Patrol Rifles Good/Assault Rifles Bad?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'Two police officers, training on patrol rifles…suffered injuries Wednesday morning when one of the firearms exploded,' a recent news account reports. Fortunately, the injuries were not life-threatening."
"It was reported the rifle in question is widely used by law enforcement. An initial inspection shows the gun was not defective."
"But here's the thing about that rifle: It's a semiautomatic rifle and includes features such as a pistol grip, a 30-round capacity magazine, collapsible stock … the very features anti-gunners use to define an 'assault rifle.' The very features the anti-gunners demand banning from private ownership." ... |
Fifth Columnists Everywhere I Look
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... "If you want to know how hypocritical Hollywood is, you could read Ben Shapiro’s Primetime Propaganda and hear, in their own words, leading writer-producers and studio executives proudly boast about blacklisting conservatives. ..."
"But, as if that weren’t bad enough, there is their two-faced approach to the Second Amendment. We all know how much Hollywood hates guns, except, of course, when it comes to their movies and crime shows. However, when Charlton Heston became president of the NRA, he became an instant pariah in spite of the fact he had an Oscar on his mantel and had long-championed the Civil Rights movement."
"What Hollywood’s top dogs ... don't like to talk about is that their bodyguards are well-armed ..." ... |
Marlene Duncan Wins NRA 2011 Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award
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"The National Rifle Association has selected Marlene Duncan of Lake Havasu City, Arizona, to receive the 2011 Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award."
"This award recognizes exceptional accomplishments of modern heroines through their legislative activism as well as advocacy, volunteerism, and education of others to the goals of the Second Amendment and the NRA on a national level." ... |
Margi Constantino Wins NRA 2011 Marion P. Hammer Woman of Distinction Award
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"The National Rifle Association has selected Margi Constantino of Montezuma, Iowa, to receive the 2011 Marion P. Hammer Woman of Distinction Award."
"This award recognizes exceptional contributions to the preservation of the Second Amendment and the shooting sports through education, advocacy, volunteerism, and legislative activism in support of the goals of the NRA." ... |
On the Road with the Fix Gun Checks Tour
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"'The number comes from the Center for Disease Control because it's considered a public health issue,' says Lance Orchid, the campaign manager for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns 'Fix Gun Checks' Tour. It is more like an epidemic. When a large, red billboard truck pulls up outside City Hall in Trenton, New Jersey at 8:30 am on May 9, 2011, the last stop on a fifty city tour intended to raise awareness and support for the urgent need to change the ineffective laws surrounding background checks to purchase firearms, the digital, constantly updating number on the mobile billboard truck reads 4,109. That is 4,109 people murdered in preventable, illegal gun deaths since the Tucson shooting this past January. ..." ... |
OH: Alcohol, Weapons A Dangerous Mix
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"A proposal to allow patrons of Ohio bars and restaurants to take concealed guns into them has been improved - but it still is playing with fire, in our opinion." ...
"Still, many bar and restaurant owners are concerned about the plan. As they have pointed out, guns and booze aren't a good mix." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Since "guns and booze aren't a good mix" will you support a law to prohibit all gun owners (including cops) from possessing alcohol in their homes? I mean, all that booze and those guns "mixing" in peoples' home will surely lead to "rivers of blood", right? |
UT: Witness tackles robber who stabbed tobacco store employee
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"A smoke shop clerk was in serious condition after he was stabbed in the chest by a female robber. "
"... Midvale Police Sgt. Torin Chambers said the female entered the store, demanded two cartons of cigarettes and asked the clerk to open the register and give her all the cash in side.[sic]"
"The clerk had difficulty opening the register, Chambers said, and began fighting with the robber. During that fight he was stabbed with a large hunting knife." ...
"After being stabbed, the clerk continued to fight off the woman and was able to Taser her, but she was not subdued." [emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's note: Bring the proper tool to a fight where someone is trying to KILL you. |
Issa asks THE question at 'gunwalker' hearing; anti-gunners scramble for excuses
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... "Chaffetz: I mean, what was the goal here?"
"Dodson: Sir, I can tell you what I was told. I was told that the goal is to ultimately target and bring an entire cartel to prosecution."
"Chaffetz: How were they going to do that? The suspected cartels were in Mexico, were they not?"
"Dodson: Yes sir, they were. I have no idea how they planned to do that by this operation, or how it was designed to function."
"And in fact, no one can adequately begin to explain (or, really, even inadequately explain) how this was supposed to work. ..."
"So finally, Congressman Issa came out and asked Special Agent Forcelli if the real objective might not be much more sinister (also in sidebar video):" ... |
Media overlooks scandal brewing in gun probe
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James A. Farmer
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... "Almost entirely overlooked by most of the media is the ongoing investigation of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Justice Department and their attempt to track illegal gun sales to foreign nationals and the blockade on information about the scheme from any knowledgeable persons."
"From the President and Attorney General Holder on down, no government official professes any knowledge whatsoever of 'Fast and Furious.' Jerry Pappe's June 10 letter brought to light some of the efforts of concerned congressmen trying to unravel this clandestine boondoggle." ... |
Anti-gun congressman: Gunwalker shows need to give ATF more power
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... "Quigley’s solution, besides firing the temp [Acting ATF Director Melson]? Same old same old as far as cheesy tyrant wannabes go:"
"Deny citizens their rights without due process; Add to the burden everyone inclined to obey the law must carry; End private sales; Forbid the huddled masses from possessing single shot per trigger squeeze firearms."
"You know, stupid crap that will have zero impact on the narcoterrorists who hang victims from overpasses with chains ..." ... |
Fast? No. Furious? Definitely. Grassley’s statement paves way for ATF overhaul
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"Iowa Senator Charles Grassley is widely known for his devotion to detail and holding government accountable, and his opening remarks at yesterday’s blockbuster hearing on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious reinforced his reputation, and perhaps laid the groundwork for an overhaul of the embattled agency."
"ATF insiders tell this column that a complete shake-up (and shake-out) of the agency is necessary, and that the Fast and Furious investigation may become the catalyst." ... |
Anti-gun Weiner was anti-gun Schumer’s protégé
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"Disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, who today stepped down from his job representing New York’s 9th District, was a protégé of anti-gun Senator Charles Schumer, who used to hold that very congressional seat, and was once Weiner’s boss."
"In fairness to Mr. Schumer, who is described as Weiner's mentor by Fox News, it is a pity that Weiner didn't follow Schumer's example in private life. To our knowledge, there is no personal scandal in Schumer's background. Our differences with Schumer are strictly philosophical and political." ... |
NC: Bill loosening NC gun laws heads to Perdue
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"Legislators agreed Thursday to ease the state's gun laws to allow more access to concealed weapons and give gun owners more assurance that they can protect themselves or family members from an intruder entering homes, businesses and vehicles." ...
"'This is not breaking new ground, so we'll be conforming to what other states are doing,' said Rep. Mark Hilton, R-Catawba, the bill's chief sponsor. 'We've gone too far to the left on these issues in the past and too restrictive.'" ... |
MD: Arundel Councilman fights to roll back gun sale reporting
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"He owns a .40-caliber pistol, is a member of the National Rifle Association and the rural district he represents as a member of the Anne Arundel County Council is home to scores of hunters."
"With all that in mind, Councilman Jerry Walker is adamant about amending a recently passed county law in order to exempt licensed secondhand firearms dealers from having to report their acquisitions to Anne Arundel police." ... |
OH: Wilson joins 24 Ohio senators in passing concealed-carry bill
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"Ohio lawmakers have approved a bill that will allow gun owners to carry guns in bars."
"State Sen. Jason Wilson, D-Columbiana, voted Wed-nesday in favor of the measure."
"The Republican-led Ohio House voted 55-39 in favor of the change, and the GOP-led Senate concurred with a vote of 25-7."
"'Good people ask for permission, bad people never do,' Wilson said. 'I take the Second Amendment very seriously and I believe we need to put our state in compliance with federal law.'" ... |
SC: Senate shoots down tax-free gun sales
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"The state Senate has shot down a proposal to continue sales tax-free gun sales over Thanksgiving weekend."
"The proposal – dubbed the 'Second Amendment Weekend' – has been included in the budget the past three years at the urging of state Rep. Mike Pitts, R-Laurens."
"State economists estimate the state loses about $250,000 in sales tax by exempting rifles, shotguns and some handguns from sales taxes during the three-day period ..." ... |
'FBI guideline update illegal' (video)
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"The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued new guidelines that grant its agents more leeway in searching databases and even examining household trash of American citizens."
"Press TV Interviewed Mark Dankof, Former US Senate Candidate, San Antonio, to shed more light on the issue." ... |
TX: Two Refugio women sue sheriff, deputies over illegal strip search
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"Two Refugio women have filed a lawsuit against Refugio County Sheriff Robert Bolcik and two of his deputies over claims that the officers illegally strip searched them on the side of the highway in plain view of oncoming traffic." [emphasis added] ...
"After the incident, a number of witnesses told the women they had observed them being strip searched alongside the highway, according to the lawsuit."
"The lawsuit contends the officers violated the women's Fourth Amendment rights by falsely detaining the women, who were not suspects in any investigation, without probable cause or sufficient justification, and by seizing the plaintiffs in an unnecessarily cruel, humiliating and dangerous manner." ... |
TX: Extreme heat prompts deputies to suspend search for escaped suspect
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"The manhunt for a suspect who escaped from custody in northwest Harris County Thursday was called off due to the extreme heat, authorities said." ...
"The search was called off after the heat began to take its toll on the K-9 units and deputies. One deputy had to be treated for heat exhaustion." ... |
CA: SFPD Tries to Fire Cop for Protesting Illegal Search of Journalist's Records
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"In this week's column, I describe how the San Francisco Police Department is attempting to fire a 24-year veteran for resisting orders to illegally search a journalist's records."
"Oakland First Amendment attorney David Greene was astonished by the move: 'The right thing to do is not to purposefully and knowingly break the law ... it does seem odd to me that that decision would be considered grounds for discipline against an officer.'"
"The quest to fire Officer Frank Lee is even more extraordinary when one considers that the Department has not disciplined six officers whose illegal searches have scuttled 120 criminal cases." ... |
OH: Gun show owner to would-be terrorist buyers: ‘Good luck with that'
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"The message is pretty damning for gun show owners like Annette Elliot: Adam Gadahn, an American-born senior al-Qaeda spokesman and operative, suggested in a YouTube instructional video that gun shows present a 'golden opportunity' for terrorists in America." ...
"To ease Coleman's fears, and perhaps to the chagrin of any members of al-Qaeda looking to visit Westland Mall this weekend, Elliot has one message to share: Terrorists are not welcome."
"'I know my dealers, and almost all of them have military or police backgrounds,' she said. 'I know how my guys are going to react to any terrorist trying to get their hands on a weapon.'" ... |
TN: Shooting range plans concern residents
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"A standing-room-only crowd gathered in the county executive’s conference room June 13 to express their objections to a proposed shooting range planned for Claude Loftis Road, near the Cherry Creek community."
"Members of the county commission’s Steering Committee B were surrounded by constituents of all ages, including several young children, who occupied every seat in the room. ..." ... |