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SAF, Calguns Challenge Arbitrary Denial of Right to Bear Arms in California
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation, The Calguns Foundation and three California residents today filed a lawsuit seeking to vindicate the right to bear arms against arbitrary state infringement."

"Nearly all states allow qualified law-abiding citizens to carry guns for self-defense, but a few states allow local officials to arbitrarily decide who may exercise this core Second Amendment right. In the action filed today, Plaintiffs challenge the policies of two California Sheriffs, in Sacramento and Yolo counties, who reject the basic human right of self defense by refusing to issue ordinary people gun carry permits. ..." ...

Media not reporting upholding of Olofson machine gun conviction
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Yesterday we discussed the decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the case of U.S. v Olofson:"
"David R. Olofson's conviction 'for knowingly transferring a machinegun in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(o)' has been upheld."
"Forget learning about it from the mainstream media. A Google News search on the term 'Olofson' produces only two relevant results. One article was a case digest regarding the decision to exclude Olofson's expert witness, Len Savage, from the courtroom during his government counterpart's testimony (which I reported on WarOnGuns)."

"The other was from one of the few outlets that consider the case newsworthy, WorldNetDaily ..." ...

A Simple Matter of Force
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "1) We are now ... down to a simple matter of force between those who support ever-burgeoning government power and those who oppose such totalitarianism. The concept that the Constitution ... fundamental fairness, or any other check on Leviathan's power has any relevance to the nuts-and-bolts of everyday life in today's America is a dangerous anachronism. Distrust automatically anyone who tells you otherwise."

"2) Given that Leviathan can now, among other things, try and convict men for possession of an automatic weapon but yet not have to disclose the manner by which it was determined that the firearm in question was actually capable of automatic fire, don't think that any semi-automatic firearm in your possession can't also be the basis of a felony conviction." ...

Prof urges study of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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There was much fanfare outside of the Lane Hall classroom on the campus of Hillsdale College Monday night where a small crowd of people were waiting to listen to the thoughts of Hillsdale assistant history professor David Raney.

His topic was the U.S. Constitution and its implications on gun ownership, as well as other ideologically-similar rights enforced by the document.

Once he was introduced, Raney wasted little time getting into the primary objectives of his lecture.

He described the Second Amendment as a a vital piece of the foundational American document, and stressed that all citizens must work to understand it more completely.

Gun Owners Should Not be Demonized or Marginalized
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In recent weeks, there have been countless statements made by politicians, pundits, and even the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that gun ownership or support for the Second Amendment is connected to, if not synonymous with, violent behavior. Unfortunately, this false assumption has permeated its way into the Utah media's editorials, political cartoons and news stories."

"Short on facts, those making these accusations have decided to disparage and marginalize those who support the rights of law-abiding gun owners. We saw this in the recent DHS report that equated opposition to gun control legislation with right-wing extremism. ..." ...

Futile gestures solve no violence
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"I had an interesting conversation ... about shopping at Wal-Mart and looking at the knife case over in sporting goods. They have all the knives locked up in a case, will only let you touch them under the close supervision of an employee ... This is all meant to prevent someone from stealing these dangerous weapons and going on a rampage."

"Yet, if you walk a couple of aisles over, you'll find golf clubs and baseball bats sitting out in the open where anybody can grab one and start swinging. Walk over to housewares, open a cardboard box, and choose from a selection of steak knives, paring knives, carving knives, butcher knives, meat cleavers, and more. ..." ...

Author's Note: All too often ineffective policies and laws are put into place in an attempt to "do something" about violence.

Gun Control and some of my favorite quotations
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. ... A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power.'
— [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]"

"'To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege.'
— [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]" ...

America Takes Conservative Turn on Gun Control and Abortion
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Public attitudes on a pair of contentious national issues - gun control and abortion - have moved in a more conservative direction over the past year. In both cases, the changes have been driven in part by relatively large shifts among men, while opinions among women have not changed very much."

"For the first time in a Pew Research survey, nearly as many people believe it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns (45%) than to control gun ownership (49%). As recently as a year ago, 58% said it was more important to control gun ownership while 37% said it was more important to protect the right to own guns." ...

Life After Heller
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In a peculiar but not unprecedented turn of events, an anti-gun control plaintiff lost his case, last month's Nordyke v. King, but nonetheless managed to elicit a groundbreaking pro-gun rights declaration from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals."

"In deciding that it was OK for California's Alameda County to bar the possession of guns on county property—a law that quashed a gun show that had long been held on county fairgrounds—the Ninth Circuit affirmed that the Second Amendment does control state and local actions as well as federal ones. That was a step farther than last year's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller ..." ...

NY: Honoring kin with work vs. guns
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The last Saturday in April was a hot, sunsplashed day, but Gloria Cruz spent it in ... one of the sites of the gun buyback program sponsored by the Police Department and District Attorney Robert Johnson." ...

"Cruz was there as leader of the Bronx chapter of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence."

"After the Binghamton massacre, and several shootings across the nation committed by people who shot their families and themselves ... more people have joined her group."

"'At least 20 people called and said they want to get involved,' she said. 'They are outraged and upset. They want to toughen up gun laws, the gun show loopholes[sic].'" ...

OH: Clerk Says He Shot Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A robbery suspect found himself on the other end of a firearm, and the clerk says he pulled the trigger." ...

"Columbus police were called to a BP gas station on East 17th Avenue shortly after midnight Tuesday."

"Witnesses told police they heard a gunshot and saw a man laying outside in the gas station's parking lot."

"The clerk told police he was closing for the night when an individual attempted to rob the store. That's when the clerk says he shot the suspect, officials said."

"The suspect was transported to OSU Medical Center and currently is in critical condition."

"CPD continued to investigate the overnight Northeast Side shooting."

GA: Man shot, killed in College Park home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"College Park police are investigating a home invasion at a College Park apartment early Sunday in which a victim shot and killed one of the robbers."

"... two men forced their way into a unit of the Southern Lakes apartments on Lakemont Drive about 2:54 a.m. There were 10 people in the apartment ..."

"After robbing them, the men and women were moved to different areas. One of the men has a gun and fought the robbers, shooting one of them ..."

"The robber was found dead outside the complex, police said, and his accomplice had fled. Their names were not released by police."

"One of the women in the apartment was shot and wounded, police said. She was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for treatment."

MI: Police: Detroiter kills teen home intrusion suspect
Submitted by: Freedom Trainer Target

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"A resident of Detroit's east side shot and killed a suspected intruder early this morning as the 19-year-old climbed in the window of his home ..."

"The teen suspect ran from the home ... after being shot in the head and chest with the resident's handgun. He collapsed in front of his own house and died at about 3:30 a.m. ..." ...

"A 38-year-old professional who's lived on the other side of the street from the shooting location for three years said she’s 'glad' that her neighbor shot the suspected intruder."

"'Not good that he's dead, but good that it sends a message,' said the woman, who asked not to be identified out of fear. 'I can bet you everyone on this block has a weapon, and they're going to defend themselves.'" ...

MI: Robbery Suspect Killed By Homeowner (another view)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Detroit man shot and killed a robbery suspect early Tuesday morning ..." ...

"The homeowner said he opened fire as the teen was trying to break into the home by climbing through a window."

"The shooting took place about 3:30 a.m. The teenager lived in the neighborhood ... after being shot in the head and chest, the teen ran through an alley back to his home."

"'He was knocking all over the (house) windows, like he just got shot, so we came outside,' said Lomnil Jackson, the victim's brother." ...

"Police said Holmes died before reaching the hospital."

"The homeowner was questioned by police, but no charges have been filed at this time."

Public safety 'crossroads' in King County may reflect statewide, national problem on magnum scale
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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"... Sheriff Sue Rahr recalled how she responded to questions about personal safety with the probable reduction in sheriff’s services during a series of public meetings held around the county last year. She said something certain to shock the Nannie Statists, and some of her colleagues in law enforcement, but it rang a bell with residents in unincorporated King County."

"'When the question came up,' she said matter-of-factly, 'I told people, if I was in that situation, I'd have a gun. If somebody kicks in my front door and is coming at me, I’m not going to take the time to interview them. Someone that would do that is intending to do harm." ...

WI: It's springtime for gun rights in Wisconsin's carryland
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"My my, what a difference a few months can make."

"Not long ago, gun owners in Wisconsin had reason to fear carrying handguns even though no statute proscribes open carry and the Wisconsin supreme court says that gun carry is a fundamental right. But then gun owners started to stand up." ...

"Then all this hubbub apparently induced Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen to issue an official memorandum to police and prosecutors two weeks ago stating the obvious - that open carry is legal in Wisconsin, constitutionally protected, and not disorderly conduct. And now it's springtime for gun rights in Wisconsin as gun owners begin open carrying in places like West Allis, New Berlin, and Wakeesha ..." ...

Montana draws a deep line for states rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This bill has just been signed into law in Montana. I understand Texas is considering enacting a similar law."

"Let's hope more states will find the courage to tell the over reaching federal government to shove it." ...

Montana Governor Signs New Gun Law
Submitted by: OldNYFirefighter

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"The USA state of Montana has signed into power a revolutionary gun law. I mean REVOLUTIONARY."

"The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws. This will prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana. The federal government fears citizens owning guns. They try to curtail what types of guns they can own. The gun control laws all have one common goal – confiscation of privately owned firearms."

"Montana has gone beyond drawing a line in the sand. They have challenged the Federal Government. The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts. ..." ...

Idaho's Lone Congressional Democrat Talks Gun Control
Submitted by: jgh

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Ammunition is selling so fast, local gun shops are having a hard time keeping it stocked for gun owners. Much of it is being attributed to fears that the Obama Administration and democrat-led Congress will enact strict new gun laws. Democratic First District Congressman Walt Minnick says there's no possibility any gun control measures will be passed in the current U.S. Congress. Minnick says he's one of 52 conservative 'blue dog' Democrats in the House who oppose further gun control and that nothing can pass the House without their support.

Court Kills South Carolina's Gun Sales Tax Holiday
Submitted by: Columbia Conservative Examiner

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"With one brief stroke of the pen, the South Carolina Supreme Court struck down the state's gun sales tax holiday that citizens have enjoyed since 2008 during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend."

"And the ruling was based upon a technicality."

"In the past, the Court would simply delete unconstitutional or unacceptable issues unrelated to the subject of the bill, and then rule in favor of the main text of the legislation."

"However, the Court decided to change its rules during this session. Under the new rule, if a bill is submitted with unrelated, unconstitutional issues attached, the Court will simply strike down the entire bill rather than striking down only the part that is unconstitutional." ...

TN: Committee axes guns-in-restaurants bill curfew
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A joint committee on a bill to allow handgun carry permit holders to take their weapons into restaurants that serve alcohol decided to remove restrictions passed in the House that would not have allowed the guns in age-restricted restaurants and would have barred the weapons from any restaurant from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m."

"The House panel in the committee voted 3-2 to recommend a Senate amendment that contained neither of the stipulations that passed the House. Rep. Curry Todd, R-Collierville and the sponsor of the bill, indicated to the AP that the restrictions he fought for in the House didn’t matter once the bill went to a conference committee." ...

NY: Manhattan DA Candidate to Combat Gun Violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Manhattan District Attorney candidate Richard Aborn proposed a five-point plan to fight gun violence at a press conference on Monday. He was joined by the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence ... and Bronx Chapter President of the Million Mom March Gloria Cruz." ...

"1. Interstate collaboration to share information and resources to fight gun trafficking." ...

"2. Implementation of law enforcement programs to keep guns off the streets." ...

"3. Requirement for all pistols legally sold in New York to include micro-stamping." ...

"4. Implementation of a state-wide five-year renewal process for handgun permits." ...

"5. Strengthen national strategy to ensure that guns don’t fall into wrong hands." ...

UT: Gun rights-Trend is running gun-owners' way
Submitted by: jgh

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"Utah's gun-rights activists in the Legislature are worriers. Their latest scheme to challenge federal authority to regulate guns is another example. It would be modeled on a law passed by the Montana Legislature which says that guns made, sold and kept within that state are exempt from federal registration, background checks and dealer-licensing rules. ... since none of those regulations involves interstate commerce, the federal government has no authority for them."

"What is puzzling is why Utah gun owners would pursue this kind of novel lawmaking when Montana already has taken the lead. Let the Big Sky state pay the bills to test this legal theory in court. If Montana wins, then Utah could consider something along the same lines." ...

NY: NY Assembly Tries to Tighten Gun Laws
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The State Assembly downstate leadership pushed more than a dozen new bills through the Assembly last week that would significantly tighten gun regulation in NY State."

"The 13 bills that passed the assembly would have massive financial impact for gun owners, dealers, manufacturers, and resellers. Among them are several bills that are a direct reaction to the recent Binghampton, NY shooting that left 13 people dead in an immigration center last month. One bill even cites that specific shooting in an example advocating tighter restrictions though it is unlikely it would have made any difference." [emphasis added]

"That bill, A00801A, would require firearms licenses to be renewed every 5 years ..." ...

NY: Assembly dodges a bullet
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"What do you do when a bunch of gun advocates are coming to town by the busload and you're about to pass a bunch of anti-gun legislation?"

"You do what the state Assembly did this week. You run and hide. Or more specifically, you reschedule the votes to the day before they're scheduled to arrive, basically eliminating any chance that the lobbyists will have a chance to influence the outcome."

"We shouldn't be surprised. This is how the state government works. They do things in secret so the public doesn't have a chance to give them grief for it. They prepare the state budget behind closed doors every year, then pass budget bills literally in the middle of the night. ..." ...

TN: Bill making permit holder information secret clears House
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The House voted 83-12 with no debate Monday night to make secret the names of all 220,000 Tennesseans who have state issued handgun-carry permits."

"'This would make information contained in your handgun carry permit private and not open to the public,' Rep. Eddie Bass, D-Prospect, told colleagues ..."

"Meanwhile, House negotiators earlier in the day backpedaled on another permit-related bill and voted 3-2 to adopt a Senate version allowing permit holders to bring loaded pistols into bars and nightclubs."

"Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris, R-Collierville, the Senate sponsor of the measure shutting down public access to permit holders’ records, said he may bring the bill to the Senate floor next week." ...

MA: Supreme Judicial Court calls illegal gun possession victimless-Owners can't be held without bail
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Supreme Judicial Court yesterday ruled that illegal gun possession is a "passive and victimless crime" and that those charged with having illicit firearms cannot be held without bail as a danger to society."

"In a 4-to-1 ruling, the state's highest court rejected the law enforcement strategy of Bristol District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter to cut down on gun violence by seeking pretrial detention for every person charged with illegal gun possession in his jurisdiction, which includes New Bedford." ...

"'While we are cognizant that unlicensed possessors of firearms may use firearms unlawfully, unlicensed possession of a firearm itself is a regulatory crime,' Spina wrote. 'It is passive and victimless.'" ...

Is it even possible to 'reform' the BATFE?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last Thursday, United States Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 941, the 'Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2009.' Text for this bill is not yet available, but it will likely be substantially similar, if not identical, to the previous congressional session's House bill of the same name, H.R. 4900. ..." ...

"There are a great many much-needed reforms in that bill, but a couple jump out at me as being particularly needed--anything that would 'establish guidelines for ... (ATF) inspections, examinations, or investigations of possible firearms violations,' for example, is long overdue, as my colleague David Codrea illustrated." ...

'Patriot' games: FBI detains North Carolina teen
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"'"Never in my worst nightmare did I ever think that it would be my own government that I would have to protect my children from' -- Annette Lundeby"

"... the FBI has been holding 16-year-old Ashton Lundeby for two months under provisions of the Patriot Act. ... mother Annette Lundeby says her son has been stripped of due process:" ...

"... FBI agents accompanied by three local police officers 'stormed' her Oxford, NC house, presenting her with search warrants, handcuffing the tenth-grader, and seizing a computer, cell phone and bank statements. He ... has been charged with making bomb threats from his computer."

"Lundeby's mother maintains that someone hacked into his IP address ... She says family was at church on ... the night in question." ...

NATO doctrine in effect: open carry rights in Wisconsin under attack!
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"Just when everybody thought it was Springtime for gun rights in Wisconsin's carryland, it looks like we have another case of an elected official playing political games with the peoples' rights ..."

"The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal reported yesterday that"
"Ted Jarosh, who describes himself as a strong defender of the right to own and legally carry guns, said last week he will ask the city attorney Tuesday whether the city could classify certain acts of so-called open carry as disturbing the peace." ...
"The open carry community has responded below by re-doubling efforts to raise money for pro-gun radio ads to attack Alderman Jarosh's bigoted views. ..." ...

Free Ashton Lundeby!
Submitted by: Larry

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"It's been said that a lie is a poor way to say 'hello.' It is also the standard greeting one receives from government employees, particularly those who carry guns."

"Around 10:00 p.m. on March 5, a wolf-pack of armed men gathered at the front door of the Lundeby family's home ..."

"When she answered the doorbell, Annette was greeted with the sight of a State Highway Patrolman who introduced himself with a lie. Things went dramatically downhill from there." ...

"The State Trooper's lie was a pretext to rouse the home-schooled teenager from bed and bring him to the doorstep. Once the falsehood shattered against Mrs. Lundeby's polite resolve, however, the pretense was dropped and roughly a dozen armed men in body armor stormed into her home. ..." ...

IL: Illinois State Police Seize and Keep Desirable Cars for Personal Use
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Illinois State Police troopers seized a high-performance muscle car and set it aside for the personal use of an influential police official. The Associated Press reported that a suspected drunk driver in a 2006 Dodge Charger was pulled over in January 2007. The troopers used a state seizure law to confiscate the vehicle."

"Once the paperwork was complete, the 425-horsepower vehicle ... was handed over for the personal use of Ron Cooley, 56, the Executive Director of the Illinois State Police Merit Board. Taxpayers also pick up the fuel tab ..." ...

"According to AP, the Charger is just one of two dozen desirable cars -- including an Audi and a Cadillac Escalade -- grabbed and kept by state troopers. ..."

MI: Cop Answering 911 Call Won't Send Ambulance; Decides Instead to Chastise Freaked-Out Caller for Her 'Filthy Mouth'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"And then, after he finally sent an ambulance... he showed up to arrest her, for 'abuse of 911,' a charge that the report says doesn't even exist."

"Oh-- and he hung up on her twice without getting her information. He called the ambulance only after the third time she'd called, after wasting six minutes."

"The police department has given him two weeks suspension, and Captain Ed argues they're right to resist firing him, as anyone can have 'one bad day.'"

"That's true, but irrelevant. If someone has a legitimate medical emergency and all you can do is complain that you overheard her say 'What the fuck?' before you even answered the phone, you're in the wrong business. ..." ...

IN: Marion County Traffic Court Violates the Law?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"This morning I went out to Marion County Traffic Court on the eastside in response to complaints I had heard about the operation of that court. As of January, the court has had a new judge, Judge Bill Young, a Republican. ..." ...

"One of the first announcements you hear from the burly Deputy Sheriff in Traffic Court is that only the individual defendants can be in the courtroom, no friends, family members, etc.. The Deputy Sheriff warns you that if you are not a defendant and you are in 'his courtroom' you will be arrested."

"Not sure how the Deputy Sheriff came to own the courtroom, but, no, you can't close the courtroom. See Article I, Section 12 of the Indiana Constitution:" ...

NY: Jefferson County to issue new pistol permits, re-issue ID cards
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Good ole fashioned paperwork. It was maybe efficient 50 years ago, but today, it's not at all. And imagine when a police department needs to track a gun, it takes some time."

"That's why the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department hired a Buffalo company named Linstar to make equipment and create a program that will allow it to create a brand new pistol permit."

"Looking much like a credit card, the new permit stores all the owner's information and a second card keeps track of the guns. Saving paperwork time and also much valuable time a deputy needs when trying to solve a gun crime." ...

MT: 'I thought I was going to get killed'
Submitted by: Bob Anderson

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"Blakeley knows what it's like to be looking down the business end of an assault rifle."

"He didn't much like it." ...

"Blakeley said he watched in amazement as officers began to deploy in front of his home. One carrying a tactical assault rifle took cover behind a trailer on his property. Another officer came directly at him with his pistol drawn. The officer was yelling at him to drop his weapon."

"'I've watched a lot of cop shows,' Blakeley said. 'I could tell that guy was on an adrenaline rush. I thought I was going to get killed.'" ...

"[Sheriff] Hoffman is confident the officers reacted correctly."

"'Given the information the officers had at the time, I am very confident that their response was absolutely appropriate,' he said." ...

TX: Texas police shake down drivers, lawsuit claims
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Daniels was stopped on U.S. Highway 59 outside Tenaha, near the Louisiana state line. Police said he was driving 37 mph in a 35 mph zone. They hauled him off to jail and threatened him with money-laundering charges -- but offered to release him if he signed papers forfeiting his property."

"'I actually thought this was a joke,' Daniels told CNN."

"But he signed." ...

"Now Daniels and other motorists who have been stopped by Tenaha police are part of a lawsuit seeking to end what plaintiff's lawyer David Guillory calls a systematic fleecing of drivers passing through the town of about 1,000." ...

"Guillory ... estimates authorities in Tenaha seized $3 million between 2006 and 2008 ..."

H/t to LRC Blog.

Is the country experiencing a bullet drought?
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Stores across the country are reporting a nationwide bullet drought."

"A recent story on National Public Radio said the shortage — as well as a sharp rise in gun sales — coincided with the election of President Obama, fueled by fears his administration would usher in more restrictive gun laws."

"Some Internet theorists allege ammo is in high demand because Obama is planning a 500 percent federal tax on guns and ammunition."

"Locally, gun shop owners say they aren't sure why, but ammunition demand is up and distributors and manufacturers are not meeting the demand." ...

SC: Grand Strand sees surge in gun sales on election, recession fears
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun sales are surging and ammunition is difficult to find across the Grand Strand, following a national trend that began in November when Barack Obama was elected president and was stoked by a fear that the recession will spur a rise in crime."

"Sales at local gun shops have soared as much as 65 percent since the election. And since November, federal firearm background checks ... have outpaced previous years by 25 percent to 50 percent a month ..."

"Many gun buyers are concerned that President Obama's administration will attempt to push legislation that would make it more difficult to buy guns."

"And some people say they are stocking up on weapons and buying guns to protect themselves in the event of a home invasion." ...

CT: Machine Guns Rarely Used For Crime
Submitted by: Robert Simeone

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"... Legally owned automatic firearms, machine guns, are rare, highly regulated and very expensive. Very few Americans own them, and use of them to commit crimes is practically nil."

"Their safety record in legal civilian hands is far better than numerous other products and activities enjoyed by Americans, including swimming pools, soccer games and bicycles. I'm looking forward to a Courant editorial calling for their banishment."

"Also, none of the mass killers mentioned in the editorial used a machine gun. Furthermore, one cannot 'pack' a machine gun, as The Courant sarcastically says, implying you can walk around with one. Doing so would be a felony." ...

Australia: Firearms legal loophole helps Victorian criminals
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"ANGLE grinders and a legal loophole are helping violent criminals beat Victoria's most serious firearms charge."

"A court ruling from two years ago is enabling them to stave off charges of being a prohibited person in possession of an unregistered firearm."

"In the 2007 case, a court ruled a man charged with that offence be cleared because the weapon's identifying numbers had been removed." ...

Submitter's Note: Currently, Australian crooks are removing markings from firearms to avoid legal problems in Victoria. I wonder how many guns are ever going to be found in the hands of criminals with legible 'microstamped' serial numbers? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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