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Newslinks for 5/29/2009

Obama's Anti-Gun Strategy Is to Stack Courts, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Failing to get traction for his anti-gun agenda in Congress, Barack Obama is trying instead to stack the federal courts with liberal anti-gunners, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."

"'President Obama's gun prohibitionist agenda has fallen on deaf ears on Capitol Hill,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'His administration's attempt to revive the ban on semiautomatic sporting rifles by exploiting the Mexican drug war was a bust. He had to sign legislation allowing guns for personal protection in national parks, even after his Justice Department refused to defend the Interior Department against a lawsuit that prevented an earlier firearms rule from taking effect.'" ...

La Raza Justice
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What would you think of a Supreme Court Justice who would rule that the city of Atlanta could ban entirely the carry or possession of firearms, even in the home, without running afoul of the Constitution's 'right to keep and bear arms?'"

"Enter Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor."

"President Obama announced this week that Judge Sotomayor is his pick to replace Justice Souter. This has gun owners nationwide very concerned. We need to look at a little history to see why." ...

"... even more troubling is a comment on page 4 of the decision that there is no Fourteenth Amendment protection because the right to keep and bear arms is not a fundamental right." ...

Sotomayor's Gun Control Positions Could Prompt Conservative Backlash
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Judge Sonia Sotomayor could walk into a firestorm on Capitol Hill over her stance on gun rights, with conservatives beginning to question some controversial positions she's taken over the past several years on the Second Amendment."

"Earlier this year, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee joined an opinion with the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Second Amendment rights do not apply to the states."

"A 2004 opinion she joined also cited as precedent that 'the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.'"

"Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow with the Family Research Council, called Obama's nomination a 'declaration of war against America's gun owners.'" ...

To right's dismay, NRA stays out of Sotomayor fight
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The [NRA] is staying on the sidelines in the battle over Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, to the dismay of conservative activists who hoped that the gun-rights group would pressure conservative Democratic senators to oppose her." ...

"... the NRA has often stayed aloof because few nominees have taken clear stands in favor of or opposed to the Second Amendment and other laws affecting gun ownership."

"Sotomayor, however, sat on a panel that issued an opinion in a controversial case that could impact gun-owners' rights, Maloney v. Cuomo. Sotomayor and other members of the court ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states, only to the federal government. ..." ...

KABA Note: Maybe they're 'preserving their political capital'.

No Guns For Negroes (video)
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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Another exceptional pro-Second Amendment movie brought to you by JFPO. Best 20 minutes I've spent watching a video in a very long time.

The difference between 'sniper rifles' and 'precision rifles'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Monday's article ... prompted an email from helpful reader Woody Woodward, which has in turn prompted this companion article. Quoted with permission:"
"Back in 2005, the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) decided to split their definition of a 'rifle' into two separate categories, those being; 'patrol rifles' and 'precision rifles'." ...
"Frankly, I don't really care if the police want to refer to their semi-automatic, detachable magazine fed rifles as 'patrol rifles,' and their accurized, scoped rifles as 'precision rifles'--whatever makes them happy. My objection is to the widespread ... assumption that the very same rifles take on an entirely different nature in the hands of private citizens."

Did German 'Smart Gun' Fail on Video?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"On Tuesday, we talked about Armatix, a German company that makes 'digital and biometric authentication' gun locks. The objection, of course, is not to providing gun owners options and choices. It's against companies working with governments to mandate no choice but theirs. And while 'safety' devices can have their place, they should never be relied on as a substitute for training, experience and knowledge."

"Which appears to be unintentionally illustrated in this promotional video:"

"Watch and listen carefully at about 52 seconds into the video. Did you hear a click when the company representative took the gun back and tried to demonstrate it would not fire?"

"Can you think of any other explanation for why it would appear the gun dry-fired ..." ...

Gun supporters say colleges trample protest rights
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Colleges nationwide have unconstitutionally barred students from handing out literature, protesting and gathering in support of the right to carry weapons on campus, students and an advocacy group say."

"Christine Brashier, a freshman at the Community College of Allegheny County near Pittsburgh, said a dean recently told her she had to stop distributing fliers for the group Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, which has chapters at many colleges, and destroy the pamphlets she had designed."

"'I won't be forced into silence. I just wanted to start a student organization. I didn't think it was going to get this much attention,' Brashier said. '... People don't like to hear about suppression of free speech.'" ...

New Prohibition for a new generation
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"'Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.' - Sir Winston Churchill"

"From 1919 to 1933 there was a great social experiment in the United States. Due to continuing pressure from the Temperance Movement, the United States congress moved to pass legislation banning the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. It was thought that this ban would solve issues of drunken violent and reduce crime. It failed."

"... Many believe that this illegal alcohol trade was directly responsible for the rise in power of the Mafia and other forms of organized crime. Finally, in 1933, the failed experiment came to an end, but the damage done would last for decades." ...

First Amendment Rights Trampled in Pittsburgh after Student Advocates for Concealed Carry of Firearms on Campus
Submitted by: Rick Schwqartz

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"Today we report on a college that has egregiously kicked the First Amendment in the teeth. Student Christine Brashier just wants to form a gun-rights group at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), but she has been censored and threatened with disciplinary action for her efforts. FIRE took up her case as soon as we learned that administrators banned her informational pamphlets, ordered her to destroy all copies of them, interrogated her about her legal activities, and told her that further 'academic misconduct' would not be tolerated." ...

Machine guns in Alabama creeks, barreled AR15 uppers and ammo in Texas dumpsters & one EXPENSIVE case of pulchritude.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Howard Nemerov reports here that eight barreled AR15 receivers, 1600 rounds of 5.56 and about 1000 rounds of miscellaneous pistol ammunition were found in an Austin dumpster AND SOMEBODY CALLED THE COPS!!!!!"

"Remember the Jap machineguns in a Bibb County, Alabama creek? Why can't this ever happen to ME????"

"But I can make an educated guess about how those barreled receivers and ammo got into that dumpster."

"Let us join Mr. Peabody and Sherman in the Wayback Machine and journey back to the year 1971. The place is Marion, Ohio. I get a call from a high school buddy who is now a municipal garbage man:"

"'Hey, Mike, you gotta see something.'"


"'No, I can't tell you, you just gotta SEE it.'" ...

TN: State shouldn't stomach gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now that Gov. Phil Bredesen has had his say, vetoing a wrongheaded gun bill that blew its way through the legislature this year, it is time for safety-minded Tennesseans to let their legislators have it with some fully loaded common sense."

"Let the veto stand."

"Bredesen admirably vetoed the shameful bill today that would allow people to carry guns into restaurants that serve alcohol as long as the gun-toter isn't drinking. The veto was not a foregone conclusion. Bredesen has never exactly been hostile to the gun lobby. ... So this governor can't be branded as someone who's interested in wiping out Second Amendment rights, as gun enthusiasts often claim of those who are simply concerned about safety." ...

TX: Fearing for life, pharmacist kills gunman
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Once inside, the gunman handed the note to a clerk behind the counter, Police Chief William McManus said. The clerk was one of three people inside the pharmacy at the time of the robbery attempt. The others were the pharmacy owner, 62-year-old Bill Wynn, and his wife."

"The details about what happened next are unclear, but McManus said the clerk was able to inform the pharmacy owner of the attempted robbery. Wynn, who had been robbed before, somehow managed to arm himself with a gun."

"That's when McManus said the robber uttered his last words: 'Let's get it on.'"

"Police said Wynn reacted quickly, shooting the gunman in the chest."

"'I was scared to death,' Wynn later said, declining to comment further." ...

OH: Headline: More women buying and carrying handguns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cincinnati's WKRC (the tri-state area's CBS affiliate) is reporting that an unprecedented number of women are taking their protection into their own hands by getting a gun."

"According to a report by Local 12 Reporter Liz Bonis, 'gun stores are seeing more women customers than anyone can remember. Many women are also getting permits to carry a concealed weapon.'"

"The news report documents some of the reasons why many women are in a hurry to arm themselves." ...

"The story concludes by noting that gun safety instructors told WKRC some of their women students are in their 70's."

VA: Virginia gun owners should crash the party on June 9th
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Did you know Virginia is an open primary state? Yup, it is - you can vote in anybody's primary you want."

"That means that since the Republican party is handling their state office party candidate nominations this year by convention, every registered voter in Virginia might as well crash the Democratic party primary on June 9th!"

"Right now polls generally show former National Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe ... in the lead, followed by ... Brian Moran, and then ... Creigh Deeds. But ... only just over 100,000 Democrats are going to vote anyway - that leaves any possible winner of this 3 way race vulnerable to even a limited strategic cross party or one issue voter attack." ...

NY: Governor Proposes Tighter Gun Safety Laws for Gun Licensees
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Governor David A. Paterson today announced that he has proposed legislation that would help ensure that only law-abiding individuals are able to obtain and retain firearms licenses. This legislation, which was delivered to the Legislature today, will close gaps in New York law that may allow persons to obtain or retain firearms licenses even though they are barred by federal law from possessing those weapons. This includes requiring a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check every three or five years for gun licensees and dealers." ...

TN: Bredesen vetoes guns in bars bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gov. Phil Bredesen on Thursday vetoed a bill that would have allowed Tennessee handgun permit holders to take their weapons into establishments that serve alcohol." ...

"'Tennessee state law has long prohibited the possession of firearms in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol,' Bredesen said. 'House Bill 962 would remove this protection in a manner that I, along with many law enforcement officers, believe to be reckless and lacking basic safeguards to ensure public safety. I respectfully ask the Legislature to rethink this issue.'"

"... A simple majority is required in each chamber to override a veto." ...

"Currently, 37 other states allow people to carry their guns into bars." ...

WA: Seattle mayor, gun rights community stalemate
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"At least eight innocuous signs posted around the Seattle Center over the Memorial Day weekend during the Folklife Festival declared 'No firearms allowed at this event or on these premises.'"

"The signs had no force of law, there was no authority cited, and there are anecdotal reports from some in the gun rights community that armed citizens simply ignored those signs ..."

"For months, the mayor had been blustering and threatening and promising that he would issue an 'executive order' banning firearms from all city property, including those carried legally by private citizens. For just as long, the [SAF] in Bellevue, its sister organization, the [CCRKBA], and the [NRA], have been waiting."

"Those groups are ready to hit Nickels with a lawsuit and he knows it. ..." ...

NY: Gun owners are in Albany's crosshairs
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Looking at the volume of anti-gun legislation flowing through the state capitol in Albany right now must be like standing on the beach at Big Sur watching the waves roll in. It's not hard to get knocked off balance if you're not paying attention."

"Last week, the state Assembly passed a package of bills that could now require handgun licenses to be renewed every five years, would further expand the CoBis data base (Combined Ballistic Identification System), and ban the sale of .50-caliber or larger firearms. And that's just a sampling." ...

OK: Paramedics, Troopers Defend Themselves After Fight (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Following a dispute between an Oklahoma Highway Trooper and paramedics that was caught on tape, both sides defended their case."

"The trooper in question, identified in newly-released documents as Daniel Martin, is under investigation by his own department. This comes after video of him trying to arrest a Creek Nation paramedic in the middle of a transport made headlines nationwide."

"The video shows a violent confrontation between first responders outside of an ambulance, as a patient inside waits for medical care."

"Now, Trooper Daniel Martin, who placed his hands around the neck of a paramedic, is the subject of an internal investigation, although he and his partners remain on duty." ...

OH: Toledo residents continue trend of gun buying in wake of police layoffs
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When word of significant cuts to the Toledo police force first came out, one senior police officer issued the following recommendation to city residents:"
"'Buy guns. Invest in precious metals: lead, gun power and brass.'"
"After the layoffs took effect, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner admitted the reason why this was such good advice:"
"'Violent crimes, shootings, are not ever prevented by the presence of a police officer, no matter how many thousands of police officers you have.'"
"There are continuing indications that Toledo residents are taking the advice to purchase guns quite seriously. ..." ...

MN: FBI asked to investigate Metro Gang Strike Force
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) Commissioner Michael Campion today requested the [FBI] conduct a preliminary investigation into activities of the Metro Gang Strike Force (MGSF). Campion also formally asked the MGSF Advisory Board to suspend daily operations of the unit ..."

"Campion requested the FBI probe following allegations that some MGSF officers shredded documents and disconnected computers at the MGSF headquarters ... According to reports that came to Campion, the incidents occurred hours after the OLA released its findings from a special review of the unit's accounting practices. According to the FBI, the investigation will begin immediately, but it's unclear how long it will take to complete." ...

Ammo shoppers drawing a blank
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's the last week of May, and Nevada hunters soon will grow anxious awaiting the results of the big game tag draw. Those results should be available before long, but knowing whether you received a tag won't do you any good if you don't have ammo for your favorite hunting rifle."

"'Yesterday I ordered two boxes of Remington Express shells in .243 caliber,' one concerned reader recently wrote by e-mail. 'Cabela's says maybe they will be available by late May. You could do hunters a real service by warning them of the ammo and component shortages. I am afraid if someone waits until the last minute they won't be able to make purchases in time.'" ...

OH: Concealed-carry permit applications jumped first quarter of year
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The number of Ohioans seeking permits to carry concealed handguns surged in the first three months of the year amid concerns that the newly elected president planned to strengthen gun-control laws."

"'Probably the No. 1 reason we heard was people were afraid the new administration was going to put some real restrictions on firearm laws,' said Claire Marvin, president of the New Albany Shooting Range, which offers training classes for those seeking concealed-carry licenses."

"County sheriff's offices issued 16,323 licenses in the first quarter of the year, a 139 percent increase over the same period a year ago, according to statistics released this month by the Ohio attorney general's office." ...

IN: Anti-gun advocate could use lesson in weapon types
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gerard Burford's May 22 letter stated, 'I can't understand why a common citizen would see any need for a weapon designed to kill people at a rapid rate. The hunters of today surely don't need an assault weapon or automatic weapon of any kind to hunt rabbits, squirrels or deer.'"

"I agree, and isn't it fortunate that our gun laws already prohibit automatic weapons, including assault rifles, from being owned by ordinary citizens? These weapons are expressly forbidden from being owned by anyone without an expensive and hard-to-get federal license. Consequently, rabbits, squirrels and deer, not to mention humans, need not fear being punctuated by legally owned automatic weapons or assault rifles." ...

CA: Disarming citizens encourages lawlessness
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This letter is in response to Robert Green's 'Gun ownership has brought lawlessness.'"

"Sir, with all due respect, people who think the way you do encourage lawlessness. Have you ever considered the quote 'An armed society is a polite society?'"

"When criminals know that others have been disarmed, they have free reign and power that unarmed (law-abiding) citizens do not. When criminals do not know who is armed, the crime rates are lower."

"Have you ever researched the states where our Second Amendment has not been infringed? In these states, citizens may carry a concealed weapon upon permit. Here, in California, very few citizens may carry a gun off their own property, therefore giving criminals an edge." ...

WA: Seattle Library Conduct Violations Reach All-Time High
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The City of Seattle has been cracking down on bad behavior at its libraries, and there doesn't appear to be any shortage of it."

"KIRO Team 7 Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne discovered security has already ejected 432 patrons in the first four months this year for offenses like assault, drug dealing, intoxication and lewd conduct." ...

"When crimes are committed (like setting a fire or dealing drugs), new rules say patrons could lose privileges for up to two years. That’s up from the maximum one-year ban."

"So, the four people recently caught for carrying weapons in the library wouldn't get to come back for a while." ...

KABA Note: Unless they were permit holders, they were committing a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison and a $5,000 fine.

TX: We have rights in our parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Concealed carry in national parks by licensed law abiding citizens will do nothing to increase 'urban style violence' and will not cause armed idiots to be out hunting ants, bears, and raccoons with unconcealed weapons."

"All it does is allow law-abiding citizens to exercise their God-given right, protected by the Second Amendment, in our national parks, where previously they had merely been potential victims.The history of concealed carry in the U.S., despite apocalyptic predictions, has been unremarkable."

"Despite ample evidence that your blood-in the-streets predictions were wrong, the news media in general, and The Dallas Morning News in particular, continue to use that scenario to justify an anti-rights stance ..." ...

The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time. — JUSTICE GEORGE SUTHERLAND (1938)

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