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John Longnecker: Stand Your Ground Movement Stands Against The Looting Of America: Part 1 (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Oklahoma is the latest state to have passed a bill making it illegal for officials to confiscate weapons from citizens in time of emergency, part of the larger Stand Your Ground movement sweeping America." ...

"Stand Your Ground laws – such as affirming self-defense and disallowing confiscation of weapons from law-abiding, not to mention confiscation of private property – reflect a respect of constituents and an understanding of the nature of the relationship between officials and the governed. As an official, it’s hard to go wrong when you listen to the will of the people ... and across America, the Stand Your Ground movement has gotten legs in the multi-faceted protection of the Home." ...

Another anti-gun column filled with lies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is it about anti-gunners that they just have to lie in their advocacy against guns? Do they lie because the facts make them look so bad? This time it's the Washington Times' turn to publish an anti 2nd Amendment piece based on several lies. This one, penned by an Alex Gerber, worries that gun control will 'apparently be glossed over again' and claims that the evil 'American gun culture' is so insensitive to have tolerated 'some 14,000 firearm murders' in 2005."

"Only there weren't 14,000 'firearm murders' in 2005. According to FBI statistics, there were 10,100 gun murders in 2005 ... In fact, the whole of the 2005 murder rate of all causes was 15,517, not much more than just the gun deaths claimed by Gerber." ...

Virginia Tech lesson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are we ready to learn something from the Virginia Tech massacres?"

"If not we likely never will. What we should have learned and accepted is the answer to the question: What stops a man with a gun? ANSWER: Another man (or woman) with a gun."

"This world is not perfect. There will always be emotionally unstable individuals who feel that killing innocent individuals is the only way to make their point. We can initiate all manner of safeguards to protect ourselves and our children in schools and colleges, but a dedicated assassin always manages to reach and kill his victims."

"Calling 911? Calling the Police? Too little too late! Till law enforcement arrives on the scene the victims are wounded, dying or already dead. ..." ...

Don't Undercut Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite his native intelligence and long history of reasonableness, my friend Brent Holl's impassioned plea to repeal the Second Amendment is rife with serious flaws ("Important Gun Solution," May 23)."

"The first error is in the assumption that gun owners do not need constitutional protections to own as many guns as they wish. The Framers, largely through their own experiences, knew that ALL our citizens need certain constitutional protections." ...

"Brent claims that gun owners need not fear that guns will be confiscated. But, Hitler, Stalin, Amin and Duvalier proved that limiting gun ownership to a chosen band of thuggish enforcers protected unfettered terrorism and murder of their own citizenry." ...

A Brookings Judicial Issues Forum -- Is the Right to Bear Arms an Anachronism?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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... "In the biggest decision in decades on whether the Constitution's Second Amendment creates a personal right to keep and bear arms, a District of Columbia federal appeals court recently struck down the district's ban ... If the district seeks Supreme Court review, it could lead to the most important gun control decision in history. Meanwhile, the mass murder at Virginia Tech University stoked the perennially simmering debate whether stronger gun controls could prevent such horrors-or make them more likely."

"On June 11, the Brookings Institution continues its Judicial Issues Forum series with a discussion of the practical and constitutional arguments for and against various forms of gun control. ..." ...

Shooting holes in gun proponents' arguments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having reached our saturation point with the arguments supporting handguns for self-defense ... we felt it was essential to restate what should be obvious -- handguns are designed and sold solely for the purpose of killing."

"Given that fact, all of those who seem to believe that some mythical Old West environment, with everyone carrying a handgun, will deter shootings such as the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech need to exercise some independent thought ... If simply being armed was sufficient, we would have no police officers shot in the line of duty."

"Another argument, the deterrence factor, is equally specious -- for every crime that is supposedly deterred ... how many innocent ... are killed ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Based on an conservative estimate of 754,300 DGUs per year, and 7,543 handgun homicides in 2005 there is one 'innocent' (70% of whom are felons) killed for every one hundered defensive gun uses.

Pistol Packing Maggie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's been a lot of thought and counter-thought given to the question of what's an ideal packing pistol and packing caliber for casual carry in the woods and across the fields. For 99 percent of our roaming adventures, my vote goes to the ever versatile and deadly .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire chambered in whatever handgun suits your fancy."

"The .22 WMR, as debuted in 1959, was designed at Winchester to do one thing well — to kill something. It’s not a plinking round. It’s not a target round. It’s not cheap. It uses jacketed hollowpoints. And in its present array of loadings, it’s better than it’s ever been in the 48 years of its existence. The little Maggie is one terrific cartridge today." ...

Double Duty Compact
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s handgunners are blessed with an incredible array of choices, and frankly most are pretty darn good. The market is too competitive and shooters too well informed for inferior models to last long. With so many good guns available, what makes the XD special? It’s a combination of a lot of things done right."

"Start with quality of construction. The XDs are beautifully made guns. Slides are forged and machined from high-grade steel. All lines are crisp and straight as they should be, yet there are no sharp edges to abrade hands or clothes. Barrels are hammer forged, accurate and durable." ...

OH: Akron Robbery Victim Survives Due to Concealed Handgun License (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There has been yet another incident of a legally licensed citizen that successfully used their concealed handgun to end a deadly threat situation. It is being reported by The Cleveland Plain Dealer that Raphael L. Owens was approached in the Akron area by four armed robbers and used his legal firearm to diffuse the situation and save his life." ...

"Thankfully, Mr. Owens survived this mortal threat and the situation was diffused with no physical injuries. I imagine that these four criminals will be thinking twice before approaching their next intended victim. As Ohio is one of 48 states that recognize a law-abiding citizen's right to self-defense, armed robbers are now not guaranteed to be the only person carrying a gun on our streets."

LA: A wrong call on dorm guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By an 8-2 vote, a House committee shot down a bill to include college dormitories in existing state law which bans firearms from school campuses."

"It is instructive that the debate on the bill was replete with discussions about the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the rights of gun owners. We wish more attention had been paid to the painful consequences of troubled students, or intruders, having access to guns in dormitories." ...

"Today’s law bans firearms, by students or nonstudents on school property ... And state campuses forbid guns in their dormitories through school policies, although there are no consequences for being caught other than expulsion." ...

PA: Proposed gun law tabled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Township Committee has tabled an ordinance that would regulate the use of firearms on private property in the township."

"The committee introduced the ordinance at a workshop meeting May 14."

"However, on Tuesday, township residents and others from neighboring towns filled the meeting room in the municipal building to capacity for a two-hour public hearing on the measure."

"Most expressed opposition to the proposed law, which would prohibit a person from discharging any firearm within 450 feet of a structure not on that person's own property."

"As it is currently written, the ordinance would not apply to those residents who have received written permission from a neighbor within the 450-foot buffer." ...

VA: Kaine wary of guns on campus
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. Timothy M. Kaine said he will await the findings of a panel studying the Virginia Tech shootings before considering whether to allow people with gun permits to carry firearms on college campuses."

"In response to a caller to his monthly question-and-answer radio show on WRVA Radio (AM 1140) in Richmond and the Virginia News Network, Mr. Kaine voiced little enthusiasm for the idea." ...

"'The question about on-campus gun policies -- some say we've got to do more gun laws and some say the right way to provide security to campuses is let students carry concealed weapons -- I'm going to wait and see if the panel makes a recommendation about that,' Mr. Kaine said." ...

NY: Gift cards for guns: Critics take aim at county's buyback program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"They're calling it 'Give it up for Life,' but 'Buns for Guns' might have been catchier."

"Under Orange County's new gun buyback program, anyone who leaves an unwanted firearm at the Newburgh, Middletown or Port Jervis police stations in the next 45 days will get a ShopRite gift card — for $25, $50, $100 or $150, depending on the type of weapon."

"No questions will be asked, not even names. No charges will be filed for illegal gun possession. Just take your ShopRite card and go." ...

NY: Buffalo Police Prepare Gun Buy Back
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Buffalo Police, neighborhood groups and city churches are gearing up for the city's latest gun buyback program, in an effort to get weapons off the streets, and potentially reduce violence from them."

"The program, will be held from 9 am to 5pm Saturday. Under a 'No Questions Asked' policy, individuals can turn in any gun and recieve an incentive, equal to cash at various merchants."

"Individuals will receive a pre-paid credit card at a dollar value based on the caliber [sic] of the weapon." ...

NY: Police gun buyback adds seventh site
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As Buffalo prepares to stage its 'no questions asked' gun buyback program Saturday, the city has added a seventh drop-off site and firmed up plans for distributing cash cards to people who bring in weapons."

"Four handguns already have been turned in, according to police officials."

"Meanwhile, anyone who tries to buy guns from people as they make their way into drop-off sites Saturday should think again. Police will on the lookout for curbside gun merchants."

"'We will not look at that lightly,' warned Mayor Byron W. Brown of any efforts by individuals to buy guns buying offer higher prices than what the city is offering." ...

NY: Police to announce details of gun program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Rochester Police Chief David Moore today is expected to announce the details of the city’s 2007 'No Questions Asked' Gun Drop Off Program, slated to begin next weekend."

"Moore will outline program details today at a 2 p.m. news conference in the auditorium of the Public Safety Building on Exchange Boulevard, said Rochester Police Officer Deidre Taccone."

"The program will resume a citywide gun turn-in program that launched last year as part of an effort of curb violent crime in the community. ..."

"The program is collaboration between the Rochester Police Department and its Clergy Response Team, the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office and Wegmans Food Market Inc." ...

NY: CBS 2 Exclusive: Secrets Of The NYPD
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The NYPD keeps its internal reports so close to the vest that even elected officials who are supposed to keep watch over the department do not get the information they say they need."

"CBS 2 HD obtained a copy of the NYPD's 2005 Firearms Discharge Report and shared it with our viewers last week. The report shows New York officers with a mere 8 percent accuracy rate during gunfights in that year." [emphasis added]

"The disturbing statistic was news to us, but amazingly it was also news to Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. The Chairman of the Public Safety Committee hadn't even seen the report until we posted on"

"'It doesn't make sense, but unfortunately it is part of a pattern,' Vallone said." ...

UK: Police marksman suspended after shooting civilian during pistol demonstration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police marksman is under investigation after accidentally shooting a colleague in an extraordinary blunder."

"The victim, a civilian employee, was seriously injured in the accident at a lecture room at the HQ of Thames Valley Police near Oxford."

"He was apparently being shown the workings of a police Glock pistol when it went off, blasting him in the torso." [emphasis added]

"The victim, aged in his 50s, was left writhing in agony with blood pouring from the wound."

"He underwent emergency surgery and his condition was described as serious but stable."

"The hugely embarrassing incident prompted a major internal investigation and stunned officers." ...

NY: When boys and guns come out to play …
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"LAST WEEK, seven-year-old Christopher Clarke took something to school in Ozone Park, New York, but it wasn't for show and tell. Some second grade classmates were given a look before a teacher asked him: 'What's in your pocket?'"

"It was a .38 calibre pistol. He had got it from his 14-year-old brother, who had in turn, got it from the boyfriend of his mother who just happened to be a New York traffic police officer." ...

NY: Jail Officials Charged With Covering Up Assault On Inmate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jail captain on Riker's Island and a deputy warden are charged with trying to cover up an assault last October on an inmate, authorities said Friday."

"Capt. Sherman Graham allegedly hit the inmate in front of 15 correction officer recruits and then ordered them to file reports claiming he had acted in self-defense ..."

"Graham's immediate supervisor, Assistant Deputy Warden Gail Lewis, is accused of filing a report that falsely claimed the inmate punched Graham, causing him to hit back in self-defense."

"Graham ... faces up to four years in prison if convicted of attempted assault and other charges, including ... official misconduct. He has worked for the Department of Correction for 16 years and earns $86,419 annually." ...

WI: Non-toxic shot approval backed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Should non-toxic shot be required for mourning dove hunting on state land?"

"The Natural Resources Board and the Department of Natural Resources think it should."

"Bolstered by support of that question from 52% of the voters at the Spring Conservation Hearings in April, the DNR is proposing requiring the use of non-toxic shot for mourning dove hunting on state-managed lands beginning in 2008."

"The topic will be among those up for discussion at a series of public hearings on migratory game bird hunting rules set to be held across the state in August."

"Kent Van Horn, migratory bird specialist with the DNR in Madison, compared doves to ducks, noting that lead shot was banned for waterfowl hunting more than 15 years ago." ...

CA: Anti-Gun Advocate Nabbed On Weapons Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The founder of an anti-gun group will be arraigned June 21 on weapons charges, following his arrest Thursday for allegedly selling firearms to federal undercover officers, a spokesperson for the District Attorney's Office said today."

"Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin, 51 -- who founded the one-time city-funded group 'No Guns' in 1996, purportedly to work against gang and gun violence in the inner city -- is charged with the sale of an assault rifle, a machine gun, two pistols and two silencers, Susan Raichel, a spokeswoman with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms told the Los Angeles Times."

"It is his second weapons-related arrest in as many years." ...

ID: "The Gang" at Reds
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"Red's Trading Post is pleased to announce the JPFO's decision to premiere their latest documentary The Gang in Twin Falls Idaho. The Gang exposes the abuses of the BATFE, this truly is a movie they do not want you to see."

"This will be shown FREE OF CHARGE and Red's Trading Post will also be raffling off a Ruger 10/22 Rifle and other prizes to those who attend."

Lamphouse Theater
223 5th Ave South"

June 13th and 14th at 7pm"

"For more information on The Gang visit the website at:"

"For more information on the JPFO: Jews for Preservation of Firearm Ownership visit their website at:"

OR: "It's not a matter for the constitution"
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"James Hetherwick's May 19 letter needs to be addressed."

"The Second Amendment to the Constitution has no bearing on the right to regulate the use and possession of weapons by criminals, children or psychopaths."

"The argument that it does is propaganda put out by the National Rifle Association. Secondly, the NRA is not a patriotic club dedicated to protect us from violation of our constitutional rights, but actually is a greedy and money-hungry manufacturer of weapons that are designed to kill human beings for profit." ...

"His statement as to why the Japanese didn't go on to San Francisco after Pearl Harbor is so absolutely ludicrous as to cause me to question the safety of the people sitting around the table with him." ...

OH: Cleveland's gun lawsuit draws NRA fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleveland's challenge of a state law that prevents Ohio cities from making their own gun laws faces a new opponent -- The National Rifle Association."

"The NRA reported Wednesday that it intervened in a lawsuit that Cleveland filed against the state in March in an attempt to overturn the law."

"'We have joined in this lawsuit as a defendant-intervenor to protect law-abiding gun owners in Ohio from harassment by an unreasonable and confusing patchwork of municipal gun laws,' NRA chief lobbyist Chris W. Cox said in a statement."

"A new provision of the state's concealed-carry gun law voided local firearms ordinances ..." ...

"At the time of the filing, Mayor Frank Jackson vowed to continue enforcing city gun laws ..."

You can never have a revolution to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution. — G.K. Chesterton, English journalist and author, 1955

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