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Newslinks for 6/16/2022

RI: 3 gun control measures pass RI Senate, head to governor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three firearms bills, including a ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, are headed to the governor’s desk after passing the Rhode Island Senate.

The bills passed Tuesday night — intended to reduce gun violence and prevent mass shootings like recent ones in New York and Texas — also raise from 18 to 21 the state’s minimum age for buying rifles and shotguns, and prohibit loaded rifles and shotguns from being carried in public.

The bills were passed last week by the state House of Representatives. A spokesperson for Democratic Gov. Dan McKee said Wednesday that he is expected to sign them.

UT: What it took for a country with a strong gun culture to give them up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s easy to imagine his mind lingering on Australia. After a bitter fight with rural gun owners and conservative activists, Australia introduced sweeping measures to restrict gun access in the wake of a 1996 shooting that left 35 dead. The reforms were truly comprehensive in scope and included a ban on all automatic and semiautomatic weapons, stringent licensing and permit requirements, and the introduction of compulsory safety courses for all gun owners, who were also required to provide a genuine reason for owning a firearm that could not include self-defense. The federal government also announced a gun amnesty and federal buyback that led to more than 650,000 weapons being surrendered to the police and destroyed.

OK: Give up your gun rights and more freedoms will fall
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire (Psalm 46:9)."

Would-be dictators, be forewarned. In the meantime, into day's world, those who would pound their swords into plow shares, will plow the fields for those who don't. Never ever give up your rights. Ever.

Americans are freeborn and proof of that is our God-given rights. Any gun legislation infringing on the right to self-defense chips away at that freedom. Beware the false promise of peace through disarmament.

NY: Supreme Court opinions on hot-button issues expected soon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Six states have laws on the books that, similar to New York, restrict the right to carry a firearm in public

If the Supreme Court were to rule the New York law unconstitutional, there’s a good chance you’d see similar laws in other states get nullified almost right away.

According to attorney Esther Sanchez-Gomez who spoke to the Washington Post, the court could even go as far as to say carrying a firearm in public is a fundamental right, which would really limit states’ ability to implement measures even remotely close to the one in New York.

ND: Keep your powder dry, and keep your cool
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A few words to the not-so-wise. My conservative friends, if you consider an AR15 to be synonymous with the Second Amendment, you may well be watching defeat from the jaws of victory in the midterm elections. Ten shot clip, fine – but if you can’t hit your target with the first five shots, you are in big trouble. It’s late for self-defense.

Lest anyone think I’m anti gun, I recommend that any sane household have one, 9MM or larger. It’s not like you are the Lone Ranger and not going to kill anyone. Shoot the gun out of someone’s hand.

OH: When teachers are the ones with guns in classrooms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Local school boards may now protect children the same way we protect politicians, celebrities, banks, and, we suspect, newspapers.

Ms. Emba apparently doesn’t think children are worth protecting with guns. She prefers more gun regulation. How are strict gun regulations working out in Chicago? How did relying on 911 work out in Uvalde, Tex.? Ms. Emba suggested armed teachers wouldn’t stop shooters. But the Crime Prevention Research Center has documented 43 incidents since 2014 when a citizen with a gun stopped a likely mass shooting. Not one innocent bystander was shot.

Pressed into Action: 4 Types of Handgun Triggers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Handgun triggers all do the same thing: when pressed, they make the gun go bang! That's pretty straight forward. However, not all handgun triggers are the same. The internal mechanisms (linkages) and hammers they are connected to operate differently depending on the handgun's design. And it’s these differences in trigger configurations, or trigger types, that directly influence how the trigger feels to the person pressing it and the steps required to operate the firearm properly.

Few states seem ready to raise the age to buy semi-automatic rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation making New York the seventh state to ban the sale of semi-automatic rifles to anyone under 21, joining California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Vermont and Washington. State lawmakers in New Jersey, Texas and Utah have proposed similar legislation.

But of those three, only New Jersey appears likely to enact a law in the near future, though Democrats in the Garden State remain cautious about the bill’s chances.

And such laws might be vulnerable to court challenges. Last month, a U.S. appeals court in California struck down that state’s blanket ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles to adults under 21, ruling that it violated the Second Amendment.

CA: What’s preventing meaningful federal gun regulation? It’s not the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The recent mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, revived urgent calls for greater gun control and another attempt to answer them in Congress. But most Republicans reject such efforts, hiding behind the Second Amendment. It’s important to recognize that this is a false fig leaf. It’s Republicans’ conservative ideology, not the Constitution, that’s preventing the enactment of legislation that really could make a difference.

Crypto exchange Kraken’s ‘culture overhaul’ bans calling speech ‘racist,’ may include firearm and self-defense training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“If nobody is ever offended, we either don’t have enough diversity of thought or we don’t have enough transparency in communication,” the post says.

In a section of the post titled “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sound Money,” the company added that potentially having firearms at a future corporate event could be an example of a core ideas fundamental to the company’s culture, related to of liberty, self defense, due process, personal property, limited government, and personal bodily autonomy.

AL: Black Americans buying more guns after increase of anti-Black attacks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A mass shooting inside a buffalo grocery store, a mass shooting inside a Charleston, South Carolina church, two high profile examples of violence targeting black people.

"I try not to think about it too much... But yes, I always think that I'm a target," said gun owner Terry Ruggs.

Statistics show more and more black people are now buying guns legally to protect themselves. According to the national shooting sports foundation, in 2020- there was a 58% increase of black americans getting guns,

The same year that Amhaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor were murdered.

DE: House votes to raise minimum gun purchase age to 21
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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House lawmakers have approved a bill raising the minimum age for anyone in Delaware to legally possess or purchase any rifle, or firearm ammunition, from 18 to 21, the same age requirement for handguns.

The bill cleared the House 27-13 on a mostly party-line vote Tuesday after being amended to exempt members of the National Guard and to clarify that a person under 21 could still use a gun for self-defense if the use of such force is justifiable under state law. The legislation, part of a package of gun restrictions that Gov. John Carney and fellow Democrats are pushing to pass by the end of this month in the wake of recent mass shootings in other states, now goes to the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Gun Marketing Is Being Held Accountable. Don't Ignore Sponsoring Kidfluencers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You may not know this, but gunmakers, like many other companies, are sponsoring kids to sell guns to other kids, sending guns as gifts to "youth shooters" who shoot them in YouTube or Instagram videos, or wear brand logos on their sleeves, as their parents might have sported a local plumber on their Little League jerseys.

In one such YouTube video, nine-year-old Autumn Fry grins as she unboxes a bright purple AR-15, a gift from Bear Creek Arsenal. Autumn's gun channel boasts 188,000 subscribers, who can scroll dozens of videos with a rosy-cheeked Autumn reviewing rifles, pistols, and cannons, beneath colorful lettering that shouts "SUPER CUTE" and "LEVER ACTION FUN!"

Second Amendment still as relevant as in 1789
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Corrupt politicians along with their naïve cohorts on both sides of the aisle are in a dead heat to make firearms ownership too complicated, too difficult and too expensive for the average individual.

If successful, only the elite will have armed security. The rest of us will be statistics for politicians to pontificate about when they talk down to the unwashed and ignorant masses, begging them for law and order.

I’m not willing to compromise on this because compromise is just losing at a slower rate. When it comes to individual liberty and rights there can be no compromise — especially when the proposed compromises do nothing to address the mentally ill, the evil, the criminal and those intent on doing harm.

DE: Senate Executive Committee Passes All Anti-Gun Bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, the Senate Executive Committee passed all of the anti-gun bills before them. Yesterday, the House passed House Bill 423 by a vote of 40-0 and House Bill 451 by a vote of 27-13. The Committee then added those bills to their agenda for the hearing today. These bills are now eligible to be added to the agenda for the Senate floor. In addition, Senate Bill 6, to ban many standard capacity magazines in common use, is still on the House floor awaiting a vote. Please contact your lawmakers and ask them to OPPOSE these bills.

Assault rifles should be restricted to the military. Period
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some of you may remember the disastrous years between 1994 and 2004. During that period assault rifles like the AR-15 were outlawed nationally. Absent the availability of these guns for hunting, deer, moose and other animals were running rampant through streets in many cities.

Because these weapons could no longer be used for self-defense, criminals felt vastly freer to commit all sorts of crimes. As the NRA and other gun rights groups and politicians predicted, the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms was just about eviscerated. That is why around the turn of the 21st century almost nobody in the U.S. was allowed to possess guns of any kind.

MS: Pro-Second Amendment New Black Panther Party speaks out against rising crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mississippi leaders of the New Black Panther Party spoke out against black-on-black violence and the crime crisis gripping their community Tuesday.

"Black people shouldn't be killing black people, under no circumstances," member Steven Harris said during a press conference in Jackson, Mississippi. "You have to love your people."

Crime and death in the community have reached a crisis point, according to Sherrell Potts, a commander in the New Black Panther Party.

IN: Muncie woman is found justified by prosecutors after killing intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A prosecutor has determined that a Muncie woman will not face charges after ruling that she acted in self-defense during a home invasion in November 2021.

According to the Delaware County Prosecutor's Office, the woman had called the police to report a home invasion. When the police arrived, they found a person who had been shot and killed along with the homeowner and her child, who were not harmed.

The prosecutor's office released findings Wednesday that determined the homeowner was acting in defense of herself and her child when an unknown person had tried to enter her home.

Gun Violence: When ‘Self-Defense’ Becomes Murder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The issue has increasing importance outside the courtroom, as gun violence in America increases in proportion to the number of people now carrying guns. Concealed carry is allowed in all 50 states, and a Supreme Court ruling is expected shortly in a New York case about whether individuals have a Second Amendment right to carry guns openly in self-defense.

Lee warns that if the right is upheld, it “does not mean that any time an individual uses a firearm in public to harm or kill…they have acted in self-defense and should not be held accountable for their actions.”

TN: Nashville police: Self-defense claim under investigation after fatal Germantown shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The shooting happened in the 200 block of Monroe Street. The woman told police Washington put her into a chokehold during an argument in their car. She said she retrieved a gun and shot him once before getting out of the car, MNPD said.

An investigation is underway.

AR-15 rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In response to the recent two mass killings in which an AR-15 style rifle was used, there have been numerous calls in the media, editorials and letters to ban such assault weapons.

NBC News estimates Americans own 15 million AR-15-style rifles. In 2020, there were about 45,000 deaths by gun in the U.S., of which approximately 1,300 were by rifles. It is not clear how many of these 1,300 were by AR-15. Even if it were all 1,300, that would mean less than 0.009% of the AR-15s in U.S. public ownership were used criminally to kill another human being.

Even if you add in crimes other than murder, the percentage involving AR-15s is miniscule. Of 250,000 criminals caught with a gun in 2016, 98% used something other than a rifle.

The Duplicity of Gun Controllers is in Full Array
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That’s an interesting stand for the president, who admits to owning at least two shotguns and once absurdly told his wife to blindly “fire two blasts” into the dark if she ever feared someone illegally entering their property. It’s not unexpected though. This is the same president that lectures America on the Bill of Rights as if it were a laundry list of government-approved needs.

President Biden told Americans in a tweet, “No one needs an AR-15. Period.” He’s continuously called for a ban on standard capacity magazines. He tried to convince Americans that no one needs 9 mm handguns, calling those too “weapons of war.”

Brewing Senate deal marks inflection point for gun rights movement
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And then there’s the granddaddy of gun rights organizations, the National Rifle Association, which despite a recent bankruptcy and leadership upheaval remains the oldest, largest and most powerful player in the Second Amendment sphere. After the framework was released Sunday, the group declined to comment, saying it would await legislative text before weighing in.

“The NRA will continue to oppose any effort to insert gun control policies, initiatives that override constitutional due process protections and efforts to deprive law-abiding citizens of their fundamental right to protect themselves and their loved ones into this or any other legislation,” it said.

The "assault weapon" ban didn't stop the [World Trade Center/Pentagon] terrorists, Brady checks didn't stop them, the high capacity magazine ban didn't. Right to Carry would have. If it had saved only one tower and the people in it, it would have been worth it. GUN CONTROL KILLS. — LTC Stasski, 9/11/01

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