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Does Obama really plan to ease weapons export rules?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It more than suggests what Obama and his media allies are doing here is trying to defuse accusations that he is anti-gun. They’re trying to take the Second Amendment out of the presidential debate." ...

NSSF Sez "We’re OK With 'Common Sense' Gun Control"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (the trade association for the firearms industry whose mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports) recently announced that they’re lining up with The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the Million Murdering Mothers Mom March, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the Violence Policy Center, the Legal Community Against Violence, Americans for Gun Safety and Mayors Against All Illegal Guns in support of reasonable, common-sense, gun control measures. Find that hard to believe? So did I, until I read this piece from the Shooting Wire . . ." ...

The Battle of Athens. Who Knew? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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New national alliance for armed citizens announced: ACA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new alliance of industry and armed citizens has been announced with the goal of providing ordinary gun owners the opportunity to 'practice, train and become familiar with the use of concealed carry handguns and other personal defense firearms.'"

"The Armed Citizen Alliance (ACA) should get immediate attention from Pacific Northwest shooters whose primary purpose for owning a gun is personal protection, and there are hundreds of thousands of them. In Washington, some 360,000 citizens have active concealed pistol licenses. Neighboring Oregon, as this column recently noted, has more than 152,000 licensed citizens." ...

Constitution shouldn’t be treated like a buffet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This administration views the Constitution like a buffet; its Justice Department takes a heaping helping where it will promote the administration’s causes, while passing on legal issues the administration finds unpalatable."

"As just one example, consider the divergent attitudes toward local immigration laws and local gun laws." ...

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Long Preceded The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent article in The New Yorker titled 'American Battleground,' by Harvard's Jill Lepore, has been gnawing at me ever since I critiqued it last week ..."

"As I wrote then, it is a convoluted piece of quasi-academic work that is intended to make gun owners question the founders’ position on private gun ownership and, if possible, open 21st-century American minds to the idea of more gun control." ...

"This brings me to what has been gnawing at me so badly for the past week. Lepore has made a mistake that’s all too common with anti-gunners and even with some staunch defenders of the Second Amendment."

"That mistake is to look at the Second Amendment as the source of our right to keep and bear arms. ..." ...

Question of the Day: Why Do “Sport Hunters” Hunt?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First, let’s define sport hunters. These are hunters that take game for no conceivable reason except that it makes them feel good. But isn’t that the reason we do most everything we choose to do in our recreational time? When we go the range it makes us feel good on many levels from the guttural sensations of controlling recoil amidst the flash and muzzle blast to being a little better than the guy next to you, to being a bit better prepared to defend ourselves against threats . . ." ...

Does YOUR financial institution support your Second Amendment rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two recent pieces of news drive home the importance of making sure that your bank respects your Second Amendment rights."

"Earlier this month, McMillan Group International, LLC announced that Bank Of America had severed ties with their company specifically because, in the years since they'd opened their accounts, McMillan had transitioned into a firearms manufacturing role." ...

"A bit closer to home, Ohio's gun owners are familiar with the discriminatory policy taken against them by Fifth Third Bank, which chose to begin posting its Ohio branches with 'no-guns' signs following passage of concealed carry reform law in 2004." ...

Gun Jam: Sales Clog as Fears, Election, Doomsday, Rise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fears linked to November's election, street crime, civil unrest, doomsday prophecies and even a zombie apocalypse have metro Detroiters buying firearms at a brisk pace. But the boom times in gun sales are not as lucrative for local gun shops as they could be."

"That's because gun retailers can't get more weapons from manufacturers, which are flooded with orders for the most popular pistols, rifles and shotguns, according to Crains Detroit Business."

"Royal Oak-based Target Sports normally sells about 10 guns a day, but that has increased to 30 a day this year, owner Ray Jihad said."

"He'd be selling even more, if he could get them." ...

The Rabbi at SIG SAUER: Shooter, Know Thyself (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF and I recently attended the SIG SAUER Active Shooter Response Instructor Class. As a law enforcement officer in The Land of Enchantment (New Mexico) I wanted to see how SIG approached active shooter scenarios. I learned a great deal about active shooter response teamwork and tactics. As usually happens at any top-rank firearms instruction class, the course also reinforced an important lesson. Once again I learned the truth of the philosophy espoused by that great American philosopher Clint Eastwood: a man has to know his limitations. SIG SAUER made the point on day one using paper targets . . ." ...

1, 2, 3, 4… Breathe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The tactical breathing method I use is similar to the one written by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman in On Combat."

"When I get down to fire a rifle from a rested position, the first thing I do is adjust my position so that my natural point of aim is on the target and then I calm myself down for the shot."

"To calm down and lower my heart rate I take a number of slow full breaths. During each breath I watch the rise and the fall of the reticle on the target. When I am ready to take the shot, I interrupt my breath when the reticle is on target, take a final moment to clean up the sight picture while I take the slack out of the trigger and then increase the pressure on the trigger until it fires." ...

OK, You Have Guns and Food…Now What?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the last several years lots of responsible citizens have followed the advice of experts and begun storing extra food at home. Most have gone out and purchased a gun or two or three and stocked up with ample quantities of ammunition. The sale of gold coins has pushed the price to heretofore unheard of levels. Prepping is now a growth industry. Snicker if you will but society benefits when citizens take responsibility for their safety and well being. But there’s a problem . . ." ...

HPR Ammunition: Made in America, For Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The silencer shoot this past weekend was mainly BYOA — Bring Your own Ammo. Silencer manufacturers were perfectly happy to let you try their stuff and use their guns, but they wanted you to have your own supply of rounds to put downrange. For those who didn’t bring some from home, HPR Ammunition was on hand to dole out the lead in return for some greenbacks. And since I hadn’t heard of them before I figured I would lay some knowledge down on you readers as well." ...

Thoughts of a Newbie Gunner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Strap yourselves in, because we are going on a little adventure inside my brain…"

"When I was first taken shooting I had so much fun, I wanted to go all the time. I met my shooting buddy every week for about two months and we spent two hours a visit, making holes in paper. Here was my frame of mind: 'Wow, I never thought I'd be so into guns and shooting. I'm lucky to have a friend who lets me shoot his guns.'" ...

Lone Wolf 21SL Slide Weight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prior to the first match I shot with the heavily customized Lone Wolf 21SL, I did a very gross measurement of the weight difference between the new 6 inch slide that’s been lightened and the old factory Glock slide. The idea was to get the weight down as close as possible to the factory Glock slide so that the slide velocity wouldn’t be affected." ...

Saving Colt: Captain Samuel Walker, Texas Ranger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a previous article, talked about the historic significance of the Colt Walker revolver, the gun that saved Colt. The Walker is a 4.5-pound behemoth—a .44-caliber revolver with the power of a carbine—named after Capt. Samuel Walker—an Army officer credited for conceiving what would become the prized revolver. But where did he get the idea?" ...

Law Tactical's Folding Stock Adapter, For ARs (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law Tactical has developed an adapter that allows ARs to fold their buttstocks. This adapter modifies the buffer tube so that the entire buffer assembly and stock can flip to the right side of any AR rifle. If you're familiar with how AR-pattern rifles operate, this should sound some alarms." ...

5 Tips on Selecting Ammunition for Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let me begin by telling you a little about myself, a life long hunter, recreational shooter, and with 18 years of experience as a Law Enforcement Officer during which time I became a firearms instructor and DARE officer both positions I still hold."

"Selecting ammunition for the concealed carry permit holder is relatively easy with today’s major ammunition manufactures offering wide varieties of defensive ammunition to pick from. Each manufacture offers some type of defensive ammunition. These rounds come with bullets ranging from frangible rounds to bonded and non-bonded jacketed hollow point bullets."

"First a quick lesson on wound ballistics, there is no magic bullet. ..." ...

Head Shot: Video Games Improve Accuracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new study has found that playing video games can dramatically improve your accuracy with real weapons. Suddenly, teenagers all across America have a solid rebuttal to their question, 'Why do you play so many video games?'"

"Test subjects played video games that used a pistol-shaped controller and aimed it at the screen to shoot virtual targets. Participants were then asked to fire a realistic gun at human-shaped targets. Not only were the test subjects who had just played video games much more accurate than the test subjects who hadn't, but they also aimed for the head much more frequently. The video game players also scored nearly twice as many head shots as the other participants." ...

Issues must be looked at individually, sensibly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On another issue, Republicans claim Democrats want to confiscate your guns. That’s not true. It’s a scare tactic ..."

"The interesting fact that Mitt Romney left out about President Barack Obama at the recent NRA convention in St. Louis is that he hasn’t done anything, either pro or con, about any Second Amendment issue." ...

"The only thing Democrats are guilty of is being the voice of reason. ..."

"The Bill of Rights was written in a time when the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms included a one-ball musket and maybe a long bayonet, or a one-shot handgun."

"Our forefathers could never have imagined today’s weapons and how far their subliminal rhetoric could go." ...

MD: How many more people have to die?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kudos to Dan Rodricks for his article comparing the Avi and Eliyahu Werdesheim case to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin ('The difference is a gun,' April 29). He is 100 percent right in his analysis."

"I just wish more legislators would listen to common sense. A gun kills on contact, period. How many more people will have to die before we think of better ways to interpret the Second Amendment?" ...

MI: Firearms bill unnecessary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We don’t believe that carrying a concealed weapon should be any easier than it already is in Michigan. The current law is working and should be allowed to stand."

"We hope that is the prevailing wisdom in Lansing, and that voices calling for a so-called 'constitutional carry' bill will carry no further than the Capitol steps."

"A group that supports allowing gun owners to carry concealed guns without permits anywhere they choose is planning a gun-carrying rally outside the state Capitol on May 19."

"The effort comes as Senate lawmakers are considering a bill that would streamline concealed licensing and allow permit holders with extra training to carry hidden handguns in ... places they are now banned." ...

Under the National Defense Authorization Act S.1867 you can be snatched off the streets and disappeared (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A friend of mine produced a series of videos to show the dark side of what can happen to ANYONE under the National Defense Authorization Act. Here’s the first of the series.." ...

Under the National Defense Authorization Act S.1867 you can be detained indefinitely without a trial (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Part 2 of our videos on the unintended (or intended, depending on your beliefs) effects of the NDAA which was signed in to law by Barack Obama on December 31, 2011 (his little way of saying Happy New Year!)"

"Under the NDAA after you get snatched off the street and disappeared the real fun begins. You can be help with no due process, no phone call, no court appearance, no bail, no anything. Just held, until some bureaucrat or politician decides to let you go, if they decide to let you go, ever." ...

US citizens can be arrested, detained indefinitely, and TORTURED under the National Defense Authorization Act (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is the final video in the series of the possible things that can (and most likely will) happen under the authority claimed by the government in the NDAA." ...

MD: Store Clerk Shoots Armed Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man armed with a gun approached the counter of a Baltimore store and demanded money. The clerk, who was also armed, drew his weapon and shot the suspect, who then managed to escape. Police later caught the suspect at the hospital where he had gone seeking treatment for a gunshot wound. The suspect has been arrested and is facing charges." ...

WA: Walla Walla, WA Store Owner Shoots, Kills Late Night Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This one is a little light on details at the moment, but a Walla Walla, WA store owner confronted a man who broke into his store around 2:30am. The store owner shot the suspect during the confrontation. The suspect died at the scene. A few more details at the link below." ...

HI: 3 Suspects arrested in Nuuanu Shooting
Submitted by: Bill

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"Honolulu police are investigating an attempted murder that occurred on Nuuanu Avenue between School and Kuakini Streets."

"According to officials, the shooting happened just after 10 p.m. Thursday at the Nuuanu Garden Apartments. ..." ...

"Two male suspects, identified as 26-year-old Brandon Jamile and 30-year-old David Makilan, were apprehended and taken into police custody. A third male suspect, identified as 35-year-old Michael Napeahi, was arrested when officers found him trying to break into a home on Robello Lane."

"Police say the home's occupant pulled out a gun to keep Makilan at bay." ...

Submitter's Note: Armed homeowner holds shooting suspect after trying to break into his home

Contempt For Holder? Not a Wise Move
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republicans actually have a nice story to tell. The economy sucks. Anyone with a brain knows it is being floated with money printed by the Federal Reserve. The world economy sucks. ..." ...

"It is painfully obvious to the casual observer that the attorney general Obama selected, Eric Holder, is nothing more than a political hack with some extreme biases. Fast and Furious is a horrible way to try and get back door gun legislation. ..."

"But, instead of using him as a punching bag to defeat Obama, they may make him a martyr for the left to rally around. Holder definitely lied. But unlike the 1970's when the press helped House and Senate Democrats go after the Nixon administration, the mainstream press today will support Holder." ...

Gun Owners of America speak out on gun running operation (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It began in 2009 as a strategy for combating Mexican cartels. But, officials lost track of thousands of guns during the Fast and Furious gun running operation."

"Now, the Gun Owners of America are up in arms saying their second amendment may be the next target." ...

"Gun-walking or letting guns walk was a tactic whereby the [ATF] knowingly allowed thousands of guns to be bought by suspected traffickers on behalf of the Mexican drug cartels." ...

"'The US government never even informed our own officials in Mexico City that we were doing this so there was no cooperation,' said Valleco."

"Adding that there was no way to track the guns once they left the stores[sic]." ...

Why the Ban?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As yet another example of how the Obama administration is quietly attempting to disarm American citizens in violation of the Second Amendment, while arming America’s enemies, 'fast and furious' with a stroke of a pen, no congressional consultation, no media attention, they have recently banned the re-importation of nearly 1 million American-made M1 Garand and M1 Carbine rifles from Korea."

"... Made in America, by Americans, to defend American interests abroad, for decades these rifles have been favorites among law-abiding American target shooters, hunters and collectors."

"Why the ban? According to the Department of State, because they 'might fall into the wrong hands.' 'Fast and furious' again." ...

GOP National Convention in Tampa: There Will Be Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Tampa convention is a national security event. Guns are prohibited within the convention center itself and in a safe zone immediately surrounding the facility. ..."

"In 2011, Florida lawmakers approved a measure prohibiting local governments from enacting and enforcing gun ordinances that were stricter than state law. Scott signed the measure, which sent local governments scurrying to remove local restrictions that ran afoul of the new law."

"Tampa city officials have been urging the governor to temporarily suspend the state law so that a wider no-gun perimeter could be established in downtown Tampa, including areas that will be used by protestors during the four-day event that begins Aug. 27." ...

Submitter's Note: No, Florida has had a preemption law since 1987 (Google 'Joe Carlucci Uniform Firearms Act' if you don't believe me). Local governments weren't scurrying to comply with the law, they were scurrying to avoid new penalties attached to a law they had been ignoring for almost 25 years.

Ostensibly 'pro-gun' Romney seeks endorsement of rabid gun-grabber Bloomberg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hardly more than two weeks after telling NRA convention goers that he would be the president to 'stand up for the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and those seeking to protect their homes and their families,' GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney is pursuing the endorsement of the country's most avid gun-hater, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg. ..." ...

Ted Nugent on his Obama comments, Secret Service meeting (video story))
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ted Nugent has been an outspoken activist for years, but his recent comments got him in hot water with the Secret Service. Jeff Glor interviews Nugent about his experience with the agents, his relationship with the Romney campaign, and more."

NC: Comparing records provides a clear view
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Norm Sanderson, on the other hand, has a record. On bills which had significant opposition, his record is: on delegate bills, he voted Republican 29 out of 32 times; on Senate bills, Republican 11 out of 12; on nine votes on vetoed bills, he voted all nine times to override."

"Regarding Second Amendment issues, Grass Roots North Carolina (a group dedicated to monitoring Second Amendment issues) has given him their top rating, along with such stalwarts as Pat McElraft and George Cleveland. Since Ramsey has not been in the legislature, he does not have a rating. (Note: Grass Roots North Carolina does not give endorsements.)" ...

IA: Biede: Cut off money for schooling of illegals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Republican State Senate candidate Matt] Biede said he supports the right of permitted gun owners to carry weapons into city halls, courthouses and even bars."

"'According to the Second Amendment, yes,' Biede said."

"Biede said criminals are going to carry guns regardless of laws."

"He said times have changed since the Second Amendment was enshrined into American culture."

"'But you have to stick with what the amendment is,' Biede said."

"Biede said his support of gun rights does not extend to proposed 'stand-your-ground' legislation that would expand Iowans' rights to employ lethal force if they believe their lives and property are in jeopardy." ...

White House Effort to Increase Gun Exports Faces Opposition (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the name of jobs and an improved economy, the Obama administration is angling to drastically increase munitions exports over the next couple years."

"The plan involves loosen regulations on the export of firearms and other weapons systems so that gun manufactures ... can continue to grow and expand their businesses."

"Those who work within the firearm and ammunition industry are thrilled at the prospect of slashing regulations ..." ...

"However, not everyone is on board with the idea of relaxing export rules on munitions. In fact, some within Obama’s own executive branch are resistant to the plan, arguing it threatens his national security agenda."

"The strongest objections came from Department of Homeland Security." ...

MD: Lawmakers Hope to Create Gun Offender Registry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislators from a Maryland county are planning to introduce a law that will create a gun offender registry in a fashion similar to the sex offender registry."

"This new law would not create something quite as extensive as Family Watchdog, the national sex offender registry, but it would still keep constant records of the whereabouts of gun offenders. Under this plan, gun offenders would be required to personally report to the police every six months and provide an update of any crimes committed, aliases, current residence, and recent employment." ...

CA: California Assembly OKs measure to ban carrying unloaded rifles in public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying unloaded rifles in public would be prohibited under hotly contested legislation that passed the Assembly on Thursday." ...

"Assemblywoman Norma Torres, D-Pomona, asked colleagues to imagine themselves inside a restaurant when a gun-wielding person walked in. 'How would you feel, not knowing the mental state of that person?' she asked. 'I would be afraid.'" ...

Submitter's Note: It must be terrible to live like that; being afraid of people like this. Or this. Or even this.

CO: Boulder Police officer to face attempted, first-degree murder charge (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Boulder Police issued an arrest warrant for Boulder Police officer Christian McCracken, who has been in custody at the Broomfield County Jail since he was arrested last weekend on domestic violence-related charges."

"McCracken was arrested ... Saturday after allegedly stalking and harassing his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, both of whom are dispatchers at the Boulder Police Department."

"At the time of McCracken's arrest, Boulder Police began investigating that he may have planned and taken a significant step toward committing a homicide against the new boyfriend. After consultation with the District Attorney's Office, it was agreed that probable cause existed to obtain an additional arrest warrant." ...

WI: Sheriff's deputy charged with producing child porn (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities said a high-ranking Milwaukee County sheriff's deputy is facing child pornography charges."

"For years, Sgt. Phil Wentzel has been the face of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department as its public information officer before becoming the head commander in the patrol division."

"Wentzel was at work Wednesday afternoon at the sheriff's substation on Watertown Plank road when authorities said the FBI arrested him on charges he swapped homemade child pornography with collectors across the country." ...

FL: Florida Sheriff's Deputies Fired For Allegedly 'Loafing' On The Job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's a lesson for government employees: If you're found slacking, not only can it be really embarrassing when taxpayers find out, it may land you in the unemployment line."

"At least that's what happened in a Florida case involving six lawmen in the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office; their names were published in the media after they allegedly were discovered 'idling and loafing' for hours while on the job, West Palm Beach TV station WPTV reports. One admitted watching a movie while on duty." ...

NY: Secret Service agent strikes, kills Brooklyn mom of 5 crossing the street
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"A member of the Secret Service hit and killed a Brooklyn mother of five Thursday as she crossed a busy intersection while on her way to pick up her granddaughter from day care, police sources and witnesses said." ...

"Witnesses said the car jumped the sidewalk in front of a Hess gas station after impact, with both right side tires getting blown out."

"The driver, whom cops would not not identify, citing his undercover work, remained at the scene. No criminality was suspected, cops said." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: No criminality? What if a cab driver had done exactly the same thing?

WA: May Day aftermath: Court appearances, accountability and lingering questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As suspects arrested the other day in the Seattle protests make their court appearances, there are questions remaining about Mayor Mike McGinn’s emergency order banning “any weapons” from the downtown area – it was quickly rescinded less than 24 hours later – and what might happen next year."

"Reader comments following the Seattle Times' story about the protest contained some educational remarks, such as this one:" ...

Russian Gun Group Joins IAPCAR's Global Gun Rights Coalition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR) added Russia's The Right to Arms as its newest member working to protect and expand the right to keep and bear arms around the globe. Right to Arms joins a coalition of 20 other groups from 11 countries on five different continents that represent millions of firearm owners and citizens concerned about civilian arms rights."

"IAPCAR is quickly expanding as the premier international arms rights organization with groups like Right to Arms as new allies in securing the human right to keep and bear arms," said IAPCAR executive director, Philip Watson." ...

No human rights can exist without property rights. Since material goods are produced by the mind and effort of individual men, and are needed to sustain their lives, if the producer does not own the result of his effort, he does not own his life. -- Ayn Rand

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