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Newslinks for 6/11/2011

NY: Microstamping saves lives: Senate must resist gun lobby and pass crime-fighting bill
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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Do your state legislators - state senators in particular - fully support giving our police officers the tools they need to keep us safe? To find out, call their offices and ask one question: Do you support passage of "microstamping" legislation that would help the police capture criminals who use guns to menace society and murder innocent people?

Open letter to Herman Cain on the right to keep and bear arms
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"If you’re sticking with what you affirmed to Wolf Blitzer—and you did tell him “yes” three times after he gave you a chance to clarify things—that’s something we deserve to know. If, on the other hand, you “simply misfired in response to Blitzer’s flurry of questions," as some apologists suggest, here’s an opportunity to tell gun-owning voters exactly where you stand—that is, if you’ll take your time and answer these questions unequivocally and with forethought..."

NY: Niagara County Legislature Unanimously Opposes Microstamping Bill in NYS Legislature [video]
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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The Niagara County Legislature unanimously went on the record against a microstamping bill passed by the New York State Assembly, admonishing the Assembly for its disregard for the 2nd Amendment, and calling on the New York State Senate to kill the bill.

NY: Hawley meets with NRA's new Northeast liason
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) recently met with National Rifle Association (NRA) state liaison Darin Goens to discuss his organization’s legislative priorities in New York. Goens recently became the NRA’s state liaison for the Northeast. The pair discussed the most vital issues facing Second Amendment rights here in New York. Assemblyman Hawley has consistently advocated for logical firearms regulations that protect the right to bear arms for responsible gun owners, while keeping illegal weapons out of the hands of criminals.

NH: Pelham Police Zap Wandering Cow With Taser, Owner Furious
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Pelham police say they were justified in using a Taser several times on a cow, despite a complaint from its owner.

Last Saturday, one of Wendy Bordeleau's two cows got loose from her 30-acre farm.
About a dozen people were trying to coral 800-pound Houdini across busy Mammoth Road when police showed up with their tasers.

“They said ‘We’re going to tase her, we’re going to taser it,’ and the group was pleading with them. Everyone was kinda yelling, ‘Please don’t taser the cow, it’s only going to make it worse,” she told WBZ NewsRadio 1030.
Houdini was zapped at least four times.

WA: Dangerous dogs: Stevens County Sheriff says ‘defend yourselves’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While Evergreen State hunters are raising alarms about the possible impact of wolves on big game herds, residents of Stevens County have a more immediate threat, and it’s serious: roving dogs that have killed more than 100 animals in recent weeks.

The situation is so serious that the local sheriff’s department is advising residents to defend themselves and their livestock. Translation: Shoot and kill them if necessary. This column has earlier discussed lethal self-defense against dogs.

IL: Call to Action for Chicagoans as #ChicagoMOB Problem Continues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While gang mobs are now a daily concern in Chicago, it is time for the everyday citizen to take control of what is occurring in our city. We have reported on the Memorial Day beach closing and gang mob activity over the past week and half, and the problem has since grown, causing the mainstream media to finally start paying attention to the episodes of violence and gangs attempting to dominate our streets.

NY: Knife-Lovin' Patriots Sue City Over Gravity Knife Arrests
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Copeland's lawsuit argues that he showed same knife to other cops "on two separate occasions" and he says they told him it was legal after they they tried and failed to open it "using a 'flicking motion," the Post reports. Copeland got off with a conditional discharge after his arrest. Reached for comment about his lawsuit, city lawyer Gabriel Taussig said the suit "has no merit. We are confident that the court will find no constitutional violations." Tell that to Ted Nugent, pal—the gun toting musician has also thrown his weight behind Knife Rights. On the group's website he's prominently quoted declaring, "God Bless knife rights!"

NC: Guns allowed on school grounds? Cleveland County lawmakers vote yes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A measure to loosen gun restrictions in the Tar Heel State would allow concealed carry permit-holders to have their handguns on school grounds if the firearms are kept inside a closed compartment or container within a locked car. Reps. Tim Moore, Kelly Hastings and Mike Hager voted for the bill, which won approval in the House June 7 and is slated for committee hearings in the state Senate.

“If you’re going to pick your child up at school and you’re otherwise a law-abiding citizen and have no criminal intent, you should not be charged as a felon just because you’re exercising your Second Amendment right,” said Hastings, a primary sponsor of House Bill 650.

To Protect and ServeTheir Own Interests
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Libertarians and other defenders of the Constitution are not crazy about the feds telling local cops how to do their jobs. But when local cops break the law, it is the duty of the feds under the Constitution to prosecute them. Police officers may nominally be dedicated to serving and protecting, but even the best cop can't guarantee your freedom or your safety, while the worst can threaten both.

That’s why we have a Constitution that is the Supreme Law of the Land for everyone, even the police. That’s why we have the Second Amendment that guarantees the right to use arms to protect yourself from lawless violence by anyone, even the police.

Agencies stonewall ‘gunrunner’ inquiries
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What started out as an "innocent" program run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to allow guns purchased in the United States to be smuggled into Mexico for the purpose of tracking them to high-ranking members of Mexican drug cartels, has turned into a genuine cover-up, and involved many hundreds of weapons unaccounted for by the ATF.

More and more, the fingers of guilt point to officials high up in the Obama administration. Across-the-board stonewalling by government agencies is hindering the final investigation, including the Attorney General.

Of course this should not be a surprise to anyone, as the Obama administration is the most anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment administration in recent memory.

WA: Starbucks mermaid sticks to her guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some retailers reacted by announcing a “no guns” policy. Starbucks, on the other hand, allowed guns in its stores. The anti-gun groups held demonstrations around the U.S. to try and coerce Starbucks into changing its policy. The demonstrations spread to Seattle and resulted in swarms of reporters, demonstrators and armed caffeine addicts intermingling in an exchange of viewpoint that could have become lethal to Starbucks’ profit and loss statement.

Did the Brady Campaign encourage the bumper stickers in order to shame the coffee chain? Or did the open-carry crowd adopt the image as a means of trumpeting their victory over the progressing forces of tyranny?

OR: What our gun bill does
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let me first set the record straight about myself. I was born and grew up in Texas. I lived there for almost 30 years. I purchased my first gun when I was 15 years old and have continuously owned firearms ever since. My sister was murdered with a handgun in 1973. I believe the state has the right and duty to place reasonable restrictions on who can possess guns and where they can be carried.

Pawlenty Isn’t Concerned That Al Qaeda Trying To Exploit Lax U.S. Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Any individual in this country, regardless of criminal history, can go to a gun show and buy a firearm because law does not require private dealers to conduct a federal criminal background check on the buyer. This is exactly what American-born al Qaeda spokesperson Adam Yahiye Gadahn urged the terrorist group’s followers to do last week in a YouTube video and to use them to murder Americans.

Ed.: Um, no. Gadahn said, incorrectly, that one could easily buy a fully-automatic weapon at a gun show.

MSNBC's Matthews Doesn't Seem to Understand British Were Coming for Colonists' Weapons at Lexington, Concord
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Here she is with her follow-up defending her false vision of history, and turning Revere's ride into a National Rifle Association TV commercial," Matthews scoffed as introduced a clip of Palin from the June 5 "Fox News Sunday," in which the former Alaska governor noted that Revere warned the British when captured "you're not going to succeed, you're not going to take American arms."

Matthews may scoff Palin making Revere a hero of Second Amendment adherents and gun rights advocates, but in doing so one has to wonder what exactly he thinks the British regulars were coming for in their April 18, 1775 march on Lexington and Concord.

So here's a little history lesson for Matthews courtesy of the National Park Service (emphasis mine):

IN: Guns To Be Allowed In Playgrounds
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some mothers said Friday they disapprove of a controversial state law that goes into effect July 1, making it legal to carry guns in Indianapolis city parks and playgrounds, which is currently banned by a city ordinance.

The new law generally prohibits local governments from regulating firearms, 6News' Joanna Massee reported.

Mothers who brought their children to Garfield Park told 6News that they disagree with the law.

CA: NRA / CRPAF Legal Action Wins Court Order Forcing LAPD to Make CCW Policies Available at Stations and on LAPD Website
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Thursday, June 9, 2011, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Terry Green granted a motion in the NRA and CRPA Foundation financed case against the City of Los Angeles regarding the LAPD’s concealed weapons permit (CCW) processing and issuance policies.

The motion was brought to force LAPD to comply with a 16-year-old Consent Judgment from the 1995 Assenza v. City of Los Angeles case.

For years, LAPD has repeatedly sought to avoid its obligations under the judgment and to keep people in the dark about what it takes to get a CCW in the City of L.A.

CO: Do State Laws About Concealed Weapons Apply on Campus? A Q&A With University of Colorado Counsel Patrick O'Rourke
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Wednesday, lawyers for CU and Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) argued the case before the Colorado Supreme Court. SCCC feels the university campus falls under the umbrella of the state's Concealed Carry Act of 2003, which prohibits local governments from establishing gun bans. Patrick O'Rourke, CU's senior managing associate university counsel, argued that the university's Board of Regents, as established by the state's constitution, has the power to set its own rules.

VA: Homeowner shoots intruder, shooting justified
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shawn Ross is dead and the homeowner who shot him won't face any charges, because prosecutors say the shooting was justified.

Virginia Beach's Commonwealth's Attorney Harvey Bryant says the reason why is because it was self-defense.

"The homeowner in that situation who was in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm is entitled to use deadly force to defend themselves," said Bryant.

PA: Shawnee student says 'YES' to NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Colby Miller of Medford, a sophomore at Shawnee High School, has been chosen by the National Rifle Association for a weeklong, all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., for its Youth Education Summit.

Launched in 1996, the YES program teaches high school students about government participation and the Bill of Rights but, more important, the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms.

Miller is one of 46 students nationwide to be chosen for the trip, which offers benefits such as scholarship opportunities, an introduction to shooting sports, and visiting the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va.

NY: Niagara County Legislature Unanimously Opposes Microstamping Bill in NYS Legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Niagara County lawmakers unanimously opposed an extreme bill passed by the New York State Assembly that would require gun-buyers in New York state to purchase guns the included costly technology that had been repeatedly proven unreliable at best.

County lawmakers expressed disgust with grandstanding by the State Assembly’s leadership, which every year passes a raft of anti-Second Amendment bills, most of which are stopped cold in the Senate. The Assembly’s passage of a bizarre “micro-stamping” bill­ long the darling of extreme gun-control organizations­ caused a pair of lawmakers representing four of Niagara County’s rural towns to lead an effort to condemn the Assembly’s actions and call on the Senate to block its passage.

Herman Cain should read the Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another aspect of the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, that he gets wrong is in regards to the Second Amendment. According to a recent interview with Wolf Blitzer, Cain said that states have a right to regulate guns; if they see fit:


BLITZER: Should states or local government be allowed to control guns, the gun situation, or should…



CAIN: Yes.

BLITZER: So the answer is yes?

CAIN: The answer is yes, that should be a state’s decision.

Congressional Prober of Administration Named Gun Rights Defender
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) has been named the Gun Rights Defender of the Month for June by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms," John M. Snyder, the Citizens Committee's Public Relations Director, said here today.

"Rep. Issa has been a defender of Second Amendment rights since he's been in Congress," said Snyder, who nominated the Golden State solon for the award. "Recently, he has taken a firm lead in trying to get to the bottom of the Gunrunner scandal perpetrated by officials of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). He definitely should receive a Citizens Committee Gun Rights Defender of the Month Award."

MT: 9th Circuit judges asked: 'Will you choose tyranny?'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The brief explains the federal government already has proven that it is tyrannical.

"The wholesale stripping of independent sovereignty from the states has destroyed the balance of power, and given the federal government advantages it demonstrably tends to abuse. The outrage that is our $14.5 trillion national debt may be the worst example. The borning cry of the American Revolution was 'no taxation without representation.' By borrowing more money than the current generation can repay in our lifetimes, Congress leaves a legacy of debt for future generations. Our progeny did not vote for the monumental hole their parents are digging for them. Still they will certainly be saddled with the duty to make good. This is tyranny."

NY: Suit sticks it to Manhattan DA over illegal-knife campaign
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An artist who got busted for carrying an illegal pocketknife wants to gut the Manhattan DA's crackdown on switchblades and gravity knives.

Painter John Copeland filed suit this morning against District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who last year launched a campaign against folding blades that open with the push of a button or flick of the wrist.

Copeland charges that the effort has led to arrests for possession of "common folding knives," like the 3-inch Benchmade he was carrying when he was nabbed on Oct. 10 near his Lower East Side home.

AL: One dead, one critical after shooting in Kinsey
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Houston County Sheriff Andy Hughes said Matthew Forrester entered the home before 3 a.m. Friday armed with a handgun. Matthew and Tina Forrester had been involved in ongoing disputes, and a male acquaintance of Tina Forrester's was present at the home because she feared for her life, Hughes said.

Matthew Forrester pulled his weapon and Tina Forrester entered the room, Hughes said. After exchanging words, Tina Forrester went into her bedroom, got a gun, returned to the living room and opened fire on Matthew Forrester, who shot back, Hughes said.


Hughes said police are ruling the killing as self-defense at this time.

IN: 71 Ind. lawmakers ask high court to rehear case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Seventy-one Indiana lawmakers are asking the state Supreme Court to reconsider a decision that said residents don't have the right to resist police officers who illegally enter their homes.

Republican Sen. Mike Young said Wednesday that attorneys for the legislators had filed a brief seeking a rehearing. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller also has said the court should rehear the case.

2011 Gun Rights Policy Conference Invitation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I would like to personally invite you to our 26th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), which will be taking place September 23, 24, and 25, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois at the Hyatt Regency Chicago O’Hare Airport hotel.

With the new battles over individual rights in the age of terrorism, attacks on our gun rights from the UN as well as a number of Second Amendment cases in the courts. The theme of It’s About Freedom is most important as we set the pro-gun rights agenda for the year to come.


If you have any questions, please call the SAF office at (425) 454-7012 to register. You can also register online at our GRPC Registration & Information Page, or send an e-mail to, or fax us at 425-451-3959.

WI: Revisions to Wisconsin's concealed carry bill include license, firearms training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Anyone looking to carry a concealed gun in Wisconsin would need a license and have to prove they could handle a firearm under revisions made Thursday to a plan to lift the state's ban on hidden weapons.

The Legislature's budget committee approved changes sought by Gov. Scott Walker after Republicans in the Senate and Assembly approved less restrictive plans. None of the committee's Democrats supported the bill, saying it was ill conceived and confusing.

WI: Committee approves training, permits for concealed carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Under the revamped bill, licenses would be valid for five years and the Justice Department would keep a database of permit holders. Police would be able to access the database only to verify that a license is valid, to check whether someone claiming to hold a license indeed has one or if a person lied to obtain a license.

Not allowing police automatic access to the list was a sticking point for gun advocates.

To satisfy the training requirement, applicants would have to show that they took a safety course from a certified firearms instructor, completed a state hunter safety course or participated in an organized shooting. An honorable military discharge also would qualify.

Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry

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