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Newslinks for 6/22/2011

Pakistani disarmament advocate says ‘gun control’ needed to reduce clubbings
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Cool, so assuming they’re not engaged in Tweeting Weiner pics on their--do they use Androids or Etch-a-Sketches up in those caves?—all we have to do is 'friend' them? ALLOL!" ...

Grassley Disputes Firearms Figures from the ATF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Chuck Grassley today said that firearms data released last week by the [ATF] was a selective release of certain statistical data that inaccurately reflects the scope and source of the problem of firearms in Mexico and the drug trafficking organization violence."

"Grassley’s letter to ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson cited additional statistical breakdowns and a Department of State cable that dispels myths about the source of weapons trafficked to Mexico. ..." ...


Strategically-timed, Joyce Foundation-funded "study" conveniently links gun ownership and carrying a gun to heavy alcohol use
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One day before Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation came to a final vote, and after more than two years of debate and countless media articles and editorials repeating the mantra that 'guns and alcohol don't mix,' the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) released a 'study' which they claimed proves that 'gun owners who carry concealed weapons or have confronted another person with a gun are more than twice as likely to drink heavily as people who do not own guns.'[1]" ...

Resistance Radio Debuts Encore and Archived 'War on Guns' Programs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This just in—here’s the encore schedule:" ...

"Plus, they are starting to post program MP3s to download every night by 6:00 pm Pacific/10:00 pm Eastern. Click on the WarOnGuns logo under my picture. I see yesterday’s show is up."

Praxis: Using a duplex reticle as a rangefinder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How to use your rifle scope as a rangefinder."

"Many American households have a scoped deer rifle in them. Common calibers are .30-06, .308, .270, .243, and a variety of sporterized military surplus rifles from around the world. All of these rifles are capable as being used for 'designated marksman' functions. Let us assume that the excrement has hit the rotary oscillator, and you are now in some sort of leadership role of a rag-tag group of people. You find that you have a few SKS and Kalashnikov variants, an AR-15 or two, and several scoped deer rifles. What to do from here." ...

Teach Your Children Well.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m fairly certain that when that noted folk-rock supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith wrote that song, teaching your children about guns was hardly what they had in mind. But bear with me for a moment and let me take you down the road on a train of thought that I think might bear examination . . ." ...

A Tale of Two Guns: Gemini Customs Ruger SP101 vs. Glock 30
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in the day, when my mother said 'Don’t tip back that chair!' she meant it. As well she should; my teenage toches was parked on an honest-to-God Windsor chair. Truth be told, I grew up in a museum, surrounded by an endless parade of rare and beautiful objects. At first, it was African folk art: dark mysterious pieces that spoke of elemental emotion. Then American antiques: minimalistic masterpieces of unpretentious artistic aspiration. Then American crafts: compelling forms with exquisite colors and textures. While I developed an eye for beauty, the collecting bug never bit me. I can count on one hand the number of inanimate objects I’ve owned that captured my heart and thrilled my soul . . ." ...

A Beginner’s Guide to Paintball pt 2:
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My last post offered an introduction to paintball for those interested in the mainstream paintball community. Several members of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia pointed out that paintball practice is not the same as firearms training. True. So let’s pick-up with that. Here are some ways in which paintballs differs from bullets . . ." ...

"What this all adds up to is that most of the tactics you would use on the paintball field would get you killed if you were in a life-or-death situation. But then, paintball is marketed as entertainment not commando training ..." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Shoot the Bastard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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'Four people killed during a pharmacy store robbery in suburban New York City, including a teenager due to graduate high school this week, were shot at very close range by a dangerous suspect intent on stealing painkillers,' our friends at the AP report. 'Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer [said] police patrols would be deployed near small pharmacies until a suspect is apprehended.' Yeah, that’s going to do it. Aside from railing against a state that infringes on Americans’ god-given right to armed self-defense, how about this: if you have a gun you must be ready, willing and able to use it. To do that, you have to master the grieving process . . ." ...

TTAG Project: 1,000 Yard Rifle for $500
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To many shooters, hitting something from the 1,000 yard line is like putting a man on the moon. It can be done, but it takes a smart person, specialized gear, and a lot of money. Of the two happiest moments of my shooting career, one took place on the 1,000 yard line at USMC Base Quantico with the ArmaLite AR-50 ... And the happiness didn’t come from the fiddy cal, the happiness came from the distance. With .50 BMG being just a bit expensive I decided to set out on a mission to see if $500 would buy enough gun to get rounds the full 1,000 yards and actually hit something at that distance, putting long range joy within reach of the average American shooter." ...

Ask Foghorn: Trigger Terminology
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A reader writes:"
"'trigger’s a bit gritty and prone to stacking' Educate me, please. What is stacking?"
"One of the major problems with talking about guns is that you’re often trying to convey a feeling with words. Having a common lexicon (standard set of words with known definitions) helps, but only if you’re 'in the know.' We went over some of these terms in the first ever Ask Foghorn installment, but today’s Ask Foghorn will try to hit them all. If there’s one I missed (or, more likely, one I got wrong) shoot me an email and I’ll add it to the list or fix it." ...

AR-15 Carbine Action Spring Performance Differences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the past, I have used high speed video to analyze various aspects of AR-15 operation. Today, I did some testing at the range with several action springs. This is intended to be an ongoing test, so all three action springs were brand new. They are:"

"- Tactical Springs/Sprinco 'Blue' recoil spring
- Brownells M4 Recoil Spring - Chrome Silicon
- Brownells AR-15/M4 Recoil Spring" ...

Enough with lame words on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We're getting nothing but namby-pamby political-speak from President Obama on gun control issues - or worse, silence. That's not good enough."

"Despite a guest opinion in the Star in March in which Obama called for 'sound and effective steps that will ... keep those irresponsible, law-breaking few from getting their hands on a gun in the first place,' he has provided little to no leadership on the issue." ...

Submitter's Note: Well, since Project Gunwalker imploded on him he no longer has the Reichstag fire oops, I mean pretext, the pretext to act against lawful gun owners.

OFFSTAGE: Justin Moore Takes Aim With "Guns"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let me first say that I absolutely love love love Justin Moore's new album, Outlaws Like Me. I know there are songs I will have memorized by the end of today ('Run Out of Honky Tonks'). Ones that I will blare from my car speakers with the windows rolled down ('If You Don't Like My Twang'). And ones I will quote to friends ('Bait a Hook'). But 'Guns'? That one I'm not so sure about." ...

Submitter's Note: Several different versions are available on YouTube. including thins one, which includes the lyrics.

The Seventh and Thirteenth Amendments, and Ambiguous Constitutional Text
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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... "I should acknowledge that there is a significant alternative to an originalist view of the text, and it is a view that focuses on the text as understood in light of the actual practices of the legal system today. The theory here is that the Constitution derives its force from the continuing consent of the governed, and that if our legal system — crafted as it is by elected officials and those appointed by elected officials — over time accepts some new meaning of a term, then that meaning becomes part of the constitutional framework." ...

Submitter note: While not directly on point about the 2nd Amendment it greatly clarifies how to best understand the "...well regulated militia" phrase.

LA: Bastrop chief reports resident kills burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'This person broke into a residence and was shot and killed by one of the residents,' [Chief] Black said. He said the man who was shot has not been positively identified."

"Black said Bastrop Police are investigating the incident with assistance from Ouachita Parish deputies. He said arrests in the incident are not likely."

Rep. Ron Paul slams Obama over gun scandal, Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Rep. Ron Paul slammed President Obama Monday, questioning why the Justice Department was allowed to go forward with a program providing Mexican drug cartel members access to weapons, one of which eventually killed a border patrol guard."

"'The ATF has a long history of abusing our Second Amendment rights, so I was glad to see Congressman Issa demanding answers on the Project 'Gunwalker' scandal,' Mr. Paul said." ...

Project Gunwalker Too Big For CNN To Ignore Any Longer (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the exceptions of CBS's Sharyl Attkission and Fox's William LaJeunesse, the mainstream media - especially television news - have done their best to ignore Project Gunwalker or Operation Fast and Furious or whatever you want to call it. So imagine my delight at seeing CNN's Jeanne Meserve looking properly dour calling the hearings last week before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee 'fiery'. ..."

As Gunwalker drains all the water out of the tank, citizen disarmament piranha spend their last gasping moments before asphyxiation biting each other.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Sheesh. What a tough crowd. Don't they realize that Obama did Gunwalker for them? He at least was smart enough to recognize that some more bodies had to be stacked up before the political winds could start blowing back in the direct of more firearm restrictions. He's got to be thinking, 'Man, I just engaged in the greatest conspiracy against the Second Amendment ever, stacked up hundreds, maybe thousands, of dead Mexicans to get these gun control clowns what they wanted and all they do is bitch, bitch, bitch. I should never have listened to Rahm Emanuel.'" ...

Jay Dobyns on FOX [Regarding Gunwalker] (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Obama defender blames NRA for ‘Fast & Furious’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday night’s edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor revealed just how far Obama administration apologists will go to deflect public attention from the growing scandal that is Operation Fast and Furious: it’s the National Rifle Association’s fault." ...

'Leaderless ATF' meme apparently preferred gun prohibitionist lobby gambit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Fox and Friends this morning, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) discussed his expectation that Kenneth Melson will resign his position as Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) today, as part of the fallout from the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal. Last Thursday, we looked at what is emerging as apparently the 'best' excuse the 'gun control' lobby can conjure up in order to absolve the BATFE of guilt for this murderous monstrosity: that because the Senate has refused to confirm a permanent BATFE director, the agency is 'leaderless,' and thus cannot help lurching from one folly to the next." ...

What 'Project Gunwalker' says about extent of gun trafficking to Mexico
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the percentage of Mexican criminal firepower supposedly attributable to the U.S. civilian gun market continues to fall, U.S. gun shops (and gun shows) are still supposedly on the hook for 70% of recovered Mexican 'crime guns' ... That the '70%' figure refers not to the total number of seized guns, but to the percentage of those submitted to, and successfully traced by, the [ATF], is generally ignored. The fact that according to the Mexican newspaper El Universal, fewer than a quarter of the recovered firearms were traced, meaning that fewer than 16% of the total number of recovered firearms can be traced to the U.S., is definitely ignored." ...

Melson refuses to throw himself under the bus. An "oh, sh**" moment for the White House. The loud creaking sound is WaPo finally covering Gunwalker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "OK, folks, the remarkable thing about this story is that it is in Pravda on the Potomac. This represents a huge "Oh, sh**!" moment for the White House. Melson has been selected as the goat. Melson refuses to be the goat, and says he 'has done nothing wrong.' More likely what he's saying is, 'I did everything you anal sphincters ordered me to and I'm not throwing myself under the bus for you.'"

"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette op-ed columnist Jack Kelly, writing today at To The Point News, says ... 'Gunwalker should result in a fast and furious perp walk for a number of Obama officials. The more the merrier.' Here is the piece, in part. I will have a couple more comments afterward." ...

Oppose the Cover-up Protection Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we reported to you on Friday, House Republicans got a royal 'drop dead' from Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich when he testified before Rep. Darrell Issa’s committee last week."

"Weich had earlier written Congress to deny wrongdoing by ATF in connection with allegations that it was intentionally allowing firearms to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. This Justice Department denial by Weich turned out to be false." ...

Speculation ramps up that ATF's Melson is headed toward the door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This follows last Wednesday’s blockbuster hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that revealed Melson had far more knowledge about the controversial Operation Fast and Furious than previously acknowledged. This column discussed that hearing here, here and especially here, where it was asserted that Melson was 'very much in the weeds' on the gunrunning sting. Translation: he knew what was going on, he was briefed regularly and he could even monitor events as they happened." ...

150+ Mexicans killed by Operation Fast & Furious?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bob Owens over at Pajamas Media has done a good job walking through the utter disaster that was Operation Fast & Furious (short version: the US government deliberately let Mexican narco-terrorist groups get their hands on illegally-purchased firearms). But note this paragraph:" ...

Melson to depart ATF after Gunwalker hearings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Ed predicted last week, CNN is now reporting that Kenneth Melson is expected to exit stage left at the ATF. But how will he be hitting the road and who would be his replacement?" ...

AP Rips Obama For Not Acting on 'Gun Safety' (i.e., 'Gun Control'), While Nearly Ignoring DOJ/ATF Scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It's important to remember the anti-gun zealotry of Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and many others in the administration, because the latest developments in a shocking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious aka 'Gunwalker' aka 'Gun Runner' are beginning to make the enterprise look like an effort to create a climate of gun violence to be used as a pretext for short-circuiting Second Amendment rights."

"If this is the first time you've heard of Fast and Furious, sit down and brace yourself, as Bob Owens at Pajamas Media recites the particulars (bolds are mine):" ...

Acting ATF Director may resign because of "Gunwalker"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First goat to be sacrificed in ATF Gunwalker scandal…."

"From CNN June 21, 2011:" ...

Issa:Attorney General Holder knew about the sale of thousands of American guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House of Representative member Darrel Issa ( R ) has said that that Attorney General Eric Holder 'absolutely knew' about the sale of thousands of American made guns to Mexican drug cartels. American fun stores were forced to sell the guns illegally so they could make their way to Mexico. Holder denied this but it is now understood he knew this and is trying to cover up his involvement. As a result, American border patrol agents have been killed with these guns and the likelihood that hundreds if not thousands of Mexican citizens will be killed due to the flood of these guns is very likely." ...

Obama Ultimately Responsible for ATF Gun Scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As CEO of the federal government, the president, Barack Hussein Obama, bears ultimate responsibility for the Gunrunning scandal perpetrated by the Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Let's use the yardstick Obama himself used when he blamed bank and corporate CEOs for the recession. By that yardstick, Obama must take the blame for the ATF gun scandal." ...

‘Melson should go’ says Issa as pressure builds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kenneth Melson, acting director of the embattled Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should step down."

"That was the opinion expressed Tuesday morning on 'Fox & Friends' by Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He chaired a pair of hearings last week that included a blistering four-hour Wednesday session featuring sworn testimony from three ATF whistleblower agents who peeled back the veneer to reveal an agency deeply mired in payback politics, with a breakdown in leadership and a botched gunrunning sting operation pulling it down like an anchor. ..." ...

Former Utah governor to run for president
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. announced Tuesday he will enter a crowded list of GOP hopefuls vying for the 2012 presidential nomination." ...

"Having cut taxes and managed a budget surplus in his home state, Huntsman could appeal to Tea Party supporters. As governor, Huntsman was a champion of strict abortion laws and Second Amendment rights - two areas important to staunch conservatives." ...

Cain’s ‘in your face message’ still does not face gun questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "All I’m asking is you answer some questions that interested gun owners deserve to know the answers to. And yours will be posted verbatim, exactly as you state them. Since you’re asking to be trusted with awesome power, is that really too much to ask of someone who points with pride to being different from the pack and 'in your face'? That very quality is what you say makes your 'message resonate.'"

"I want to like you, Mr. Cain. I want somebody's message in this campaign to resonate. As I said in my open letter, 'You have a lot of good qualities, experience and insights that make your candidacy both intriguing and attractive.'" ...

PA: Bill to Expand Gun Rights at Your “Castle” Headed to Gov. Corbett’s Desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill expanding gun owners’ rights passed the state Senate Monday, bringing to a close the first, and perhaps final, chapter in a long battle that pitted Second Amendment proponents against gun-control advocates and some law-enforcement officials." ...

OH: Ohio Oil and Gas Bill Amended To Protect Sportsmen and Conservation Dollars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) alerted sportsmen of a threat to their federal conservation dollars in House Bill 133, sponsored by Representative John Adams (R- Sidney). On Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources voted to amend the bill to include necessary protections for Ohio sportsmen."

"Before the amendment, language in the bill could have required the Division of Wildlife to refuse to take federal sportsmen's dollars returned to the state through the Pittman-Robertson Act. These funds are derived from hunting and fishing license dollars and excise taxes paid by sportsmen that are returned to the states each year." ...

WI: Wisconsin residents finally regain their Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ultimately, this is a victory with one casualty: Constitutional Carry. A couple of months ago, activists were energized at the concept that Wisconsin would join the rank of Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, and New Hampshire in having pure Second Amendment freedom: open and concealed carry anywhere, without a permit. Sadly, this effort was undermined by local law enforcement and so-called 'conservative' radio hosts ... They took the paranoid view that Constitutional Carry would lead to the cliche 'wild west shootouts in the streets' that every anti-gun advocate talks about, yet somehow only materialize in places like Chicago, where they have the strictest gun laws. ..." ...

MA: Gun rights advocates say Democratic plan would punish owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican lawmakers and gun rights advocates testified Tuesday that a series of gun control measures promoted by Democrats – requiring imprinted serial numbers on firearms, 'microstamped' bullets and annual limits on gun purchases – would punish lawful gun owners, increase the cost of handguns and hamper a 5,000-job industry in Massachusetts."

"'In order to try and curb and curtail the violence … we're penalizing those that are not the culprits,' said Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Pembroke). ..." ...

WI: Assembly Passes Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wisconsin state Assembly has passed a bill legalizing the carrying of concealed weapons, sending it to Gov. Scott Walker who is a supporter."

"The Assembly voted 68-27 on Tuesday to pass the measure. The Senate passed it last week." ...

PA: Self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Part of being an American is having the freedom for the pursuit of happiness."

"That involves being able to live and work where you want without fear of the government or your neighbors."

"In part with the Second Amendment, Americans have the right to own firearms to defend themselves."

"However the law has been unclear in how someone defends themselves against danger. Existing law asks that people try to retreat or get away from the threat before using deadly force. Fortunately the wording in the law may soon change." ...

WI: Wis. Assembly passes concealed carry bill
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"The Wisconsin state Assembly passed a bill Tuesday with bipartisan support to legalize the carrying of concealed weapons, a change Republican Gov. Scott Walker supports and was expected to quickly sign into law."

Submitter's note: Any license for a protected RIGHT (thus turning it into a privilege) is an insult to that right and is grossly illegal. Charging a fee for said illegal license is robbery and an insult added to the felony theft of rights. That being said, the current illegal ban on concealed carry in WI is far worse. This bill is an improvement in many ways. Never give up on constitutional carry (now a reality in 4 1/2 states - VT, AK, AZ, WY, and rural MT).

PA: New law makes it easier to shoot intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Area lawmakers are applauding state Senate passage this week of legislation to expand the Castle Doctrine, protecting gun owners who act in self-defense from attackers from prosecution."

"But opponents claim the bill merely expands the use of force in a society already rampant with gun violence." ...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation joins SAF-led coalition in amicus re: Colorado carry case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by 17 other firearms rights groups in an amicus brief filed in a case now before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, challenging laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms by law-abiding non-resident U.S. citizens in Denver, Colorado."

"The case, Peterson v. Garcia, was filed by Washington state resident Gray Peterson, who cannot exercise his right to bear arms because Colorado statute prohibits the issuance of a concealed carry permit to non-residents, and does not recognize Peterson's Washington license or his Florida carry permit because he is not a Florida resident. ..." ...

TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Americans must decide if, in the name of homeland security, they are willing to allow TSA operatives to storm public places in their communities with no warning, pat them down, and search their bags. And they better decide quickly."

"Bus travelers were shocked when jackbooted TSA officers in black SWAT-style uniforms descended unannounced upon the Tampa Greyhound bus station in April with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and federal bureaucrats in tow." ...

"The TSA clearly intends for these out-of-nowhere swarms by its officers at community transit centers, bus stops and public events to become a routine and accepted part of American life."

"The TSA has conducted 8,000 of these security sweeps across the country in the past year alone ..." ...

MA: Campus police officers take food from café
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Worcester State University police officers working the overnight shift routinely used their security keys to get into a locked campus café and help themselves to food and drinks without paying, according to university records and officials." ...

"Recorded on security camera footage ... the three officers initially were suspended without pay for a week and given written reprimands."

"But Chief Naughton later arranged to have the disciplinary action against them reversed after it became clear to her that the practice had been going on among officers with the knowledge of some police supervisors for a long time, perhaps years, she said." ...

TX: Former Mesquite narcotics sergeant gets 15 months for stealing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge frustrated over a string of probation sentences for dirty cops on Monday sent a former Mesquite narcotics sergeant to federal prison for 15 months for stealing money he thought belonged to a drug dealer."

"John David McAllister was arrested in March after FBI agents set up a sting in which they placed $100,000 of supposed drug money in a vehicle and asked McAllister to help them seize it. Undercover cameras showed McAllister stuffing $2,000 into his pants." ...

IL: Deputy involved in deadly crash suspended for six months (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Winnebago County Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Boomer gets suspended without pay for six months for his role in a crash that killed Aaron and D.J. Bachman and severely injured their sister Kori, back in January 2006." ...

"The Bachman family settled its civil lawsuit against Winnebago County for $17 million. As part of the settlement, Winnebago County Sheriff Dick Meyers had to issue a statement admitting that Kori Bachman did not cause the deadly car crash." ...

TN: Jackson police officer charged with unlawful possession of a firearm while under the influence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jackson police officer who has been accused of stealing money from a robbery victim's home, was arrested Saturday and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm while under the influence and violation of the open container law, according to an affidavit." ...

MA: This is a Porsche with 10,000 bullet holes (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the engine of his Porsche 911 decided to die (and take much of the cooling system along with it in some kind of powertrain suicide pact), the owner considered the $20,000 repair job and instead decided to donate the car to a non-profit. A non-profit dedicated to protecting gun rights. Let's find out what happens when you pump a car with 10,000 rounds of hot lead." ...

NY: NYPD kills gunman in standoff as East New York struggles with a 21% increase in gun violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A gunman fleeing a botched rubout at a Brooklyn tire shop was cornered by cops and shot dead as he made a foolish final stand, authorities said." ...

"The East New York mayhem unfolded against a backdrop of increased gun violence in the 75th Precinct, where shootings are up 21% over last year despite a citywide downturn of about 7%." ...

"In the 75th Precinct, which covers East New York, 54 people have been wounded in 39 shootings this year - a 21% spike over the 32 shootings logged last year at this time."

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Hey Mike, why not bring in some of your flunky MAIG mayors to patrol the 75th?


PR: Murder Rate and Fear Rise in Puerto Rico
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As people strolled past the Alambique liquor store here recently, the puddle of blood and the bullet-shattered storefront behind it scarcely merited a glance. Yet another young man had been shot. Yet another tally would be added to the record books."

"For Roberto Clemente, who lives down the street from the crime scene, such casual acceptance illustrates just how deeply Puerto Ricans have been shaken by the island's murder wave." ...

"Now plagued by a steadily worsening murder rate, more Puerto Ricans are second-guessing their evening plans, contemplating moving to the mainland and sending away for gun permits in larger numbers to protect themselves." ...

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. — Edmund Burke

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