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Newslinks for 6/24/2011

Second Amendment Foundation Sues Bloomberg Over “Firearms Poll Tax”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'New York City’s $340 fee for a 3-year 'Residence Premises' handgun license far exceeds the fee charged by any other U.S. jurisdiction for comparable licensure.' According to the Second Amendment Foundation's Summary Judgment Motion, the Big Apple’s license fee 'amounts to a prohibitive 'poll tax' just to exercise a Constitutional right.' In other words, like charging African Americans to vote, hitting-up NYC gun owners for a Benjamin-per-year to own a gun upon which they've already paid tax (and isn't costing the City a dime) is unconstitutional gun control legislation by another name. ..." ...

‘A Tale of Two Pharmacies’ shows danger of giving attackers what they want
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... I wonder if corporate risk management departments ever factor in a liability for the results of policies prohibiting armed defense?"

U.S. can't afford Bill of Rights anymore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Several days ago Adam Gadahn, an American-born spokesman for al-Qaida, urged would-be jihadists to buy guns at gun shows ..."

"Within a couple of femtoseconds, progressive America began quoting Gadahn as proof that the U.S. needs to close the gun-show loophole. 'There may never be a better spokesman' for doing so than Gadahn, opined The Washington Post — echoed by ThinkProgress, the New York Daily News, the Brady Campaign and countless others."

"This has to qualify as the Mount Everest of non sequiturs. ..." ...

Helmke to leave Brady Center
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Former three-term Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke said Thursday he'll step down July 10 as president of the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence."

"Helmke, 62, said he's undecided about his next career move and whether he'll stay in Washington or return to Fort Wayne, where he maintains a home. Helmke, a Republican, was Fort Wayne mayor from 1988 to 2000." ...

KABA Note: One wonders how many pro-gun folks voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils?

More Ground-Breaking Constitutional Theories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Josh (my sometime co-author and a friend of Cato) asks why the right to keep and bear arms, for example, just because its abuse can harm people and impose costs on society, is any different from any number of constitutional protections for liberty that also impose social costs. (The most obvious example is that we tolerate a certain number of guilty people going free to maintain the Fourth Amendment, due process, the presumption of innocence, etc.) It isn’t, he concludes." ...

The Dumbest Gun Regulations in the U.S. Today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ 468-page compilation of state and local laws, five states combined -- California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York -- take up about a third of the book. California’s laws alone fill 68 pages of fine print."

"With the pages and pages of regulations, it can be difficult to keep track of the most outrageous laws, so we went to our veteran Second Amendment writer and Gun Shots blogger John Haugey to put together his list of the dumbest gun restrictions in the books." ...

Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Announces New Executive Director
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the passing of Aaron Zelman, not only did American freedom lose a great warrior, but JPFO lost its Founder and Executive Director."

"At the proper time, the search began for a new Executive Director."

"That person needed to be deeply educated in the gun rights battle, media savvy, politically savvy, and have solid firearms industry contacts."

"There was also no doubt whatsoever that our new organizational leader needed to be one hundred percent “hard core no compromise” regarding the Second Amendment and the morality of self defense — just like JPFO." ...

Handgun Sales Outpace Rifles. Again. Still.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Federations chart tells the tale: it’s all about the handgun. Two engines are driving the trend: the increasing liberalization of concealed carry laws (Wisconsin sales set to surge) and the new crop of small handguns. ..."

New GunCruzer M16-12-Pack Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Militarize this!"

"... CaseCruzer announces a new alliance with military, private military corporations and security firms that transport multiple rifles. The ($745) M16-12-Pack Gun Case has been engineered for quick deployment during critical mission operations. And its two-half design also allows the carrying case to serve as a mobile firearms rack." ...

Flawed background checks don't contain firearm sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many states, Maine depends on the FBI to conduct background checks of people who want to acquire firearms from the state's federally licensed gun dealers."

"And like many states, Maine is a slacker in supplying the records that the FBI depends on to run those checks." ...

Firearms industry has a stranglehold on Congress and state legislatures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Guns in Bars' sounds like the concept of a high-octane Hollywood film, kind of like 'Snakes on a Plane.'"

"Unfortunately, it is instead a new law in the State of Ohio."

"Issues involving firearms always stir up a great deal of passion in this country, and the degree to which the Second Amendment affords Americans the right to own any and all guns will probably always be debated."

"But you’d think there are some gun-related issues on which we could all agree. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Here's something we can agree on Mikey: You don't try to take my guns and I won't kill you.

New Study links Violent Video Games to Lower Crime Rates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years, the media has tried to associate violent video games and real world violence. The theory has that prima facie thing going for it, but a new study released puts some scientific research on the other end of the scales . . ." ...

OH: Ohio concealed handgun license-holder defends own life when attacked by two men at gas station
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dayton Police say a man who was being robbed at a local gas station turned the table on his two attackers, shooting one of them."

"According to WRGT, Dayton's Fox affiliate, the attack happened late Friday, June 17 at the Sunoco station."

"Police said the robbery victim, a concealed handgun license-holder, was being beaten by two men when he drew his gun and fired. The injured robber, Brandon Turner, was shot in the stomach with two .45 caliber rounds. He was originally listed in critical condition, but has been stabilized and is cooperating with police." ...

Gun control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year, President Obama and Mexican President Calderon were falsely claiming guns from American sources were causing murders in Mexico. Obama and Calderon went on to voice support for the UN’s international small arms control treaty that would nullify the American Second Amendment. Now, whistleblowers in the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, disclosed the Obama administration’s plot to give truth to their lie." ...

Breaking: ATF heeds Issa's 'no retaliation' warning by...retaliating
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "This appears to be in direct contradiction of assurances Darrell Issa received from ATF which he reminded Deputy Director William Hoover of in his June 21 letter. This, along with the stonewalling Issa's Committee has received demonstrates that the Administration's Justice Department is determined to continue to defy, resist and obstruct the Congress in performing its lawful oversight responsibilities." ...

Editorial: Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Scandal: Rather than a botched attempt to catch criminals, was the ATF program actually an attempt to advance gun-control efforts by an administration that has blamed Mexican violence on easy access to U.S. weapons?"

"If 'Operation Fast and Furious' was merely a botched attempt at law enforcement, why was a supervisor of the operation, David Voth, 'jovial, if not, not giddy but just delighted about' marked guns showing up at crime scenes in Mexico, as career [ATF] agent John Dodson told Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee?" ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: I believe this what BHO meant when he told Sarah Brady he was working on gun control "under the radar."

Following the Trail (cartoon)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Holder's "Oh Sh**" Gunwalker Moment: Melson "reportedly eager to testify to Congress about the extent of his and other officials' involvement."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is strongly resisting pressure to step down because of growing controversy over the agency's surveillance program that allowed U.S. guns to flow unchecked into Mexico, according to several federal sources in Washington."

"Kenneth E. Melson, who has run the bureau for two years, is reportedly eager to testify to Congress about the extent of his and other officials' involvement in the operation, code-named Fast and Furious." ...

Issa camp says Washington Post wrong on Gunrunner story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A spokesman for Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told The Daily Caller that the Washington Post is the only news organization to bite on new misleading sentiments from the Justice Department."

"A Wednesday Washington Post story used anonymous Justice Department sources to bash Issa’s investigation into Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboeg.

Family of slain agent weighing legal action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry has retained former Arizona U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton to determine if there is any legal action to take in connection with his slaying."

"Charlton, Arizona U.S. Attorney from 2001 to 2007, said the Terry family asked him to review the facts surrounding the events that led to Brian Terry being killed on Dec. 14 in a shootout with suspected border bandits near Rio Rico."

"Two Romanian-made assault rifles were recovered at the scene that are believed to have been sold to straw buyers in Phoenix and tracked into Mexico under a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Mexican gun-smuggling investigation, according to U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa." ...

Latest attack on Issa reeks of desperation to deflect 'Gunwalker' culpability
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post is now claiming (as told by conveniently anonymous sources) that Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA, and Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee) was briefed on 'Operation Fast and Furious' last year, and did not object:" ...

"So let's think about what we're being asked to believe here, shall we? Purveyors of the "Issa knew all along" notion presumably also believe that Attorney General Eric Holder did not know these 'highly specific' details (or even the very existence of the operation), until around April of this year, as he explained to the House Judiciary Committee on May 3:" ...

‘Gunwalker’ Requires Special Counsel Investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Gunwalker' never should have happened."

"We've spent the better part of a week here at Pajamas Media documenting the damning evidence of a reckless government that has conspired to allow gun runners to smuggle an estimated 2,000 weapons across the Mexican border to violent drug cartels."

"During that time, we've discovered that the president and Democratic lawmakers have lied, and continue to lie, about the role of American guns and American small businessmen in arming drug cartels south of the border. We've watched as they've lied, and continue to lie, blaming gun shops for the carnage that has resulted from the depravity of Mexican narco-terrorists." ...

Which is the true libertarian candidate? Paul or Johnson?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has a lot of buzz around him. Perhaps this is because he has been around for a while and he has the backing of libertarians, but on the issues, it seems as if there might be a better libertarian candidate in the mix in former Gov. Gary Johnson (New Mexico)." ...

"Johnson and Paul are both supporters of the Second Amendment. ..." ...

MS: Dave Dennis: “I Am Committed To The Second Amendment”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following Phil Bryant’s endorsement from the NRA earlier today, the Dave Dennis campaign sent out a press release stating, 'I am fully committed to the protection of our Second Amendment.'" ...

MS: NRA Endorses Phil Bryant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today, Phil Bryant received the backing of the National Rifle Association, probably the most coveted endorsement from an organization in Mississippi (or at least right there with Mississippi Right to Life). Bryant got them both in the past week."

"Chris Cox, chairman of the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund and executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, said this in a letter to Bryant: “Your rating and endorsement are based on your positive responses to NRA-PVF’s candidate questionnaire and your strong record of leadership on issues of importance to gun owners and sportsmen as presiding officer of the Mississippi Senate. ..." ...

Rep. Campbell Blames NRA for Defeat of Proposal to Pull Funding from Program that Kills Predators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Representative John Campbell, who represents parts of Newport Beach, released a statement this week about his defeated proposal to eliminate a Department of Agriculture program that kills predators, such as wolves and coyotes, that threaten privately owned livestock."

"Campbell's 'Guns and Critters' amendment lost June 16 on a 287 to 132 vote primarily because of opposition by the National Rifle Association. The Humane Society of the United States had supported Campbell's amendment." ...

TN: Shooting range resolution fails
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Silence was the key word for county commissioners Monday night when the resolution to establish guidelines and restrictions for shooting ranges was presented to the legislative body."

"During the June 20, 2011, meeting, County Commission Chairman Terry Alley asked three times if there was a motion to approve the resolution. There was no response each time. The resolution failed for lack of a motion." ...

NC: Attention North Carolinians! Want HB 650 Signed? Call Perdue Now! (updated)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I spoke with Governor Bev Perdue's office today to inquire about the status of HB 650 which amends a number of North Carolina's gun laws and, more importantly, adopts the Castle Doctrine. It has not been signed yet."

"Gov. Perdue has until June 30th to either veto HB 650 or allow it to be passed with or without her signature. ..." ...

WI House Majority Leader On Passing Concealed Carry(video/audio story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cam Edwards interviewed State Representative Scott Suder (R-Abbotsford) on the passage of concealed carry in the State of Wisconsin. ..."

ME: Maine Governor Signs Multiple Gun Bills
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Maine Governor Paul LePage has signed three separate bills which expand gun rights in Maine."

"The first of these is LD 35, introduced by Representative Richard Cebra (R-Naples), which states that an employer cannot prohibit an employee who has a valid carry permit from storing a firearm in their personal vehicle so long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible."

"This bill, which is now codified at Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §600, also provides immunity from liability for employers whose employees store their firearms in accordance with the provisions of the law." ...

VA: Police: Man Killed by Police During Paramilitary Drug Raid Shows Dangers of Paramilitary Drug Raids the Dangers Police Must Face Every Day
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Another week, another man shot dead during a drug raid. William Cooper, 69, of Hampton, Virginia, was killed over the weekend after an informant told local police that he was selling prescription painkillers. Cooper apparently fired at the police as they came into his home."

"There’s nothing in the articles linked above, or this one, indicating that police found anything incriminating in Cooper’s home. ..." ...

OH: Ex-Columbus police officer faces sex charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jefferson Township man is accused of forcing sexual contact on a woman last winter while he was a Columbus police sergeant." ...

"The indictment offers few details but says the incident occurred on Jan.2. Glover recently retired from the Police Division but was still employed and was recovering from surgery when investigators say the sexual contact occurred." ...

CT: Lawsuits filed vs. cops, city and chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal lawsuits on behalf of two men who claim they were brutalized by Officer Evan Cossette, son of the police chief, have been filed in U.S. District Court in New Haven. The defendants were served Tuesday, according to the attorney for the two men." ...

"Their attorney, Sally A. Roberts of New Britain, is working with other clients with complaints against the department, including officers Donald Huston and Brian Sullivan."

"Federal and state officials are investigating the department in the wake of an April 1 complaint Huston and Sullivan filed with the city alleging nepotism and lax discipline for Evan Cossette, who faced three accusations of excessive force in seven months but was reprimanded in only one instance." ...

NC: Deputy charged in deadly crash after investigation revealed he lied, says DA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Craven County sheriff's deputy faces criminal charges after an investigation revealed he lied about the circumstances in a deadly traffic collision on June 11 near James City." ...

"'The investigation revealed that Mr. Tabor was traveling in his patrol vehicle at an estimated speed of 100 mph when he collided with the passenger van operated by Ms. (Mildred) Worley,' Thomas said. 'He was not responding to an emergency call at the time of the collision nor were his blue lights or siren activated. His patrol vehicle hit Ms. Worley’s passenger van in the rear as both vehicles were proceeding west on Highway 70.'" ...

GA: Law enforcement officials arrested, indicted in Talbot County as part of federal investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal and state investigators today arrested four law enforcement officials in Talbot County, including three employees of the Talbot County Sheriff’s Office, amid a federal corruption probe involving a drug trafficking organization."

"The only full-time deputy arrested was Maj. Jeff Sivell, an investigator, said interim Sheriff Tom S. Wimberly. But the arrests shook a tiny department still recovering from the unexpected death this spring of Sheriff Herman Howard." ...

MI: Ex-cop admits he tipped off Highwaymen to FBI probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Hamtramck Police officer has pleaded guilty to tipping off a leader of the Highwaymen Motorcycle Club that the FBI was investigating the group."

"Randall Hutchinson, 45, pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court in Detroit to one count of providing notice of a federal wiretap. He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine." ...

TN: Unsupervised inmates assigned to move drug evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's not unusual for jail trustees to go out on a work detail, but normally, they're not left alone with boxes of the same type of illegal substances that put them in jail in the first place. That's what happened in Henry County in February, according to court testimony." ...

NJ: What It Means To Keep And Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "However, when I decided to purchase my guns, I did not anticipate the education I would receive in what it means to 'keep and bear arms'. As I went through the unreasonably long process of obtaining a Firearms Identification Card in order to purchase guns in ... New Jersey I felt at times as though I had to defend myself and my interest in owning a gun time and time again. I learned how difficult it can be to exercise the right guaranteed to me by the Second Amendment ... I also learned how easy it can be for the State of New Jersey to make a peaceful, law abiding citizen such as myself into a criminal for something as simple as stopping to pick up a carton of milk on my way home from the firing range." ...

IL: Illinois Now the Only State Without a Concealed Carry Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, Illinois stands alone. It's the only state that does not allow its citizens to carry a concealed weapon."

"That's because Wednesday, Wisconsin became the 49th state to join the concealed carry club when its state assembly passed a bill allowing its citizens to carry personal weapons."

"Illinois' legislature was a few votes short of passing a concealed carry bill last month. It received 65 votes, six short of the 71 needed to pass the bill and override a promised veto from Governor Pat Quinn."

"Now, the news from Wisconsin has gun rights supporters even more energized to make Illinois state number 50." ...

CA: Poway Weapons & Gear Receives Approval as Authorized Glock Law Enforcement Dealer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Poway Weapons & Gear, a premier online retailer of guns, ammunition and accessories who also supports the law enforcement community throughout Southern California with its Poway California professional's shop, is now able to offer large discount pricing on all Glock firearms to law enforcement, military personnel, and other specialized security forces." ...

TX: Gun control won't work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been said, 'A gun is a tool. It is as good or as bad as the person holding it.'"

"A textbook example of why so-called "gun-control laws" will never work is unfolding in Mexico, where it is illegal to own a firearm. What you have are drug dealers and criminals having all the guns. ..." ...

CA: Restaurant Security Glad That Customer Needed A Handgun To Buy A Cheeseburger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Assemblyman Portantino attempts to revive this floundering political agenda by selling his Open Carry ban bill, AB 144, through the use of a singularly catchy slogan in front of the microphone, both during legislative sessions and in front of the news cameras. With a dismissive tone that is carefully crafted to fit in with a 9-second sound bite, Portantino plays to the press by uttering the words, 'You don't need to pack your gun to buy a cheeseburger.'"

"However, despite all of the time that Assemblyman Portantino and his staff spent on carefully crafting this slogan for public consumption, they somehow managed to miss the fact that the statement is simply not true. ..." ...

The power to tax is the power to destroy. — JOHN MARSHALL

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