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Little-publicized Senate panel to demand disarming legally innocent under guise of fighting terror
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "A Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs hearing will be held today to explore denying guns to people the government suspects of terror activity." ...

Senate terrorism hearing gives gun grabbers propaganda forum
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Follow-up to today's earlier post, with videos and links to transcripts and reports.

Bloomberg (naturally) focuses on terror suspect's firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whatever else anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg may be, he is predictable."

"It took less than 24 hours after authorities disclosed that a firearm was recovered from Times Square terror-bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad’s car – left parked at Kennedy International Airport when he was apprehended trying to flee the country – for Bloomberg to appear before a Senate committee, calling for tighter gun restrictions." ...

Bloomberg 'Terror Gap' Argument Shot Down By Pro-Gun GOP Senators
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "'This common-sense legislation is not anti-gun -- it's anti-terrorist,' chimed in Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), the sponsor of a bill that would close what Bloomberg has called a 'terror gap.'"

"But GOP Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lindsay Graham of South Carolina wouldn't go along."

Admitting that 'at first blush' the bill 'seems to be an obvious step that we should take,' Collins said that many people on the FBI's watchlist don't belong there. 'None of us wants a terrorist to be able to purchase a gun, but neither should we want to infringe upon a Constitutional right of law-abiding Americans,' she said." ...

'Enforce existing gun laws' means enforcing defenselessness in Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have been talking a lot recently about some Illinios gun bills that the Chicago area gun haters desperately hope to pass this year. One bill that I have probably been remiss in not having discussed so far has already passed in House and Senate votes, and awaits only Governor Quinn's signature to become law."

"I refer to House Bill 5832:" ...

Brady Campaign: Let's talk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been trying to get a response from someone involved in gun-control advocacy to my column 'Who are we protected from with a gun free zone?' I searched the Brady Campaign website for any place to comment or email with their bloggers Dennis Henigan or Paul Helmke. None were found. There were links to subscribe to their newsletter and to donate money. There were links to flog your congressmen and women to pass more onerous laws. I couldn't find one inbound link to communicate with them about issues. I found a link to sign up for my local chapter so I went there. I sent an email request to the lady who runs the local chapter explaining what I was trying to do. ..." ...

Praxis: Extra Socks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From time to time I post updates from The Survivalist and I note Mike and WRSA give gear and prep tips on occasion, so I'd like to pass on something shared with me by my Dad, who was a Marine on Guam, a tip passed on to him from his older brother who was a Marine on Guadalcanal:"

"Cram a couple extra pairs of socks in with your gear." ...

Terrorists who want to buy guns have friends on Capitol Hill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is the NRA a terrorist organization?"

"By George W. Bush's standard -- you're either with us or against us in the fight against terrorism -- NRA chief Wayne LaPierre should be just a few frequent-flier miles short of a free ticket to Gitmo right about now. Seems he and the rest of the gun lobby are fighting for terrorists' right to buy firearms."

"The Bush administration urged Congress to pass a law barring people on the terrorist watch list from buying explosives and guns. The gun lobby objected. Now the Obama administration is urging Congress to pass the same legislation, and the gun lobby continues to object." ...

Submitter's Note: You know, journalists can affect huge numbers of people, maybe we should make sure no one on the watch list can be a journalist . . . or a doctor or nurse . . . or a day-care provider (for the children) . . . or work in a gas station or refinery . . . or work in a restaurant . . . where would it stop?

Suspect’s Gun Proved Easy to Obtain
Submitted by: Paul

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"The mammoth clock-to-wire-to-gasoline-to-propane car bomb that the authorities said Faisal Shahzad hoped would claim many lives in Times Square has been analyzed, diagrammed, prodded and examined. But not long before his arrest, Mr. Shahzad was also equipped with a less-eccentric — and yet more dependably lethal — weapon. And he owned it legally."

"It is fearsome looking, a carbine hybrid of a pistol and a long gun with a mouthful of a name: the Kel-Tec Sub Rifle 2000. Mr. Shahzad bought it, new, in March for about $400. It was found in the Isuzu Trooper that he drove to Kennedy International Airport on Monday, loaded, with multiple extra clips." ...

KABA Note: Since it uses handgun rounds, does that make it a "low-powered 'assault-weapon'"?

Bloomberg Asks U.S. to Close ‘Terror Gap’
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is in Washington this morning, testifying before the Senate, as timing would have it, on terrorism. Mr. Bloomberg is one of many elected officials addressing a hearing of the Senate's Homeland Security Committee on 'Terrorists and Guns: The Nature of the Threat and Proposed Reforms.'"

The mayor's speech is a plea for lawmakers to close the so-called 'Terror Gap,' a hole in the law that prevents the federal government from blocking the sale of firearms or explosives to people on the the terrorist watch list. Because this kind of stuff is on people’s minds lately, we thought we would post the text of his prepared remarks. Here they are." ...

Congress, Up in Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There seems to be a strong sentiment in Congress that the only constitutional right suspected terrorists have is the right to bear arms."

"'I think you're going too far here,' said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. He was speaking in opposition to a bill that would keep people on the F.B.I. terrorist watch list from buying guns and explosives."

"Say what?"

"Yes, if you are on the terrorist watch list, the authorities can keep you from getting on a plane but not from purchasing an AK-47. This makes sense to Congress because, as Graham accurately pointed out, 'when the founders sat down and wrote the Constitution, they didn’t consider flying.'" ...

ME: A gun owner’s concern
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I would like to start by saying that my wife, my son and I all own guns. I hunt and shoot sporting clays. Three cheers for the Second Amendment."

"However, I have no understanding at all why folks who own guns feel a need to gather together in a public place just for the reason of showing the public they can carry a gun. For me the only thing this accomplishes is to scare those of our fellow citizens who don’t like guns." ...

Submitter's Note: As my wife and I were leaving my sister-in-law's Christmas party last year she told me that the first time she realized I was carrying a gun, she freaked. But now, she says, she's gotten used to it and realized that it really isn't a problem. The same holds true for the general public.

DC: Leaders, families rally against new D.C. gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City leaders, anti-gun groups and families touched by gun violence all rallied against new legislation Wednesday in the District." ...

"D.C. Councilmembers Marion Barry and Phil Mendelson were joined in protest by family members whose children were killed in the drive-by shooting violence in D.C. in late March."

"Mendelson called the legislation 'foolish.'" ...

"Parents of children victimized by gun violence also spoke out against legislation."

"'I say 'no' to that gun bill,' says Jordan Williams, whose son, Jordan Howe, was killed on March 22. 'I beg you, no more guns.'"

"The murder of Howe over a missing bracelet apparently sparked the drive-by shooting ... that left four people dead and five wounded ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So how are those insanely restrictive gun laws working out for you folks?

PA: Pennsylvanians are winners in decision to call off car-shooting event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maybe it's a sign that the apocalypse is not upon us after all: Keith Olbermann has apparently outsmarted himself."

"During an MSNBC broadcast last week, the liberal commentator-in-chief drew national attention to a quasi-political car shooting shindig planned at a central Pennsylvania sportsmen’s club."

"Liberal bloggers went wild." ...

"But forget politicians. The real winners in this canceled car shooting get-together are you and me."

"America has been mercifully spared the endless and inane footage of so-called tea partying mobs shooting rounds of ammunition at an old car emblazoned with slogans." ...

CA: LAPD lobbying to end gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years ago this June the United States Supreme Court said the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights was an individual right to own guns unconnected with service in a militia."

"Today, in Washington D.C., Los Angeles Policed Department spokeswoman Sandy Jo MacArthur testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in support of legislation that would take away an individual's right to buy a firearm and allow the Attorney General to deny anyone the right to buy a gun by merely claiming that he or she might be a potential terrorist or appears on some watch list. ... S.1317 is titled "Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009"

CO: Rocky Mountain Gun Owner's Lawsuit Against Gun Ban Wins – CSU Backs Down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the CSU Board of Governor’s voted to rescind their illegal ban on concealed carry on campus."

"'They didn't have a legal leg to stand on,' said Dudley Brown, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO). 'We told them in January, in no uncertain terms, that state law did not allow them to create their own gun ban. Unfortunately, it took a lawsuit to force them to back down.'"

"RMGO filed suit against CSU's Board of Governors on April 15th, proving that unelected board had no authority to override existing state law, which explicitly allows permit holders to carry on college campuses. A day later, a Colorado Appeals Court ruled against CU's ban on carrying." ...

Will the terrorism 'watch list' strip citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With terrorism at the top of the headlines again a U.S. Senate committee today held hearings on ways to strip U.S. citizens of their Second Amendment rights under the guise of protecting the country."

"The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing titled 'Terrorists and Guns: The Nature of the Threat and Proposed Reforms' started at 10 a.m. today [May 5]."

"On the agenda are Senate Bills S. 1317 and S. 2820, both sponsored by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)."

"S. 1317 would grant the U.S. Attorney General the ability to deny the transfer or possession of a firearm to anyone he 'has a reasonable belief' might use that firearm in connection with terrorism." ...

OH: Large number of pro-gun candidates win party primaries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voters went to the polls on May 4 to cast ballots in their respective primaries and selected a large number of pro-gun candidates as their party nominees for the general election." ...

NRA grades candidates on the curve
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had an NRA Political Victory Fund mailer forwarded to me today, one which announced they had graded the candidates for Arkansas House District 66 and was endorsing one of the candidates. I received this email after recently reading an open letter to Ted Nugent by the group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, so I was naturally 'on-guard' about the contents of the NRA's suggestion."

"The mailer stated the NRA-PVF was grading Kevin Holmes at an AQ rating (the 'Q' stands for graded on questionnaire only) and was endorsing him for election to the seat. I then went to the PVF website and found they had graded opponent Gary Deffenbaugh at a B-. However, the PVF does not publish the answers candidates give on these questionnaires."

GA: Two gun bills on Georgia Governor's desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The General Assembly passed two major gun related bills toward the end of the session, one on the evening of the very last day. Both bills are now sitting on Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue's desk awaiting a signature or veto."

"SB 308 repeals Georgia's 140 year old public gathering law and replaces it with a more easily understandable, and shorter, list of places off limits."

"SB 291 would decriminalize the carry of firearms in Georgia airports (like 40 other states) with clear language, make licensing renewals easier for persons holding a valid license, and prohibit government seizure of firearms during a time of declared emergency ..."

"So what can you do?" ...

OH: Newark City Council backing down on illegal gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Newark City Council is backing down on its plan to continue an old ordinance banning guns in parks according to the Newark Advocate."
"'I guess I would say the time for philosophical debate has passed. We have an absolute obligation on our part to bring our ordinance into compliance with the Ohio Revised Code,' [Law Director Doug] Sassen said. 'To not support (the change) puts the city in legal jeopardy.'"
"The article states that an ordinance is being considered to allow those with a concealed carry license to carry gun in parks, but according to Ohio state law they can't do that either ..." ...

OK: Okla. lawmakers fail to override gun bill veto
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A group of Oklahoma state senators have failed to override their governor's veto of a bill that would exempt firearms and ammunition produced and kept in the state from federal regulations."

"The Republican-controlled Senate voted 28-16 ... with 36 votes needed to override Democratic Gov. Brad Henry's veto of the 'Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act.' ..."

"Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon, who is running for governor, vowed to try again to override the veto."

"The bill says firearms, gun accessories or ammunition made in Oklahoma would not be subject to interstate commerce laws and federal regulations if they remain in the state."

"Henry warned the bill would give criminals easy access to a wide array of weapons."

OK: Firearms Freedom Act like 'giving machine guns to wing nuts'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Democrat in the Oklahoma legislature apparently has convinced party colleagues that a state exemption from federal regulations for firearms that are made and kept in the state would be like 'giving machine guns to wing nut militia sympathizers.'"

"The statement came from state Sen. Charlie Laster today when another state senator, Republican Randy Brogdon, sought support to override Democrat Gov. Brad Henry's veto of a bill approved overwhelmingly by the lawmakers."

"Laster's comments came in a prepared statement circulated as the Senate's 28-16 tally in favor of the override fell short of the necessary three-quarters vote." ...

Homeland (In)Security
Submitted by: Larry

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..."... My partner and I were returning from vacation in the Bahamas via Atlanta, en-route to London. Though in transit, we had to clear US immigration which takes place pre-flight in Nassau, on Bahamian soil. ... Now, I'm not about to ridicule the concept of national security. ..."

"My traveling companion was of Iranian descent. She’s been to Iran once, for two weeks only. She grew up in Germany and carries a German passport. She lives in London, works for BBC TV, and possesses a valid work visa for the USA. But her name's undeniably Iranian, if little else—the long eyelashes aside—and this was enough to have her detained. I followed her in." ...

NY: Lights, Camera, Police Action
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A film shoot about a Nassau County Police detective had more officers on the scene than the director wanted."

"Fred Carpenter was directing a scene from his movie ... at a Bellmore convenience store on Tuesday. Since he was shooting on private property, he never notified police of the shoot."

"The scene focuses on a gunman taking people hostage inside the store. Someone driving by saw the commotion and called police. Carpenter soon had more officers than he intended for the scene."

"'All of a sudden I'm directing and 15 police officers come in, ... And for a moment I'm thinking it's part of the movie and then I said, wait a minute, I wrote the movie and this wasn't in the film. And it was like, insanity.'" ...

OH: Governor Strickland to Hold Third Annual Youth Turkey Hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Saturday, May 8 marks the third annual Youth Turkey Hunt hosted by Governor Ted Strickland, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife."

"'Governor Strickland and I are committed to mentoring youth in many Ohio outdoor pursuits,' said Sean Logan, director of the ODNR. 'Encouraging young people to enjoy the outdoors will provide them with a lifetime of enjoyment." ...

CA: Shooting clinic slated for June
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the Auburn areas finest female marksmen is working hard to share her love of shooting and her desire to promote the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"Patricia McLelland-Merydith has become a respected shooter and is hosting her eighth clinic to teach other women to enjoy the sport."

"'I got in to this to encourage women to come out to the gun range and have fun with their family,' she said during a recent interview. 'I was hunting with my family at the time and going to the range. I saw hardly any women at the (gun) clubs.'"

McLelland will host the 'Women on Target' National Rifle Association-sponsored women’s recreational shooting clinic June 9 at Coon Creek Trap and Skeet Club in Lincoln." ...

CO: Colorado State University board rescinds ban on licensed firearms carry
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The ban at the Fort Collins and Pueblo campuses, had been scheduled to take effect on August 1. The prospective ban had been imposed last winter, by a unanimous vote of the Governing Board, and against the express vote of the Student Senate. Congratulations to Rocky Mountain Gun Owners for bringing the case." ...

To have no proud monarch driving over me with his gilt coaches; nor his host of excise-men and tax-gatherers insulting and robbing me; but to be my own master, my own prince and sovereign, gloriously preserving my national dignity, and pursuing my true happiness; planting my vineyards, and eating their luscious fruits; and sowing my fields, and reaping the golden grain: and seeing millions of brothers all around me, equally free and happy as myself. This, sir, is what I long for. -- General Francis Marion, American War of Independence, Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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