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Newslinks for 6/10/2015

Exclusive: Mad Men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'[I]t does, at least, suggest—indeed, demonstrate—that minds can be changed on the matter,' Nudd insisted. 'And it’s chilling in the video to see the actual guns that were used in notorious crimes, and must have been that much more so in person.'"

"The guy swallowed it hook, line and sinker, didn’t he? Even after being told the setup was a fake, this media 'professional,' who immerses himself for a living in the stuff that dreams are made of, accepted without question that the rest of the illusion must be real—because, after all, it was a public service announcement. Besides, who’s ever known an advertising agency to stretch the truth?"

"In a way, it shows how ignorant even seemingly tuned-in and intelligent people can be ..." ...

SCOTUS decision will open door to ‘safe storage’ initiatives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday’s decision by [SCOTUS] to turn down an appeal of restrictive gun laws in San Francisco throws the door open to more billionaire-funded initiatives to require so-called 'safe storage' of firearms, and push for bans on some of the most common ammunition available for hunting, self-defense and competition."

"Writing for SCOTUSblog yesterday, Lyle Denniston observed, 'The refusal to review the case ... was the latest in a string of such orders, declining to clarify the personal right to have a gun, first established seven years ago and extended nationwide five years ago, but not explained further in the years since. ... [T]he Court did not explain why it was choosing to remain on the sidelines.'" ...

Are You Too Stupid for a Concealed Carry Permit?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes, certain people just aren’t cut out to carry a firearm — let alone own one. It takes a certain type of person to own and carry, and it’s a responsibility that every single potential gun owner needs to consider. Some need to ask themselves: 'Am I too stupid to own/carry a firearm?' . . ."

"If you’re teaching someone how to clear a firearm and negligently shoot them in the foot, you may be a bad candidate for a concealed carry permit." ...

A Gun Control Advocate Tells You What He Really, Really Wants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control advocates’ crusade for 'gun safety' is a sham. Although they won’t admit it – lest they lose popular support – the antis believe that guns are only safe when they’re in the hands of the police and/or the military. Which is a really scary thought, what with the Holocaust, ISIS and the unfathomable suffering of Mexico’s unarmed rural population as our guide. But it’s not a thought that occurs to John Sutija, writing for . . ." ...

Meet the F-Bomb-Spewing Ex-Cop Behind the NRA’s Move to Topple California’s Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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to keep my mouth shut, but I've never run from a f**kin' interview in my life,' Edward Peruta barks into the phone. The 66-year-old Vietnam vet, ex-cop, public-access TV host, worm farmer, legal investigator, crime scene videographer, and serial litigant has never been one to hold his tongue, and he's not about to start now that he's at the center of a high-profile case that could upend California's gun laws and wind up before the Supreme Court. 'I am who I am,' he says. 'People know there's usually a hurricane comin' if they step on my rights.'"

"Peruta is the lead plaintiff in Peruta v. County of San Diego, a federal lawsuit that seeks to overturn California's system of issuing concealed-weapon permits. ..." ...

Geraldo’s Armed Guard In Baltimore Lacked Maryland Carry Permit, Still In Jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The armed guard who protected Geraldo Rivera as he covered the Baltimore riots has been under arrest since May 1 due to the fact that he did not have a license to carry a gun in Maryland." ...

"... [O]n August 28 Rivera described the Second Amendment as 'blind and stupid.'"

"His entire statement:"
"Like I’ve always said, the Second Amendment, the provision that gives every American the right to keep and bear arms, is blind and stupid. In its relentless pimping for the gun industry, the NRA has unleashed an avalanche of deadly weapons on this gun-crazy country. Just as [it] protects access to weapons for cops and hunters, it also protects access to weapons for domestic abusers, mental patients, jerk-offs on the no-fly list, all-around dim bulbs, and now little children." ...

The Spectator: It’s your right to have a few sticks of TNT on your hips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And now a word from the Dynamite Owners of America — DOA:"

"Wake up, America. At this crucial time in our nation’s history, our freedoms are under fire as never before. That’s why we must fight to protect our absolute, clearly defined, Second Amendment right to bear high explosives."

"The sad truth is that we who would tote a few simple sticks of dynamite to our favorite coffee bar are not afforded that right. All freedom-loving Americans should ask: Why?"

"It is clear that the founders meant dynamite when they said 'the right to bear[sic] arms shall not be infringed.' ..."

"Those men of vision did not say 'guns,' or 'submachine guns,' or 'surface-to-air missiles.' They wrote the Constitution to be a living document. ..." ...

NC: Applying the benefits vs. risk standard to guns in NC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the 1990s, the United States ratified the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, thus binding our country to their many provisions. Last summer, legal and academic scholars in the field of human rights reviewed our performance in regards to the treaties and ruled that the substantial loss of life to gunfire in our country – including its disproportionate effect on women, children and racial and ethnic minorities – as well as the proliferation of stand-your-ground laws, 'which are used to circumvent the limits of legitimate self-defense,' represented a failure of our government in its duty to protect life." ...

Deleting Browser History Could Be Considered ‘Obstruction Of Justice’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Deleting your internet browser history may be considered obstruction of justice under an obscure Federal Securities law. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was meant to prevent corporations from destroying documents. ..." ...

"Most recently, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was applied to the case of 24-year-old Khairullozhon Matanov — who was friends with accused Boston Marathon bombers ..."

"In the course of investigation, authorities discovered Matanov dined with the brothers on the evening before the deadly bombings."

"Although he denies prior knowledge of [the] plan to bomb the Boston Marathon, Matanov reportedly deleted his internet browser history after the bombings occurred. He was subsequently charged with obstruction of justice." ...

MI: Woman fires at home burglars: 'I let loose on them'
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Five men who broke into Dietta Gueye's east side home early Tuesday morning got more than they bargained for when the 34-year-old woman opened fire at them with the 9 mm Glock she keeps by her bedside."

"'They weren't ready for that 9 I had,' she chuckled from a lawn chair in front of her house hours after the home invasion."

"One of the men shot back and hit Gueye in the right thigh. But after treatment at a local hospital, she said she felt fine." ...

"The incident is the second this week in which a woman with a concealed pistol license opened fire on criminals in Detroit. On Monday, a 27-year-old woman shot a 16-year-old would-be carjacker in the arm." ...

Outrage over MSM ignorance of Bowne story; services set Wednesday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is outrage growing today within the firearms community over the lack of attention from the mainstream press to the slaying of New Jersey resident Carol Bowne, for whom funeral services will be held Wednesday."

"Is it just possible that Bowne’s horrific story is being overlooked because it amounts to an indictment of New Jersey’s draconian gun laws? With the possible exception of the Courier Post in Cherry Hill, which has covered the story with great detail, the bulk of attention has come from the blogosphere and on-line news organs."

"Bowne, critics are saying, is the victim of New Jersey’s red tape gun laws. She wanted to exercise her right of self-defense and the state gun laws prevented her from doing so. Now she is dead." ...

Did restrictive New Jersey gun laws kill Carol Bowne?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A brutal murder case in southern New Jersey has put that state’s restrictive gun laws in the spotlight, and yesterday’s National Review fingered the 'deadly consequences' of those laws as police hunted for the man they believe stabbed a woman to death earlier this week."

"Carol Bowne had applied for a gun permit in April. She had a protective order against a man who has been described as an ex-boyfriend, but he allegedly killed her, anyway. So much for the deterrent effect of a piece of paper against someone determined to harm." ...

NJ: Murder Victim Disarmed by New Jersey Judges
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"Carol Bowne died defenseless. Her ex-boyfriend killed her after stalking her for months. Carol did what she could do to protect herself in New Jersey. New Jersey judges kept her unarmed and defenseless."

"How did disarming Carol Bowne keep us safer?" ...

NJ: Christie blames Dems for N.J. gun laws, cites delay in handgun sale to slain woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday said he regrets that New Jersey 'is not yet a dictatorship' that would allow him to scrap the state's tough gun laws."

"The Republican governor also said Democrats in the state legislature 'are going to have to answer' for New Jersey's laws, mentioning the death last week of a New Jersey woman killed while awaiting a handgun license."

"... Christie was responding to a question from a man concerned about the murder of a Berlin Township woman, Carol Bowne, 39, who feared for her safety and applied for a gun license in mid-April, but was killed by her ex-boyfriend in her own driveway during the two-month long licensing process." ...

Submitter's Note: A 2 month process even though state law requires that officials reply within 30 days, under penalty of . . . not a G-d-damned thing!

WH throttles online gun, ammo info
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) has confirmed the Obama administration is administering a stealth project to hinder the dissemination of information on firearms."

"'Even as news reports have been highlighting the gun control provisions of the administration's 'Unified Agenda' of regulatory objectives, the Obama State Department has been quietly moving ahead with a proposal that could censor online speech related to firearms,' the NRA-ILA reports."

"In his ongoing assault on Americans' Second Amendment rights, which some say started soon after he took office, Obama is now attempting to restrict numerous forms of communication Americans have concerning guns and munitions." ...

Exposed: Obama Admin’s Shadowy New Plan Could Silence A Huge Group Of Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The NRA believes the new regulation would constitute a massive restraint on free speech regarding firearms and their accessories, thus violating the First and Second Amendments. This is because all such releases of information would require the 'authorization' of the government before they occurred. 'The cumbersome and time-consuming process of obtaining such authorizations, moreover, would make online communication about certain technical aspects of firearms and ammunition essentially impossible.'"

"'Gunsmiths, manufacturers, reloaders, and do-it-yourselfers could all find themselves muzzled under the rule and unable to distribute or obtain the information they rely on to conduct these activities. ...'" ...

Gun Control Pols: Spend $60m on Anti-Gun Research
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA F-rated Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation to authorize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to give $60 million of the taxpayers’ money to anti-gun activists over the next six years, to conduct 'research' promoting gun control. The two longtime anti-gun legislators say that their bill is necessary for two reasons, both of which are hokum . . ." ...

NY: New York Senate Passes Partial Repeal of So-Called SAFE Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is pleased the State Senate passed bill S-5837 repealing portions of the so-called SAFE Act."

"'The SAFE Act is an undeniable failure at preventing violent crime. The increase in shootings and assaults across New York City prove that,' NYSRPA President Tom King stated."

"'This common sense bill is a good first step at restoring the civil rights of millions of New Yorkers.'" ...

TX: Gun rights advocates’ push for campus-carry measures like Texas’ is slow going
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year more than a dozen states have considered measures that would allow the carrying of concealed weapons on college campuses, but so far only Texas has approved a so-called campus-carry law."

"By overwhelming votes, Texas lawmakers approved the legislation last week, and Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has said he will sign it into law. It would take effect in August 2016. Texas would then join seven other states that already allow the carrying of concealed weapons on public college campuses — Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures." ...

WI: Milwaukee bar owner’s self-defense struggle leads to Second Amendment win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Milwaukee County prosecutors shortly after the incident said Kochanski acted in self-defense and in defense of his patrons."

"But police seized his gun at the scene and it took him 7 ˝ months to get it back."

"A couple weeks after the attempted armed robbery, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke ... said people who shoot someone in self-defense should get their guns back within two days of being cleared of criminal charges."

"The sheriff vowed to lobby lawmakers to pass legislation that would expedite the return of firearms in similar cases."

"On Tuesday, nearly two years after Kochanski’s gun was seized, Assembly Bill 13 passed on a voice vote. It now heads to the Senate." ...

OH: Gun permit records would be off limits to reporters under Ohio Senate budget proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio lawmakers are again trying to block journalists' access to county sheriffs' records on concealed handgun permits."

"A budget provision added by a state Senate committee Tuesday would repeal part of Ohio's concealed carry law that allows journalists to review records on the issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of state permits to carry a concealed handgun."

"As the public as a whole already is blocked from viewing these records, the change would mean such records could only be obtained with a court order." ...

NY: County to look at discharging firearms in residential areas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hearing people fire pistols for target practice has become the norm for Patty Brown in Spartanburg."

"She lives in the Hillbrook subdivision near the city limits. She's complained about the shots since they're fired so close to other homes, but Spartanburg County's statute permits it."

"Unlike the city of Spartanburg that has an ordinance prohibiting the discharging of a firearm within city limits, there are no such restrictions in the county."

"Spartanburg County Council is hoping to change that."

"Council Chairman Jeff Horton is forming a citizen's advisory committee to study the issue and find a solution." ...

MI; Smart justice? Michigan bills would end mandatory prison sentences for crimes involving a gun
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Michigan judges could have more discretion when sentencing people who carried a gun while committing a crime under legislation debated Tuesday in Lansing."

"House bills 4419 and 4420 would end mandatory two-year sentences for first-time felony firearm charges, which typically force or extend prison stays for those convicted of other crimes."

"Instead, a person who possessed a firearm during the commission of another felony could be sentenced to up to -- or less than -- three years in prison. That time could be served concurrently with any sentence for the underlying crime, and a felony firearm conviction would not disqualify an inmate from parole consideration." ...

WI: National Rifle Association: Scores victory in Wisconsin with passage of SB 35, repealing 48-hour waiting period
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association scored another victory for gun rights today when the Wisconsin Assembly passed NRA-backed legislation eliminating a 48-hour waiting period on all point-of-sale handgun purchases in the state. Senate Bill (SB) 35 passed by a voice vote and is headed to the Governor Scott Walker’s desk where it is expected to be signed into law."

"'This important measure marks the end of an antiquated law that’s served as nothing but a needless burden on law-abiding gun owners in the Badger state,' said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. 'We applaud the state legislature for making the preservation of Second Amendment rights a priority.'" ...

San Francisco's Dangerously Intrusive Gun Storage Rule
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week the Supreme Court passed up an opportunity to get the government out of the bedroom. Counterintuitively, the case involved an ordinance adopted by the famously tolerant and progressive city of San Francisco just eight years ago."

"The puzzle is solved when you learn that the ordinance deals with guns, tools for exercising a constitutional right that is decidedly unfashionable in the City by the Bay. By declining to hear the case, the Supreme Court, which in 2010 affirmed that the Second Amendment binds states and cities as well as the federal government, undermines that principle, suggesting that the right of armed self-defense is constrained by local sensibilities." ...

Supreme Court’s Landmark U.S. Gun-Rights Ruling Not So Landmark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The dire warnings that the U.S. Supreme Court’s recognition of an individual right to bear arms would lead to a wholesale voiding of gun-control laws seem to have been overblown."

"The most recent case in point: The justices on Monday declined to review a San Francisco gun law that was remarkably similar to one they struck down in a landmark ruling in 2008 ... the high court’s refusal to hear the case left the statute intact for San Francisco to enforce and others to copy." ...

"That’s probably why Justice Clarence Thomas blew a gasket in dissent. He noted that lower courts like the ones in the San Francisco case had been dissing Heller since the ink dried on the opinion. ..." ...

Sensible Gun Regulation Isn't Unconstitutional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Conservative majorities in legislatures in the Southern and Western U.S. have aggressively expanded gun rights in recent years. But there is one venue where the conservative majority has proved surprisingly reluctant to join this movement: the U.S. Supreme Court." ...

Judges: Gun Rights Group's Home Run Swing 'Strikes Out'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In an opinion issu
ed Tuesday, U.S. Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus rejected what he described as 'a single sweeping argument' by a Georgia gun rights group claiming the Corps regulation 'completely destroys their Second Amendment rights.'"

"'We disagree,' wrote Marcus ... Marcus said the Corps regulation largely barring firearms and other weapons 'does not completely destroy the plaintiffs' right to bear arms because its effect is cabined to a limited geographic area designed for recreation. Whatever else the regulation does, it does not destroy the plaintiffs' Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms altogether.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Translation: You can still sit in the back of the bus, so what's the problem?

Firearms Policy Coalition on Supreme Court Decision Not to Hear Jackson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today [Monday], Justice Clarence Thomas (joined by Justice Antonin Scalia) issued a pointed dissent to the Supreme Court’s order denying review in the Jackson v. San Francisco Second Amendment gun rights case. In the amici brief we submitted to the Supreme Court asking that they take up the Jackson case, your Firearms Policy Coalition argued, in part, that . . ." ...

KS: Federal judge finds Brady lawsuit against Kansas gun laws without merit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge last week tossed out a lawsuit from a gun control group challenging Kansas over what has been called the strictest Second Amendment protection law in the nation."

"The suit, filed last year in U.S. District Court by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, aimed to take Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) and the state to task over the Sunflower State’s controversial Second Amendment Protection Act."

"The law at the center of the suit provides state residents protection of their gun rights by providing an exemption from federal gun control laws, including bans or restrictions on certain guns, magazines or ammunition, for all guns and accessories within the state’s borders." ...

28k U.S. Assault Rifles Headed for Mexican Drug Cartels?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mexico has purchased more than $1.15 billion in military equipment from the United States over the past 12 months. As the following article [via] reports, 'These sales do not include guns and ammunition. In 2014, the U.S. legally transferred more than 28,000 firearms to Mexico, most of them military rifles, at a value of $21.6 million. The year saw the most firearms sales in dollars of the 15 years that the U.S. Census Bureau has kept data.' Accountability? You must be joking. In fact, over the last ten years . . ." ...

NJ: Ex-Warren County sheriff going to trial on child molestation charges (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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"The former Warren County sheriff accused of molesting young boys is heading to trial this summer in Hunterdon County."

"During a Tuesday morning hearing, a New Jersey Superior Court judge set the 85-year-old's trial date for July 20."

"Bullock's defense attorney, Brian White, said he's ready to try the case after his client rejected another plea deal from the prosecution." ...

MI: Videotaped: Gun rights advocate, Oakland deputies clash (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three months after he sent educators scrambling to lock down a Madison Heights high school as he paraded in front of the building with a rifle and a semi-automatic pistol, Shawn Nixon took his fight for 'open carry' gun laws to the foot of the Oakland County Sheriff's Office."

"In a video, posted on YouTube on June 2, Nixon is spotted by deputies near the parking lot next to the county jail, where dozens of sheriff's employes park their vehicles at the county compound in Pontiac. Nixon appears to be videotaping the license plates, police say in the video." ...

NY: Albany may require gun owners to lock up their weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City gun owners may soon be required to keep their firearms under lock and key at home."

"A proposed law vetted Monday by city lawmakers would force gun owners to store their weapons in a 'secure container' or disable them with a trigger lock whenever they are 'out of his or her immediate possession or control' at home."

"Gun safety advocates say the measure will help reduce deaths from accidental shootings and suicides, especially among children, but the leader of the state's NRA affiliate said the law infringes on the Second Amendment right to bear arms and would almost certainly face a legal challenge." ...

TX: Local lawmen differ on open carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment rights continued to be a focal point throughout the 84th legislative session. Now, more than a week after adjournment, one bill -- which would allow license-holders to carry handguns open -- -faces one final obstacle before becoming law: the governor’s signature."

"Gov. Greg Abbott has been unequivocal on his stance on gun rights, having said that he would sign any bill that would expand gun rights." ...

"However, the adoption of such a law has caused consternation among some law enforcement communities. And Midland’s two law enforcement agencies are standing at opposite ends." ...

UK: 'Spy from suburbia': Pensioner's secret life revealed after bomb scare
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A suburban pensioner has been revealed as being involved in Nazi interrogation during the Second World War after a bomb scare following her death."

"The fascinating life of Eileen Burgoyne, described by neighbours as shy and retiring, was disclosed after her quiet street was evacuated and cordoned off as police carefully explored the house she had previously occupied." ...

"And among the cache of weapons discovered at her home by a team of builders was a Sten sub-machine gun, an austere British 9mm weapon used throughout the Second World War, known for its simple design and cheap production costs. The gun was found in full working order." ...

That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms... — Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850).

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