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Newslinks for 6/14/2007

Gun Control Bill Moves Forward
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the Virginia Tech shootings in April, gun control has gone from being a dirty word on Capitol Hill (and an election loser for Democrats) to a term that may again be worthy of attention."

"The House today passed what could be the first gun control law to go on the books since 1994. ..."

"While some Republicans and President Bush reaffirmed their unwavering support for the Second Amendment after Seung Hui Cho’s violent rampage ... this legislation was almost unanimously approved in the House. The National Rifle Association was also supportive and said the legislation is not a 'gun control' bill because it doesn't hinder those legally able to buy guns." [emphasis added] ...

House Okays Bill to Improve Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill (another view)
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"The House Wednesday approved a bill to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill in what is considered the first major federal gun control legislation in over a decade. ..."

"The measure closes a loophole that allowed Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui to legally purchase two weapons which he used ..." ...

"Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said 'the chances are very strong' that the bill - backed by the National Rifle Association - will be passed in the Senate as long as amendments are not attached which are opposed by gun rights advocates."

"'When the NRA and I agree on legislation, you know that it's going to get through, become law and do some good,' Schumer said." ...

House Tempers Background Checks for Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The House moved swiftly Wednesday to fix flaws in the national gun background check system that allowed the Virginia Tech shooter to buy guns despite his mental health problems."

"The legislation, passed by voice vote, was endorsed by the National Rifle Association, boosting its chances of becoming the first major gun control law in more than a decade."

"The measure would require states to automate their lists of convicted criminals and the mentally ill who are prohibited under a 1968 law from buying firearms ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Once again, cowards way out with a voice vote so it's not on the record for gun owners to see. Also, The NRA now stands for sell out.

Dems won't push for gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Leading Democratic presidential candidates probably will leave gun control out of their campaign issues, experts said at a U.S. forum this week."

"Even after the massacre of students and a faculty member at Virginia Tech earlier this year by a deranged student, the worst such mass killing in U.S. history, the issue was seen as distracting from other issues that offered more political traction, Benjamin Wittes, a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington, said Monday. 'You do not get the best bang for your buck with classical gun control,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: They may not make it an issue in the election, but once they are in power . . .

NY: At Valor Ceremony, Mayor Chides Congress on Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg yesterday bestowed the New York Police Department's highest medal of honor on a former detective who, after being shot numerous times, managed to shoot the assailant as he fled in a car."

"The mayor used the occasion — during which he also recognized two officers who died in the line of duty last year — to attack Congress for blocking a campaign he has launched with other mayors to limit illegal guns." ...

Tom Teepan: Bloomberg a voice of sanity on gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A recent headline on the first page of the New York Times read, 'Bloomberg Cast as Enemy No. 1 of Gun Rights.' I was about to book a flight to the award ceremony to cheer for him, but it turns out there is no such official honor."

"Instead, the declaration was the fancy of only a headline writer. (As someone who lives at headline writers' mercy, I probably shouldn't put 'only' and 'headline writer' together like that.)"

"The burden of the piece was that New York City's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has become the favored bogeyman of the gun lobbies, their ever-excited members, kept politicians and media echo chambers." ...

UT: Gay gun enthusiast ejected from Pride
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro-gun activist David Nelson was ejected from last week's Utah Pride festival by its organisers, security and law-enforcement officers for possessing an unconcealed firearm."

"Nelson ... has filed a complaint with city Police Chief Chris Burbank against Lt. Rusty Isakson ..." ...

"Utah state laws prohibit 'a local authority' [from enforcing] any ordinance, regulation, rule, or policy pertaining to firearms that in any way inhibits or restricts the possession or use of firearms on either public or private property.'"

"Despite this, Isakson wrote a police report about the matter. Nelson said Isakson told him ... that 'one sure way to lose your permit is to abuse it like this.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So acting completely in accordance with the law is 'abusing it'?

GA: Officer shot by gun kept under pillow
Submitted by: Wes Wilson

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"A police officer was shot in the wrist when the service weapon that she kept under her pillow went off. Albany police Sgt. Kinshishi Adams, 34, was lying in bed Sunday when a .40 caliber pistol she kept under her pillow discharged and struck her in her left wrist, Dougherty County Police Chief Don Cheek said."

"Adams was listed in good condition Tuesday at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, hospital spokeswoman Valerie Benton said."

"'She sustained an extremely serious wound to the left wrist and underwent surgery (Sunday) night,' Cheek said. 'Everything indicates it was just a freak accident. She apparently sleeps with a weapon under her pillow, and somehow it discharged.'" [emphasis added] ...

CA: 911 dispatchers denied dying woman help
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A woman who lay bleeding on the emergency room floor of a troubled inner-city hospital died after 911 dispatchers refused to contact paramedics or an ambulance to take her to another facility ..."

"Edith Isabel Rodriguez, 43, died of a perforated bowel ..."

"Relatives said Rodriguez was bleeding from the mouth and writhing in pain for 45 minutes while she was at a hospital waiting area. Experts have said she could have survived had she been treated early enough."

"County and state authorities are now investigating Rodriguez's death. Relatives reported she died as police were wheeling her out of the hospital after the officers they had asked to help Rodriguez arrested her instead on a parole violation. Sheriff's Department spokesman Duane Allen said Wednesday that the investigation is ongoing." ...

NJ: Cops: He had drugs, gun in sheriff's officer's auto
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jersey City police busted a Rahway man inside a car belonging to a Hudson County sheriff's officer after finding bags of marijuana and a gun in the vehicle, police said."

"Travis Lee Bruce, 24, was arrested ... Sunday and charged with numerous weapons and drug dealing offenses, reports said. He was in a black Mitsubishi Gallant belonging to Hudson County Sheriff's Officer Jennifer Ocasio when taken into custody, reports said."

"Ocasio was issued a ticket for allowing an unlicensed driver to use her car, reports said. Hudson County Sheriff Joseph Cassidy said his office is filing administrative charges against Ocasio, and is also assisting Jersey City police in the investigation." ...

OH: Another 'No Guns' Sign Comes Down (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the biggest complaints that Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) holders have about Ohio’s CCW law, is the amount of businesses that are WILLINGLY forbidding concealed carry in their establishment by posting the infamous 'No Guns' sign."

"Often the signs are not posted due to disdain for gun owners or a hatred of the Second Amendment. It is often posted due to lack of knowledge of the law, or that the store owner has been misinformed that they are required to post. One example is the Novak J F Company in Cleveland, Ohio."

"I stopped in this store ... last Monday. Upon entering the store, I noticed the 'No Guns' sign posted on the door. Within a few minutes I was talking to one of the clerks about the sign." ...

CT: Owning gun is a right, not privilege
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is in response to Regina Demay's guest column ... 'Ban Guns to Stop Senseless Violence.'"

"First of all, I would like to state that I am also appalled at the actions taken by a deranged young man at Virginia Tech. ..."

"Demay's ignorance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is overwhelming. She doesn't understand the difference between a privilege and a right. A privilege is akin to getting a license to be able to drive a car. A privilege can be taken away. A right was defined in the Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers declared a right is 'God given,' a right is 'unalienable' and the government could not legitimately deprive us of these rights. They are not to be taken away." ...

CA: Gun locks - unsafe at any caliber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years ago I published an alert on my site regarding the inherent insecurity of gun trigger locks in the hope that manufacturers would remove them from the market or modify their design to make them more child-proof. Although some manufacturers now produce a more secure model to meet statutory requirements in California, even some of these can be easily compromised. Essentially nothing has changed: many manufacturers continue to sell products that are poorly designed, the consequences of which can be fatal -- literally. Even the cable locks that are provided under a US Justice Department grant to law enforcement agencies through Project ChildSafe for free dissemination to gun owners are inadequate." ...

IL: Chicago Priest and Cardinal Caught in Crossfire over Gun Shop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been a month since 16-year-old Blair Holt, son of a Chicago Police gang investigator and a Chicago fire captain, was shot and killed riding the bus home from high school."

"Like Bill Cosby's son, Michael Jordan's father, Serena and Venus Williams' sister, and Chicago-area Congressman Bobby Rush's son, family proved no hedge against gun violence for Holt."

"But do the 21 Chicago students killed by guns since September -- two from Blair Holt's school -- mean Chicago's gun ban doesn't work as gun lovers contend?"

"(And since it doesn't work, should we be allowed to buy 18 guns at once to protect ourselves? Including automatic weapons? And weapons from unlicensed dealers to avoiding background checks?)" ...

NY: Trading weapons for food
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Fifty-four unwanted guns have been handed over to police in exchange for ShopRite gift cards in the first dozen days of Orange County's first coordinated gun-buyback program."

"As of yesterday afternoon, citizens had turned over 41 handguns and 13 rifles or shotguns at three city police departments serving as drop-off points since the program began on June 1."

"Police and county officials said they were pleased both with the early tally and the fact that three-quarters of the guns were handguns — the type most easily concealed and likely to be used in robberies and assaults." ...

NY: Cortlandt shooting center on target with enthusiasts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Joe Cangelosi didn't consider himself an outdoors type at first. He worked and grew up in Manhattan, and he knew way more about the mysteries of finding a parking spot in the West Village than the flying trajectory of the Ruffed Grouse."

"He didn't pick up a bow and arrow until he was an adult. He and two friends showed up at a Newburgh archery range just before closing time. He learned how to take aim, which started a lifelong interest in sport shooting."

"Nearly two decades later, Cangelosi is a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, an assistant for the Westchester Parks Department and the manager of the Blue Mountain Sportsmen's Center in Cortlandt." ...

NY: Rifle & Pistol Assoc. Presents 2007 Senator and Assemblyman of the Year Awards
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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At its recent annual meeting in Wallkill, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association presented its Senator and Assemblyman of the Year awards for 2007. This year’s honorees are Assemblyman Greg Ball (R-99) and Senator Bill Stachowski (D-58). Ball was honored for standing up for the rights of gun owners on the floor of the Assembly on April 25, 2007 during debates over A-2772 – the .50 caliber prohibition bill. Senator Stachowski was honored for his consistent support of gun rights during his 20+ year career, often being the only Democrat Senator to do so.

In addition, the Senator Owen H. Johnson Sportsman of the Year Award was presented to NYSRPA President Tom King, who was elected to another three-year term at the meeting.

UK: Tony Blair has turned Britain into a land where we are all prisoners
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even George Orwell would be shocked. He described the sinister machinations of a totalitarian police state in his novel, 1984, and laid bare the danger of eroding our basic civil liberties, including the right to freedom of speech and the right to privacy."

"Although he famously coined the phrase 'Big Brother is watching you', even Orwell cannot have foreseen just how prescient those words would prove to be."

"Today, in Tony Blair's Britain - which I naively voted into power ten years ago - we have witnessed a breath-taking erosion of civil liberties."

"The truth is we are fast becoming an Orwellian state, our every movement watched, our behaviour monitored, and our freedoms curtailed." ...

NC: Man Chases Couple with Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer from Henderson is in police custody. The man, who may have ties to the KKK, allegedly chased a black couple while brandishing a gun."

"Investigators said the ordeal started when a black couple put a flier in Anthony Finch's mailbox. It ended with the couple fearing for their lives in the parking lot of the Oxford police station." ...

"'The two people in the car jumped out, and the man in the white truck jumped out with a gun,' Scales said. 'Said he was gonna kill them ... and he was making all kinds of racial slurs.'"

"Moments later police arrested ... Anthony Dale Finch. With him, they found a .9 mm [sic] pistol and a .22 caliber gun. They also found a picture of Finch in a Ku Klux Klan robe." ...

LA: Teen Charged With Bringing Firearm To School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 17-year-old summer school student was arrested Wednesday after deputies say he took a gun to school this morning.

Deputies say Christopher Monette was seen playing with the gun, a loaded 380 semi-automatic pistol, in the parking lot of Huntington High School.

Deputies say they also found marijuana in his car.
Monette is charged with possession of marijuana and illegally carrying a firearm with narcotics.

NC: Man Chases Couple with Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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from Henderson is in police custody. The man, who may have ties to the KKK, allegedly chased a black couple while brandishing a gun."

"Investigators said the ordeal started when a black couple put a flier in Anthony Finch's mailbox. It ended with the couple fearing for their lives in the parking lot of the Oxford police station." ...

"'The two people in the car jumped out, and the man in the white truck jumped out with a gun,' Scales said. 'Said he was gonna kill them ... and he was making all kinds of racial slurs.'"

"Moments later police arrested 45-year-old Anthony Dale Finch. With him, they found a .9 mm [sic] pistol and a .22 caliber gun. They also found a picture of Finch in a Ku Klux Klan robe." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Association Endorses HB264/SB184; Castle Doctrine Legislation (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to endorse Castle Doctrine legislation unveiled today ... The Legislation ... reflects the input and hard work of many different 'stake-holders' prior to introduction."

"Anti-gun zealots will label this Bill a 'license to murder' or 'shoot first' law, as they have done in other states ... A simple reading of this three page Bill (which can be downloaded in .pdf here) shows these obstructionists are lying about the content of the Bill."

"This legislation is about protecting crime victims and restoring the presumption of innocence to those forced to act in self-defense." ...

OH: Lawmakers propose NRA-driven changes to Ohio's self-defense law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trying to build on success that began in Florida and spread to 17 other states, the National Rifle Association started a push in Ohio on Wednesday that would give people more authority to use deadly force to defend themselves both in and outside their homes."

"People who injure or kill an attacker in self defense no longer would shoulder the burden to prove their actions were justifiable under a bill introduced Wednesday by Republican lawmakers. The proposal also would protect people who justifiably kill someone in self defense from civil lawsuits that could require them to pay damages."

"The first similar law passed in Florida in 2005, and Ohio is one of 16 states where the NRA is currently pushing the legislation. ..." ...

LA: Former officer charged with slugging ex's fiancé
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Greenwood police officer awaiting trial for killing a man he found outside his home has been arrested in Bossier City on charges he slugged the fiancé of his ex-wife."

"Donny Aaron was on bond while awaiting trial ..."

"Bossier City police said Aaron, 33, unexpectedly ran into his ex-wife and her fiancé at the Louisiana Boardwalk late last month. The couple told police they ducked into a store in an effort to avoid Aaron but he followed them inside. There was a confrontation in the store and the other man was hit in the face, police said."

"Aaron surrendered Tuesday after an arrest warrant was issued charging him with second-degree battery." ...

NJ: Tabernacle adopts ordinance regulating firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Township Committee has adopted an ordinance that will regulate the use of firearms on private property in the township."

"The ordinance adopted Monday prohibits a person from discharging any firearm, or transporting or possessing any loaded firearm, within 450 feet of an occupied building not on that person's own property." ...

"There also are exemptions for hunters who comply with state hunting regulations, people who lawfully use firearms on agriculturally assessed property, those who lawfully use firearms in self-defense, and activities conducted on private property owned by existing gun or hunting clubs." ...

Submitter's Note: So you can shoot someone in self-defense, you just can't possess a loaded gun.

Tiahrt Responds to MAIG Campaign of Lies and Distortion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) today blasted the organization behind a comprehensive campaign aimed at repealing current law that prohibits public release of critical data related to ongoing criminal investigations. In addition to a full page ad in USA Today last week, Internet ads and a series of television ads, Mayors Against Illegal Guns has now hired someone to drive a truck up and down busy streets in Wichita falsely claiming the so-called Tiahrt Amendment 'puts police at risk.'" ...

TN: Constitutional Amendment for Hunters Passes Tennessee House
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Tennessee House has unanimously passed a measure to amend the Tennessee Constitution to further protect the rights of hunters and fishermen."

"House Joint Resolution 108 reads, 'The citizens of this state have a right to hunt, fish, and harvest game and fish, subject to regulations and restrictions authorized by this constitution and prescribed by law. When reviewing such regulations and restrictions, a state court shall utilize a rational basis standard, as the standard has been defined by state courts through case law. This section shall not be construed to abrogate any private property rights, the state's sovereignty over game and fish, or regulation of commercial activities.'" ...

VA: Lawmakers expect flood of Virginia Tech bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A second House of Delegates panel plans to bone up on mental health law, bracing for a round of legislation in response to the Virginia Tech shootings in April."

"Del. Dave Albo, R-Fairfax, said his Courts of Justice Committee must hit the ground running when the legislature convenes in January 2008."

"'We know we're going to have a bunch of bills,' said Albo. 'People will not accept (the legislature saying) that we've got to study this.'"

"The courts committee will meet in September. Besides reviewing mental health commitment law, members might discuss 'some legislative fixes,' Albo said Tuesday." ...

Material to make bombs is stolen
Submitted by: none

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Explosives capable of causing "extensive damage" have been stolen from a St.
Charles County firing range used by the sheriff's office and the FBI, federal
officials said Tuesday.

Officials are still trying to determine how much dynamite, C-4 and other
explosives were taken and exactly who was responsible.

Mike Schmitz of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
said investigators believe more than one person was involved in the theft, but
it is too early to know the intent of the thieves, including whether terrorism
could be involved.

The theft, discovered by the FBI on Tuesday, happened sometime in the past 10

The explosives, including C-4, dynamite and safety fuse, were being stored

NV: Proposed gun ban shoots blanks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was standing room only at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10054 Thursday, as residents opposed to a proposed ban on guns packed in shoulder to shoulder to protect their right to bear arms."

"People at the meeting were given copies of a petition opposing the ban and asked to acquire as many signatures as possible by the end of the month so the petition could be presented to the commissioners at their June meeting."

"The gun ban would forbid people to enter the community center during commissioner, town board, and regional planning commission meetings." ...

UK: Killer stabbed love rival 15 times
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jealous beast has been jailed for life after he murdered a love rival by stabbing him 15 times with two large kitchen knives."

"Jamie Potter, 34, from Maidstone, claimed he lashed out in self defence after Jimmy Brooker burst into his girlfriend’s flat and attacked him." ...

"They later went to her flat and shortly after they arrived Mr Brooker turned up, forced his way in and punched Potter."

"Potter responded by picking up the knives and repeatedly stabbing Brooker 15 times in a frenzied attack." ...

Submitter's Note: Good thing they have gun control there! Otherwise Potter might have grabbed a gun and scared Brooker off and not killed him . . . oh, never mind.

WI: Burglar pursues suit against doctor who shot him
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Convicted burglar Kurt Prochaska is proceeding with his lawsuit against the doctor who shot him after he broke into the doctor's house."

"On Tuesday, Judge James Welker scheduled a jury trial to start March 31, 2008. Both sides anticipated a trial of three to four days."

"Prochaska, 39, was sentenced in March to eight years in prison and four years of extended supervision for burglary and felony criminal damage for breaking into Michael Rainiero's home on Linden Avenue on Halloween night 2005."

"Prochaska actually fell through the ceiling of Rainiero's home after he had torn off a roof vent in what he claimed was an attempt to enter the home to use the bathroom." ...

Australia: Man charged over drugs, weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN has been charged with more than 30 offences after police found drugs and weapons, including nunchakus and knuckle dusters, at a house in Sydney's south."

"Police executed a search warrant at the home ... yesterday."

"As officers arrived they allegedly saw a man flee from the rear of the premises and jump into the Woronora River. He was captured a short time later."

"Police allegedly seized cannabis, amphetamines, prescription drugs, fireworks and stolen goods inside the house."

"The weapons haul included a number of prohibited items, such as a throwing axe, knuckle dusters, nunchakus, live ammunition and an antique pistol, they said." ...

IL: Illinois County Passes Pro-Gun Resolution (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Good news is being reported from one of the last lone dissenting states in the U.S. that denies its citizens their right to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. Only Wisconsin joins Illinois in scoffing at the irrefutable historical data and plain common sense that proves that a law-abiding citizen deserves to be able to exercise their Constitutionally enumerated right to keep and bear arms to protect their life and the lives of their family."

"The White County Board, led by gun rights supporters Mike and Valinda Rowe, has passed a resolution that clearly states how they feel state law is in conflict with their own beliefs. The Rowes have worked with others for some time to fight for concealed carry in their state." ...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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