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Should shaving your beard be cause for federal terrorism scrutiny?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "So it should come as no surprise to see real indicators of overt malevolent intent conflated with innocent actions, such as shaving a beard, or paying in cash, or traveling an 'illogical' distance to a gun-related event." ...

The Patriot Act and the slippery slope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barrasso, Enzi and Lummis followed the establishment herd supporting the Patriot Act. While there is a lot of doom and gloom in this article make sure you read about the 'light at the end of the tunnel' below."

"Sadly the Un-Patriot Act extension has been signed into law by Barack Obama, but what does this really mean?"

"All the records that contain personal information about your finances, gun purchases, GPS-phone location, even health records can be requested without the standard procedure. You see it is no longer politically correct to wake up a Judge at 3am to sign a search warrant." ...

Paper Shocked, Shocked! to Find More Guns Mean Less Violent Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Willfully incredulous. Factually obtuse. Pathetically doofus-like. It seems there’s no end to the number of mainstream journalists who are (or, at least, profess to be) surprised by the correlation between relaxed gun laws, increased gun ownership and reduced violent crime. No matter how many times the facts hit them over the head. And writers in the Old Dominion are evidently no different…" ...

Arguments Against Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Generally speaking, gun control is recognized as the effort to restrict or limit the production, shipment and ownership of certain guns. Over time, the issue of gun ownership has become a staple of controversy and one of the most hotly contested social issues facing Americans."

"More often than not, where one falls on gun control depends largely on their political affiliation, their moral standards and their past experiences with firearms." ...

Gun Review: Barrett MRAD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barrett is best known for their .50 BMG semi-automatic rifles. They also produce some very nice bolt action rifles. Their latest rifle is called the MRAD or Multi-Role Adaptive Design rifle, chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. Barret trucked their rifle out to the NDIA symposium in Indianapolis (along with a generous supply of ammunition) and let me take a couple shots." ...

WI: Another example of faulty logic (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recent thoughts of all the young men and women who have given their lives for our country and freedom have prompted me to write regarding concealed-carry legislation."

"Using fear and the Second Amendment as their justification, the Republicans in power have decided now is the time for all Wisconsinites to be able to carry a concealed weapon to protect themselves from the massive hordes of evildoers." ...

OK: Oklahoma Pharmacist Who Killed Armed Robber Gets Life
Submitted by: Oliver Nelson

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"In a controversial case that has split Oklahoma City and led to volatile Facebook pages supporting both sides, an Oklahoma jury has recommended that a white pharmacist -- who shot and killed an armed black teenager trying to rob his store -- be sentenced to life in prison, following his conviction of first degree murder." ...

30,000 Mexicans Killed In Drug War, Violence, Made in the USA!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Demand and supply for drugs or narcotics by Americans is what fuels the drug trade in Mexico and much of North, South and Latin America. American guns and the easy access to guns in America facilitates and accelerates-exacerbates drug violence or wars in Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Panama etc." ...

Submitter's Note: Well maybe if the ATF hadn't greenlighted so many 'Gunwalker' sales . . .

Save us, Rick!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not even a holiday break could stop the Republicans from offering us a new episode of their galvanizing campaign miniseries, Game of Thrones." ...

"Rick Perry from the House of Swagger was asked by reporters on Friday whether he had any interest in staging a late bid for the '12 presidential nomination, and replied: 'I'm going to think about it.'" ...

"... seriously, folks. Rick Perry?"

"Granted, he has a great jaw (telegenic). He packs a .380 handgun when he goes jogging (catnip for gun lovers and Second Amendment purists). ..." ...

Obama and 'gun control': 'Under the radar,' or is the radar going unwatched?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in April, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea noted that the Brady Campaign's Sarah Brady had been quoted in the Washington Post as having received a promise from President Obama that the administration is working on enacting more restrictive gun regulation by stealth:" ...

Gun Control by Stealth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama is expanding gun control 'under the radar,' he reportedly promised Sarah Brady. ..."

"It was the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Jim Brady, the White House Press Secretary who was severely wounded at the time, and his wife, Sarah, were meeting with current Press Secretary Jay Carney. The President joined the meeting. Current law, named for Brady, requires immediate background checks on handgun purchases. The Bradys had come to Washington seeking stricter legislation." ...

White House To Gun Ban Groups – We Are Working On It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post has reported that President Obama recently discussed his administration’s intentions concerning gun control with Jim and Sarah Brady, founders of the anti-gun group the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"According to the story, Sarah Brady said the president volunteered: 'I just want you to know that we are working on it (gun control). We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.'"

"What exactly does 'under the radar' mean?" ...

OH: Ohio poised to approve concealed-carry law allowing guns in bars, restaurants and stadiums
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio legislature is on the verge of approving one of the country's most wide-reaching bills allowing concealed firearms in places that serve alcohol, including bars and stadiums."

"Lawmakers who support the measure argue that Ohio is merely catching up to 42 other states that already allow concealed carry permit holders to tote their firearms in booze-pouring establishments. But that's not the whole story." ...

NV: Of all higher ed issues facing the Legislature, guns on campus shoots to top
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Of all the problems facing the beleaguered Nevada System of Higher Education, which one seems so urgent that the Legislature would take it up? Perhaps it’s how to deal with deep budget cuts, which will be at least $200 million when you count the loss of federal stimulus money? Or access for underprivileged students? Or graduation rates? Or the division of resources between UNR and UNLV?"

"Well, if you guessed any of those, you’d be wrong. The real pressing issue? We’ve got to make it easier for people to carry concealed firearms on campus. Hell yeah!" ...

OH: Opposition to concealed-carry bill uses false arguments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There has been a lot of talk about H.B. 45 lately, which would allow concealed-carry permit holders in Ohio to legally carry their firearms inside restaurants, bars or open-air arenas that serve alcohol, as long as they did not consume alcohol. I felt obligated to clear up some of the misleading arguments of the opponents of this bill." ...

NJ: Confirmation hearing set for Christie judicial nominee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the 1990s, more than 40 cities and counties sued gun manufacturers, arguing that the companies had flooded the market with weapons they knew would fall into criminals' hands."

"Camden County said firearms manufacturers had created a public nuisance, and it sought damages for the costs related to gun crimes. More than 12 people represented the companies in federal appeals court in 2001, including Patterson, an attorney for Colt's Manufacturing. The companies were victorious."

"At the Judiciary Committee hearing, senators should go through every state gun law and ask if Patterson plans to invalidate them, said David Kairys, the Temple law professor who began the effort against gun companies." ...

The Guerena Shooting: Initial Analysis
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... What I’ve yet to see is concise information that would allow people who don’t have police and/or tactical team backgrounds to better understand what appears to have happened in this case. To that end, I’ll explain why SWAT teams exist, what purpose(s) they should serve, how they should work, and proper police procedure in any case where the police have shot a citizen."

"I’ll also analyze the brief—less then 60 seconds—police video of the actual shooting ..." ...

FL: Investigators: Polk deputy tied naked children to desk, beat them with paddle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Polk County sheriff's deputy filmed herself strapping naked children to a desk and spanking them with sex toys, then sent the videos to a boyfriend she met on a fetish website, investigators said." ...

MI: Ex-Southgate officer charged in alleged sexual assault of abuse victim
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Southgate police officer was charged today with third-degree criminal sexual conduct after he allegedly assaulted a victim of domestic violence after taking the woman to a hotel for her safety." ...

NY: NY rape victim leads project to catch predators
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Natasha Alexenko wants more rapists in prison."

"A sexual assault survivor who waited 15 years to see her assailant brought to justice, Alexenko — who is featured in an upcoming HBO documentary on sex crime prosecutions — insists authorities often have the evidence to convict predators, but it goes untested for years. It happened to her." ...

Submitter's note: Yea, let's not talk about PREVENTING rape with the proper self defense tool. Let's not talk about shooting the attempted rapist so there's no need to wait decades for justice. Let's keep women weak and begging government to save them. More rapists in prison? How bout less rape? We'd better avoid how NY forbids women from protecting themselves.

OH: Shooting for a Cure at the Ohio State Trapshoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The annual Ohio State Trapshoot starts June 20 and runs for a week. The shooting grounds are at the Cardinal Center, Marengo Ohio. The event is the premier state shoot in the mid-west and continues to attract the finest shooters from across the nation and beyond."

"I've shot at the facility and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Unfortunately, my scores are typically not the ones to be found in the winner's circle at the end of the day."

"This year the Ohio State Trapshooting Association (OSTA) has a new event for the opening on June 20. It's sure to make everyone who shoots a winner regardless of the scores. The event is being billed as the 'Shoot for a Cure' for women's breast cancer. ..." ...

CA: Robbed Twice In Public, Woman Doesn't Want Her Life Risked A 3rd Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For some in the ongoing civil rights saga over the 2nd Amendment in California, the issue of Open Carry is merely academic. Democrat legislators in Sacramento decry common, law-abiding citizens carrying properly-holstered and openly displayed handguns on California streets because they believe that it represents a threat to public safety. Despite not being able to cite even one single case of an Open Carry advocate ever committing a violent crime in California, these anti-gun politicians press on to demonize a class of law-abiding citizens in the Golden State to try and revive a floundering anti-gun political agenda that is quickly losing ground across the State and the country." ...

OH: NRA: Buckeye Firearms Foundation win over City of Cleveland "a long-awaited and major victory for Ohio gun owners"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, the Cuyahoga County Court struck down the City of Cleveland's scheme of restrictive gun laws still on the books despite Ohio law, which clearly prohibits such municipal gun ordinances. The Court ruled in favor of gun owners in the National Rifle Association-supported case of Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Inc. v. City of Cleveland."

"'This is a long-awaited and major victory for Ohio gun owners, further confirming the Ohio Supreme Court decision that validated and clarified Ohio's preemption laws,' said Chris W. Cox, executive director for NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action ..." ...

IL: Some laws need to be broken
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a rebuttal to a letter by Mark McCoy, Bev Mattison (May 6) naively states: 'McCoy should know -- society needs laws, some of which are extremely unpopular. That does not mean we are free to break them.'"

"Mattison is wrong. We are free to break them and some laws should be intentionally broken. Openly breaking an unconstitutional law is the best way to challenge an asinine law by being arrested. Rights are worth the possible consequence for failing in a challenge." ...

TN: 'Well-regulated militias' were common citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to letter writer Ed Sanders’ interpretation of the Second Amendment, I suggest that he read it again. When I read it, I try to put myself in the period."

"Way back then, there was no National Guard. When a crisis occurred, a call to arms went out and the 'people' dropped their plows and picked up their arms. They then assembled into a 'well-regulated militia.' Guns were not provided; the people had them." ...

WA: More than 337K Washingtonians licensed to carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 337,000 Washington residents are licensed to carry concealed handguns today, according to data from the state Department of Licensing’s Business and Professional Division."

"It's a new record for the Evergreen State." ...

PA: Threat assessment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The logic (or more accurately lack thereof) of Ryan Snyder, who wrote that 'Guns don’t belong in public places' (May 27), is astounding."

"First, I am assuming from his letter that he would be in favor of a law banning privately held handguns from public places. Second, I am assuming he feels such a law would prevent someone such as [the Tucson shooter] from attacking someone with said gun in a public place." ...

There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. — James Madison

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