ..."

"Officer Brian McGovern, a 10-year veteran of the department ... was arrested Monday at around 2 a.m. by the Point Pleasant Beach Police Department and charged with two counts of simple assault ..." ...

"Jersey City Police Officer Kevin Cieslak, a two-year member of the department, was arrested in Belmar by the New Jersey State Police ..."

"Cieslak ... allegedly was involved in a collision with a bread truck and left the scene of the accident, but was pulled over driving 89 miles per hour ..." ...

WI: Aw: Doyle doesn't get his 300% increase on background check fees for handguns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I feel for the guy. I mean, times are tough, and bribes must be hard to come by."
"Background-check fees on handgun purchases would increase less than Gov. Jim Doyle wanted, under a proposal approved by the Legislature’s budget committee."

"The Joint Finance Committee voted 12-4 Tuesday to increase the fee from $8 to $13. Doyle had wanted to raise it to $30."
"It's okay, Jimmy. How about you make yourself feel better by trying to tell us how this would have somehow prevented crime? ... Is it just the recent open carry confirmation that's bugging you? All those pesky little gun nuts obeying the law while you continue to fight all efforts for concealed carry?" ...

OH: Attorney General announces First Quarter 2009 CHL statistics
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2009. The demand for concealed carry licenses has been torrid. It appears that a lot of new gun owners are not content to leave their weapon locked up at home; they want to carry it for self defense."

"The first quarter in 2009 continued the trend of increasing demand at an increasing rate. The 16,323 regular licenses issues was a whopping 139% increase over the same period a year earlier and was the second quarter in a row that demand more than doubled compared with the prior year. ..." ...

ID: Gun laws don't affect crime
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Diana Fassino originally wrote supporting an 'assault' weapons ban. After several writers demonstrated with facts that such a ban was folly, she now shifts position and is opposed to all guns. No surprise."

"I don't really care what the gun crime stats in England are; I don't live there. But I'll play your game. How many deaths were attributed to other weapons, or no weapons at all? Here in the U.S. guns are used in 8 percent of violent crime. Knives are used in 6 percent of violent crime, and they're even more readily available than guns. In 68 percent of violent crime, no weapon is used at all. Wouldn't it make more sense to go after this category—the criminal—where you have the best chance of affecting the crime rate?" ...

All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land. —WILLIAM KINGDON CLIFFORD

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