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Love your children? Teach them how to safely handle guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Utah teenager died after apparently shooting himself with a revolver loaded with blanks." ...

"The 'solution,' as presented by those who wish guns to disappear, is to teach children to avoid them. They must be locked up in safes, separated from ammunition, we are told, so that children cannot access them. ..."

"The unintended consequence of the avoidance approach is it ensures ignorance, so if a child does encounter a gun, they will be clueless as to what to do next. ..."

"That means giving your children development-appropriate gun training. Notice I did not say 'age.' It varies ..."

"This means, at some point, you need to teach your child how to handle a gun. ..." ...

Gun Control: Again, the GOP asks what to do for 2010, Part III
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Polarizing. Divisive. Extremist. People who want liberty by way of holding officials to their oath of office are polarizing, divisive and extremists. The viciousness continues. But if the GOP continues to be intimidated by the angry left, then the GOP is intimidated for political reasons. Polarizing, Divisive, Extremist, my foot."

"The GOP needs to understand deeply what the constituency expects from it if it is going to build one which will really elect them. Nobody hires representatives to be polite and walked over, but to be partisan. Surrendering to pressure from the vicious left is to be polite and to abandon liberty as a duty. You're not doing anybody much good by letting the left eat your lunch and steal our money." ...

The Violence Policy Center has it wrong
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today a press release by the Violence Policy Center, based in Washington, D.C. trumpeted the news that states with more guns and lax gun laws have higher per capita suicide rates than states with few guns and tight gun laws. They follow this information with the punch line that if we could just get rid of all those guns, we could save all those lives lost to suicide. It is truly desirable to save despondent people from suicide because life is precious. We need to understand what drives folks to consider suicide and try to help them before they reach that decision. Suicide is a state-of-mind. It isn't dependent on the tool of choice." ...

Submitter's Note: Why is it that when an economist performs multiple regression studies, taking into account dozens of variables to show that more guns mean less crime VPC derides it as 'just statistics' or 'coincidence', but when you see a vague correlation between 'strict' gun laws and 'gun deaths' they trumpet it as proof of the necessity for more gun bans?

They're after our guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein recently said that she will pick the time, she will pick the place and she will bring back the failed Clinton gun ban. And she said President Obama will sign it."

"Most of the media has swept it under the rug, like always. But they can't deny it any longer and there's no doubt about it. They're coming after every law-abiding gun owner in America. They want your name and personal information in a federal database. That's right - national registration of all firearms."

"The Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi - fully admitted her gun registration plan, in an admission wrapped around outright untruths about the Second Amendment and our freedom." ...

Submitter's Note: But remember, criminals don't need to register because it violates their rights.

How come nobody complains about car violence?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "DWI fatality rates fell from 6.18 (per 100,000 population) in 2000 to 5.88 by 2006, nearly matching the homicide rate of 5.69. Murder rates rose slightly after 2000, then decreased in 2004, and then rose again slightly. ... Nevertheless, DWI fatality rates consistently led the overall murder rate." ...

"In 1996, the DOJ’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) published a report entitled Victim Costs and Consequences ..."

"What is most interesting is that this study assigned greater cost to a DWI fatality than to a murder. Thus, the DOJ considers DWI fatalities a greater cost to society than murder. ..." ...

40 Reasons For Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I thought I'd post a little humor for today. This is one of my favorites..."

"1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns."

"2. Washington DC's low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis' high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control."

"3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are 'just statistics.'"

"4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates, which have been declining since 1991." ...

NRA sabotaging grassroots effort for defensive handgun carry in Illinois?
Submitted by: Kurt Hofmann

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... "A little background first ... The likelihood of a statewide preemption bill being passed is greatly reduced by the fact that bills preempting home rule status require 71 votes for passage rather than a simple majority of 60 ..." ...

"Keeping in mind a statewide preemptive law is the ultimate goal, IllinoisCarry members ... have given their full support to the idea of subject to home rule carry ..."

"HB2257 started off with good promise, the sponsor reported he felt sure he could garner the 60 votes needed to pass it out of the House. So it came as a huge shock and disappointment to learn from legislators that the NRA was actually lobbying against it."

"... NRA-ILA was indeed lobbying against the bill and vowed to kill it. The reason given for the opposition was that the bill did not include statewide preemption ..." ...

AR: Group says Ben Geren Park gun rules are illegal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Arkansas Carry has contacted Sebastian County Judge David Hudson, asking him and the Sebastian County Quorum Court to repeal a county rule that bans firearms at Ben Geren Park ..."

"Officials with Arkansas Carry ... believe Arkansas law prevents local governments from enacting gun control legislation." ...

"Gabe Holmstrom, spokesman for Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, said more info is needed to make a formal legal opinion."

"As a general rule, local ordinances that conflict with a state statute are invalid. In order to determine whether this particular ordinance conflicts with state law one would need to obtain all the facts and analyze the ordinance and the potentially relevant Arkansas code sections. ..."

Tom Ridge Drops Out as Pressure Against his Candidacy Intensifies!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Earlier this week, GOA alerted email activists that certain prominent Republicans were pushing former [DHS] Director Tom Ridge to run against pro-gunner Pat Toomey in a Pennsylvania primary."

"GOA members flooded the Republican [RNC] office with phone calls and emails, highlighting a few of Tom Ridge's anti-gun actions:"

"* As a Congressman, he provided the pivotal vote to pass the Clinton semi-auto ban."

"* As Governor, he signed into law the infamous Act 17, which registered and taxed long gun buyers ..."

"* As the first director of DHS, Ridge opposed arming commercial airline pilots in defense of terrorism."

"In contrast, former Rep. Pat Toomey stood 100% for the rights of gun owners." ...

TX: Armed citizen takes out tires as shoplifters flee
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A citizen with a 'concealed-carry' handgun license shot out a tire on a car full of fleeing shoplifters, then followed them in his own vehicle ... helping Azle police apprehend four people ..." ...

"Four accused shoplifters ... were attempting a getaway ... when they were spotted by a citizen in the parking lot. The citizen was carrying a properly licensed concealed weapon ..."

"The fleeing driver seemed to be headed straight for the citizen, who fired at the vehicle, striking a front tire."

"Another citizen called 911 and reported 'an undercover officer shooting at someone who tried to run him down,' [Chief] Myers said."

"That 'undercover officer', it was later discovered, was the armed citizen ..." ...

"The chief has mixed feelings about the help officers received from an armed citizen." ...

KABA Note: Gun Control: The theory that a man run down and killed in a parking lot is somehow morally superior to a man explaining to police how he helped them catch a car full of bad guys.

AK: Man pulls gun in self-defense on group of harassing teenagers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A report of a man pointing a gun at some teenagers on bikes at the Sears mall spurred an extensive police response and prompted school district officials to lock the doors at Fairview Elementary School Thursday afternoon."

"But it turned out the young adults had in fact been harassing the man and that he pulled a weapon from his vehicle for protection ..."

"The two parties split after the incident at about 1:45 p.m., but witnesses followed the man with the gun north on the Seward Highway to 13th Avenue and Gambell Street, where police with guns drawn stopped the man and a passenger."

"After questioning the suspect and other witnesses ... police determined the unnamed man had acted within his rights ..." ...

Two stories from college, two different endings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There have been two markedly different tales of violence and bloodshed from two different college towns that ended two different ways, reflecting the vast differences in culture and the gaping chasm that exists between the political correctness of the gun-free zone mentality and the common sense of being prepared." ...

High rate of Concealed Handgun License issuance in Ohio continues
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"In conjunction with the record pace of firearms sales, issuance of concealed handgun licenses in Ohio is also increasing."

"For example, the Fairfield County Sheriff's Office is reporting that 'the county is well on its way to surpassing the number issued in 2004 - the first year the county issued permits.'"

"This increase is attributed to a number of factors." ...

"[Tom] Parrish said his decision to get his concealed-carry permit came just months after President Barack Obama took office."

"We've already talked about the increase in gun ownership, but this trend shows that not only are concerned citizens purchasing firearms for self defense, but they are carrying them as well." ...

OH: Toledo Mayor tells residents police can't protect them
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When word of significant cuts to the Toledo police force first came out, one senior police officer issued the following recommendation to city residents:"

"'Buy guns. Invest in precious metals: lead, gun power and brass.'"

"And now, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is admitting the reason why this is such good advice:"

"'Violent crimes, shootings, are not ever prevented by the presence of a police officer, no matter how many thousands of police officers you have.'"

"Saturday, May 2 marked the first full day since 75 Toledo police officers turned in their badges and guns, and according to the Toledo Blade, word of the significant cuts in the Toledo police force is on the street." ...

President Obama's unexpected position on guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Barrack Obama was elected President last November, all of us who hold dear the right to own sporting firearms for target or sport hunting fully expected a slew of new laws to be enacted that would be the beginning of the end to personal firearms ownership in the U.S.A."

"Strangely, this expected control hasn’t happened! Apparently, the White House strategists feel that they cannot afford to tangle with the [NRA] at this time. A spokesman has said, 'The President supports the Second Amendment, respects the traditional ownership of firearms by responsible citizens ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: 'Traditional ownership of firearms' as in single-shot muzzle loaders?

Another push to ban 'assault weapons'--what will 'pro-gun' Kirsten Gillibrand do?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When New York's Governor Paterson appointed Kirsten Gillibrand ... as Hillary Clinton's replacement in the U.S. Senate, rabidly anti-gun U.S. Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) was apoplectic. The idea of an NRA 'A' rated politician providing half of New York's Senate representation was too much for her to bear." ...

"It has become increasingly clear that McCarthy had little to worry about. Since her promotion, Gillibrand has moved into the citizen disarmament camp just as quickly as possible. ..."

"Still ... Senator Quisling . . . er, Gillibrand will have to do more, if she wants to keep her new friends. ..." ...

"... McCarthy said that next week she plans to introduce an assault weapons ban - legislation that is anathema to the NRA and that could pose a problem for Gillibrand." ...

Is Tennessee next?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Tomorrow, the legislature will vote on the Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act. This proposed law is very similar to the law exempting firearms manufactured and kept within the state from federal regulation that was recently enacted in Montana.

Barrett firearms are big guns manufactured in Tennessee and are among the guns in the Congress sights in HR 1022 to be banned. Now you have one more reason to move to Nashville.

It appears this bill has enough support to pass.

For more on this story:

NY: Gun control as mainstream issue in the metro area
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In this region, gun control is the equivalent of mom-and-apple-pie. So much so that -- for example -- Republican Rep. Peter King seems to have a more restrictive policy on firearms than recently appointed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who'd previously followed the upstate sensibilities of her Congressional district. In that context, it is not surprising that NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn and colleagues are convening a gun-control summit in Harlem on June 3. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of course, has campaigned for stricter federal controls." ...

NY: Bloomberg Surrounds Himself With Democrats
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"On the heels of his sit-down with President Barack Obama yesterday and two days after the Manhattan GOP gave him a clean sweep of the city's Republican committees, Mayor Bloomberg appeared at Gracie Mansion with Democratic state lawmakers to announce the formation of a New York chapter of State Legislators Against Illegal Guns."

"More than 50 Democratic state lawmakers have signed up to join the new group - the offshoot of Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns. ..."

"A national version of this legislative organization was launched last year, with Sen. Eric Schneiderman as one of the founding members." ...

Germany: Germany to curb gun rights
Submitted by: jgh

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"THE GERMAN government has agreed to curb gun rights, two months after a 17-year-old killed 15 people ..." ...

"The proposals on the table include banning paintball ..."

"Lawmakers say the sport 'simulates killing' and should be outlawed."

"The draft law would also bar youths under the age of 18 from shooting high-calibre guns at target practice and permit police to conduct checks at the homes of gun owners to ensure their weapons are under lock and key."

"An electronic registry of firearms would also be introduced along with, eventually, biometric security systems to help ensure weapons are only used by their rightful owners."

"In addition, lawmakers would introduce an amnesty for owners of illegal firearms if they turn them in to authorities."

Perp’s speak as Ashton Lundeby detention gets ‘curiouser and curiouser’
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"Like 'Alice in Wonderland,' the Department of Justice detention of Ashton Lundeby becomes more convoluted with each passing day."

"Is it a Patriot Act detention of a teenager, or not? Is Lundeby guilty as sin, or was he set up? Is he a misguided teenager making prank calls or the next Unibomber?" ...

"Is Ashton being held under the Patriot Act? His mother says 'yes.' But just yesterday the office of United States District Attorney David Capp issued a press release insisting that Lundeby’s detention is 'unrelated to the Patriot Act.'

"Speaking to an attorney today, however, he noted: 'There is a wealth of information in what is not being said.' ..." ...

Suspect detained over 'extremist' bumper sticker
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Louisiana driver was stopped and detained for having a 'Don't Tread on Me' bumper sticker on his vehicle and warned by a police officer about the 'subversive' message it sent, according to the driver's relative."

"The situation developed in the small town of Ball, La., where a receptionist at the police department told WND she knew nothing about the traffic stop, during which the 'suspect' was investigated for 'extremist' activities, the relative said."

"A man identifying himself as a police officer from Ball called WND later to report that the town's records of traffic stops did not include this situation. He suggested it might have involved one of several other agencies that work in the area." ...

GA: Off-duty cops charged with shooting up Lake Allatoona
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two off-duty Atlanta Police Department officers were arrested early Monday morning in Cherokee County, charged with reckless conduct for shooting dozens of bullets into Lake Allatoona."

"At around 1 a.m. Cherokee 911 received several calls complaining about the gunfire. Deputies were dispatched to the Allatoona shoreline, and one reported a bullet landed just 15 feet away from where he stood ..."

"'There were people fishing in the area at the time,' he said."

"The shots were traced to the Cedar Drive home of Atlanta police officer Dan Rasmussen, 43. Fellow cop Chad Armstrong, 31, was also charged ..." ...

"Rasmussen and Armstrong have been suspended with pay by the Atlanta Police Department. ..." ...

Ammo running short on political fears
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The fear of a Democratic Party agenda in Washington has triggered a shortage of ammunition, a gun group said."

"'Many of the lawmakers in power right now have a long history of supporting legislation that violates the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans,' said Ted Novin ... at the [NSSF] ..."

"'Gun owners recognize this and are reacting accordingly,' Novin said, referring to a run on ammunition that has caused shortages in 9 mm and .22 caliber rounds ..." ...

"... Winchester Ammunition ... says, 'our team is literally working around the clock to make quality ammunition available for purchase.'"

"Some said the supposed fears were a ploy within the industry to whip up sales ..." ...

WA: Gun rights unambiguous
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Misinformation pandemic,' ... seems appropriate for the anti-gun propoganda that's propogated by our regional liberal extremists."

"Pete Scobby ... in his monthly, anti-Republican Party rant, says, 'Republicans hold up the Constitution when they want to buy a machine gun.' Actually machine guns were banned, in the U.S., by the [1934 NFA]."

"Sometime back, Mildred Stoeser made the wild-eyed claim that the NRA wants everyone to own an 'AK-47.' Stoeser's statement has no basis in fact."

"Finally, Joan Harman’s letters show her total ignorance about firearms, liberty and the Second Amendment."

"... What part of, 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed' don’t you understand?"

Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them. — WALTER MONDALE

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