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Newslinks for 5/31/2002

TAAS reveals new Handgun, Rifle
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The double action Barak pistol is the first totally Israeli-produced handgun and an executive said it would soon be available in stores to meet the swelling demand for weapons."

"the pistol weighs a very light 740 grams. TAAS has made it in three calibers: 9mm, and 40 and 45 caliber, mainly for the US market. The pistol costs about NIS 2,700 to 3,000 ($456 - $600)."

UK: Minister's 'gun crusade'
Submitted by: dougc

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"A minister is prepared to hold a weapons amnesty at his church inabidto tackle the alarming rise in gun crime."

"Pastor Calvin Young, from Aston Christian Centre, is one of many black ministers joining forces for the Guns on Our Streets campaign being launched in Birmingham today. The Council of Black Led Churches in Birmingham will be working with the Ascension Trust to prevent their parishioners living in fear."

HI: National Guard tight-lipped on whether guns had ammo in Isle airports
Submitted by: dougc

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"The Hawaii National Guard will not say whether its troops were carrying unloaded weapons while patrolling state airports after the Sept. 11 attacks. "As a policy, we want to remain deliberately ambiguous" because a similar situation may resurface, Hawaii National Guard spokesman Maj. Chuck Anthony."

"I'm sure terrorists would like to know one way or the other," he said. "We do want to maintain optional security."

CA: City defends gun purchases
Submitted by: dougc

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"A lawyer representing Dunsmuir City Manager Michael Powers said Tuesday that his client was fully empowered by the City Council to purchase two automatic weapons that were seized last week by law enforcement officials."

"He is the airport security chief," said Sacramento attorney Bill Portonova, a former federal prosecutor."

UT: 38 Utah groups muster opposition to the U.N.
Submitted by: dougc

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"Bliss Tew didn't laugh like his neighbors when the La Verkin City Council banned the United Nations from the small Utah town last year. A pro-gun-rights sign on I-15, like Utah's 38 anti-U.N. groups, is sponsored by the John Birch Society. Groups range in membership from five to 50."

CA: Come see some straight shooters
Submitted by: dougc

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"With a revolver, he once fired six shots, reloaded and fired six more shots on a single target in the span of 2.99 seconds. He once shot four targets twice in the span of 1.06 seconds. He also hit one target eight times within a minute."

"All are world records. The record holder? It's Jerry Miculek of Princeton, La., the fastest revolver shooter in the world."

Australia: Aboriginal officers denied gun skills
Submitted by: dougc

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"ABORIGINAL police liaison officers have been denied firearms training despite an Industrial Relations Commission ruling that they should be armed. At least 24 APLOs graduated from the police academy last month without having fired a weapon."

VA: Bigger, better Chesapeake firearms range opens
Submitted by: dougc

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"When the target appeared in his pistol's sights Wednesday, Police Chief Richard A. Justice fired one shot and hit the center. That triggered 12 other targets to spin around to display the words 'GRAND OPENING' and prompted applause from a small crowd gathered to dedicate the police department's $1.9 million firearms range."

Students for the Second Amendment's Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program
Submitted by: dougc

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"The Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program is a project of Students for the Second Amendment. The goal of the program is to train college and university students to become NRA certified firearms instructors. The certified instructors will then go back to their campuses to offer training to their classmates, and others interested in learning more about the safe, competent, operation and handling of many types of firearms."

Federal Gun-Program Unconstitutional, Study Finds
Submitted by: dougc

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"As Project Safe Neighborhoods, the centerpiece of President Bush's crime fighting program, comes into effect, a new study from the Cato Institute finds that it is unconstitutional, wreaks havoc on federal courts, allows prosecutorial mischief affecting the racial composition of juries, and will likely lead to a mindless "zero tolerance" policy for technical infractions of gun laws."

DC: VPC Statement on Defendents using Second Amendment
Submitted by: dougc

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"The Washington Post reported May 30, 2002, that criminal defendants in Washington, D.C., are seeking to have the District's gun laws declared unconstitutional on Second Amendment grounds. The defendants are relying on the 180-degree shift in the Department of Justice's interpretation of the Second Amendment that was announced May 6, 2002 in briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court..."

IL: Group Criticizes State Rep. May's Vote on Gun Safety
Submitted by: dougc

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"The following was released today by the newly formed Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV): The ICHV is questioning the judgment of Illinois Rep. Karen May (D-Highland Park) in light of her recent vote against an important piece of gun safety legislation."

"Although SB1936 passed the Illinois House on May 23rd by a decisive 85 to 24 margin, it is disturbing to see that May and two dozen of her colleagues would place the politics of guns ahead of the well being of Illinois citizens."

OH: VPC tells state Supreme Court to 'Reverse Pro-Gun Activism'
Submitted by: dougc

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"Violence Policy Center (VPC) urged the Justices to review -- and reverse -- a decision by an intermediate appellate court striking down the state's longstanding ban on carrying concealed weapons. In a ruling that lifts pro-gun judicial activism to new heights, the appeals court ignored history and legal precedent to find that the Ohio Constitution creates a constitutional right to carry concealed weapons."

Jon Dougherty to talk Guns & Pilots on national radio show
Submitted by: dougc

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On 5/31/02 AM, "WorldNetDaily columnist and reporter Jon Dougherty will join Phil Paleologos, host of the "American Breakfast" radio program, to discuss the arming of commercial airline pilots as a deterrent to terrorist hijackings."

U.S. looks to 'evade' the World Criminal Court
Submitted by: dougc

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"For European leaders and many in the human rights community, the establishment in July of a world court is the most important development in international law since the United Nations was created more than half a century ago."

"But Washington sees it as an ominous threat to its sovereignty - and, in an attempt to evade its reach, could threaten to withdraw support for UN peacekeeping operations..." By Carola Hoyos, Financial Times

Would Mohamen Atta object to armed pilots?
Submitted by: Uncle John

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--Anne Coulter bringing to light the unaccountable, appointed bureaucrat Magaw's involvement with Ruby Ridge.

UK: Armed Robber Chased from Store
Submitted by: dougc

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"A shopkeeper chased an armed raider out of his store."

"The robber went into Park Stores in Prestbury, Cheltenham, at 7.40pm yesterday and threatened staff with a gun. An assistant raised the alarm and owner Dean Hodgson chased the raider down New Barn Lane. The robber escaped with £350 in a waiting Ford Fiesta."

IL: ISRA Statement on Mayor Daley's Obsession With Gun Control
Submitted by: dougc

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"Opponents of the bill objected to additional language contained therein allowing citizens to take home firearm safety classes -- even if they did not hold a valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card. Despite the fact that greater access to firearm safety training would be given to many thousands of Illinois citizens, the Daley forces attempted to scuttle this life-saving bill."

Russia: Rethinking Christian Gun Ownership
Submitted by: dougc

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"“Buy Guns.” It was the mantra that I heard over and over again. It was soon to be followed up with the statement, “Stock pile ammo, you’ll need it when they come to get us” - I heard it everywhere. I didn’t think too much about it. I just did what every one else was doing- buying guns. It was exciting- I’d never owned a gun before, and it was kind of novel to have one. Over the next few years, I amassed a small arsenal, just like the ones my friends in the church had..."

Australia: Security boost after shooter's suicide bid
Submitted by: dougc

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"A BELMONT shooting complex has boosted security after a 20-year-old Carlisle woman attempted suicide there on Tuesday night. Staff at the Lone Ranges shooting complex worked through the night to install cables on all rifles, preventing people from turning the weapons on themselves."

Environmentalists Drive 'Gas Guzzler' From Protest Site
Submitted by: Anonymous

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(Not RKBA-related, but shows just how hypocritical our enemies are.)

"Despite a call by an anti-ExxonMobil protester to "burn" all SUV's in America, the demonstrators left the rally site at the Morton Meyerson Center in the van. One protester conceded it was "unfortunate" that they drove the van to the rally decrying ExxonMobil's environmental policies."

Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on 9/11
Submitted by: Mark M Stehly

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"FBI Special Agent Robert G. Wright Jr. will hold a news conference Thursday in Washington to reveal FBI negligence and obstruction of counterterrorism investigations targeting Hamas and al-Qaeda."

"Minneapolis FBI agent Coleen Rowley has corroborated Wright's experiences dealing with FBI headquarters and senior management, "who consistently delayed, down-played and soft-peddled the investigative efforts of counterterrorism agents in the field."

TX: Teen-ager shot by Shelby County deputy dies
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"A Joaquin teen-ager died Wednesday, three days after a sheriff's deputy shot him four times after a high-speed pursuit. Chris Curry, 17, was a passenger in a vehicle fleeing from a routine traffic stop on Sunday. Authorities said that when the vehicle slid into a ditch, Shelby County Deputy Brian Tyler approached the vehicle, which then began moving toward him. Shelby County Sheriff James Moore said Tyler feared for his life when he opened fire, shooting through the windshield."

--They shot one passenger, injured another, and arrested the driver.

ID: McGuckin family mending, hopes to reunite (Update)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Another victory for statists and people control...

"These days, the children are in public school -- some for the first time -- and appear to be thriving in foster care. JoAnn McGuckin has quit drinking and is taking steps to reunite her shattered clan... defiant that she would not let the government tell her how to raise her kids."

"Now she has a room in an alcohol-free household, is undergoing regular treatments for a variety of ailments and may get her children back as early as August."

NH: Authorities Announce Gun Crime Crackdown
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you get caught with a gun you’re going to federal prison, you’re going to do mandatory sentencing where it applies and no probation and no parole."

Aviation safety experts cite big gaps in Air Marshals plan
Submitted by: serinde

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"Unless Congress reverses the decision, the government's denial of guns to airline pilots for cockpit protection means the last line of armed defense against terrorists aboard aircraft will be federal air marshals ... too few to ride every flight. And no marshals are deployed on the thousands of daily U.S. air cargo flights using planes as big and dangerous as the ones hijacked and slammed into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on Sept. 11."

'Miss Universe' is a Shooting Enthusiast!
Submitted by: Kurt Amesbury

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"Fedorova, statuesque in a floating white dress on Wednesday night, is a volleyball and shooting enthusiast who lives in St. Petersburg. She wants to own her own law firm one day."

Gun-grabbers around the world are blanching...
Miss Universe is a SHOOTER!

Taser Losing Its Zip
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"TASER International makes those high-voltage stun guns that some folks now want to provide to all U.S. airline pilots as general-issue flying gear. This way, when some al Qaeda nut job comes running down the aisle with his sneakers on fire, a member of the cabin crew can simply whip out his trusty .44 Magnum-sized TASER and zap him to the floor without ever breaking a sweat."

Three pilots who'd rather remain unarmed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Says one, 'I was raised around guns all my life.' Says another, 'I've not got any affinity for gun control.' Says the third, 'I love guns. Been a hunter all my life. I'm adamantly against gun control.'"

--In other words, 'I'm against gun control, that's why I support a federal ban on armed pilots...'??? Ri-ight...

Beware neocons like George Will.

The Declaration of Independence and Guns
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The Second Amendment protects the rest.

The Bush-Ashcroft Plan to "Help" Localities Fight Gun Crime
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"Praise for Project Safe Neighborhoods comes from quarters as diverse as Handgun Control, Inc. and the National Rifle Association. -- Project Safe Neighborhoods is an affront to the constitutional principle of federalism. The initiative flouts the Tenth Amendment by relying on federal statutes that have no genuine constitutional basis. Moreover, the program will very likely lead to overenforcement of gun laws and open the door to prosecutorial mischief affecting the racial composition of juries."

UK: Anti-snooping operating system close to launch
Submitted by: Christopher A. Hamer

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--Not 2nd Amendment related, it's more of an indication of just how few rights the British Subjects have...

"Computer activists in Britain are close to completing an operating system that could undermine government efforts to the wiretap the internet. The UK Home Office has condemned the project as potentially providing a new tool for criminals."

CA: Child Brings Handgun to School in Backpack
Submitted by: Christopher A. Hamer

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A handgun mysteriously wandered into a 4-year-old's backpack. No one seems to know where it came from. The parents deny owning it, the kid doesn't know where it came from. Gee what a mystery... but they're still saying the parents might have to take a gun safety course.

DC: Handgun Ban Challenged In Court
Submitted by: Mitchell McConnell

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"Attorneys for two men accused of violating the District's ban on handguns are arguing that the law is unconstitutional, citing the Bush administration's position that the Second Amendment gives private citizens the right to bear arms."

FBI New Surveillance Rules Remove Evidence 'Hurdle'
Submitted by: Mark Kirby

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So, now that we know WE are the terrorists, what are WE going to do about it... I think ousting Bush and his cronies (Ashcroft and Ridge) should be top priority... or we can put up with the Waffen SS! This is IT people...WE have been labled as "suspects"... the tree of liberty needs blood, are you opening your veins for it?

The merit of our Constitution is not that it promotes democracy, but checks it. —HORATIO SEYMOUR

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