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Newslinks for 6/16/2004

New Poll Says Police Chiefs Expect Trouble From Terrorists Within A Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Association of Chiefs of Police recently released its 16th Annual Survey of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs and, according to Vice President and Public Affairs Specialist Jim Kouri, some of the survey findings are surprising and compelling." ...

"Gun Control: With regard to private citizens owning firearms for sport or self-defense, 94 percent of the respondents supported civilian gun-ownership rights. Ninety-six percent of the police chiefs and sheriffs believe criminals obtain firearms from illegal sources and 91 percent revealed they hadn't arrested anyone for violation of the so-called 'waiting period' laws. When asked if they opposed citizens obtaining concealed-weapons permits, only 34 percent said yes." ...

Libertarian Position on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Stephen Carville

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"To begin with, there is no such thing as a collective right. Only an individual can have rights. Even if you ignore this fundamental principle, though, the meaning of this amendment is very, very clear." ...

"I've heard full-blown, licensed and practicing attorneys complain that this Amendment should have been clearer. I don't see how they could have made it any more clear short of a baseball bat, but too many folks have been brainwashed into believing that it is somehow obscure. I am a writer. I speak, read and write English very well. I could not have said it more plainly myself!"

Violence Policy Center Offers Strong Support For New York State Legislation to Ban 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today offered its strong support for legislation sponsored by New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Assembly Member Patricia Eddington to ban 50 caliber sniper rifles. Fifty caliber sniper rifles can penetrate armor plating, pierce rail cars carrying toxic chemicals, and destroy aircraft. Currently being used by U.S. troops in Iraq, 50 caliber sniper rifles are accurate at distances of more than a mile, yet under federal law are sold in the United States with fewer restrictions than a standard handgun. The guns have already been banned in Los Angeles, CA, and Contra Costa County, CA."

CeaseFire Maryland Calls on Bush to Fix and Continue the Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Semi-automatic civilian assault weapons are killing machines for human beings. Military features such as a high capacity magazine, pistol grip and barrel shroud allow for rapid and accurate spray firing. On top of their lethality, assault weapons look mean which is why they are favored by drug-dealers, mass murderers and other criminals committed to terrorizing and killing their victims."

Favored by drug dealers???? These weapons are used in less than 2 percent of crimes, and according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, criminals generally favor easily concealable weapons. The lies just keep on rolling!

'American Gun' Has Whitaker in Sight
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Forest Whitaker is locked and loaded to star in 'American Gun' for IFC Films."

"The filmmakers describe the project as 'a series of interwoven story lines focusing on how the proliferation of guns in America affects and shapes lives,' according to The Hollywood Reporter."

Then maybe they can do a film about how the prohibition from armed self defense in Britain has created a culture of victimhood and compliant servitude to the state.

CA: Hasta La Vista, 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has recently expressed his support for a federal ban on the private ownership of semi-automatic rifles, commonly known as the 'Assault Weapons' ban."

"There was much debate and speculation about Schwarzenegger's position on firearms ownership prior to his being elected. This was primarily due to the fact that there was very little public information about his position on firearms. ..." ...

"Whatever the reason, a person cannot support a ban on the private ownership of semi-automatic rifles and claim to uphold the Constitution. A politician cannot take away the rights of the citizens to protect themselves and claim to be for the people. A man cannot be judged as having good character, if his decisions are based on personal gain. And Californians cannot complain about gun rights while voting for a candidate who is questionable, at best, on the issue of firearm rights."

CA: Paralyzed teen's family wants to buy gun maker, shut it down
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gun company whose product accidentally paralyzed a California teenager goes on the auction block Thursday at a bankruptcy sale with some rather unlikely bidders."

"Family and friends of 17-year-old Brandon Maxfield said they will bid on the assets of gun manufacturer Bruce Jennings - who specializes in inexpensive pistols called 'Saturday night specials' - and plan to close Jennings' business for good if their bid wins." ...

"Maxfield's parents, who left the gun unlocked, and his babysitter, who accidentally fired the gun while trying to unload it, were also found liable."

Dirty blue
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Residents of Middletown, R.I., were perhaps a little alarmed over the weekend when they found out officials arrested a decade-long veteran of the local police for stealing marijuana from the evidence locker."

"No doubt the same goes for residents of Washington County, Ore., when it turned out a sheriff's deputy – a member of the countywide drug team – filched crank taken as evidence in a case."

"The specimens above are hardly alone. These lawmen are just two clippings from last week's news; this stuff – and far worse – goes on every day in most every city, in every state in America, threatening the very legitimacy of the law. ..."

Netherlands: Cannabis-Growing Dutch Police Manager Suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A member of the Dutch police force was suspended from his senior managerial job Monday after cannabis plants were found in his home.

"He was suspended from his job because a crop of cannabis plants was found in his house," a police spokesman said.

In the Netherlands, where the center-right government plans to tighten a liberal policy on soft drugs, people can openly buy and smoke cannabis in hundreds of government-regulated "coffee shops."

"But owning cannabis plants is illegal, and the 51-year-old is under criminal investigation."

But only cops and the military should have guns.

TriggerFinger News Aggregator launches...
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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TriggerFinger website has launched a news aggregator, updated hourly (and sometimes even faster) with new activism opportunities, news articles about threats to liberty, and the pulse of the gun-rights blogging community. Headlines are drawn from a variety of news, activism, and opinion sites. Bookmark to stay up to date!

The “How-to” Guide for Avoiding the Draft
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"I will not sit idly by while the youth of America are graded, like cattle, for military suitability then sent to the meat grinder of war. This guide is intended to be a brainstorming exercise in how to avoid a draft, should it be re-instituted. Since the draft legislation has not been written (that we know of), it somewhat like aiming your rifle at a target that has not yet appeared. We can point in the general direction of draft avoidance, but without knowing how the specifics of the legislation, it is not possible to know how best to avoid it. ..."

Canada: Gun registry proves a hot campaign issue
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The federal election has reignited anger in southeast Saskatchewan over the smouldering issue of gun control."

"Indeed, the federal gun registry is the most important issue in the campaign for the people in the small community of Redvers."

"Implementing the firearms registry was expected to cost $2 million, but the figure has ballooned to $1 billion and counting—and that's what angers people in Redvers."

NC: N.C. Senate panel approves bill to use concealed permit to buy pistol
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Senate judicial committee Tuesday cleared legislation that would allow people with concealed handgun permits to purchase a handgun without requiring additional consent."

"The bill would allow the concealed weapons permit to be used in lieu of requiring the buyer to get a handgun permit. A person who gets a concealed handgun permit already goes through a background check and examination by a local sheriff."

"A bill sponsor, Rep. Mark Hilton, R-Catawba, said the permit is more thorough then the pistol purchase examination and includes federal background checks."

UK: Man who had a fake gun on a packed promenade was told he could have sparked a siege
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gareth Trevor Hardinge started a scare when he sat outside Jak's, Douglas, after last Monday's TT races with a ball-bearing gun sticking out of his trousers."

"A witness thought about tackling him and removing the weapon but, in a well-populated area, feared someone might be injured, Sergeant Peter Russell told a court."

"The pub's security staff seized the weapon from Hardinge."

OR: 46-yr-old former sheriff's deputy gets two years for having sex with teenage girl
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...a former Washington County Sheriff's deputy ... will spend two years in prison with credit for time served since February."

"Chris Patrick Bussard, 46, pleaded guilty Thursday to two counts of second-degree sex abuse related to intercourse he had with a teenage girl at his home. Prosecutors dropped 12 other charges, including two charges of first-degree sex abuse, which is a Measure 11 crime with a mandatory 75-month sentence." ...

"Hillsboro Police arrested Bussard in October after investigating a Sept. 28 complaint filed by the girl. She claimed that he got her drunk, then molested and had sex with her in his hot tub and a bedroom in his Hillsboro home. A rape kit later revealed his semen." ...

IL: Senator Sullivan sponsors firearms-defense bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A bill which reinforces the rights of law-abiding gun owners who protect themselves and their families in their home or business recently passed the Illinois Senate."

"Senator John Sullivan (D-Rushville) sponsored Senate Bill 2165 which states that no one can be held liable for the justified use of force in self-defense of one's family or self in the defense of one's home or business."

"This bill arose from a situation that occurred in January 2004 in the northern Illinois Village of Wilmette."

"A homeowner defended his family and property from a criminal by using a handgun to shoot and wound an attacker who then fled by stealing the victim's vehicle." ...

Papua New Guinea: Catholic Church backs PNG anti-gun campaign
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea is backing efforts to ban guns after the local bishops' conference called on all Catholics to support the process.

Conference president, Archbishop Karl Hesse says gun attacks by criminals are increasing and the situation appears to be getting worse.

He says an atmosphere of lawlessness has been allowed to develop and the prevalence of illegal weapons poses a threat to society.

Archbishop Hesse says guns from the police, armed forces and private citizens are going missing and ending up in criminal hands.

He says there are no signs of any politicians, police or defence force commanders being held responsible for these losses.

It's appalling that the church would promote such a blatant disregard for human life and the tools that defend it.

Canada: Hip-Hop Anti-Gun Song Benefits Social Programs (JTO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A group of Canadian hip-hop artists has written an anti-violence song called 'Drop The Chrome,' aimed at discouraging people from turning to violence to solve problems, the Toronto Star reported June 15."

"Among those featured on the track are rappers Maestro, Michie Mee and Skitz, as well as Canadian Idol finalists Toya Alexis and Gary Beals."

"The song promotes reason over force and is aimed at addressing the rising number of gun deaths in Toronto."

LA: Legislature passes second pro-gun bill this session
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Late yesterday afternoon, the Louisiana House finally passed SB 837, the NRA-backed Right To Carry Reciprocity bill, on a 95-5 vote. The bill now moves to Governor Blanco for her signature. Last week, the House had also given final approval to SB 2, the NRA-backed Right to Hunt, Fish & Trap constitutional amendment sponsored by Sen. Joe McPherson (D-Woodworth) that will be on the November 2004 ballot."

"SB 837 requires Louisiana to recognize carry permits from states which, in turn, recognize Louisiana carry permits. While Louisiana currently only has reciprocal agreements with five other states, this will increase the number of states where your permits will be valid to roughly thirty."

PA: Federal hammer falling on convicted felons with guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Johnson is the latest gun suspect to face the federal hammer under Project Safe Neighborhoods, a national program spearheaded by Attorney General John Ashcroft to crack down on illegal weapons in the hands of thugs."

"U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan, who announced the project in Pittsburgh in February, promised many new indictments in Western Pennsylvania than in years past, and the numbers are bearing her out."

"Since the beginning of the fiscal year in October 2003, the U.S. attorney's office has indicted 77 cases involving 89 defendants, most of them, like Johnson, convicted felons charged with carrying guns."

Shooting Holes in Wounding Theories: The Mechanics of Terminal Ballistics
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Plainly stated, I maintain that the effect of bullets upon living targets is caused by the wound track made by the bullet. Now, before you accuse me of being a wise guy, recall that most theoretical explanations of wounding are tied to the kinetic energy or momentum or some other such physical quantity of the bullet which is 'transferred' or imparted to the target. My theory recognizes these characteristics, but relies upon a fundamentally different premise, which is that two physically equivalent wound tracks in a game animal will have an equivalent effect, no matter how different were the kinetic energies or other physical attributes of the bullets which caused them. ..."

PA: Incident at Philadelphia Airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Jessica Tulli, Courtney Thomas and Lauren Altieri were on their way to celebrate senior week in Cancun at 6am. They had some trouble finding their gate, so they asked a woman from Delta Global–an airport hospitality contractor–to help them out. And that's when the trouble began." ...

"...Then they re-entered the sterile area without being checked and that's a no-no."

"As the four women approached the baggage handling area, they were spotted by an officer from the Transportation Security Administration who reported the breach of security to police.
All four women were taken in for questioning and Terminal A was evacuated."

"Three flights were turned around and about 2,500 passengers were re-screened."

OH: Lorain County Swamped By Cuyahoga County Applicants
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry has learned that due to an overwhelming amount of applications received, the Lorain County Sheriff's Office is being forced to temporarily reduce the number of days per week they will be accepting applications for concealed handgun licenses."

Post-9/11 laws expand to more than terrorism
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Federal and state prosecutors are applying stiff antiterrorism laws adopted after the 9/11 attacks to broad, run-of-the-mill probes of political corruption, financial crimes and immigration frauds."

"If the government gets its way, even routine transactions of buying or selling American homes could soon come under the scrutiny of money-laundering provisions of the USA Patriot Act. The Treasury Department, which already has caught up financial transactions in casinos, storefront check-cashing stores and auto dealers for scrutiny, wants to expand Patriot Act coverage to home purchases as well."

The next generation military carbine?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Heckler & Koch XM8 modular assault weapon system may be the immediate future of individual weapons systems. Currently undergoing its second round of testing by the American Military, the XM8 could replace existing M4 Carbines in the US Army arsenal as soon as Q4, 2005."

The XM8 is a family of weapons with differing barrel lengths designed to address all the needs of an infantry squad. Each XM8 variant can be turned into another variant in the field in less than ten minutes depending on mission requirements. ..."

Finland: Family of Four Shot Dead
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police in southern Finland made a gruesome discovery on Tuesday. In the village of Anttila, they found the bodies of two adults and two small children in a detached house. Police suspect the killer was one of the victims."

"Police say the victims belonged to the same family and had been shot dead. The children were born in 1996 and 1998."

"Police said they suspected the tragedy was the result of an internal family affair and that they have no cause to suspect the involvement of any outsiders." ...

Sudan: Eliminate Illegal Guns to Achieve Peace - Bishop
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The large number of illegal guns in Sudan stands in the way to a lasting peace solution, a bishop at the ongoing Sudan Ecumenical Forum (SEF) taking place in Nairobi Kenya has said."

"Bishop Kevin Dowling, Chairman of the SEF therefore called on church leaders and the international community to first campaign for the confiscation of illegal guns to allow the peace process to be implemented smoothly."

And what, exactly, is an "illegal" gun?

UK: Steaming gang's terror reign
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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This is what happens when you outlaw any citizen from defending themselves or their property, and punish those that do!

"A 'steaming' gang has been convicted of preying on passengers in a four-month rampage on trains and buses."

"The gang, sometimes more than 20 strong, attacked up to 80 victims on public transport."

AZ: Detective off trail-shooting case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The detective said the evidence appeared to support self-defense."

"But the county attorney called it murder."

"Now, Detective Scott Feagan of the Coconino County Sheriff's Office is off the case of Harold Fish, charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Grant Kuenzli at a trailhead near Payson."

"Feagan decided to step down from the case after a meeting last week between prosecutors with the county attorney's office and detectives with the sheriff's office, said Sheriff Joe Richards."

"Feagan said he was unable to comment on the reason for his withdrawal." ...

Possibly he called the County Attorney a few choice monikers, and told him that he (Feagan) would have nothing to do with railroading an innocent man? Just a guess.

Critics Decry Super-Snoops in Government
Submitted by: Joshua L. Long

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"Dozens of federal agencies are sifting through and sharing Americans' personal information — including credit reports and credit card transactions — leading privacy experts to charge that such government 'super-snooping' is much more widespread than first believed." ...

"According to a General Accounting Office report released in May titled: 'Data Mining: Federal Efforts Cover A Wide Range of Uses,' 52 out of the 128 federal agencies and departments that responded to a survey said they are using or plan to use data mining technology to sift through records to analyze and identify everything from waste, fraud and abuse to potential criminals and terrorists."

Whether you like it or not, "Big Brother" is watching...

"The Son of Patriot Act Also Rises"
Submitted by: Mark H. Townsend

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"While activists and politicians work to repeal or change parts of the Patriot Act that they say violate constitutional rights, Patriot Act II legislation -- which caused a stir when it came to light last year -- is rearing its head again in a new bill making its way through Congress."

"The bill would strengthen laws that let the FBI demand that businesses hand over confidential records about patrons by assigning stiff penalties (up to five years in prison) to anyone who discloses that the FBI made the demand. The bill would also let the FBI compel businesses to cooperate with record requests, and it would expand the government's secret surveillance powers over noncitizens in the United States."

And so it continues; we're still taking lessons on police state policies from Hitler's geheime staatzpolizei.

Show and Tell Me Everything
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Well, once the background check is done, it's done, right?"

"Yes and no. Once it's done, his fingerprints and the results of his background check will remain in the state's criminal database - and later be appended to federal databases (such as the FBI's fingerprint database and potentially the nominally civilian-operated MATRIX database). The fact that he's not a criminal, nor is he charged with or even suspected of a crime, has nothing to do with whether or not his personal data will be held for potential future identification purposes, just like that of real criminals."

New Zealand: Father and son caught in gang war, jury told
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A father and son ran for their lives with their hands in the air when the Mongrel Mob ambushed Black Power members at Ruatoki, south of Whakatane, in July last year, a jury in the High Court at Rotorua has been told."

"Six patched members or associates of the Taneatua chapter of the Mongrel Mob have pleaded not guilty to five charges of attempted murder, three charges of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and charges of discharging a firearm with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, possessing a firearm in a public place and participating in an organised criminal group." ...

"There had been many violent altercations and confrontations between the two groups." ...

At least New Zealand is non-violent.

LexisNexis and American Bank Systems Align to Help Strengthen Identity Fraud Protection and USA PATRIOT Act Compliance
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"LexisNexis U.S., a leader in legal, news and business information services, has aligned with national compliance firm American Bank Systems (ABS) to better protect financial institutions from identity fraud and to offer them a tool that can be used in their USA PATRIOT Act compliance efforts. The alliance integrates the two companies' leading products, LexisNexis(R) RiskWise(R) and ABS' BankManager, into one program giving banks an instant risk rating on new accounts and immediate verification of customer identification."

IL: Gun lock program supplying area towns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"By most accounts, gun locks go fast around here when offered for free by area police agencies and community organizations." ...

"But the Latino Engagement Community Council in Aurora scored 20,000 gun locks earlier this year from Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn and the Illinois Coalition for Community Services, and about 15,000 still remain. ..."

"Fernando Chapa, co-chairman of the Latino council, said he hoped word would spread faster that his organization is providing the locks to anyone who asks. So far, about 5,000 have been given away." ...

"Even though the department doesn't ask questions of those seeking locks, Voss thinks there is still an element of fear toward the Police Department as Big Brother."

" 'I don't understand it,' Voss said. '(The locks) aren't doing me any good sitting in the office.' "

Nor will they do us any good when a criminal crawls through a window with evil intents. The criminal won't wait for you to use the key, unlock your gun, load it and shoot him.

VT: Town officials urge calm about rapist's release
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are urging residents to take extra precautions due to the upcoming release of an untreated sex offender from prison."

" 'Daniel Emerson is a dangerous man and the things that make him dangerous are the fact that he victimizes adult females of casual acquaintance, usually in their residence, gaining entrance under false pretext,' Police Chief Douglas Johnston said in a written statement."

Then, why in the world are they letting him out?

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. — Mahatma Gandhi

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