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Now accepting magazine donations for Colorado civil disobedience.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the exact arrangements for the Colorado armed civil disobedience are still up in the air, the need for magazines to accomplish it is not. I would like to thank those readers who pointed this out to me by sending me, unsolicited, thirty round AR and AK mags to my PO Box. I am still waiting on a reply from some magazine manufacturers, and no doubt some of them don't want to get involved with a notorious 'insurrectionist' as myself. In the meantime, I'm going to take the readers' advice and put out this call for the raw mat

Dodging A Bullet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The defeat of a host of ambitious measures in the US Senate provided an infuriating rebuke for the Obama administration, assorted anti-gunners, and their mainstream media cheerleaders."

"The president was visibly livid after he was given the vote he’d demanded and came up short, and was quick to strike back through executive actions designed to, among other goals, remove medical record privacy barriers, 'clarify' the powers of Eric Holder over munitions imports and exports, and direct the Centers for Disease Control to resume the anti-gun junk science agenda that provoked Congress to defund such 'research' back in 1997, after they’d made no bones about wanting guns 'dirty, deadly—and banned.'" ...

Innocent Victims of Gun Control: The Eagle Scout
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"I would like for you to meet Cole Withrow. In addition to being an Eagle Scout, Cole is an honors student and high school senior in Johnson County North Carolina … at least he was until recently."

"Now, he is charged with a felony, expelled from school weeks before graduation, and sees his college plans crumbling since he will not be allowed to graduate."

"All of the hard work he has put into becoming a successful member of society is threatened."

"Cole is the epitome of what I am talking about when I say that gun control does nothing more than victimize the innocent."

"So what did Cole do to deserve a virtual death penalty on his future? ..." ...

Prosecution moves Reese family not be allowed joint representation on appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That the odds of a steadfast family turning on each other to cut separate deals are nil, and that this is but one more in a series of petty moves to save prosecutorial face and get something out of cases that should never have been brought to trial." ...

When It Comes To Guns, How Young Is Too Young?
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The shooting death of a 2-year-old girl in Kentucky at the hands of her 5-year-old brother has opened up yet another debate about gun control."

"While no one favors the idea of 5-year-olds using weapons without supervision, there is no consensus on the appropriate age to start hands-on training with firearms." ...

Non-Stereotypical Gun Owner Interview: Susan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Susan isn’t her real name and she isn’t your typical gun owner. She was born into a Republican, Christian, but also very anti-gun, family 35 years ago and spent much of her early adulthood in small, conservative towns. She identifies herself as Lesbian, African-American and vegetarian, which made life in small towns a bit stressful. She now lives in a large city where tolerance and acceptance are the norm . . ."

"... Many of the people she meets at work, as well as the folks in her personal life, have a very negative view of guns and gun owners. 'There is definitely some prejudice. We have taught people to be terrified of the very idea of a gun, so they tend to have a very illogical, emotional response to guns.' That’s why she keeps her gun ownership quiet." ...

Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Grabber Pt. 4: David Frum Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What Gun Use Looks Like in the Real World, the headline proclaims. Well there’s a conversation stopper. A post with that header could go any number of ways ... In this case, the headline lingers over a piece written by Newsweek and CNN contributor David Frum at So all we get is a terse anti-gun anecdote. '... The real world of American gun use looks more like this: You buy the gun to protect your home and family. But one day, your wife gets sassy. Maybe you’ve had a drink or two. And then … bang.' After that Frum blockquotes a story about Randall Floyd Lovett, a man who shot himself in the knee during a domestic dispute. What does that tell you? I tell you what it tells me . . ." ...

The Truth About Firearms and Suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control advocates heart firearms-related suicide stats. They constantly lump them in with firearms-related homicide data to double the number of 'gun deaths' in the U.S. The antis also portray guns as suicide enablers; depressed people wouldn’t be able to kill themselves so easily if they didn’t have 'easy access' to firearms. A new study from the Centers for Disease Prevention (Suicide Among Adults Aged 35–64 Years — United States, 1999–2010) reveals some new, not-entirely-helpful-to-the-gun-grabbers’ information about firearms-related suicides. The New York Times story on the report breezes over the relevant data (‘natch). Not us . . ." ...

Nullification: How states are making it a felony to enforce federal gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In mid-April, Kansas passed a law asserting that federal gun regulations do not apply to guns made and owned in Kansas. Under the law, Kansans could manufacture and sell semi-automatic weapons in-state without a federal license or any federal oversight."

"Kansas’ Second Amendment Protection Act backs up its states’ rights claims with a penalty aimed at federal agents: when dealing with 'Made in Kansas' guns, any attempt to enforce federal law is now a felony. ..."

"Mobilizing the pre-Civil War doctrine of nullification these bills assert that Congress has overstepped its ability to regulate guns ... and that states, not the Supreme Court, have the ultimate authority to decide whether a law is constitutional or not." ...

Glenn Beck Interviews Colion Noir (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Yes, Colion Noir was live on Glenn Beck yesterday. They talked about his personal history and how he got into shooting, how he was once almost kidnapped, his life in the inner city, and the irrational fear of guns that is being developed in our society. It was a great interview…" ...

The Seen and the Unseen in Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Advocates of gun bans react to a shooting by saying that if the assailant had not had access to firearms, that shooting could not have occurred. Of course, that is true: The shooting required a gun. But this proves much less than the controllers think. It doesn’t mean that had the killer not been able to get a gun legally, he couldn’t have gotten one at all. ... Will a thug who is turned away from a gun shop give up so easily? Or is he apt to go into the black market to buy a firearm? Worse, might he not break into a gun shop or someone’s home to steal a gun?"

"Gun control runs aground on this simple fact: People who would use guns to break laws would also break laws to use guns." ...

SUCCESS! Oath Keepers/Jeffrey Earnhardt Project Raises Over $47,000.00
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"REDLINING IT. We buried that needle, and how!"

"The initial fundraising effort to put an Oath Keepers car on the NASCAR track raised a total of $47,000.00, far exceeding the goal of $30,000.00 needed by end of day, May 1, 2013 to run an Oath Keepers car, driven by Jeffrey Earnhardt, at the upcoming June 1 race in Dover, Delaware."

"Now that’s success! The way donations were rolling in yesterday, we had a feeling we were going to go over the target of $30,000.00, but when we saw the total this morning, we were floored. We are now not only all set for the June 1, Dover race, but are now also half way to our next goal, which will be sponsoring Jeffrey Earnhardt in a July 14, 2013 race in New Hampshire ..." ...

The accidental killing of a 2 year old girl by his 5 year old brother in the US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cumberland County Kentucky is a rural stretch of hills west of the Appalachian range. ..."

"On Tuesday, April 30, a five year old Cumberland County boy was playing with his 'Cricket'. A Cricket is a .22 caliber rifle that is designed to be wielded by a small child. The rifle was a common item in the house and had been leaning against a wall in the corner. The boy had been playing with the gun as a toy (the first rule parents should teach: 'a gun is not a toy'). He pointed the rifle at his 2 year old sister (this is the second rule: 'NEVER point a gun at another person'). He pulled the trigger and a bullet left the chamber and struck his sister; killing her. The parents thought the gun was unloaded (this is the third rule ~ 'unloaded guns must always be treated as loaded guns')" ...

Building Your SHTF Gunshot Survival Kit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ideally, the best method for dealing with a gunshot wound is to not get shot. Since there is absolutely no way to guarantee such luck (even people who avoid conflict can still be a victim of it), we must set aside some money, and space in our bug-out-bag, for a fast and effective medical pouch designed specifically for a traumatic combat injury."

"This means a kit entirely separate from our general purpose medical supplies that is easy to get to not just for ourselves, but also for others who might be trying to save us. ..." ...

Ask Foghorn: Medical Kits for the Firing Range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday I talked about a med kit that’s being offered for sale that isn’t up to my standards. What followed in the comments was a pretty good conversation about the benefits of clotting agents, the appropriateness of duct tape and some really good suggestions as to what makes an “ideal” med kit for every day carry or to take to the range. Wanting to capitalize on that discussion, Dan asked me to write a quick article about what I’d include in a small, medium and large first aid kit. Here we go . . ." ...

Armscor’s Cranking Out the Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What’s the one thing most gun guys and girls need now more than just about anything else? Other than Mike Bloomberg discovering the loss of his entire fortune in yet another an ill-conceived electric car venture, most gunnies need more gun food. And Armscor’s heard their call. They’ve invested $4 million in new ammo production capability. And being as responsive to customer demand as possible, they’re focusing their efforts on the the calibers people want most. ..." ...

New Website for Senior Citizens: The Old Gunhand Dot Com
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have started a labor of love after not finding any website dedicated to the shooting needs of senior citizens. Found some articles scattered here and there but no dedicated website for the special needs of those who carry and shoot guns in our advancing years. I am not new to running websites but new to blogging. Need to work more on my writing style but I needed to get some content posted quickly to get things rolling . . ." ...

"Regards, Old Dog
The Old Gun Hand"

After Action Report: Breaking Down the First 3-Gun Nation Pro Series Match (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s something humbling about watching a 3-Gun Nation pro series event. It’s not that it’s hallowed ground or anything, but when I cover them, I really get a sense of how much better shooters at that level are compared to those at my lowly place on the totem pole. Stages that would give me fits, the big guys seem to breeze through, making it look effortless. Being embedded with the team for the year is giving me some rather unique insights into how the shooters on Team FNH USA break down a stage and plan their strategy. I wanted to share some of what I picked up after watching the big boys shoot the first match of the 3-Gun Nation Pro Series . . ." ...

TrackingPoint Rifles to Be Password Protected
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG’s been tracking TrackingPoint’s 'precision guided rifle' for some time. We just blogged Remington’s announcement that its super-secret Venture X project is a TrackingPoint rifle of one sort or another. The Austin company’s software/hardware combo makes it possible for just about anyone to hit a long range target with a rifle. That’s a good thing, right? Public radio station KUT is not so sure. In fact, they found someone, a vet no less, to throw cold water on the whole idea . . ." ...

NRA’s new president is worse than Wayne LaPierre
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s more to the leadership of the National Rifle Association than the gun-crazy Wayne LaPierre, and it’s getting offensively worse."

"Elected on the eve of the NRA’s annual convention, set to start Friday in Houston, James Porter takes over as its president with a long record of Second Amendment absolutism, conspiracy theory looniness and racial repulsiveness."

"By profession, Porter is an Alabama lawyer. Last June, he came to New York to speak about gun rights at the yearly meeting at the Wallkill Rod and Pistol Association, located in Orange County. Porter noted, believe it or not, that the NRA was actually founded in this state." ...

Next Time, the NRA Will Lose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How stupid does the Senate background-check vote look now, I ask the pundits and others who thought it was dumb politics for Obama and the Democrats to push for a vote that they obviously knew they were going to lose. I’d say not very stupid at all. The nosedive taken in the polls by a number of senators who voted against the bill, most of them in red states, makes public sentiment here crystal clear. And now, for the first time since arguably right after the Reagan assassination attempt ... legislators in Washington are feeling political heat on guns that isn’t coming from the NRA. This bill will come back to the Senate, maybe before the August recess, and it already seems possible and maybe even likely to have 60 votes next time." ...

Armed revolution might be coming in next few years, 44 percent of Republicans say in national poll
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a poll about gun control, a New Jersey university found 44 percent of Republican respondents agreed that armed revolution to defend liberties might be necessary in the next few years."

"Only 18 percent of Democrats felt the same, while 27 percent of independents said it could be necessary, a poll released this morning ... found."

"Thirty-eight percent of Americans who said revolution might be necessary also said they would support further gun controls, the poll said, according to a news release this morning."

"'The differences in views of gun legislation are really a function of differences in what people believe guns are for,' Fairleigh Dickinson political science professor Dan Cassino, an analyst for the poll, said ..." ...

Poll: 29% of Registered Voters Believe Armed Revolution Might Be Necessary in Next Few Years
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Twenty-nine percent of registered voters think that an armed revolution might be necessary in the next few years in order to protect liberties, according to a Public Mind poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University."

"The poll, which surveyed 863 registered voters and had a margin of error of +/-3.4, focused on both gun control and the possibility of a need for an armed revolution in the United States to protect liberty."

"The survey asked whether respondents agreed, disagreed, neither agreed nor disagreed or did not know or refused to respond to the statement: 'In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties'" ...

Editor's Note: Is it really a "revolution" when all they want is for the government to obey the Constitution?


Armed Revolution May Be Imminent, One Crazy Third Of Americans Say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent phone poll reveals a stat that is in equal measures unsettling and eye-roll inducing — of those polled, 29 percent believe 'armed revolution' may be imminent and necessary, to 'protect our freedoms' as Americans. Sigh."

"The data on armed revolution fantasies comes from a poll out of Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, conducted after the gun debate intensified following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre last December." ...

Nearly 30% of Americans advocate for an armed rebellion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly one-third of Americans say an armed revolution might need to occur in the next few years to prevent an escalating war against constitutional liberties, a new study finds."

"Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind surveyed 863 US residents randomly in late April and found that 29 percent of those polled believe a revolution isn’t just imminent but imperative."

"According to the study, 29 percent of Americans agree that 'an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties' during the next few years. Forty-seven percent said they disagreed with the statement entirely, with one-fifth of the sample saying they weren’t sure how to answer." ...

GA: Rifle Used To Thwart Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A University of Georgia student used a rifle to chase away a burglar who kicked in his door while the student was napping Monday evening, according to a Athens-Clarke County police incident report."

"The 25-year-old student told police he heard the door bell ring once, then four to five more times at his residence on Old Winterville Road at 7:50 p.m. He thought his roommate locked himself out or a neighbor needed him, so he started going downstairs when he 'heard a loud bang.' He called downstairs and only heard a mumbled voice in return. The student grabbed his Marlin .270 rifle and called 911, according to the report."

"When police arrived, they found the door frame torn off in the doorway." ...

NRA to meet in Texas after blocking gun control in Congress
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Tens of thousands of National Rifle Association members gather in Houston this weekend for the first time since the Senate rejected a plan last month to expand background checks for gun buyers, but officials say attendees will not sit back to celebrate victory."

"'We view it as an opening battle in what will be a multi-year war,' said Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the NRA, which lobbied against the proposal. 'We're definitely not resting on our laurels.'" ...

The NRA won. Now comes the hard part.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association kicks off its annual meetings on Friday in Houston, fresh off a victory in the Senate, where expanded background checks, an assault weapons ban and and a limit on the size of ammunition magazines were each defeated last month."

"Now comes the hard part for the nation’s largest gun rights group."

"For months, the NRA played offense against the proposals it helped defeat. Now, it’s about defense." ...

NRA gathers for first time since Senate vote on gun background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Polls show more than 80 per cent of Americans support expanded background checks, but the proposal to extend background checks for sales made online and at gun shows fell six votes shy on April 17 of the 60 votes needed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Senate."

"The proposal, which supporters have vowed to revive, is a key part of President Barack Obama's gun-control effort sparked by the school shooting massacre in Newtown, Connecticut."

"The vote was a sign of the influence of the gun rights lobby, particularly the NRA, which spent $18.6 million (£12 million) in the 2012 campaign cycle, according to the Sunlight Foundation. The NRA has more than four million members." ...

NRA gathering proves a big draw amid gun-control debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In some ways, the national debate over gun control has been good for the National Rifle Association."

"The nation’s largest and most powerful gun rights group holds its annual meeting in Houston this weekend, and it’s expected to be its biggest and most-watched gathering ever — perhaps 80,000 people, more than 400 exhibitors, 600 credentialed media and perhaps a future presidential candidate or two."

"'I don’t think there’s anything this year that’s business as usual. We’re in a very unique point in time as far as the Second Amendment is concerned,' NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said. “It’s a demonstration of their passion, of the commitment and the resolve that the American people have toward their freedom.'" ...

NRA gears up for big weekend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's annual meeting will surely be in the spotlight this weekend, as it comes just weeks after the Senate voted down a controversial gun control measure–a major blow to the months-long push for tougher firearm laws in the wake of the Newtown elementary school massacre."

"As thousands meet in Houston for the NRA gathering, anti-gun control advocates are poised to celebrate their victory over the legislation's recent defeat in Congress, while those fighting for tougher gun laws could target the event as a way to shed light on their cause." ...

Energized by Senate votes, pro-gun groups pledge "extensive war" on gun control (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, four months after the Newtown, Conn., shootings kicked off a renewed battle over U.S. gun laws, gun control advocates were dealt a devastating blow: After months of behind-the-scenes negotiations, bipartisan dinners and personal presidential entreaties, the Senate voted down a measure that would have expanded background checks for U.S. gun buyers, scuttling the primary gun law thought to have a fighting chance to make it through at least one - if not two - bodies of Congress." ...

Fresh off victory, NRA holds convention in Houston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has spent much of the past year under siege, ardently defending gun rights following mass shootings in Colorado and Connecticut and fighting back against mounting pressure for stricter laws in Washington and state capitols across the country."

"Now, after winning a major victory over President Barack Obama with the defeat of a gun control bill in the U.S. Senate, the powerful gun-rights lobby will gather in Houston this weekend for its annual convention." ...

Single-issue voters: Will the gun debate impact 2014?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few topics conjure images of the 'single-issue voter' more than gun laws. It's long been seen as a matter so important and personal to many Americans that they'll vote against any candidate seen as infringing on the Second Amendment. Now, with midterms coming next year, some gun control advocates are now wondering if there is similar passion on their own side ... and whether voters might penalize those who didn't support new gun legislation, just as well as those who did."

"The latest CBS News Poll explored the single-issue gun voters a bit. They are indeed numerous: nearly half of those generally opposed to more gun laws - 48 percent - said the issue was so important to them that they'd never vote for a candidate who disagreed ..." ...

U.S. attorney general tells Brownback new gun law is unconstitutional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new state law that says guns made in Kansas are immune from federal regulations inside the state is unconstitutional, Attorney General Eric Holder said."

"'In purporting to override federal law and to criminalize the official acts of federal officers, (the law) directly conflicts with federal law and is therefore unconstitutional,' Holder wrote to Gov. Sam Brownback in a letter dated April 26." ...

NJ: Buono to unveil her plan to curb gun violence today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barbara Buono, the Democratic front-runner for governor, will unveil her gun control package today that includes stricter requirements on high-powered magazines[sic] and ammunition purchases, The Star-Ledger has learned."

"Buono is hoping to draw stark contrasts between how she would tackle gun violence and the approach laid out by Gov. Chris Christie last month, according to a two-page outline of her proposal."

"Christie wants to strengthen background checks, stiffen penalties for those caught selling guns to criminals, make it easier to commit the mentally ill and more difficult for kids to buy violent video games." ...


Illinois Housing Gun Ban Defeated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has notched another victory in its ongoing fight against local gun restrictions that violate the U.S. Constitution with a permanent injunction against the Warren County, Ill., Housing Authority’s ban on the possession of firearms by residents or guests."

"The case is just the latest is a long string of victories by SAF, which played a key role in the landmark McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court decision that determined the Second Amendment applies to individual states."

"SAF also has funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, Conn.; New Orleans; Chicago; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners." ...

BREAKING: SAF Wins Permanent Injunction On IL Public Housing Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has won a permanent injunction against the Warren County, Ill. Housing Authority’s ban on the possession of firearms by residents or guests. The case was filed more than a year ago in U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois, Rock Island Division. Ronald G. Winbigler, a resident of Costello Terrace in Monmouth [not shown], is a physically disabled former police officer who wanted to keep a handgun in his residence for personal protection . . ." ...

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city."

"The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test."

"'This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,' Jordan said today from his Waterford home. 'I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.'" ...

NY: NYC shop fined $60K for selling gun-shaped lighters, fights back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New York City shop owner who was fined $60,000 for selling lighters in the shape of guns is now fighting back, filing a suit to get the punishment tossed."

"The store, the US Camera & Computers, was given the hefty fine in 2011 for breaking a city law that bans shops from selling items that can be mistaken for actual guns, Fox News reported. After receiving the citation, the store’s owner sent the lighters back to the manufacturing company. But that didn’t stop the city from going forth with the fine, Fox News said." ...

KY: Ex-deputy, officer testify against sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former deputy and a city police officer have testified against a south-central Kentucky sheriff who is accused of using excessive force during an arrest."

"Barren County Sheriff Chris Eaton, deputy Aaron Bennett and Barren-Edmonson Drug Task Force detective Eric Guffey are facing federal charges of deprivation of rights under color of law, making false statements and witness tampering among other counts in connection to the 2010 arrest of Billy Randall Stinnett in Barren County." ...

NY: Watertown police officer charged in domestic dispute
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Watertown city police officer faces charges following a domestic dispute involving his ex-girlfriend that allegedly happened in December."

"State police arrested Jonathan M. Pitts, 31, LaFargeville, on one count each of endangering the welfare of a child, a class A misdemeanor, and second-degree harassment, a violation." ...

NC: CMPD officer arrested, charged with falsifying time sheets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department arrested one of its own Wednesday."

"Detectives arrested Officer Jeffrey T. Taylor after he turned himself in Wednesday evening."

"Taylor is charged with obtaining property by false pretence, stemming from a criminal investigation which concluded Taylor falsified time sheets while working a secondary, off-duty job at the Arboretum Shopping Center between October 2012 and January 2013." ...

TX: Police Drone Crashes into Police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Montgomery County (Texas) Sheriff's Office had a big day planned. After becoming the first department in the country with its own aerial drone ($300,000!), they were ready for a nice photo op. And then the drone crashed into a SWAT team." ...

Submitter's Note: To quote Larry the Cable Guy "I don't care who you are that's funny right there!"

UK: Wife’s anguish over SAS hero Sergeant Danny Nightingale facing a retrial for keeping gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE WIFE of SAS Sergeant Danny Nightingale told of her 'bitter disappointment' yesterday after he was ordered to face a retrial over illegally possessing a pistol and ammunition." ...

"There was outrage when Sgt Nightingale was jailed for 18 months last November after pleading guilty to possessing a Glock 9mm pistol given him as a souvenir by Iraqi Special Forces whom he had trained."

"Three weeks later his sentence was reduced to 12 months, suspended for a year, by the Court of Appeal and he was released."

"In March the same court quashed his conviction after hearing he had only pleaded guilty after being warned by the judge that he could face five years in a civilian prison if he fought the charges and lost." ...

F. Paul Valone to the University of North Carolina: Let My Son Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To: Thomas W. Ross, President, The University of North Carolina
From: F. Paul Valone, President, Grass Roots North Carolina
Re: Your recent comments on House Bill 937 ..."

"Dear Mr. Ross:
WRAL-TV yesterday quoted you as saying that ... allowing concealed handgun permit-holders to keep firearms in locked vehicles on college campuses would 'increase the risk to public safety and hamper our ability to protect not only our students, staff and faculty, but also campus visitors.' Perhaps your view from the Ivory Tower is obstructed, Mr. Ross, so allow me to describe the landscape . . ."

"The University of North Carolina is doing a woefully inadequate job of protecting its students, staff, faculty and visitors. ..." ...

TX: Houston Schools to Eddie the Eagle: FOAD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Two Houston school district principals have cancelled gun-safety presentations for their young students since learning the National Rife Association is involved,' reports. As Fergie would say, h-h-h-h-h-hold it. Who did the principles think ran the Eddie the Eagle safety program? The Texas Bikini Team? 'A spokesman for the Houston Independent School District said the principals of Peck Elementary and the Martin Luther King Early Childhood Center thought the safety lessons were being taught by the Metropolitan Transit Authority police department.' What was that they taught us about 'assume'? Anyway, so what? . . ." ...

NC: Principal Who Brought Loaded Gun to School Accidentally Suspended 3 Days While Honor Student Expelled for Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The story we reported yesterday about honor student and Eagle Scout, Cole Withrow, who was expelled from school for a year and arrested on felony charges for accidentally leaving his shotgun in his truck after going skeet shooting the day prior has taken on a life of its own."

"Now new information from ABC 11 News has shown that an assistant principal at the same school as Cole was suspended for only three days for accidentally bringing a loaded handgun to school. The principal was not charged criminally and still works at the school at the same position." ...

Submitter's Note: I guess 'equal protection' is for chumps.

OR: Who The Hell Thought This Was a Good Idea? OR School Holds Unannounced Mass Shooting Drill with Blanks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wow. Seriously? Who thought this would be a good idea."

"A school in Oregon apparently thought that it would be a beneficial exercise to stage a mock mass shooting, complete with a mock gunman using a blank firing gun with blanks."

"Students were off from school on the day the drill was ran and it was targeted (literally and metaphorically) at teachers." ...

46,455 Background Checks For Gun Purchases Each Day Under Obama
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Add to that the first four months of 2013 (2,495,440, 2,309,393, 2,209,407 and 1,714,433 respectively) and the total number of background checks under President Obama comes to 72,005,482."

"Obama has been President for 1,550 days. That works out to 46,455 background checks for gun purchases each day." ...

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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