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Newslinks for 6/19/2007

IL: Marches, rallies raise awareness of violent acts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Without CeaseFire or something like it, the danger in dangerous neighborhoods is that people will think killing is normal. The Rev. Ralph Hawthorne, the director of CeaseFire in Rockford, is leaving town for Atlanta June 30. His departure has people speculating whether such an organization — heavy on rallies, marches and slogans — is worth it. We think it is.

Gaza Strip: Hamas seizes U.S. weapons "We'll hijack all American weapons provided to Abbas' militias"
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TEL AVIV -- Hamas yesterday ambushed a convoy in the Gaza Strip and seized a stockpile of U.S. weapons transferred in recent months to militias associated with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party, according to Hamas and Fatah sources.

"We obtained the U.S. weapons and will keep hijacking any assistance the Americans provide to Fatah. Our fighters are aware of the American and Israeli conspiracies to topple our government. We're trained and well prepared to defeat the American-backed (Palestinian) agents," said a top member of Hamas' so-called military wing in the Gaza Strip.


ID: BREAKING NEWS!! 3 ATF Agents just in!
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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Following the Premiere of the JPFO Documentary The Gang, which exposes the abuses of the ATF. This morning 3 ATF Agents came in, including Area Supervisor Linda Young from Spokane, the other Agents Kylie Williamson and John Hansen from Boise.
They are at this moment searching our records for more violations. Here is the definition of Harass:

1. to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.
2. to trouble by repeated attacks, incursions, etc., as in war or hostilities; harry; raid.

FL: Shooting May Have Been Justified
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dayne dialed 911, but police were already there. Police say the man who owns the house, Steven Rhodes, shot the motorcyclist, Glenn Breaux.

Hours earlier, though, Rhodes filed a police report against Breaux for making threats. According to the report, Breaux was threatening to kill Rhodes and the woman.


At this time, police believe Rhodes was acting in self defense. They have not made any arrests and have not said if any charges will be filed.

VA: Sen. says he owns gun carried by aide
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Sen. Jim Webb finally admitted he owns a gun that an aide was arrested for carrying into the U.S. Capitol complex in March. Webb previously had refused to say whether the gun was his, although his senior aide -- Phillip Thompson -- had told police the weapon belonged to the Democratic senator. "It's my gun," Webb told the Richmond Times-Dispatch in a recent interview. But how and why it was in Thompson's possession remains unclear. Webb said he didn't give the gun to Thompson, "nor did I ask him to do anything with it."

NY: [The Bronx] 'gun_run' gang busted
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Authorities have shot down an interstate gun-running gang that was flooding the city with firearms, The Post has learned. The alleged point man of the operation, Arthur Lowe, 42, of The Bronx, was indicted in Manhattan federal court last week with 10 co-defendants on charges of illegal gun possession and transportation. The arrests came after a six-month investigation by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Joint Firearms Task Force.

NJ: One gun a month legislation likely…
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As usual with property taxes in the Garden State soaring, a severely under-funded and over bloated state worker pension system near financial collapse and crime, specifically murder and non-negligent manslaughter, increasing in NJ at more than double the national rate*, what is the New Jersey legislature focused on? Despite their vigorous chest thumping and disingenuous pleas for support of this bill to solve all of society’s ills, the plan to limit law abiding New Jerseyans to purchase one handgun an month is nothing more than yet another solution to a non-existent problem offered up by the largest group of useless corrupt politicians this side of the Rio Grande.

*source Uniform Crime Reporting Program

KS: During an attack, fight for your life
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Women used to think they should be submissive during an attack. Those who resist, they thought, are more likely to get injured.

"The old school of thought to comply is wrong," said Capt. Chelly Pfeifer of the Kansas City (Mo.) Police Department. "Most of these crimes are crimes of control, where the assailant is trying to control the victim. The victim needs to take the control back."

In recent years police, self-defense experts and even Oprah Winfrey have preached that women should fight their attackers instead of taking no action and hoping their assailants would let them go unharmed.

VA: Subdivision wants to put firing guns off limits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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YORK -- The Lakes at Dare Homes Association Board is asking York County's Board of Supervisors to add the land bounded by Link, Railway and Dare roads to an area that is off-limits to discharging firearms.

York's supervisors will hold a public hearing on the request and consider including the subdivision in a long list of other areas where shooting firearms is illegal. The supervisors will consider it Tuesday night at their board meeting in York Hall.

MI: Nearly 2,000 residents can carry weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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'Familiarize yourself with the Castle Doctrine,' an elderly gentleman whispers in the back row, giving another man advice about the right to use deadly force in self-defense from within his home. Others chat away about recent hunting trips.

This is just another monthly meeting of the Bay County Gun Board, where the fate of who gets to carry concealed pistols in Bay County is decided. In the last four years, nearly 2,000 concealed weapons permits have been issued to Bay County residents, their identities a mystery as records of who is 'packing heat' are not made public in Michigan.

CA: Guns the best defense vs. crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-free zones? Try this on for size: Columbine gun-free zone. New York City pizza shop gun-free zone. Luby's Cafeteria gun-free zone. Virginia Tech University gun-free zone. Conversely, at the Salt Lake City shopping mall, an off-duty police officer with a gun in his belt stopped a violent murderer from killing more innocent victims. A high school student in Springfield, Ore., ran to his pickup and retrieved his .22-caliber squirrel rifle, halting a runaway murderer from turning his school into another Columbine.

UT: Boy drug out of tent and killed by black bear
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An 11 yr old boy was dragged from his family's tent and killed by a black bear. At about 11:00 last night, he was with his mother, stepfather and 6-year-old brother in a cabin tent that has multiple rooms. The bear clawed through the tent and dragged the boy out in his sleeping bag. 2 hours later, the boy's body was found about 300 yards from the tent.

Submitter: Why would you be so so fanatical that you think you need to take a handgun with you on a harmless family camping trip? Why would you "need" a handgun that can penetrate a vest such as a 454 Casull?

Forest "service" suggests everything BUT a gun.

The Second Amendment And Mental Disorders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If the law mentioned in the opening lines of this article, supported by the NRA, passes the Senate and is signed into law by the GW Bush, children falsely identified as having a mental disorder may find they are refused their second amendment rights.

Do you smoke? Does your doctor know you smoke? Has he/she indicated in your health records that you have a “Nicotine Dependence” mental disorder, codified as 305.10 in the DSM-IV-TR?

Is the NRA aware of the move afoot in this nation to label everyone with some type of mental disorder? Was their involvement in passing this bill out of ignorance, or are they fully aware of the implications?

Leasing Agent At Apartment Complex Fired For Brandishing Shotgun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A leasing agent at a Jacksonville apartment complex has been fired after brandishing a shotgun as he ran to help a neighbor who had been shot.


After hearing the woman's screams, Bruley grabbed his gun, ran to her and tried to treat her wound. She survived.

IL: Here we go again
Submitted by: David W. Lawson

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Maybe "Father" Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger just realized that last Saturday, he forgot to try to incite his mob to murder, and now wants to correct that oversight. Whatever the reason, St. Sabina "Church" is planning yet another march on Chuck's this coming Saturday, June 23rd.

Straight Talk: Videotaping Police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's critical that we retain the right to record, videotape or photograph the police while they're on duty. Not only for symbolic reasons (when agents of the state can confiscate evidence of their own wrongdoing, you're treading on seriously perilous ground), but as an important check on police excesses. In the age of YouTube, video of police misconduct captured by private citizens can have an enormous impact.

Are You Really That Afraid?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If, or when, that horrible day comes, (and they tell us it’s only a matter of time) what other Constitutional Rights will your government then take from you? Freedom of Speech? Freedom to Assemble? Freedom to travel freely? Will you give up those rights willingly too? Will Martial Law be implemented? Will your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms and to protect yourself be rescinded? Do you realize that it all could have been avoided if we had simply followed the US Constitution in the first place? Do you see where this is going? I pray that you do!

OH: Move Over Soccer Moms!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Move over soccer moms, here come the Second Amendment Moms of America. Ohio mom, Jenny Wright, founded this group.

Jenny is the mother of two young children, and she is an avid supporter of Second Amendment rights. She takes the time to educate anyone who is willing to listen about the importance of firearms rights and ownership.

OH: The Truth About H.R. 2640 The 'NICS Improvement Act'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On June 13, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.R. 2640, the "NICS Improvement Act," by a voice vote. H.R. 2640 is consistent with NRA's decades-long support for measures to prohibit firearm purchases by those who have been adjudicated by a court as mentally defective or as a danger to themselves or others. Additionally, H.R. 2640 makes needed, and long overdue, improvements to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Ed.: NRAILA responds to criticism about their collaboration with with the enemy.

GA: Shooters Gather In Atlanta For Championship Match
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jeff Amundson can sum up his view of competitive practical shooting in two-and-a-half words.

"It's addictive," he said.

The former Noblesville resident and engineer for Vectren Energy was one of more than 200 competitive handgun shooters from around the country who converged in Atlanta over the weekend for the United States Practical Shooting Association’s Indiana Section Championship.

It is difficult to maintain the illusion that we are interpreting a Constitution, rather than inventing one. — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia, in his minority dissenting opinion in Nebraska vs. Carhart

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