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WY: Hospital gun ban brings ‘no’ vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Because one person made a mistake with a handgun in the West Park Hospital emergency room the hospital has now put up signs banning firearms in the hospital.

This is basically the same type of situation the Brady anti-gun people use to try to disarm the public. WPH has no armed security personnel so the honest armed public is to their benefit should some nut cause a problem with a handgun.

We who carry concealed legally are honest, decent people just as the folks who carry in the open and believe in our Second Amendment rights.

I don’t know about the rest of you honest gun owners ..., but if WPH wishes to continue this policy I will surely vote against them when the tax they wish us to support comes up on the ballot in August.

Is Fox News destroying the GOP?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It seeks to reclaim a time when America was solely Christian, white and the undeniable ruler of the free world. And it’s battle cry is clear: “They” (minorities and liberals ) are coming to get “You” (white conservative real Americans). They want to take your money. They want to take your guns. They want to take your liberty. They will stop at nothing in pursuit of their ... agenda. And “they” are the enemy.

But fortunately, it’s doomed to implode. The demographics are changing rapidly in this country. A dominant national party cannot be sustained by the Tea Party, second amendment advocates and the religious right. The Republican Party needs the fiscal conservatives and cultural moderates it is currently expelling.

DC: Leftist Kook Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.): Racist or Doddering Old Fool?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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She detests gun rights and is a fervent opponent of the Second Amendment. She’s quite happy letting poor, defenseless people in bad parts of town get gunned down by criminals because to let them protect themselves by owning guns would be an affront to her liberal dogma.

To Norton, one dead constituent is a tragedy but a thousand dead constituents are a mere statistic.

She’s unhappy with the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in D.C. v. Heller, which struck down the District’s longstanding handgun ban. The D.C. city council has since enacted regulations allowing gun ownership but it’s expensive and a major-league hassle to jump through all the hoops the council erected to discourage gun ownership.

The Day I’ll Join The NRA – An Open Letter To Ted Nugent
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dear Ted: First, I personally thank you for the valuable work you have done, and are doing, for the Second Amendment. You have used your talent, success, wit, and celebrity to fight for our freedoms.

Additionally, you are a member of the Board of Directors of the NRA. So this letter is directed to you in strictly that capacity.

Why? Because I believe that you will listen. And you have the standing and respect within the NRA to actually do something regarding the issues I’d like to bring to your attention.

The Zombie Table! A Product You Can Really Get Behind!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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How many times have you found yourself in this situation? You're just hanging out and watching TV when all of a sudden *BOOM* zombies come pouring in through your living room window. Happens to us all the friggin' time and now we are no longer getting caught with our pants down (depending on what we're watching on said TV of course).

Behold, the Zombie tested and victim approved Safe Bedside Table. Getting rushed by flesheaters? No problem! The Safe Bedside Table has a removable leg that acts as a club and a top that doubles as a shield for self-defense.

UT: Teachers train to prepare for terror attacks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One local elementary school is getting prepared in case of a terror attack.

Teachers at Sunset Elementary School in Davis County went through training Friday afternoon, so they would know what to do to keep their students safe.

Safety experts were on hand to educate the teachers about weapons and how they work, in case they encounter them in the classroom one day.

Should Men Who Like to Beat Women Get to Have Guns?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, joined by a coalition of national law enforcement and domestic violence groups, filed a “friend of the court” brief today in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit urging the Court not to expand the scope of the Second Amendment to allow domestic violence abusers to possess firearms.

The full Court is considering this case after a three judge panel vacated the conviction of a domestic violence offender found in illegal possession of firearms, in violation of the 1996 federal “Lautenberg Amendment” to the Gun Control Act of 1968. The Lautenberg Amendment bars gun possession by those convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors.

Palin Headed to NRA Convention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin urged a "Don't Retreat, Instead—RELOAD!" strategy to her fellow Tea Party and anti-Washington fans on Twitter last month, she was slapped by liberals and Democrats for using deplorable gun imagery. But Palin is not about to holster her rhetorical sidearm. What's more, she's leading a posse of Second Amendment-supporting Republicans to the annual National Rifle Association convention later this month in Charlotte, N.C. Take a gander at who's on the docket, which looks like the conservative roundup for the 2012 GOP primaries: Palin, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, ...

ME: Strange happening
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I am a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights, but was dismayed by the demonstration in Portland by other gun rights advocates, an event that was covered on the front page of ... area newspapers.

I believe that there is nothing wrong with responsible ownerships of firearms, including those intended for hunting, competitive shooting, home defense and personal protection. While I support concealed carry by those who have undergone the necessary background checks and safety training requirements for becoming holders of concealed firearms permits as issued by their local police, I fail to see any reason to flaunt handguns openly. To do so is inappropriate, impolite and intimidating to many members of the general public.

The Left Has Lost Their Mind Over Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Consider the case of James Goldberg, who walked up to the counter of a Glastonbury, Conn. Chili's restaurant in 2007 costumed in camouflage and wearing a pistol. Police were called and Mr. Goldberg was arrested, only to be cleared after it was determined that since he had a permit for the weapon he was not breaking a law.

Yes, let's consider Mr. Goldberg. He broke no law and thus was falsely arrested. In a nation of laws one would call the imprisonment of a person without valid cause kidnapping, no matter how brief said imprisonment might be, and the so-called "law enforcement officers" would be facing a sentence of 20-to-life, not to mention being permanently ineligible to own firearms.

Give Me Liberty Or...
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States would support the talks as long as the negotiating forum, the so-called conference on the arms trade treaty, "operates under the rules of consensus decision-making."

Without a single mention of the Second Amendment or America's sovereignty in her entire statement, Clinton said, "The United States is committed to actively pursuing a strong and robust treaty that contains the highest possible, legally binding standards for the international transfer of conventional weapons."

MO: Guns may be allowed on work property
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Missouri businesses could no longer prevent licensed concealed weapons in their parking lots under a bill passed in the House Thursday.

The Business Premises Safety Act would prohibit business owners from restricting any lawfully licensed firearm in vehicles parked in their parking lot.

Sedalia Republican representative and bill sponsor Stanley Cox said the law would make things safer.

"People fully have the right to possess the firearms that we have authorized previously in legislation, we are all safer," Cox said.

Pit bull study has parallels for gun debate
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'Breed Specific Legislation'... does not result in less 'dog violence'...

"What's the E*TRADE baby say?"

"'I want to show you something. It's my shocked face.'"

Does freeing of Hutaree on bond tell us anything about government's case?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I'm not aware of a similar case where the government couldn't come up with a reason to deny bail and keep people they knew to be terrorists behind bars. If the best they can come up with is an agent who doesn't remember anything of substance, I have to wonder about the entire case."

MI: Judge orders release of 9 Hutaree militia members
Submitted by: Larry

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Some of the comments reveal extreme racial and anti-gunowner bigotry. The remarks about the ineffectiveness of the colonial militias are inaccurate, as noted in the book, "Washington's Partisan War". If the author, Mark Kwasny is correct, MVB's estimate of 3% of colonials under arms during the First American War of Secession is a great understatement (unless MVB considers only the numbers listed on army and navy rolls).

NJ: Police: Paterson man shoots and kills armed home invader
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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A man shot and killed a home invader who held up the man and his girlfriend early Monday morning. The man’s girlfriend was visiting him at his basement apartment when someone knocked on the door about 12:20 a.m., said Lt. Ronald Humphrey. Thinking it was her mother the woman opened the door and was face to face with a man pointing a gun at her, Humphrey said. He forced her inside, and asked the 28-year-old woman and her boyfriend, Phillip Jackson, for money. Fearing for their lives, Jackson, 24, struggled for the weapon, Humphrey said. Jackson was able to get the gun, shooting the man several times, Humphrey said. Police responded and found the man face up in a bed with several gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

NE: Walgreens shooter: 'One chance'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Harry James McCullough took it personally. The former security guard was standing at a Walgreens checkout counter when he saw two masked men, one with a sawed-off shotgun, enter the store. Marquail Thomas, 18, pointed the shotgun at customers and yelled, “Nobody (expletive) move!'

“There's no doubt in my mind what they were going to do,” McCullough said Thursday. “There was no time to react. You only have one chance.”

McCullough pulled out a pistol and shot Thomas four times. Thomas collapsed outside the store and died later at a hospital.

NE: Gun Organization Raising Money For Walgreens' Shooter; Police Deny New Permit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Nebraska Firearms Owner Association has offered to buy a new handgun for the man who shot and killed a robbery suspect at an Omaha Walgreens.

Harry "James" McCullough, 32, said he's been overwhelmed by the support from people appreciative of his actions. On Monday, April 26th, he noticed two men, one of them armed with a shotgun, threaten the clerk and another customer at the Walgreens on 61st and NW Radial. That's when he shot the man 4-times, killing him. McCullough then held down the other suspect until police arrived. "You only have one chance," is what he told reporters on Thursday about his reaction.

GA: Cobb SWAT officer suspended without pay
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A member of the Cobb County Police Department’s SWAT team has been suspended without pay for allegedly lying to investigators looking at the boating death of another police officer on Lake Allatoona more than a week ago, public safety Director Mickey Lloyd said Monday.

[Sgt. Ken] Reda, 37, initially was suspended with pay as Cherokee County brought misdemeanor charges of making false statements and obstruction for allegedly lying about ... the accident that led to the death of Sgt. Brent Stephen, 35, who was also a member of Cobb’s SWAT unit.

Meanwhile, the Department of Natural Resources, which has jurisdiction over the lake, is continuing its criminal investigation, which could result in felony charges.

PA: Off-Duty Philadelphia Police Officer to Be Dismissed Amid Probe into Deadly Shooting
Submitted by: jac

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Police commissioner Charles Ramsey on Tuesday morning announced plans to move ahead with the dismissal of the off-duty officer allegedly involved in a triple shooting in South Philadelphia on Sunday night.

A neighborhood argument over a water fight ended with the police officer allegedly shooting and killing a man and injuring two others.

Residents said a playful water fight among neighbors somehow led to a more deadly fight.

Neighbors said 20-year-old Howard Williams had a water gun but the off-duty officer involved pulled a real gun, shooting Williams in the chest, killing him.

PA: Off-duty officer kills one in South Phila.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An off-duty Philadelphia police officer allegedly shot and killed a man and wounded two other people in South Philadelphia on Sunday night after what witnesses said was an argument over a playful water battle.
The encounter happened around 6:30 on the 1800 block of Hoffman Street, according to police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore.
When it was over, one man - identified by neighbors as Howard Williams, 22 - was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was pronounced dead. A 26-year-old woman was taken to HUP with a gunshot wound to a leg. An 18-year-old man was grazed by a bullet and treated at HUP, Vanore said.

NE: Attorney Gives Account Of Walgreen's Shooting [video]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Ed.: Video of attorney giving an account of the Walgreen's shooting.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States....Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789.

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