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PA: Police: Gun used to kill boxer Tony Martin stolen from cop
Submitted by: jac

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Police believe the weapon that killed a retired boxer was stolen from a Philadelphia officer last fall.

52-year-old Tony Martin was shot and killed in March while collecting rent from a tenant living in his West Butler Street property.

20-year-old Shaquille Henderson was later arrested and charged with the Martin's murder.

Authorities now say the weapon Henderson allegedly used was stolen from his aunt, a Philadelphia police officer in the 22nd district.

NRA's LaPierre: 'We will never surrender our guns'
Submitted by: D. Smith

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In a fiery speech Saturday before cheering supporters, the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre took on advocates for new gun laws and said a national background check bill “got the defeat that it deserved."

“We will never surrender our guns, never,” LaPierre, the organization's executive vice president, said on the second day of the gun-rights group’s convention in Houston, Texas.

He argued that recent mass shootings, including the killing of 26 people at a Connecticut elementary school in December, have been used “to blame us, to shame us, to compromise our freedom for their agenda.”

OH: Homeowner Catches Burglar in Bathroom
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A burglar learned the hard way to mess with a veteran, especially one packing a loaded shotgun.


"He tried to move past me, and I took the gun barrel and hit him in the ribs and knocked him into the bathtub,” Wray said. “He started to move, and I told him if he moved one more time, you're dead."

Sheriff's deputies showing up may have been a relief to suspect Nathan Unroe -- also from Gallia County -- still in the bathtub under Wray's watchful eye. They presume he was in search of prescription pills but only found trouble instead.

'Stand and fight': NRA convention gets call to arms for 2014 election
Submitted by: D. Smith

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The National Rifle Association is calling its members to arms for what they say is the next battle in a prolonged war to protect gun rights: the 2014 congressional elections.

"We are in the midst of a once-in-a-generation fight for everything we care about," NRA chief executive and vice president Wayne LaPierre told the gun lobby's membership on the second day of its annual convention. The motto this year is "Stand and Fight."

Gun owners' freedom, LaPierre said, "is on the line and never more on the line than right now and through the 2014 congressional elections."

With Announcement of Fully Plastic Gun, Rep. Israel Stresses Need for Revamped Undetectable Firearms Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Today, following news of a working plastic gun made almost entirely on a 3D printer, Congressman Steve Israel (D-Huntington) renewed his call for passage of his recently-introduced Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act that extends the ban on plastic firearms and includes homemade, plastic high-capacity magazines and receivers. The existing ban on plastic guns expires this year and does not clearly cover these major components. On Friday, Defense Distributed, a group of homemade gun enthusiasts, premiered a plastic firearm with only one small necessary metal part, a single nail used as the firing pin.

Schumer: U.S. needs to block 3D plastic guns like ‘The Liberator’ from Defense Distributed
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The future just got a lot scarier. A Texas company is set to release blueprints online that could be used to make a plastic gun with a 3D printer, Sen. Charles Schumer warned Sunday. The non-profit, Defense Distributed, announced last week it made a working plastic gun using a 3D printer - and said it plans to post the blueprints for “The Liberator” online this week. The Liberator may look like a toy, but “this gun can fire regular bullets, and can accept silencers and other attachments," Schumer said, as he called for legislation aimed at outlawing the technology’s weapons potential.

DHS Seeks Millions More Rounds of Ammunition
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The Department of Homeland Security has released a market survey asking companies if they are able to provide 2 million rounds of ammunition within a short time period, increasing concerns that the federal agency is continuing its arms build up in preparation for domestic unrest. ...
The DHS’s apparent urge to find companies that can supply them with millions of rounds of ammunition within a short time frame will do little to calm concerns that the federal agency is making contingency plans for riots or some form of social dislocation.

Submitter's comment: Obama's schemes are no longer "under the radar."

CO: Gunmaker HiViz leaves Colorado for Wyoming over new laws
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A Colorado firearms company has found a new home across the border in Wyoming, protesting the recent passage of restrictive new guns laws.
HiViz Shooting Systems announced Thursday that it will move its core operations from Fort Collins, Colo., to Laramie, Wyo. That’s about an hour’s drive, but light years away in terms of state gun policy.

NY: Pistol permit applications shoot up in St. Lawrence County since passage of NY gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Applications for pistol permits in St. Lawrence County have shot up since the passage of the NY SAFE Act in January. That’s making more work for the St. Lawrence County Clerk’s office, and for those who perform the background checks on applicants, the county Sheriff’s Department, the state police, and local police departments. Paid applications for handgun permits have doubled in the first three months of 2013 compared with January to March in 2012, according to the county clerk’s office.

CO: If gun ownership were mandated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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If you thought it's not possible that there exists a single most-inane argument in the debate on gun control, clearly you don't yet know of Craig Rummel.
Maybe you're of the opinion that universal background checks for gun owners should be a no-brainer. Or perhaps you believe the Constitution guarantees in no uncertain terms guns with high-capacity magazines be available to all card-carrying American citizens with no questions asked.
You know, basic rhetoric in the war on or for weapons.
Rummel, a resident of Craig, went before the city council there last week, asking them to pass an ordinance requiring heads of households within city limits to own an assault rifle. As in, gun ownership would be mandatory. By law.

DHS Training Video Depicts ‘Militias’ As Chemical Weapon Wielding Terrorists
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A training-style video available on a media page of the FEMA HSEEP (Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program) website, and linked to the Department Of Homeland Security, features a fake news report depicting “gunowners” and “militias” as terrorists planning bombing attacks on public centers. While confirming that the video’s source was indeed a FEMA/DHS webpage (it was), I discovered another similar video which pushes the boundaries even further; depicting a raid on a militia headquarters which turns up “evidence” of a chemical weapons factory, as well as schematics of various civilian targets.

Terror of terrorism and the Second Amendment: Whatever became of the indomitable American spirit?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Asking that we cast our minds to more suitable horrifying events from the NRA's point of view, during the NRA's national convention last weekend in Houston CEO Wayne LaPierre posed this rhetorical question about the bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 15: "How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?"

That’s an interesting question, actually, given what the significant number of Bostonians who do exercise their Second Amendment rights in fact did when the U.S., Massachusetts and Boston authorities for all intents and purposes declared martial law because a single armed and dangerous criminal was on the loose in the hours after the bombings.

Swatting at Flies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This brings us to a May 2nd editorial in the Montgomery Advertiser titled, “Alabama can’t nullify federal gun regulations.” The article’s confused purveyors of myth launched into a 470-word diatribe against the Alabama Senate for supporting Senate Bill 93, a measure that would declare that “All federal acts, laws, orders, rules or regulations regarding firearms are a violation of the Second Amendment.” The editorial mocks the bill’s author, State Senator Paul Sanford, as “plainly” not a constitutional scholar.

Exactly how a bill that affirms the Second Amendment to the Constitution is so patently foolish is not readily apparent.

FL: Bills that failed in the 2013 Fla. Legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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— Allowed someone licensed to carry a concealed weapon to do so at a concert, sporting game, or other event.

— Required an alleged attacker to commit an "overt act" before using self-defense under the state's 'Stand Your Ground' law.

IL: 'Conceal and carry' in Illinois not done deal, as SCOTUS could put on the brakes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Friday granted the Attorney General of Illinois, Lisa Madigan, a 30-day extension to "file a petition for a writ of certiorari from May 23, 2013 to June 24, 2013" in regards to "conceal and carry" in Illinois. The application for delay to file a petition of certiorari was signed by President Obama's appointment and former advisor, Justice Elena Kagan. The application was filed by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan on April 26, 2013 and was today granted to the Illinois AG.

NRA, GOP Leaders Vow to 'Never Back Away' on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Big-name Republicans and gun advocates took to the stage in Houston Friday to make it clear that they are not backing down to an administration that seeks stricter gun control measures.

"We will never back away from our resolve to defend our rights and the rights of all law-abiding American gun owners," Wayne LaPierre, vice president of the National Rifle Association, told an audience at the NRA's annual meeting Friday. "We are the law-abiding Americans who believe that liberty is a blessing not bestowed by government but by our creator."

GA: Let's remember Second Amendment martyrs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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States with stricter gun laws have fewer gun deaths, as do nations with stricter gun laws, such as Canada, Germany and Britain. If one mentions lower gun death rates in foreign countries, the super-patriots here will say that anyone who doesn’t like it in this country should get out and go where there is less “freedom.” Successful gun control measures from outside the United States, where there is far more freedom from gun deaths, simply cannot be discussed.

There Are No ‘Absolute’ Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every time I write a column on guns, the howl arises that I am talking about a right that is enshrined in the Constitution, buddy, and I better watch myself. The howl then transmutes into an extended harangue that this right is absolute, and no libtard fascist, whether me or the Satanesque Dianne Feinstein, is going to limit the right in any way. The first soldier to charge across this rhetorical veld is followed by hundreds harrumphing their assent. The only problem is that it’s an ahistorical, afactual, and barbaric argument. No right is absolute. In fact, the Second Amendment arguably has fewer restrictions on it these days than many of the other first ten, and there is and should be no guarantee that things are going to stay that way.

CO: Recalls of Colorado anti-Second Amendment senators heat up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recalls in the southern Colorado cities of Colorado Springs and Pueblo heat up as the Democrat Party machine strikes back at recall efforts against senators John Morse (Colorado Springs) and Angela Giron (Pueblo).

Petition-signing efforts in both districts are going well and as the 60-day deadlines near, both seem likely to get the required number of signatures.

The NRA: Representing More Than the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you’ve been to any of the National Rifle Association’s annual meetings, you’ll understand what I mean when I say the gathering is a true representation of what makes America exceptional.

This year, the NRA held its annual meetings and convention in Houston and was attended by more than 85,000 people. Last year it was held in St. Louis and the year before in Pittsburg. Over the past few months, the NRA has seen their membership balloon and just last Friday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced the organization has reached 5 million members.

NE: Adjust Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When injecting the Second Amendment into the gun debate, many forget that the U.S. Constitution is a living document that has been revised 27 times over more than 200 years. For example, in 1870, the 15th amendment stated that no citizen's vote could be taken away because of his race or color or because he once was a slave. Originally, only white men older than 21 could vote.

Isn't it time to adjust the outdated and often misinterpreted Second Amendment to fit today's world? I say yes. Most people are willing to compromise their rights to some extent to feel safer.

Nugent fires up crowd on final day of NRA convention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the final speaker at the National Rifle Association convention in downtown Houston, legendary guitarist and 2nd Amendment rock star Ted Nugent implored an enthusiastic crowd to increase NRA membership 20-fold as the “culture war” over guns continues.

“I want to show them how much we will fight for freedom,” he said as the crowd stood and cheered.

NC: I have a right to self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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House Bill 937 contains restaurant carry, campus gun storage and other common sense pro-gun legislation. It has been scheduled for a vote by the N.C. House twice. It is becoming clear that influence from UNC President Tom Ross and chancellors of the UNC system, including UNC-G Chancellor Linda Brady, is impeding a House vote on this legislation.

CA: Campus political clubs debate gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The phrase “What we can do is change the way we think” was a common theme among the Fresno State chapters of Fresno State Democrats and the Fresno State College Republicans during Friday morning’s gun violence debate in the Free Speech Area.

Five panelists from the two groups came together to discuss the hot political topic. Individuals from each group were allotted several minutes throughout the event, which lasted from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Peter Thomas began his statements by talking about his cell phone and car keys.

“There are many others out there like it, but this one is mine,” he said as he held each item up.

PA: Area man OK with PA gun laws, has trouble finding some ammunition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jersey Shore area resident Orion Bovard firmly believes that "as far as Pennsylvania is concerned, I think the current gun laws are good enough."

He supports the law that requires one to have a permit to carry a handgun and he has no trouble with the three- to five- day waiting period that one has to go through before a handgun purchase is approved.

"I think the Second Amendment is very important. I think it's a very strong part of what makes us who we are as Americans. I think we should all be able to teach our children how to shoot, how to use a weapon, when to use one and when not to. More than anything else, for recreational purposes. It's a tool," the 20-year-old said.

TN: Resolution Proposed To Protect Second Amendment in Shelby County
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The debate on guns is coming to the Shelby County Commission.

One commissioner is proposing a resolution to limit the power the federal government has on gun owners in Shelby County.

Commissioner Terry Roland says he wants to protect the Second Amendment rights of those who live in Shelby County but others say the right to bear arms is not under attack.

AZ: Keep pressure on Flake over gun checks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week, Senator McCain showed real leadership by supporting expanded criminal background checks for gun sales. He stood up to the NRA's Washington lobby, advocating for something that a majority of Arizonans support. I am disappointed in Senator Flake's vote in that he buckled to the Washington gun lobby and joined a minority of senators to block what I consider life-saving legislation.

NC: Chancellor Ballard and other UNC officials are off track on this one
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Monday will be a big day for constitutional rights at the General Assembly. H 937 is on the calendar for a floor debate and vote.

The President of the UNC system, the president of the UNCG Alumni Association and ECU's Chancellor Steve Ballard have recently jumped into the political fray on the bill by opposing it. Simply stated, their opposition is foolishness. Here's why:

H 937 corrects existing problems with the gun laws related to concealed carry permit (CHP) holders.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. — Edmund Burke

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