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Newslinks for 6/24/2004

Veteran Gun Writer, Activist Glen Voorhees Dies in El Paso
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"Glen I. Voorhees Jr., western field editor of The New Gun Week for 25 years, died in hospital in El Paso, TX, on June 22 after a heart attack and a lengthy battle with rheumatoid arthritis. He was 64." ...

"In addition to his long Gun Week writing career, Voorhees was the first shooting editor for Western Recreation News and one of the earliest certified Texas Concealed Carry instructors. A trustee of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) at the time of his death, Voorhees had served several terms on the National Rifle Association (NRA) board of directors and was a member, vice chairman or chairman of several NRA board committees, including Clubs and Associations, Black Powder and Publications." ...

House committee would curb release of federal gun data
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"A House committee gave a victory to the firearms industry on Wednesday, voting to bar the disclosure of some federal gun records for use in civil lawsuits."

"The information, including records of sales and a gun's use in crimes, is compiled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Under a provision the House Appropriations Committee approved by a bipartisan 42-19 margin, that data could only be released to prosecutors and for criminal investigations."

"The measure's sponsor, Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan., said it was sparked by a recent court ruling in Brooklyn. ..."

Flight attendants trained to cooperate
Submitted by: Vladimir Kushnir

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"Flight attendants on commercial airlines are still being trained to cooperate with hijackers and be victims rather than fight back, despite the attacks of September 11."

" 'Their wrists were bound, their throats slashed,' Patricia Friend, president of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), told the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee yesterday." ...

"Unfortunately, I am here to report to you that nothing has changed since that horrible day. We are no better prepared today to handle a situation like that which occurred on September 11th and our training is still woefully inadequate."

This is the same woman whose organization spoke out against arming pilots after the 9-11 attacks. She and her allies wanted to keep those on planes disarmed and helpless, and now she has the gall to complain?

Larry Pratt: Gun Control Is Socialist -- II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my first column on this subject (June 2003), I argued from history and theory that gun control is socialist."

"One of the few thousand ladies that comprise the Million Mom March volunteered to show how right I am. Thank you, Laurel Redden."

"Redden attended the greatly exaggerated rally four years ago when the misnamed Million Mom March had its debut on the Mall in Washington, DC. She was interviewed in a follow-up by Dick Dahl in Join Together Online, an anti-gun internet publication."

"Redden became an activist at the time of the march four years ago. While it was the gun issue that pulled her trigger ... it is clear that gun control for her is part of an impulse to control much more -- namely, everything." ...

"Socialists believe in government monopolies, including the control of speech. Among those popping the champagne when Congress passed the Incumbents Protection Act (pompously labeled Campaign Finance Reform) was the Mommies' parent organization, the Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence. This is not surprising when it is known that the Brady Bunch's CEO is Michael Barnes, a former liberal Democrat member of Congress and former head of the socialist World Federalist Association (now renamed the Citizens for Global Solutions)."

"The anti-gunners were quite open about why they supported the campaign law -- it would help them overcome the political clout of the gun movement! What a commitment to the rules of the game -- not! The 'system' that Redden complains about that keeps gun control laws from being passed has traditionally been referred to as the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution."

Howard Nemerov: Gun Control: The Australian Experiment
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"To summarize, we see a dramatic rise in violent crime in Australia since the gun ban, along with a relatively flat trend in property crime rates, demonstrating the criminals’ understanding of the basic principles of cost/benefit analysis, choosing the quicker method of confronting an unarmed victim. At the same time, the USA saw significant drops in both violent and property crime rates... " ...

"Self-defense is a heavy choice. For the weak-willed, it is too much to undertake, and they prefer not only that government take on that responsibility, but that it do so even for those who are willing to assume personal responsibility for their choice. Thus, we have supporters of gun control. ..."

Dave Workman: Just how reliable is any form?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Ballistic 'fingerprinting' is a relatively new technology that needs a lot of work. Yet the usual choir of do-gooders in the gun control movement quickly embraced this questionable science and made it a buzz term for days on the networks. At least two states now require it for all handguns sold in their jurisdictions, even though the technology has not helped solve a single crime in either state."

"The problem is that, unlike fingerprints and DNA, which do not change, a firearm's ballistic 'fingerprint" will definitely change over the service life of the gun. You don't even have to change a firing pin, scratch a barrel, or add a file stroke to a bolt or breech face to alter the ballistic image. A test of 790 handguns in which more than 2,000 rounds were fired resulted in a 38 percent failure rate even when ammunition of the same type and brand was compared. The failure rate climbed to 62 percent when ammunition was switched."

Dems in tight races oppose gun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some Democrats in tight re-election races are opposing a renewal of the assault-weapons ban, despite its overwhelming support from Democratic Party leaders."

"The ban, which was enacted in 1994, prohibits the sale of certain assault weapons. With the ban’s expiration looming in September, several lawmakers are rallying to extend it for another 10 years."

"However, the often contentious and polarizing issue has pinned some Democrats into an awkward political position of deciding whether to support their leaders or echo what their constituents want."

Police Across Country Urge that Federal Assault Weapons Ban be Renewed (JTO)
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"States United to Prevent Gun Violence (States United), the nationwide coalition of independent state-based organizations devoted to reducing gun violence, today delivered to all US Senators and Representatives a list of more than 800 police chiefs and sheriffs from across the country supporting renewal and strengthening of the federal Assault Weapons Ban. The national Law Enforcement Outreach Project (LEO Project) was undertaken by States United, in collaboration with several grassroots advocacy organizations to determine support for renewing and strengthening the federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), which will expire on September 13 of this year unless Congress and the President enact appropriate legislation."


Timothy Wheeler: Docs Gun for a Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun-control movement's stock has tanked. Violent crime overall has continued to drop, leaving partisans to fret over the much smaller problem of accidental gun injuries. Most of the holdout states have now passed laws allowing citizens to carry personal-protection firearms — and civilization as we know it has not ended. The 1994 Clinton ban on semi-automatic rifles is set to expire in September, and even some of its biggest supporters now agree that the law failed to cut crime."

"Still, gun-control foot soldiers in organized medicine churn out articles for relatively obscure scientific journals. Their message is increasingly devoid of any useful findings; it is mostly an attempt to paint gun owners as sociopaths or Neanderthals." ...

MA: House votes to extend state's assault weapons ban
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"Without debate, the House voted Wednesday to extend the state's ban on the sale or import of military style semi-automatic weapons."

"Supporters have said the bill is needed to guarantee the state prohibition will remain in effect even if Congress fails to renew a similar federal ban set to expire in September. Under current law, the state ban is tied to the federal ban and would automatically expire if Congress did not renew it."

"The ban, approved as part of comprehensive gun control legislation in 1998, covers all assault weapons made after Sept. 13, 1994."

Of course none of these petty tyrants could actually define an "assault" weapon, but they'll ban them anyway.

Majority Leader snaps Rep. Tancredo to heel
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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How instructive - Apparently Republicans are no longer allowed to criticize their own, even if the criticism is warranted. Those of you who whine that we should work to change the GOP from within rather than simply vote them out, take note...

"DeLay delivered that message during a recent private meeting with Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), who has gotten into hot water with a few of his colleagues for setting up a political action committee that has attacked them on immigration policies." ...

"DeLay’s message: Play nice with your Republican colleagues or you’re going to remain stuck in your lowly committee positions."

Gun Dealer Settles Case Over Sale to Straw Buyer
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A landmark settlement has been reached in a lawsuit brought by two New Jersey police officers who were badly wounded by a robber using a gun bought by a straw buyer at a South Charleston, W.Va., pawnshop, lawyers for the officers said yesterday."

"Lawyers for both sides plan to submit the settlement, for $1 million, for approval to a West Virginia judge today. The settlement is considered significant because it is the first time a dealer will pay damages for supplying a firearm to the illegal gun market, said Dennis Henigan, legal director of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Mr. Henigan served as a lawyer for the two Orange, N.J., officers."

The gun banners' attempts to sue the industry out of existence continue with the help of two moronic cops who insist on placing the blame on the wrong shoulders.

UK: Armed police put on alert in ‘gunfire’ scare
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"ARMED police were alerted after residents in an upmarket Paisley housing estate reported hearing gun shots."

"Within minutes, teams of uniformed officers, some with sniffer dogs, converged on woodland close to Alexandra Drive, off Green Road."

"The police helicopter was also brought in to scan the area from the air as officers on the ground mounted a major search."

Brady gleeful over another notch in the incremental destruction of our rights
Submitted by: Derick Sager

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"In a landmark lawsuit, a West Virginia court has approved a settlement requiring a gun dealer to pay $1 million in damages to two former Orange, New Jersey police officers who were shot and almost killed by an armed robber with a gun the dealer supplied to a criminal gun trafficker."

"The case would have been ended with no recovery by the police officers if Congress had approved National Rifle Association-supported legislation granting sweeping special legal protections to gun sellers - legislation that had passed the U.S. House of Representatives, but was defeated in the U.S. Senate in March. Officers Kenneth McGuire and David Lemongello had their police careers ended by a January 2001 shootout. The case is the first in the nation in which a gun dealer has paid damages for negligently supplying guns to a gun trafficker who in turn sold them into the illegal market."

Man completes engraving work for president
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The automatic pistol that Brian Powley of Brian Powley Engravers recently spent 230 hours embellishing with painstaking detail for President George W. Bush is by far the best work he's ever done in his 20 years of engraving in a hobby turned business."

FL: Ban limiting gun records upsetting some
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Nearly a quarter of a million electronic records deep inside the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office are about to become a casualty of a new state law, and Sheriff John Rutherford is none too happy about it."

"A bill passed by legislators in April and signed by Gov. Jeb Bush in May bars law enforcement agencies from compiling or keeping electronic records of guns or their owners, although paper records are still allowed. In Jacksonville, that means 248,817 records compiled since 1987 are three weeks away from a state destruction deadline."

"Rutherford said it is hard not to see the new law as an impediment to his officers."

MS: Homeowner thwarts break-in try with 3 shots
Submitted by: Mark Robinson

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"A man who attempted to break into a south Jackson home on Tuesday left the car he was driving running in the homeowner's driveway as he fled."

"But that wasn't the only error in his bungled attempted burglary at 1789 Shady Lane Drive. The first was trying to break in as the family was watching television, only to be stopped at the door by the homeowner."

" 'His eyes got mighty big when he saw what was waiting on him,' said homeowner Edward Blair, a security guard with Wright's Security Service, who grabbed his .38-caliber revolver and stood patiently in the kitchen near the front door after hearing a racket about 1 p.m."

Canada: Prison inmate not guilty of weapons charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court has ruled that an Alberta inmate is not guilty of dangerous weapons charges after he was acquitted of murder in the death of a fellow penitentiary inmate."

"In a 6-1 ruling on Wednesday, the court said Jason Kerr should not be convicted for carrying a metal spoon sharpened into a knife during a time when authorities said the Edmonton Institution was 'an armed camp.' "

"The court ruled that 'the evidence shows that in January, 2000, the guards at the Edmonton Institution had, to a significant extent, lost control over the inmates, who had gathered themselves into warring gangs.' " ...

So in Canada, where possession of handguns is limited to collectors, target shooters and those who can demonstrate a "need" of guns to protect their lives, if you carry arms for self-defense you'll be sent to prison, where you will then be able to arm yourself.

South Africa: Police muzzle 90% of new gun licence applications
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legal gun ownership is slowly being strangled to death with an estimated refusal rate of up to 90% of all applications which have been launched this year." ...

"On May 18 and May 20, a number of Johannesburg gun dealers received blanket refusals of gun licences. 'We had refusals left right and centre. Almost all outstanding applications were simply refused,' Paul Bennett from E-Gunshop in Johannesburg said."

" 'Lack of motivation' is the main reason why the licence applications of people who want firearms for 'purposes of self-defence' are turned down."

"Other reasons include:"

"For women: 'Your husband can protect you.'"

"For a resident of a crime-riddled area: 'The police will protect you.'"

"For applicants between 22 and 26 years old: 'You are too young.' "

KABA Note: According to the new law, you only need to be 21 or older.

VA: Stop the Killing – Turn in Illegal Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Richmond Police Chief André Parker is making it easier to remove guns from the city’s streets."

"For those who would prefer to turn in the gun themselves, they can bring it to any of the four precincts, or police headquarters."

"When bringing a gun to a police facility, please leave the gun in the car, and come inside to tell an officer that you have a gun and would like to turn it in. An officer will come out to your car and will retrieve the weapon."

Everyone feel safer now?

NV: USA PATRIOT Act Bad for Nevada Economy
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada called on Bush today to rollback about a dozen provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that hurt Nevada's economy and tourism by forcing businesses to release confidential customer records. ... 'The Bush Administration should understand that the USA PATRIOT Act is an economic issue here because spying on tourists may scare them away,' said Laura Mijanovich, Northern Nevada Coordinator for the ACLU."

IL: Suspect Says He Acted In Self Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Peoria man says he was only defending himself and his brother when he shot to death another man last weekend.

22-year-old Donny Richardson remains in the Peoria County Jail Wednesday night. Richardson is accused of shooting 19-year-old Jarvis Jackson last Saturday afternoon.

Richardson is charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon which could mean prosecutors apparently believe Richardson's claim.

So if the prosecutors believe that it was self-defense, why in Hades is he still in jail?

DE: Grassroots Gun Control in Delaware (JTO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A grassroots gun-control movement in Delaware is being led by people who have lost a loved one to gun violence..."

"Delaware Attorney General M. Jane Brady plans to use federal money to add more prosecutors to focus on gun offenses. She said aggressive enforcement and mandatory penalties for weapons offenses are critical to reducing gun-related violence."

"The group is now working on ensuring that the federal assault-weapons ban is renewed. Jamieson also wants more gun-safety laws. 'The truth is that our government hasn't done all that it could to protect us,' she said."

The truth is it's not the government's job to protect you. Take some personal responsibility!

GA: Savannah gets grant to combat gun crime
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"Savannah is getting $232,197 from the U.S. Justice Department to deal with gun crime in the city."

"The money will fund training for police and community members to curb the problem and expand crime prevention projects such as youth intervention." ...

"Dan Drake, spokesman for the Georgia U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Southern District, said the money will have to be stretched but is welcome."

"Specifics of how the money will be spent still have to be worked out, Drake said."

Ammo For The AWB Renewal? (BLOG)
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Now what this means for us is that DiFi & her minions will repeat this incident over & over again in an attempt to justify a renewal of the AWB. Yes, I know the SKS wouldn't be affected by a simple renewal. Yes I know that the officers would be just as dead if they'd have been shot with a lever action rifle in .30-30 winchester. But most people don't. & that's what they'll be counting on: the ignorance of the common person."

"They'll attempt to use this to garner public sympathy for a renewal of the ban. 7 ya know what? It'll probably be effective at that. But that's to be expected." ...

"Aside from the loss of human life aspects, the victims in this case represent a very loud voice in American politics. No police chief or police union rep will want to buck public opinion & oppose a renewal of a ban that touches on weapons similar in appearance to the one responsible for the death of three officers. If DiFi knows what she's doing she could use this to galvanize the various law enforcement organizations into her camp. Which in turn might be enough pressure to get Bush off his ass & actively support the ban he passively supports."

WA: NRA seeks to end hunting closures on public lands
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"The National Rifle Association is preparing a campaign to make it more difficult to close public lands to motor vehicles in an effort to improve access for hunters, the head of the group said."

"The 'Free Hunter' campaign also will seek to streamline hunting regulations and to seek state constitutional amendments that would make it harder to restrict hunting through citizen initiatives, NRA president Kayne Robinson said Tuesday."

Another pathetic attempt to equate domestic terrorism with the "gun lobby"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"John Ashcroft's Justice Department disrupted what appears to have been a horrifying terrorist plot. In the small town of Noonday, Tex., FBI agents discovered a weapons cache containing fully automatic machine guns, remote-controlled explosive devices disguised as briefcases, 60 pipe bombs and a chemical weapon -- a cyanide bomb -- big enough to kill everyone in a 30,000-square-foot building."

"Strangely, though, the attorney general didn't call a press conference to announce the discovery of the weapons cache, or the arrest of William Krar, its owner. He didn't even issue a press release." ...

"In this case, it sounds over the top to accuse Ashcroft of trying to bury news about terrorists who don't fit his preferred story line. Yet it's hard to believe that William Krar wouldn't have become a household name if he had been a Muslim, or even a leftist. ..."

"Even in the fight against foreign terrorists, Ashcroft's political leanings have distorted policy. Ashcroft is very close to the gun lobby -- and these ties evidently trump public protection."

Canada: Hospitals to report gunshot wounds
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"The Ontario government will introduce legislation Wednesday that would oblige hospitals to alert police when they admit patients with gunshot wounds."

"If the law proposed by Community Safety and Correctional Services Minister Monte Kwinter is passed, Ontario will become the only province in Canada where hospitals are legally compelled to tell the police about shooting victims."

"The Public Hospitals Act currently has confidentiality provisions that prevent emergency-room workers from sharing some information about patients with police."

"That policy has been criticized by Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino, who calls it an impediment to his force's investigations of gun crimes."

OH: Grandma: 'If people don't fight back, it's gonna continue'
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"Rita Dipman had seen enough, heard enough. When it started to happen to her on Sunday, she was ready. 'If people don't fight back, it's gonna continue,' she said."

"On Sunday afternoon, Ms. Dipman, 52, was eating at the Subway sandwich store on Main Street in East Toledo with her 3-year-old granddaughter when a man robbed the store."

"Seeing the commotion, Ms. Dipman scooped up her granddaughter and fled, but the fleeing robber caught up with them, brandished a knife, and then tried to grab Ms. Dipman's purse." ...

"Ms. Dipman's granddaughter screamed, and the man fled without getting the purse." ...

"The City of Toledo has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the state, and it shows in the headlines, and on the obituary pages. Toledo has also been having a HUGE problem with carryout robberies. Many defenseless employees have been victimized, and at least one killed."

KABA Note: It is also instructive that this woman apparently realizes the importance of self defense and fighting back, but expects an anonymous "people" to fight back instead of taking responsibility for her own safety and the safety of her loved ones.

We submit that it is this attitude - the abdication of personal responsibility for one's own safety and well-being - that is partially contributing to the demise of our rights today.

WA: NRA head blasts feds for shortchanging hunters (Another report)
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"The president of the National Rifle Association said Tuesday that a government assault of red tape, rising costs and closure of millions of acres of public lands limits the ability of average hunters to pursue game."

"In a speech before the Outdoor Writers Association of America and a subsequent press conference, NRA president Kayne Robinson said the most vulnerable hunters are being driven out of their sport by factors that make hunting more elite and legally difficult." ...

"He charged that federal agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service were discriminating against hunters by banning hunting and shooting on federal lands."

UK: Bought gun he thought was legal
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"A SALESMAN bought a gun and cartridges over the internet, a North Wales court heard yesterday."

"Paul Anthony Mallon claimed he wanted to put it in a glass case on his desk."

"But the pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition were seized by Customs officers at Dover."

"Mallon bought the weapon from a French site,, believing he was allowed to own it."

"Yesterday the 29-year-old of High Street, Connah's Quay, admitted attempting to illegally possess the Kumar MOD92 9mm blank firing automatic pistol and a screw or flare firing attachment with 50 Umarex blank cartridges."

Canada: Martin shifts position on gun registry
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"A day before making a first campaign stop in Regina, Prime Minister Paul Martin said he's now open to decriminalizing Ottawa's controversial gun registry." ...

"The law requires all gun owners to register their weapons. However, the law hasn't been popular with farmers and recreational hunters who use rifles and shotguns, particularly in Saskatchewan and other western provinces. Under the law, failing to register guns is a criminal offence."

"After Associate Defence Minister Albina Guarnieri conducted a three-month review of the federal firearms registry earlier this year, she urged the government to take the requirement for registration of rifles and shotguns out of the Criminal Code."

MN: Teen held in father's shooting death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For more than four hours Tuesday, authorities searched this small town and the surrounding woods and prairie of Pine County looking for a boy who allegedly shot and killed his father earlier in the morning."

"For more than four hours, the word was out that a 15-year-old boy was on the run."

"So when the teenager appeared, armed with a gun, near Hwy. 23 just south of town early Tuesday afternoon, the three men working at a nearby auto shop -- Matt Gebhart, Scott Jorgensen and Brian Volk -- knew what to do."

"They got their guns."

"Minutes later, they surrounded the boy and talked him into dropping the gun. Deputies arrived a short time later and arrested the boy ... " ...

Compare this version of the story to an AP wire story that was published by a Duluth newspaper yesterday.

At no time does this article mention that it was armed citizens who captured the boy. As a matter of fact, the story does its best to avoid that uncomfortable fact.

NV: Bear killed after breaking into Tahoe home
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"A 150-pound bear that broke into a Tahoe home, trapping a woman in her bedroom, was killed Monday by two sheriff's deputies who fired 15 rounds from semiautomatic rifles as the bear charged them."

"One officer fired a single round into the bear, which ran to the side of the deck and then turned and charged."

"Both deputies then opened fire with their AR-15 rifles."

So "assault weapons" are never useful for hunting wildlife?? Apparently the gun banners believe that this woman was much better off eaten by a bear while waiting for the police to arrive with the appropriate weaponry than able to use one of those mean "assault" rifles.

UK: Man Acquitted of Harpoon Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 25-year-old man was today acquitted of deliberately blinding a teenage boy in one eye with a harpoon."

"Nathan Kirk ... was found not guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent during a blood-soaked brawl outside his girlfriend’s flat in March last year."

"A jury at Reading Crown Court will return tomorrow, however, to continue considering a separate charge of grievous bodily harm as well as one count of unlawfully possessing an offensive weapon." ...

"Kirk himself received a stab wound within a whisker of his heart, leaving him bleeding so heavily that one witness thought he had been wearing a T-shirt when in fact he was bare-chested."

Intending to defend yourself isn't illegal, but having the means and doing so may be? Stay tuned . . .

NY: Two Sought In Fatal Shooting On Subway Train
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I'm so confused! How, oh how, could this have happened? I thought it was illegal to carry firearms in NYC! Particularly in the subway!

"The victim of a brazen subway slaying in Manhattan was locked in a stare down with two other men before one gunned him down in front of panicked passengers, witnesses told police."

"Investigators on Wednesday were still searching for the unidentified men. Though the motive of the shooting was unclear, police speculated that it may have stemmed from an earlier dispute involving the victim, Stanford Nelson, who had an extensive criminal record."

OK: The Return of a Proven Champion
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"Why does Tom Coburn’s campaign for Senate in Oklahoma offer so much hope? Quite simply, I am as certain as I can be that had Tom Coburn been in the Senate this year, Feinstein and the rest would have been sent packing."

"You see, when Coburn was in the U.S. House, he managed to filibuster a spending bill the leadership wanted to pass. And in the House, it is just about impossible to filibuster."

"Well, in the Senate, it is very easy to filibuster. One simply needs the will. Clearly Coburn has the will and is prepared to buck the leadership if need be."

"Coburn was one of the best friends gun owners had in the U.S. House during his six years there."

WI: Point Police to purchase stun guns
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"People who resist Stevens Point police officers in the future may be in for a shocking surprise - a 50,000 volt surprise."

"The department plans to buy 10 Tasers and train officers to use them within the next two to three months, said Stevens Point Police Chief Jeff Morris.
The stun guns will be another less-than-lethal tool in the officers' arsenal - along with pepper spray and a nightstick - that they can use to take control of a situation when a subject refuses to comply during an arrest, he said."

WI: Officers take a hit to demonstrate safe weapon
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"The Green Bay Police Department unveiled a new weapon intended to reduce injuries to law enforcement officers and the suspected law violators they restrain."

"During a news conference on Tuesday, public information officer Lt. Bill Galvin and Police Chief Craig Van Schyndle were human targets demonstrating the disabling effects of the TASER X26, a stun gun that forces a person's muscles to contract."

"The gun's light beam is focused on the target and two probes are thrust from the gun and lodged in a target's clothing or first layer of skin, sending a 5-watt electrical charge that freezes individuals' movements, causes them to fall and reduces their resistance to arrest."

TX: Conviction of former police officer upheld
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"A woman raped in 1997 by a former Trophy Club officer was in his custody, and therefore he violated her civil rights, a state appeals court opinion and court records say."

"With an opinion released Thursday the court rejected an appeal by Jeffrey Andrew Dickson, who had claimed that the woman was not in custody."

"In April 2003, a Denton County jury found Dickson guilty of violating her civil rights and sentenced him to a year in jail."

UK: Man who had hidden a gun used in a robbery to spend 30 months in prison
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"A MAN who kept a gun hidden in the attic of his Paisley home after it had been used in a robbery was jailed yesterday."

"Paisley Sheriff Court heard that the weapon - an antique double-barrelled pistol - had been used in a 'particularly nasty' hold-up."

"The gun was then 'dumped' on Robert Smith, who kept it in the loft at his house in Durward Way, Foxbar."

"Smith said that those involved in the robbery - who were known to him but were 'not the kind of guys you asked questions of' - had arrived at his home unexpectedly."

"The 33-year-old said they were 'really agitated and very full of drugs' and began placing various items in rooms of his house before placing the gun in question in the loft."

VA: Groups: National Forest 'Roadless' Areas Benefit Virginia Economy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One hundred businesses, organizations and citizens urged President Bush in a letter today to protect Virginia's national forests by upholding the Roadless Area Conservation Rule as it was originally written. The historic rule, which protects roadless areas in national forests from logging and mining, could be unraveled by the Bush administration..." ...

"Dozens of America's most respected scientists have advocated for strong protections for the country's roadless areas. Also, major corporations such as Staples, outdoor retailers such as REI, and hundreds of gun groups around the around the country also support the rule. To date, the federal government has received nearly 2.5 million comments in support of the rule; ..."

MI: Teen on Probation Was Able to Legally Buy AK-47 (JTO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Michigan teen on probation through juvenile court for involuntary manslaughter was allowed to legally purchase an AK-47 semiautomatic rifle, the Ann Arbor News reported June 3. The gun was used last week in a gun fight that left Steven Gyori dead and two police officers seriously wounded."

"In 2002, Gyori was charged in the shooting death of his father following an argument in their Farmington Hills home. But oversights and loopholes in the system allowed Gyori to avoid jail time and purchase the AK-47. According to Brighton Police Chief Michael Kinaschuk, Michigan law prohibits convicted felons from owning a firearm. However, the law doesn't apply to juvenile convictions."

Question is: had this "loophole" not existed, would this teen have been able to purchase the weapon on the black market anyway? Likely so.

OH: Editorial: Leave guns out of parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the state's concealed carry law went into effect in April, the Elyria City Council voted unanimously to ban the carrying of guns onto city-owned property, including parks."

"Now the state Legislature is considering whether to pass a law that would support Council's decision. State Sen. Eric Fingerhut, D-Cleveland, is among those sponsoring a bill that would allow municipalities to say whether guns can be carried into their parks or any other outdoor areas owned by them."

"As is, the law restricts people from toting their guns inside buildings owned by the state or any political subdivision of the state, such as a county or city. The state attorney general's office has said that local ordinances, such as the one passed in Elyria, are not valid and could be challenged by a citizen or group." ...

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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